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"Why do you wear those?" Harry nodded toward Rosemary's feet as they walked down the street hand in hand.

Rosemary looked at her shoes briefly before giving him a puzzled look, there was nothing wrong with her shoes at all. "What, my shoes?"

Harry smiled and nodded slightly, "Yeah."

Rosemary shrugged, heels had honestly just become a normal thing for her, "They're comfortable, professional, and I like them. It's not like I wear them all the time. Plus, they make it easier for me to kiss you and vice versa."

Harry grinned at her last edition, "That is very true. What do you want to do tonight since its too cloudy to see anything?"

Rosemary smirked, "I think I'd like to kick your butt at Scrabble and drink hot chocolate by the fire."

Harry bumped her shoulder with his, accepting her challenge, "You're on."

Rosemary made a face at him and he laughed before taking a moment to kiss her, "You're adorable."

Rosemary blushed and was seconds away from telling him that he flattered her too much when her heel got caught in a crack of the pavement, broke, and twisted her ankle in a very painful manner.

Rosemary gripped onto his arm as her weight gave from under her, tears springing in her eyes from the intense pain in her ankle. It felt like someone had just dropped a piano on her small ankle and god did she want it to stop.

Harry reacted instantly, dropping down to catch her and holding her up so that she didn't fall completely,"Rosie! Sweetheart are you alright?"

Rosemary shook her head quickly, tears streaming down her face like waterfalls, "N-no. I think it's b-broken."

Harry frowned and squeezed her hand, he wanted to panic because she was hurt but, upon seeing the look on her face, he knew he had to be calm for her, "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm going to pick you up so you need to put your hands around my neck, okay?"

Rosemary nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face in his shirt as she cried. She had never experienced anything like this before and the pain was excruciating even when she wasn't putting any strain on it at all.

"You ready?"

Rosemary nodded and mumbled a choked up yes and Harry lifted her up and into his arms gently, "Do you want to go to the hospital or wait a little bit to see if it's just twisted?"

He had a pretty good idea that it wasn't but it was still her choice to make so he asked anyway.

Rosemary looked up at him with tears flowing down her face, her eyes already swollen and red from crying so much,  and he swore the broken look on her face broke his heart, "The hospital p-please."

. . .

"I brought down the box from upstairs in case you needed any more tissues. Can I get you anything else Rosie?"

Rosemary smiled softly, she really just wanted him to sit down with her and cuddle, "Just your company and that blanket please."

Harry put a few more logs in the fire and sat beside her on the couch, draping the blanket over both of them as he did so. He felt terrible about what had happened even though it wasn't his fault, so he decided to try and lighten her mood a bit.

"I'm sorry about your shoe."

Rosemary laughed brightly, the sound wonderful to his ears and bringing a smile to his lips, "It was a stupid shoe anyway."

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