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The rain came down in heavy sheets, the wind buffeting the thick droplets around in every direction, something very common in England, and Rosemary hummed along to the song on the radio as she read.

A succession of knocks on the door scared her nearly half to death and her hands instinctively went to her stomach as she spoke more to herself than the baby, "Someone's just at the door, no big deal it's probably just the post."

It took her a bit of effort to stand up but she'd managed it soon enough and made her way to the door, curious as to why someone would be there during a torrential downpour and late at night.

The very moment the door opened Rosemary felt her heart shatter onto a million tiny pieces. She should have known by the hour who it could have been. Even if she had realized it, she still wouldn't have been prepared to hear what they had to say.

On their doorstep, stood a man in uniform holding a telegram, a pocket watch, and a journal. All of them were very familiar and stabbed at her heart in a horrible manner.

Her knees felt weak and tears blurred her vision, one hand went to the frame to hold herself up and the other rested on her stomach. He couldn't be gone. He promised her. He promised their unborn child. He couldn't be dead; she didn't want to believe it.

"No, no please. Please this must be a mistake, it has to be a mistake. Please. He promised. He promised me." Her voice didn't even sound like her own anymore, it's tone broken and laced with the deep kind of sorrow that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

The man looked like he was about to tear up as well just from her reaction and seeing how far along she was with her child. Their job wasn't easy either but it was better than letting all of these poor people wonder what happened to their loved one for the rest of their lives.

He shook his head solemnly, "We don't make mistakes ma'am, I'm very sorry."

Rosemary was hysterical, she couldn't breathe and the tears wouldn't stop flowing, her body shaking as she took Harry's things from the man. She knew that she should calm down for her baby's sake but she just couldn't make herself do it. Her very first love was gone and she didn't even get to say goodbye.

Rosemary stood there for a moment, inhaling short bursts of air, sobbing, and shaking, and closed her eyes.

"He promised me."

She said nothing more and shut the door, sinking to the floor even though she knew it would be very hard for her to get up again. That didn't matter anymore, her heart had just lost nearly all of it's will to go on despite what he had wanted.

A single phrase passed her lips every now and then, each said at barely a whisper, "He promised me."

                                                                                                 . . .


Dylan shouted right back, "WORKING ON IT."

Harry could hear his heart beating frantically in his ears, the blood rushing through his veins, the blare of the guns being fired constantly and the roar of the wind in his ears as they dropped another bomb. He was absolutely terrified but it was either suck it up and have a chance to live and return to his sweet Rosie and their unborn child, or give in to terror and put his life at a much greater risk along with the rest of the crew.

Hanson shouted from somewhere in the back, "THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM! GET US OUT OF HERE!"

Dylan dropped them a few feet, the shooting never stopped. He was doing the best that he could but they were nearly boxed in and he couldn't maneuver them out of it.

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