My Dad the Brain Surgeon

By girllivinginfandoms

59.5K 1.2K 70

Derek Shepherd may be a world famous brain surgeon, but to one 16 year old girl, he's Dad. Their lives are c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

2.6K 66 4
By girllivinginfandoms

Mer increased Taylor's sedation so she could relax for a while.  I knew she would have questions that couldn't be asked while Tay was awake.

"What'd she want?"

"To see 'her' daughter.  Apparently Mark called Sarah's parents and told them Tay was having surgery.  She saw Tay have a panic attack and now she's threatening me with lawyers."

"Lawyers?  She has no parental rights?"

"She thinks the overstimulation is my fault.  She thinks I caused permanent brain damage."

Meredith let out a giggle. "She ditches her child then shows back up.  She then realizes that everyone sees her as the bad parent so she thinks accusing you of ruining Taylor's brain will make her the good parent.  How did you even end up with this psycho?!"

"She was not intended to be anything more than one night.  I met her at work and she was not very subtle about what she wanted from me.  I didn't know anything about her except that.  So, I took her home.  Seven months later, she called saying she was pregnant.  Taylor was born just weeks after that so I still didn't know her very well.  I didn't know anything was really wrong until I went to pick up Taylor when she was about a month old.  I walked in to Sarah and her man of the week passed out drunk on the couch with the baby in the floor by herself, not fed or changed."  I shuddered just thinking back to that moment.

"You've got a lot on your mind right now, I can see it all over your face.  Just know, you're a great dad.  Regardless of what she tries to say, you are the only parent your daughter has ever had.  Although, she has called me mom twice today..."  She gave me a pride filled smile.

"I told you!  Just don't turn my daughter all dark and twisty!" I winked.  We were interrupted by Arizona skating into the room after a light knock.

"Need something?"

"The patient is your daughter?  The Chief told me to come take over her post-op."

"Yes, she's my daughter.  She's extremely easily overstimulated right now, so I think it'll be better if Meredith and I handle her post-op."  Arizona looked confused, but she didn't get the chance to speak before a tall, slender man came in.  His suit and briefcase gave him away.  

"Mr. Shepherd, My name is Ben Stapleton--"

"You're Sarah's lawyer, aren't you? "

"Yes, she brought me a dispute of paternity and possible surgical misconduct."

"A dispute of paternity?"  I asked slowly.

"It seems that you never had an official paternity test and there is another man who could possibly be Taylor's father."  I put my head down and slowed my breathing to keep from laughing.  I could tell Meredith was also fighting laughter.  Anyone can look at Taylor and tell she is my daughter!

"So you need a paternity test?  I can have one ordered easily."

"Yes, a paternity test has to be done, but until the investigation is finished, you can't have contact with Taylor."
"I'm her surgeon and I have to monitor her.  Contact isn't optional.  I can get a test done right now and you'll have your results quickly."

"Sir, there's more than a paternity test here.  For you to regain contact with her, it will have to be proven that any brain damage was not your doing.  Even if she is your daughter, her grandparents do not want her in your custody if you irresponsibly broke rules, jumped into her surgery, and caused brain damage.  If you aren't proven innocent, this will most likely go to court.  I've already explained this to your Chief of Surgery."  He stomped out as Richard came in.

"Derek, I don't want to do this, but legally I have to keep you out of this room."

"Chief--"  Meredith cut me off.  Taylor was starting to wake up from all of the commotion.  "Derek, go.  I'll explain it to her.  You're being accused of being an unfit parent.  Completely ignoring a lawyer will not help.  You can't piss these people off, Der."  I knew I wasn't going to win this argument so I nodded in agreement.  I felt Taylor's hand grip around mine.

"I have to go.  Meredith will stay with you.  I love you!"  I kissed her forehead and noticed how scared she looked.  Richard already had my arm and was trying to get me out the door.  I had to just leave her scared and confused and poor Mer got stuck telling her that Sarah showed up.  I've got to find Mark and figure out what the hell he was thinking.

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