twenty eight

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Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing, but it wasn't a dream and he was certain of it. She was awake and so very alive. His constellation had started to shine once more.

"Rosie! My Rosie!"

His hands cupped her face as he kissed her all over, her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and even her eyes. He couldn't help it, she had been gone for so long and he wanted to smother her with kisses.

Rosemary wore a soft smile as she held on to his hand, his greeting was certainly a very sweet thing to wake up to, "It's lovely to see you too Harry."

Harry laughed, a few tears of pure happiness falling down his cheeks and his heart restored, "I missed you so much my love."

Rosemary squinted her eyes, the light was a lot to take in and it hurt the longer her eyes were open, "Why is everything so bright? You look rather like an angel in this lighting."

Harry laughed lightly and kissed the top of her hand, transitioning was going to be a bit difficult for her but he would remain by her side every step of the way, "I know sweetheart, you've been asleep for a long time."

Rosemary looked up at him with tired and worried eyes, "How long?"

Harry couldn't help the tears that continued to fall as he reminisced all of the time he and Celestina had spent in that tiny hospital room, "Just about six months."

Rosemary looked at him with complete disbelief, she couldn't have been asleep for that long, she remembered everything clearly, "No, no that can't be. Just the other night our apartment was bombed and you saved our little girl and myself."

Harry shook his head sadly, "No sweetheart, that was six months ago. When the building collapsed, more of it fell on you and all of he rubble gave you brain damage, internal bleeding, and a few broken bones. They told me that you might not ever wake up but I wouldn't let you go."

A few tears escaped her eyes as she let the thought sink in, "I missed my six months of my baby girl growing up..."

Harry lifted his hand to caress her cheek, a very sad smile on his lips, he knew that the knowledge of missing important milestones in Celestina's life hurt her very much, "I know Rosie, I'm so sorry. I can wake her up if you'd like to see her, I'm sure she'd like to see you very much."

Rosemary nodded and wiped her eyes, she hoped that in all that time her little girl hadn't forgotten her, "Please."

Harry got up and retrieved Celestina from her carrier and she woke up the moment he picked her up, her small hands forming fists and rubbing at her tired eyes causing a smile to form on his lips.

"Someone very special wants to see you sweetheart."

Celestina yawned and a cute little noise escaped as she curled into his shoulder, she really just wanted to sleep some more.

Harry laughed lightly, "Somebody's a little sleepy. Don't you want to see Mummy?"

Celestina looked up at him rather quickly at the name and he smiled brightly, "Yes, I said Mummy!"

Celestina looked toward the bed and reached her little arms out, her tired features now an adorable smile, "Mama!"

Rosemary was beyond stunned, her little girl had actually called her Mama and she had no idea if it was her very first word or not, "W-was that...?"

Harry's smile was contagious, his excitement overflowing at the very thought, "Yes! Her first word!"

Harry kissed her little cheek obnoxiously, "Your first word! Does that mean you'd like to visit your Mummy?"

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