Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

240K 12.9K 6.5K

Katniss and Peeta Mellark are currently living a rough life, but in all reality it's not all that bad and wil... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Nintey-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Nintey-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Sequel Info.

Chapter Eighty-Five

2.5K 127 172
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (New Years Eve)

"Katniss, people are coming at eight. You need to get up. It's seven-fifteen." Peeta comes into our bedroom, flipping the bright light on.

It's been dark outside for at least two hours so I took a nap about then, to prep for tonight.

I stand up, "I need to go shower real quick. Will you bring me some towels in a few minutes?" I ask him.

He smiles, "Yeah, just hurry up." He tells me helping me up. He pecks my lips and I waddle the few feet into the bathroom. I undress and examine my body, just as I do every time I shower.

I look and see more stretch marks forming.

I sigh and hop into the shower.

"Willow, you're killing me, kid." I feel like crying.

Yes, I'm pregnant but I've never had many body issues and for me to have stretch marks and a huge stomach upsets me no matter how much I love what's coming from it all. My boobs even have stretch marks too, it's horrible and they got bigger and just keep getting bigger I think.

But something I need to remember is that Peeta still looks at me naked (when I let him) and still thinks I'm beautiful, so that has to say something about him or us.

I just can't wait to be somewhat smaller again and to be able to hold her in my arms.

I long for that day, maybe even more than I longed our wedding. I think that's because I knew we would get married eventually, the kid thing-I wasn't sure of. Well, I was sure of it but I was not sure when.

I hop out of the shower and wait on Peeta. He still hasn't brought me any towels. I start putting some lotion on my itchy belly and squeezing the excess water out of my hair and that's when I feel warmth being wrapped around me.

Peeta presses a kiss to my neck and my entire being feels even warmer.

"I got it from the dryer for you." He says softly, helping me wrap it closer around my body. I smile like an idiot, "Hurry up, brat."

And he leaves.

My wide smile dies into a soft, grin as I quickly dry off and get dressed, making small talk with Willow.

"You know you have the best Daddy in the whole world, don't you?" I tell her.

She fumbles a bit, I see her tiny feet hitting my skin. I press my hand to them and she kicks continuously. I can't help but giggle when she does it.

For someone who's not even born yet, she has so much personality and I love it. I am already so in love with her I can't stand it.

It's literally like I told Finnick, months before we knew or I wanted to even try for a baby, that I am afraid of falling in love all over again. I mean it's like I'm falling love with Peeta again, in some weird, amazing way-with a piece of me in there. It's something only I can give him and same for me. I just have completely and utterly fell in love with her already.

I'm scared to death too.

It was extremely scary to get close to Peeta and I fell and fell fast and hard, same with Willow.

I wasn't lying when I said I was scared though. Everything I told Finnick was 100% true.

"I love you, baby girl. You better stay put tonight. I won't do much but please don't just decide to come yet, okay? Daddy and I don't need that tonight." I tell her.

I could see that happening.

I go back into labor tonight, while the town is drunk and busier than ever, when the hospital is probably packed anyways. It'd be our luck but I'm not planning on doing anything but sitting down anyways.

I sigh and walk into the bedroom with the towel on my body, the best I can manage and a towel wrapped around my head.

Peeta is in there getting dressed.

"Hello, Mister." I tease, pulling the towel over me tighter, not really possible but I try. I walk over and start pulling stuff from the closet to wear.

"How about you wear the dress I got you? We're just staying inside tonight." Peeta says, hope in his eyes.

"Ugh, I don't really want to show my belly off, everyone is going to want to touch it and I don't want that." I say as a matter of fact.

Peeta comes closer to me, wrapping his strong, warm arms around me, holding my belly and pressing his lips to my shoulder, almost making that towel seem like a small deal.

"You have me for a reason. To protect you both." He mumbles against my skin.

I shiver involuntarily, "I think it's a beautiful dress. I just don't know how it'll look." I say truthfully.

I love the dress he got me and I know he spent a lot of money on me some new clothes so I should just suck it up for him. I'm not lying it's a beautiful dress but I'm so insecure about myself. The dress is long and has thin, mint green material and I really really like it.

"I think it'll look beautiful but you can wear whatever you feel the most comfortable in, sweetie. Don't wear the dress for me." Peeta smiles and kisses my shoulder.

I sigh, I know he doesn't really give a crud if I wear the dress either way but I know it would make him feel good if I did. It would show him how much I really do love it.

"I'm gonna try it, Peeta. I just love it but I barely wear dresses when I'm not pregnant." I laugh. He chuckles.

"Sorry, I just had to get it though."

I smile and turn to him, holding my top hem of my towel and I wrap him in an awkward, side hug.

Peeta smiles and rubs my back.

I lean up and press a kiss to his jawline.

"Go downstairs and I'll holler at you when I'm ready." I tell him.

He smiles and pecks my lips, making my heart race, it's surprisingly one of the first kisses we've shared today.

"You better save your kisses for that New Years one tonight." I laugh at Peeta.

"I will. I have something planned for us from about 11:45 to midnight-ish." Peeta tells me.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You're funny." Peeta says, giving me a smirk and walks out of our bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I smile like an idiot to myself as I get dressed.

I put the dress on and it really doesn't look that bad. It's figure forming so every curve shows and it's mostly just my belly. It's huge and I'm only 7 months. I'm scared to see what it will look like in just a few weeks, let alone at 9 months.

I sigh and go into the bathroom. I fix my hair, just leaving it falling down my back in curly waves. I quickly put on full makeup though, actually trying to look pretty for Peeta more than myself.

About 7:55, I call Peeta back up to get me.

"Goodness, Katniss. You look so beautiful." Peeta says, if humans had heart eyes, I know he would have them. I feel pretty good so hopefully I look as good as Peeta tells me.

"Thank you. I really like the dress, it's just so form-fitting and let's be honest, I'm a lot curvier than I was." I say, talking about by bigger belly, wider hips, bigger butt and breasts.

He shakes his head, "I think you're beautiful either way."

I sigh and sit on the bed and he sits next to me.

"How is baby Willow this evening?"

I laugh and look at my tummy and so does he, "Good, I think but I told her she's not allowed to come tonight. That would be our luck, she would come when there's a thousand drunks in town or something. I'm not going to do anything but sit so don't worry." I assure him.

"I'll try to stay by you as much as possible." He tells me.

"It's fine. I promise I'm not gonna do anything I shouldn't be doing like walking or standing or anything." I tell him.

"Remember there won't be any babies tonight either. Rue is watching them until midnight at Finnick and Annie's house."

I shrug, "Okay. At least it'll give Bristol and her boyfriend and Finnick and Annie some time together." I say.

We are all meeting Bristol's boyfriend tonight and I'm kind of nervous. I just hope he's nice to us and most importantly Bristol.

"I think they will enjoy it as much as they love their babies."

I sigh, "I don't want to start anything but I wish Prim was here. She would be the best aunt to Willow."

Peeta wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my cheek, "I know she would be. I wish she was here too."

I shrug, "Oh well."

"I'm sorry, baby."

I shake my head, "No, your brother's would've been great uncles, don't you think?"

He sighs, "I think so, but that's okay."

"Do you think they'll look out for Willow? All of them?" I say, meaning my dad, Prim, Peeta's brothers and dad and hell, maybe even his mom-though it's unlikely.

Peeta looks at me, "Yes." He says simply.

I smile a little and he returns it.

"Let's go down stairs, they'll be here any-" the doorbell cuts him off. "Now." He laughs.

I laugh and he takes me downstairs, sitting my on the couch as Glimmer and Marvel walk in, Clove and Cato following behind.

The girls hug me and start in on me: my face, my belly, how my hair and makeup look nice and my clothes too.

"Thank you." I say awkwardly.

Cato and Marvel come in.

"Hey, Kat." Cato says, sitting on the couch, Peeta walks over behind them and sits down in front of me on the floor, holding my hand.

"Hey, Cato." I smile and Marvel waves.

"Kat, you look so beautiful." Glimmer squeals excitedly.

I laugh, "Well, thank you." I shrug.

I love compliments-who doesn't? But it's just weird and I am not even sure how to take them from Peeta, let alone my friends who are perfect.

"Peeta, are you excited to finally be a dad?" Clove asks.

He smiles widely and nods.

I squeeze his hand tightly.

I think excited is an understatement for us both.

"Kat? What about you?" Marvel butts in.

I sigh, "I've never been more excited in my entire life." I tell them.

Peeta acts offended, "Our wedding, thank you." He teases me.

I laugh, "But that's different. Like I knew we would get married no matter what, so I was absolutely 100% excited but this is like a different excitement. It's more scared than anything."

"How's it different, Kat?" Glimmer asks, confused.

I shrug and take a deep breath, hoping not to hurt Peeta's feelings or anything and just praying I say the right things.

"I knew we'd get married so I was excited and scared but I didn't know when we would have a baby. I knew it would happen but I didn't know when and I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm just really happy it's now." I shrug my shoulders, knowing I probably hurt Peeta's feeling in a round-about way but his soft smile tells me differently.

He leans down and presses a kiss to the back of my hand just as there is another knock on the door.

Peeta gets up and answers the door.

It's Johanna and Thresh.

"Lover Boy." Johanna greets Peeta and walks inside. Thresh smiling a little and following her as Peeta shuts the door.

"Sup." Johanna says, plopping down next to me.

"What's up?" I nod, saying it more of an answer or greeting rather than a question.

Thresh stands behind the couch awkwardly.

He rarely speaks but he's cool.

Peeta stands behind the couch, behind me, his hands on my shoulders, he rubs them gently with his thumbs.

It feels amazing but I push back my wishes for more.

Eventually, Finnick, Annie, Gale and Madge and Bristol and her boyfriend arrive.

The living room quickly runs out of seats so Peeta starts bringing dining room chairs in for everyone and Bristol sits in front of me with her boyfriend in the chair next to her.

"Kat, this is my boyfriend. Blake." She says awkwardly.

I smile and he reaches out for me hand and I shake it.

"Hi." He says.

He's really tall, he has black hair and a bit of a beard, he looks nice enough though.

"I'm Katniss." I say awkwardly, even though I'm sure he knew that already.

He smiles and sits back with Bristol.

"How's the baby, Kat?" Bristol asks me soft-spoken like always.

I shrug, "Good. She's been moving around all day long."

While everyone makes small talk, Peeta and I just give each other looks and glance about the room, not speaking unless spoken to-just like we usually do. We usually just talk with our eyes and facial expressions, we can pretty much read each other's mind and he and I have always been that way.

We allowed everyone to bring alcohol since everyone but me is of age. I can't drink either way and Peeta sweared up and down he wouldn't touch any of it.

Partly because I'm pregnant and also it's because of what happened a while back.

"Katniss, remember when we were like seven, we went to that field trip to the petting zoo and Finnick pushed you into the pen with the wild pigs?" Cato laughs, along with everyone else.

I shoot Finnick a look as he laughs, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, remember how I beat you up afterwards?" I shoot at him and everyone laughs.

"Love you." Finnick says in a sugar sweet voice.

I roll my eyes and flip him off.

"Then that time we were playing football when we were like 13 and Katniss and Johanna decided to play and she and Johanna beat the crap out of Finnick because he tackled them."

Johanna and I laugh, "Shall we go on with the number of times we've beat you up, Finn?" I ask him.

"No, my wife is right here. I'm fine." He says.

"You're wife was there every time we beat you up too." Johanna says, punching him playfully.

Everyone laughs.

"I also remember the time Katniss tripped in the high heels Glimmer insisted on her trying on in the mall." Finnick says.

I shrug, "Doesn't bother me." I laugh.

He gives me a fake glare.

"Remember the morning Katniss woke us up after the sleepover junior year? Katniss and Peeta still had sex that night, I don't care what they say. They did something." Cato butts in.

I remember how when I woke them up that morning Peeta refused to get up and mumbled something about me waking him up that night. Cato swore we did something not so friendly that night but we didn't do anything.

"I remember that." Peeta says.

"But we didn't do anything. We we're just friends then." I say, even though I swear that is the night I realized I was in love with him.

That was the night we almost kissed in the bakery.

"Sure you were." They all say in unison and wiggle their eyebrows at us.

My face grows red and Peeta laughs, looking at our intertwined fingers and shakes his head.

"Nah, we didn't do anything but talk. We've barely done anything since." He teases, shrugging his shoulders.

We've done just about everything since then.

"And that's why Katniss is like eight months pregnant." Gale rolls his eyes.

I ignore it and so does everyone else.

I wanted to say some smart ass thing back, about me actually being seven months pregnant, not eight but I just keep my mouth shut.

I can usually count on Johanna Mason to say something back and she does.

"Actually, she's seven months pregnant, you dumb shit." She growls at him, rolling her eyes.

Gale doesn't say anything and I hold back laughter and I am sure everyone else does too.

Madge glares at Gale.

I just wonder if she knows about anything that's happened between us with Gale? I doubt he's said anything. I love him to death and he use to be my best friend but he has barely spoken to me the last five years.

"Ugh, I'm tired as hell and it's only ten!" Johanna complains.

I understand what she means though-I'm exhausted.

"Alcohol makes you tired, Jo." Thresh reminds her and she shrugs, ultimately agreeing.

All in all, we have a pretty good time, we play some games and they drink. Peeta and I hold hands the entire night, until about 11:45ish when he takes my hand, helping me up and we go upstairs into our bedroom.

"They're going to fuck." Johanna mumbles but we hear and everyone laughs. He shuts and locks our bedroom door, still holding me in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he gently sets me on my feet.

He opens up his underwear drawer and pulls out a bottle of sparkling grape juice and two wine glasses.

I start laughing, not at him just because he's adorable.

He grins and opens the bottle, pouring some into each cup and then taking them both. He hands me a glass and then takes my other hand, leading me to our bed.

He pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist, his hand resting on my belly.

"Um, sorry this is kind of weird." He starts.

I laugh, "Me sitting on your lap or this all?"

He chuckles, "Both, mostly this." He laughs.

"I'm sure I'm paralyzing your legs." I tease.

Peeta laughs, "No. You still feel about the same as before."

"Yes, just forty pounds more." I laugh.

He chuckles and moves his hand to my thigh, rubbing it a little.

"What are we doing?" I ask him.

Peeta grins, "I just wanted a little time alone and our kiss to be private."

I smile, "Why don't we start that New Years kiss?" I ask him.

He laughs, "We could. Then say we've been kissing since last year." He jokes.

I laugh, "Something like that."

Peeta grins, "Let's have our fake drink and toast and then we can."

I laugh, holding my glass up, Peeta does too.

"To..." I start.

"Our new family, Willow." Peeta says.

I chuckle and tap my glass against his, "To Willow." I repeat and we both take a sip of the sparkling juice.

At 11:58, I get off of him and he takes our empty glasses, putting them back on the dresser and we attack one another with our lips.

We will know when it's officially midnight because they ring a bell town down at the court house every New Years, informing everyone that it's officially a new year.

I sit on top of him the best I can manage and we hardcore make out, his hands exploring my waist and butt, pulling me close and holding me tight as our lips explore one another's.

It's the first time we've made out in a while. It makes me hunger but I contain myself because I know I won't be able to settle it for a long while.

It makes Willow go crazy too. I know Peeta can feel her against him but we just keep on, enjoying the moment to ourselves.

The bell at the Justice Building starts ringing and I know we've officially began another year. I pull away and Peeta and I's forehead rest against one anothers, both of our breaths heavy.

"Happy New Year, Katniss." Peeta smiles, our cheekbones touching.

"Happy New Year, Peeta Mellark." I mumble.

He smiles and I sit up a little bit, looking down at my belly, putting my hands on it. Peeta stares at my belly, "We're gonna be parents soon." He whispers with the most adorable half smile.

I look up at him and we pull each other into a loving hug.

"50 days, Peeta." I tell him.

"50 days." He repeats.

"Wow." I say, feeling tears streaming down me cheeks.

This is the year that we become parents.

The year our first child is going to be brought into this crazy world.

"Fuck time is over kids! You're already knocked up!" I hear Johanna yelling from downstairs.

"Shut up!" I holler back, a smile on my face.

Peeta puts his hands on my hips, "Better get back down there." He laughs.

I laugh, leaning forward and giving him a quick, loving peck.

"I love you."

He puts his hand on the top of my head, messing up my hair.

"I love you too, beautiful. And I love you too, Willow." He says.

I smile and look down, "We can't wait to meet you." I tell her and she responds with a few kicks.

I climb off of him and look in the mirror, wiping some of Peeta's saliva off my lips and making sure I look like nothing happened.

Sure, stuff happened but not like they think.

He looks in the mirror too and I fix his already messy hair a little bit and he carries me back downstairs where all of our friends give us looks.

"We just kissed!" I say, Peeta allows me to waddle to the couch and we sit down.

"You have that after sex hair, Peeta." Johanna says.

She loves to tease us both about stuff like that but it doesn't bother me too bad.

"My hair always looks like this." He shrugs.

Finnick runs his fingers through Peeta's short curls, messing them up more.

"I think Peetie's hair looks great whether he and Katniss just had sex or not."

"Finnick, we didn't have sex." I say, annoyed.

I know they're all just teasing but we didn't don anything, for one we can't and another we wouldn't do that with anyone in the house.

"I know you didn't." He smiles.

I laugh a little and glance at Gale who looks completely and utterly ticked, but he's never been my boyfriend and he's not wanted to have much to do with me since he started dating Madge in 9th grade.

I am in love Peeta and he knows that. Plus, there's nothing he could ever do to stop that.

"I can't anyways." I say with a laugh.

"How long until she's born?" Clove asks.

"Roughly 50 days if she's born on time." I tell them.

"Oh, Kat. I can't wait." Glimmer squeals.

"Yeah, I'm so excited." Clove says.

Everyone all goes on about how excited they are for Willow's arrival. It makes me feel good to know my baby has so many people that already love and care about her.

"I never thought I would see the day." Finnick tells me.

"Well, our Peetie-Pie is pretty charming and irresistible, I'm not going to lie." I say wrapping my arms the best I can around Peeta's waist.

"Agreed. He's adorable." Finnick winks at him and Peeta winks back.

Annie and I shoot each other looks, "The fact that these two are fathers scare me." Annie laughs.

"They're children themselves." I say.

Peeta scoffs and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"So when is everyone else getting married and having kids?" I ask, I mean hell all of them have bugged me about it for years and I think it's time for some payback.

Everyone glances at their partners and the guys shrug.

"Cato? Marvel? Gale, what about you?" I ask, being a complete bitch, but he has been nothing but an asshole to me the last year.

He doesn't say anything to me.

"Well, Annie and I better get going. Rue is still at our house with Finn and Carter."

"Bristol, if Carter is asleep you can leave her with us for the night." Annie says.

"Okay, thanks. I'll meet you guys there and we can see." Bristol says.

They all four get up and so do Peeta and I.

Bristol hugs me, "I'll see you later, Kat. Maybe I can come be with you while Peeta goes shopping or something."

I smile, "I would like that. I missed Carter tonight."

"Me too." She laughs.

Blake, Bristol's boyfriend smiles and pats my back.

"You have a really lovely house, I had a nice time." He says with a warm smile.

"Thank you. It was nice to meet you." I say and Peeta smiles, shaking his hand.

"Come with Bristol next time. We have dinner a few times a week so you should come." Peeta says.

He smiles and they walk towards the door.

Annie hugs me, "Bye, beautiful." She says. I smile.

Finnick embraces me, "Love you, kid." He says.

I smile, "Love you too." I say and he puts his hand on my belly.

"Um, no." I say pushing it away.

Peeta laughs his ass off behind me, knowing Finnick is about to get an earful.

"You didn't put it there, you dot get to touch it." I say, punching him playfully.

He laughs, "Okay, calm down crazy."

I roll my eyes but we're both just teasing. Soon everyone is gone and it's just Peeta and I, at 3am we finally make it to bed.

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Peeta says, kissing my cheek and I cuddle closer to him.

"Goodnight, Peeta. I love you so much." I say closing my heavy eyes.

"I love you too." He whispers.

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