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It was nearing their third Christmas and New Year's together and, currently, Rosemary was laughing as she watched Harry make these adorable faces at her, "Stop! I like your face the way it is! You're so odd!"

He was the weirdest person she knew but she absolutely loved that about him. Being unique was a rare thing to find and she was happy that he wasn't just a copy of a copy like most people tended to be.

Harry stopped making faces at her request and leaned in to kiss her, his hands pressed to her cheeks as she melted into him. He wanted to remember every single thing about that moment.

The way she laughed and her eyes squinted showing the crinkles by her eyes as she smiled and told him to knock it off. The way she looked as they sat by the fire, it's glow casting a wonderful light to her features and certainly the way that her soft lips melded perfectly with his.

Rosemary smiled softly at him once he pulled away, his kisses were so much more intimate on the holidays, her cheeks flushed, "What was all that for?"

Harry rubbed his thumbs over the tops of her hands and shrugged, "I just wanted to see you happy that's all."

Rosemary's smile dropped slightly, she was always happy when she was with him but looking at him now, he didn't seem to be as happy with her as she was with him, "Why do you look upset then?"

He was sure that his eyes were shiny now as he fought back his emotions, he'd kept his secret for so long but there wasn't much longer that he could keep it in without completely decimating her beautiful heart, "Because I have to tell you something that you're not going to like sweetheart."

Rosemary's face fell completely, they hadn't ever had any problems and she was worried that it was about her, maybe he didn't want to be with a boring journalist anymore, "What is it?"

Harry took a deep, shaky breath, he had been dreading this moment since he first got the news months ago, "I've been trying to figure out how to tell you for a little while now, to come up with a way that wouldn't break your heart so badly-"

A few tears rolled slowly down her cheeks, her thoughts weren't wrong, he was leaving her and she could already feel the tears springing up and covering the surface of her heart, "You're breaking up with me? What ha-"

Harry was quick to dismiss that, he'd never even had the idea of leaving her before and he certainly didn't have it now, "No! No, absolutely not. That's never even crossed my mind."

Rosemary wiped her eyes that were swimming in tears, she didn't know what else it could have been and she was afraid to find out, "Then what is it?"

Harry sighed and captured the tears on her cheek with his thumb, he hated to see her cry and felt even worse that he had been the cause for such tears and he hadn't even dropped the bomb yet, "They drafted me Rosie."

It was like he'd signaled for a tidal wave of tears, those four words had prompted her to sob so quickly that it was almost unbelievable. He could see her heart break and it killed him but he had to tell her before he left, if he didn't she'd think that he just up and left her for no real reason at all which he would never do.

Rosemary shook her head as if the words weren't true, she was refusing to believe them, refusing to believe that he was going to leave her with the great possibility of not coming back and that he hadn't even told her that he loved her yet, "No. No, you can't go. They can't take you. I won't let them."

Harry rested his hand on her cheek and she leaned into him and closed her eyes, his touch was still so comforting despite the fact that he was breaking her heart, "I have to Rosie, you know that. I'm so sorry sweetheart."

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