
By Haddassa

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What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 66

315 26 6
By Haddassa

This parts really exciting.

Chapter 66

I was sleeping peacefully, well as peacefully as I could with dark dreams twisting their way through my mind, until I was awakened by my phone ringing. I didn't even open my eyes when I reached over, and somehow managed to hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I mumbled in a rough morning voice.

"When were you going to tell me you moved back in with your family?"

The voice, even though over the phone, sent chills down my spine. I instantly sat up, heart pounding erratically in my chest. It couldn't be. After a month of never answering his phone, he called me.

"Jace?" I asked, not believing the voice in my ears.

"Yeah. Now when were you going to tell me?"

"Why didn't you ever pick up the phone?" I snapped. I was pissed first he doesn't answer the phone, then he demands stuff from me. Doesn't even ask how I am. Cole was right. He was an asshole. He needed to pay for everything he had done to me. If it weren't for the fact I needed him so badly, then I would have just hung up right now.

"We can talk about that later... maybe. When did you move back?"

"A bit over two weeks ago. You would have known this if you would have just picked up the damn phone. Jace things are getting really bad for me. But you were too stuck in your own damn world to even care about whats happening to me," I shouted in frustration.

"Don't say that. You know I care about you."

"Then why didn't you answer?"

"Look we can talk about this all later. But right now you need to warn your family. My pack is coming after you. My dad found out you are living with your family again. He... he's coming to kill you."

That froze the raging anger in me. Instincts kicked in again, and I protected my baby belly instantly, even though there was no real threat at that moment in the room with me.

"When?" I whispered.

"They are all gathering up now. They are going to cross the border in about half an hour. You have to run out of town."

"I need you to come with me. Otherwise there will be no point leaving."

"What do you mean?"

"Jace I wound up in the hospital a few weeks ago. It's only going to continue to get worse. I won't live much longer without you."

I hated saying the words out loud. I hated being so dependent on someone who was so untrustworthy.

"Besides, I can't leave home in the condition I'm in. You have to tell your father the truth. It's the only thing that will keep me alive," I insisted.

"It's too late. My pack is heading out already. I have to go. Get into a car and leave town. I love you."

And with that he hung up.


There was no answer. I tossed my phone on my bed, and threw on the first clothing my fingertips found, a white sundress, because I had fallen alseep in just a tank top and underwear. I quickly ran downstairs. Maybe it was the adrenalin that was now pumping through my body, but I didn't feel weak even though I was running.

I came crashing into my Dad's office, just to find it empty. I checked Mom's. Also empty. The entire bottom floor was completely deserted.

"Crap!" I swore, running back up the steps, hoping they were all in their rooms.

Room after room I checked. Each one as empty as the last. That was until I reached Mitch's room. Kathleen was perched nervously at the edge of his bed. She jumped when I came barging in.

"Where is everyone?" I asked instantly.

"They all had to go."

"Where?" I demanded, baring down on her.

"I can't say."

"Did they go the fight the Steffens?" I asked.

"How did you know?"

I felt an ache in my chest at the words.

"No!" I whispered, falling onto the bed.

They had gone. I wasn't too sure who I was more worried for. My family or my mate. I knew Jace wouldn't hurt my family, but that didn't mean they wouldn't try to kill him. They had already said they would kill all alpha heir to the pack. That meant Jace, and possibly my own baby, if they ever found out who the father is. Jace would fight back, but he wouldn't kill them. Something inside me told me he wouldn't kill my family and friends for my sake. That meant he would most likely die.

I could stop all the fighting though. All I had to do was tell everyone he's my mate. That would stop my family from trying to kill him. Jace doesn't think that will hold off his father, but maybe my family would be able to help knock some sense into him.

"You have to take me to them!" I demanded, tears prickling in my eyes.

"I can't. I was left here to protect you."

"You don't understand! I have to go. I can stop all the fighting."

I leaped up off the bed, and bolted towards the door. Kathleen was faster though, and pinned me against the wall. I struggled to get free, but even though there was adrenaline soaring through my veins, I couldn't overpower her.

"There is nothing you can do. This is the fight that will finally determine which pack is above the other. You don't have to worry. Your family has known this would happen for a while. They have a plan. They are prepared to kill the alpha and his son. That way there will be no heir to the pack."

I shook my head, feeling the burning tears streak down my face. I had to tell her. She was my only way to stop the fighting. I had no idea where they were. I had no way of even getting out of this place without her tackling me down. I needed to tell her the truth. It was bound to come out eventually, so I might as well tell her so I can save my family and mate.

"There will still be an heir to the pack though."

"What do you mean? Jace is the alpha's only child," she said, sounding confused.

I knew my family wouldn't hurt me. I doubted they would hurt my baby, but if my Dad lost control, then there was no telling how far he would go to destroy the other pack. I had to risk it though. If I didn't tell anyone, then Jace would probably be killed. That would lead to the babies and my own death. This way my baby would have a chance at least.

"True, but Jace also has a child."

"What do you mean he has a child? Nobody knows about this. How could you?" She asked.

"He doesn't even know he has a child yet."

"Then how do you know?" She asked.

"Because... because Jace is my mate, and I'm pregnant with his baby."

Kathleen's jaw dropped. She stared at me for a long time, completely frozen. I snapped my fingers impatiently in front of her face. She shook her head, coming back to reality.

"What do you mean you are pregnant with Jace's baby?" She snarled his name.

"I don't have time for this. If I tell both packs we are mates, then I can stop all the fighting. You have to take me."

"How do you know the other pack won't still kill you? Or that our pack won't think you are a traitor."

"Is that what you think?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I know you can't control who your mate is. But either way, I can't take you."

"Why?" I snapped.

"It's too dangerous."

"If you don't take me then Jace will die. He won't kill my family, and I can promise you they will try to kill him. If he dies then so do I and my baby. I can't live without him, and it's not in that co-dependent emotional way. It's in a very physical way. I already wound up in the hospital once, and almost had a miscarriage because we were separated for too long. If you don't take me, then I will die. You promised to keep me safe. This is the only way you can keep me safe."

Kathleen chewed on her bottom lip as she pondered what I had just said.

"Fine, I'll take you. Come with me."

With that I followed her out back. She shifted, and I quickly climbed onto her back. I laced my fingers through her red fur. She sprinted off into the forest, weaving between trees. I laid low on her back, so the branches didn't knock me off. My legs and arms were getting scratched up on the undergrowth. My heart beat in sync with the fast pounding paws against the forest floor.

What if I was too late? What if Jace was already dead? I didn't feel any pain yet, but knew that was probably because he was trying to control me from feeling any of his pain. What if his pack still killed me? What if my own pack thought I was a traitor? I just hoped telling them Jace was my mate wouldn't lead to my own death.

Kathleen started slowing down, and the wind stopped howling in my ears. She slowed to a trot, and a new form of howling was heard. I felt a sharp ripping in my shoulder that instantly ignited an intense pain. I whimpered a bit, unable to control it. Jace was hurt.

I leaped off of Kathleen's back before she even came to a complete stop. Instincts took over, and my priority became protecting my mate. I ran toward the sounds of snarls and growling, accompanied by the occasional howl of pain.

The clearing came into view. I jumped up onto a fallen log right at the edge of the clearing, to get a better look around me. It took me a moment to take everything in. All around me were pack members fighting, both in wolf and human form. The sickening stench of blood and sweat mingled into the air. A few bodies lay motionless on the thick grass. Some were missing a few limbs. My stomach twisted, and I took my eyes off the bodies.

I was too late. It had already started. My eyes scanned around to find Jace. I saw Dad fighting in wolf form with Steffen's Beta. I honestly wasn't too sure who was winning. I scanned the area for more familiar faces. I found Kathleen had run into the fight to help Mitch who was fighting in human form with John. I called out a warning, but another wolf jumped in to help John. I let my eyes drift off of them, as I scanned the area for Jace.

I found Dylan first. He was in the middle of the clearing in wolf form, prowling forward, obviously preparing to attack someone. I followed his line of sight to see who he was preparing to pounce on, and my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. Jace. He was fighting in human form with Adam. Adam got in a punch, but I felt nothing. He was hiding the pain from me. Jace's back was to Dylan, so he didn't even realize what was going to happen.

I could see it all. Adam would keep Jace distracted long enough for Dylan to pounce on Jace, and rip off his head. I couldn't let that happen.

I leaped off the log, right between two people in human form who were facing off. They jumped back, startled. I continued sprinting forward as fast as my body would carry me. I wove between fighting groups, nearly getting nicked by a lunging wolf. Dylan crouched down to pounce, and a scream ripped through my lungs.

"NO!" I screamed, the shout ringing around me, and I landed right between Jace and Dylan. I held out my arm to Dylan, motioning for him to stop.

I felt a punch hit my face, but knew that was only Jace's pain. He had been too distracted to block out the pain.

Dylan uncrouched, and began snarling at me to move. I shook my head in response, trying to catch my breath from the run. Strong arms laced themselves around my waist, and pulled me behind a broad back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jace demanded. His arms held out to protect me from Dylan.

Dylan crouched again, prepared to lunge. A ferocious growl emerged from his throat, and his lips drew back from his sharp canines. I shoved Jace's arms off of me. I ran directly between the two, outstretching my arms so they touched both of their chests. One furry, one strong and sturdy.

"Stop!" I yelled. The shout rang through the clearing.

Jace tried to lean forward to grab me, but Dylan snarled a warning at him. Adam came forward, and stood behind Dylan. Soon John was behind Jace.

"I told you to run," Jace whispered to me.

"I couldn't. This has to stop," I explained, keeping my eyes on Dylan.

As if by some weird pull, pack members started gathering behind Jace and Dylan, their future alphas. More and more people gathered around with me in between the two packs. Jace seemed too nervous to have me so close to a snarling wolf. It's as if his concerns weren't about himself, but solely about me. Dylan on the other hand looked furious and confused.

"Eliana, get away from there," Dad ordered directly behind Dylan. I shook my head, and felt another growl rumble through Dylan's chest. Jace tensed up.

"Dylan, can you please back off?" I asked.

He shook his large head.

Philly came out of of the crowd of my family's pack members. His wide eyes on me, analyzing the situation I had put myself in with shock. Philly knew the truth. He tugged on Dylan's shoulder. Dylan snapped at him, and then turned back to snarling at Jace.

"I couldn't hurt her even if I wanted to," Jace promised Dylan, his eyes glancing nervously between me and my palm touching the snarling wolf.

"Why can't you hurt her?" A deep rumbling voice that sent chills down my spine asked.

I didn't take my eyes off of Dylan, but I knew who it was from the way Jace tensed up beneath my fingertips. Alpha Steffen.

Before I knew what happened, Jace shoved me towards my family, and spun around to face his father. Philly instantly snatched me into his arms.

"Let go!" I shouted.

"I can't."

I struggled against him, scratching up his arm. I tried to send my head back to smash his nose, but he moved his head out of the way too quickly.

"Why can't you hurt her?" Alpha Steffen asked again.

Jace stood completely frozen, all eyes were on him, as not a single pack member moved. Philly and I were the only movement in the clearing. Alpha Steffen walked forward, until he was five feet across from his son.

I stopped struggling, and after a moment felt Philly's grip loosen. I stomped down onto Philly's foot, and ducked under his arms. Dylan lunged for me, but I slid sideways. Sadly I hadn't realized by moving that way it put me in Adam's direct path. He tackled me down to the ground, and pinned my arms. I coughed, trying to regain the breath that had been knocked out of my chest.

The only thing I was grateful for was that I had been ducking, so I wasn't knocked as far down. That didn't mean that I wasn't worried for my baby still.

A snarl erupted up around us, and Adam was instantly knocked off of me. He lay sprawled on the grass, trying to heave himself back up. He froze though when Jace abandoned him, and turned to crouch down beside me.

"Are you ok?" Jace asked, worry coating his voice. He brushed a hair off my face.

I nodded my head, and pushed myself up into a sitting position. Jace grabbed my arms, and pulled me up. I staggered a little, so he held tightly onto me. I glanced around and saw everyone staring in shock at us.

"Get the hell away from her!" Dad yelled menacingly at Jace.

I stepped in front of Jace to protect him. Mom pulled on Dad's shoulder, her eyes planted on me with a sad look of understanding. Dad brushed her off, and stepped forward. Jace's hands reacted by grabbing my waist.


"I don't know what the hell he did to you. I don't care if you two are dating. I'll still kill him!" Dad snarled. Growls from both packs started up. Jace pulled me closer into his chest.

"We aren't dating!" I burst out. It echoed across the clearing eerily.

"Then what are you doing?" Jace's Dad asked. It was the same taunting tone he used when he was torturing me. My scar on my inner thigh began to sting, and I shivered.

I turned stiffly to face Alpha Steffen. He stood tall, chest puffed out. His black eyes narrowed at me. Jace kept me protected behind him.

"We..." I trailed off, suddenly too overcome with fear. I clutched onto Jace's arm as if it were a life preserver. Jace seemed to sense how afraid I was, because he spoke up.

"Dad, she's my mate," Jace said proudly, standing tall.

"Crap," Philly whispered.

Hehehe! Hope u all enjoyed this! I'm so happy with this part

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