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"Why do you look so happy this morning? The woman next door finally move out or something?" Mary, one of Rosemary's work friends, asked as they sat down to eat their lunch in the 'break room'.

Rosemary couldn't hide her smile as she bit into her sandwich and played dumb, "I don't know what you're talking about Mary."

"Very ladylike. Who's the guy?"

Rosemary took a sip of her tea, the small cup warming her hands briefly, "And how, might I ask, did you conclude that it was a guy?"

Mary rolled her eyes, "Rose, you're blushing, it honestly wasn't that difficult. So who is he?"

Rosemary twisted her fingers on the table, her cheeks were hot, "He's no one. We're just friends, really."

Mary smirked at her for a moment before taking a sip of her tea, "Mmhmm, sure. If you're going to stick with that explanation, then I at least deserve a name Rose."

Keeping it to herself was becoming difficult and so she decided to give in, what could it hurt? It wasn't like Mary knew him anyway.

Rosemary lifted her eyes and smiled softly, just thinking about him made her happy and she couldn't quite place why considering that she hardly knew the man, "Harry, his name is Harry."

Mary had been about to continue her little interrogation when the bell signaled the break's end and Rosemary gathered her things to head back to her station, thankful for the interruption. Mary was nosy and sometimes it was just a hassle to deal with, especially when she wanted to keep something special to herself.

Rosemary hadn't been romantically involved since she was in grade school and even then it was at too young of an age to count as proper dating because they were eight or so. She hadn't really been interested in dating either until she'd spent the majority of the night watching the stars with a man she had literally bumped into.

Harry was already special to her because he did show her some affection even if it was just friendly, she wasn't used to that out of work and it was such a refreshing change. She really just wanted to keep him to herself just because he made her feel lovely and Mary was just far too nosy for her own good.

"I'll see you later Mary!"

. . .

Rosemary laughed at another one of Mary's ridiculous theories and pulled her coat closer to her body, the temperature had dropped considerably from where it was when she had come into work earlier in the morning, "Mary, honestly, he's just a friend that I made last night."

"Rose, friends don't talk about friends with that look on their face."

Rosemary covered her face with her hands, her cheeks flushed as she smiled, she couldn't help it, she liked him despite only knowing a few things about him.

"He's nice okay? Gosh you're irritating! Please remind me why we are friends, for my sanity?"

Mary was seconds away from answering when something, or rather, someone, caught her attention, "Oh, who's that!?"

Rosemary looked up to see Harry a little ways away, a smile on his face as he waved to her. Rosemary smiled brightly as she waved back, her heart beating slightly faster in her chest without her noticing, "That's Harry."

Mary's jaw nearly dropped and her eyes had widened considerably as she looked between the two of them a few times, "There is absolutely no way that you are "just friends" with him!"

Rosemary rolled her eyes, she was really putting way more into the imaginary relationship between them than what presided as the truth and it was getting a bit annoying, "There is and I am, please drop it Mary."

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