Endlessly [h.s.]

By StylisticMoods

123K 6K 1.9K

(adv.) having no end, limit, or conclusion; boundless; infinite; interminable; incessant She met him late one... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine

twenty six

2.9K 171 82
By StylisticMoods

Harry was smiling and Rosemary couldn't help but to smile as well as he kissed her, she loved it when they kissed that way even though it felt very odd when their teeth sometimes met.

"I love you Rosie."

She looked up and into his beautiful green eyes that told a thousand stories, she could stare into them all day and never lose interest, "I love you too Harry."

He kissed her again and she pushed him back lightly suddenly remembering that they had forgotten about their little girl, "What time is it?"

Harry was confused with her sudden withdrawal, "Uhm probably eight or so, why?"

Rosemary rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, I don't know, we've only got a daughter back home, what's there to worry about?"

Harry's eyes widened slightly as her words sank in, "I can't believe I forgot! I'm so sorry!"

Rosemary laughed and leaned up a bit to kiss him, she wasn't exactly supposed to remember either but she was a Mummy and she couldn't help it, "It's alright, I didn't expect you to, it's our honeymoon, mind is kind of elsewhere. But, I'm a mother and I worry so I'm going to get up and give Gemma a call to see how she's doing, I'll be right back."

Harry sighed dramatically and rolled off of her and on to his side of the bed, "Okay Rosie, tell Gem to give our little girl kisses for me."

Rosemary pinched his cheek, "I will sweetheart but I'm taking the blanket with me so either come with or get under the sheet."

Harry smiled and let her have the sheet because he the room was warm enough without it anyway, plus it wouldn't matter too much when she came back either. He still didn't see why she needed the blanket, he'd seen her naked plenty of times before so he really didn't mind but it was her choice and he wasn't going to argue or question it.

Gemma picked up on the third ring, "This must be Rose, how's your honeymoon going?"

Rosemary snuck a glance back at Harry and flushed at his lack of decency, "Very brilliantly. How's Celeste? Is she okay? She isn't too much for you to handle is she?"

Gemma laughed lightly on the other end, "Rose, relax, she's alright and surprisingly very well behaved. She throws a little fit every now and then because she wants one of you but it's not too hard to calm her down. She's asleep right now."

Rosemary twirled the cord in her hand and smiled softly, "Good. She's a pain in the bum but I miss her so much already."

Gemma laughed again, "I would hope so! How's Harry holding up?"

"He's got a few other things on his mind at the moment so he's okay. He told me to tell you to give Celestina kisses for him though."

"Of course! Well, I'll let you get back to him before he starts whining like the big baby that he is. Honestly I don't know how you handle him and Celestina at the same time. Enjoy the rest of your night sis."

Rosemary smiled brightly, it was a nice, new feeling to finally be a part of a family, "I certainly will, goodnight Gem."

She had just hung up when Harry wrapped his arms around her and placed a gentle kiss to her collarbone, "Is she doing alright?"

Rosemary hummed, "Yes, she's doing very well minus a few fits here and there which is very normal for her."

Harry kissed her jawline, he wasn't very patient considering that she had stopped him just before they had gotten to the good part, "Very good. Now, how about we get back to where we left off?"

                                                                                           . . .

"Let's see what daddy got you sweetie!" Rosemary spoke happily as she helped Celestina unwrap her Christmas present. She of course already knew what it was but Celestina didn't know that.

Harry had gotten better at gift wrapping, but not much so it wasn't very difficult even for their toddler which had Rosemary laughing.

"Look at that, you almost opened it all by yourself!"

Harry made a face and whined, she was never going to let his gift wrapping skills go, "Heeeeyy that's not very nice of you Mummy!"

Rosemary laughed as Celestina waved her arms up and down for her new stuffed bunny that was almost as cute as she was, "But it's true! Isn't it sweetie?"

Celestina giggled again as she tried to put her bunny in her mouth, completely ignoring both of her parents.

Rosemary drew an imaginary connection from it just to play with Harry because he was adorable when she messed with him, "See, even she knows and she's only five months old!"

Harry made this cute face, his nose all scrunched up and a pout to his lips, "At least I tried."

Rosemary stood up and left little Celeste to her toys, "And I appreciate that very much. She seems to as well, look how happy she is."

Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around her only to mumble, "At least she isn't mean to me."

Rosemary hummed as his face inched closer to hers, their noses touching, "I love you."

"I love you too my beautiful Rosie."

                                                                                          . . .

December 29th, 1940:

"Are you alright sweetheart? You feel tense." Harry asked softly as they lie in bed together, staring at the constellations Rosemary had painstakingly painted on the ceiling.

He ran his hand up and down her arm and she sighed, she really didn't know how to explain what she felt to him but she tried anyway, "I don't know. I'm afraid to go to sleep because of the recent air raids and the uncertainty of not knowing if we could be next."

Harry kissed her shoulder and she sighed contentedly, "I know you don't want to hear this, but worrying about it doesn't help anyone sweetheart."

Rosemary laughed lightly, she had used the same words on him not too long ago, "That sounds familiar. What was it, only a few weeks ago that I was telling you the same exact thing?"

Harry smiled against her skin and she loved the way his soft lips met with her shoulder, "Hush and just relax Rosie, everything will be okay. I promise."

Rosemary breathed deeply and cuddled closer into his embrace, his comforting touch setting her thoughts at ease, "Okay, but only for you."

They fell asleep soon after, peacefully dreaming in a tangled but comfortable embrace.

It was early in the morning when things took a turn, the city was at a peaceful slumber when the rumbling began. Everyone was too far into sleep to take notice and even if they had it would have been too late either way.

It was a dull sound at first, almost like the purr of a kitten when being pet, and then the sound gradually increased, but not enough to where the sound was deafening.

Harry woke when the bombs started to drop. He panicked, his mind being sent back to when he was in the very planes that dropped the bombs on enemy cities.

Quickly, he shook the thought and tried to wake Rosie; he didn't snap out of it fast enough.

The city was in chaos, fires raged, bright lanterns in the dark of night, children cried and pleas of agony were ringing out from various remnants of former buildings.

Smoke coated the air in a thick film and there was more rubble to be seen than survivors.

Harry and Rosemary's building was in ruins.

There was a thick pressure on his skull and heavy weight all over his body. Everything hurt.

Harry groaned and shoved the rubble off of him slowly, he was still logged down with sleep on top of the parts of the building that had fallen on him. However, it didn't take him very long to panic.

Rosemary and Celestina!

Moving was hell but he needed to find his wife and daughter, they needed to be okay, they had to be okay. God, he couldn't see them anywhere and his worst nightmare was coming true right before his very eyes. He couldn't lose them, not after everything they had been through.

"Rosie! Rosie baby where are you? Rosie..."

His voice sounded awful, like someone had rubbed his vocal chord with sandpaper but he needed to find them. He needed them to be okay.

He heard her groan weakly somewhere to his left and he frantically searched through the rubble, her pale hand was sticking out from under a few bricks and he thanked God briefly before removing a good chunk of the heavy stone that encased his poor Rosie.

Rosemary smacked his hand weakly and spoke, her voice broken and fading, she wasn't important, Celestina was, "My baby. Find my baby. My little baby girl."

Heavy tears rolled down her cheeks and washed away some of the blood and dirt, Harry nodded frantically and kissed her hand praying that she would be alright and that their little girl was alive and okay.

He strained his ears as he searched the rubble of their apartment frantically. If he didn't find her soon it would break his heart and Rosemary wouldn't let him help her until he had found their precious daughter.

Then he heard it. It wasn't very loud or very clear, but he could hear his baby girl crying from beneath all of the heavy rock and he nearly sobbed at the sound. Despite all odds she was still alive.

Harry took longer than he'd wanted to before he found where the sound was coming from. There was a massive chunk of the ceiling covering the area and he released a deep breath before giving his all to move the damn thing. No matter how hard he tried, the rubble refused to budge.

He'd only managed to move it an inch or so before he started calling out desperately for help, "Please! Somebody help me save my baby! Please dear God anybody!"

One of their neighbors, a man named Matthew, heard him as he was helping one of their other neighbors from the rubble and rushed over to where he was the moment he heard the words 'help' and 'baby'.

Harry was crying and still trying desperately to move the heavy piece of their building that was trapping his daughter. She was so young and he refused to lose her like this before her life had even begun.

Matthew rushed to grab the other side and used every ounce of strength in him to help and soon the chunk was out of the way and replaced by a wooden beam, Celestina tucked safely underneath it in her blankets with a few pieces of brick and plaster here and there.

Harry shook as Matthew helped him pry the wood away, their daughter was alive and miraculously safe and he was so grateful as he retrieved her tiny body and hugged her close to his chest, her cries still unchanged because the entire ordeal was scarring, even for an infant like her.

Harry turned to Matthew with wide eyes, "My wife! Please help me get her out, she's just over there but there was too much for me to move on my own and I needed to save our little girl first."

Matthew nodded as he breathed heavily, the smoke in the air not helping any of them at all.

Rosemary's lips quivered as she caught sight of their little girl, she was okay and so was Harry; it didn't matter if she made it through as long as the two of them were alright.

Her voice didn't sound like her own as she spoke hoarsely, the smoke and rubble coating her lungs, "My baby..."

Harry could feel his world falling apart the longer she remained between pieces of the building, "She's okay Rosie, just a few cuts and bruises. I'm going to have to give her to Elise for a moment so Matthew and I can get you out okay?"

Rosemary nodded, it felt like she was being crushed into one of those cubes of trash and it hurt just to breathe, she knew that she didn't have much longer, "P-please hurry."

Ten minutes had passed and they'd made little progress. Some men that were sent out to find survivors saw their struggle and made their way over to help.

Rosemary was fading in and out of consciousness by the time they'd gotten her out, her body was weak, bloody, bruised, and broken as she clung to Harry while he lifted her into his arms.

There were tears streaming down his cheeks like rivers as he looked at her, his beautiful constellation now falling to pieces in his arms.

Rosemary looked up at him, a soft smile on her lips, at least this time she got to say goodbye, "Just remember that I have loved you endlessly. I love you my handsome Astronomer."

He'd barely spoken back those three meaning packed words when she passed out completely.

Harry panicked moments later, "No. No. No. You can't leave me, you can't leave us. Rosie, Rosie please. Please. I love you. God, Rosie, I love you more than all of the stars in the sky. Please don't leave me."

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