Cindy Potter: Book One (Harry...

By xuelian

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Cindy grew up living with her godfather, Severus Snape. She originally lived with her aunt, uncle and cousin... More

Book One: Cindy Potter (Harry Potter Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 27

744 26 3
By xuelian

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but a great deal more, to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore


I hadn't the faintest idea what we were about to face down there? More puzzles? Or finally the end? I do know that if father was really down here with us, I'd never forgive him. But then again, would I be alive to make that decision? He wouldn't kill me, would he? These seven years, he acted like he really cared. But what if that was really just an act? I pushed away the lingering thoughts as we descended down the steps.

Even from a distance, I could spot a shiny object and a figure in front of it. As we got closer, I realized that this was the Mirror of Erised. But what was it doing down here? Then, the figure turned. I gasped. "You!" Harry gasped. Quirrell grinned. "B-but it can't be!"

"Yes, next to Professor Snape, who would suspect p-poor st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?" He said sarcastically. My eyes narrowed.

"You tried to frame my father! How dare you!" I tried to lunge for him but Harry dragged me back.

"Stupid girl." I heard a voice hiss. I gasped.

Harry was still in shock. "But that day at the Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me." Quirrell smiled sardonically.

"No, no, no, dear boy. I tried to kill you! And if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded!" Then he let out a side thought. "Even with Snape muttering little counter curses." Harry gasped.

"Snape was trying to save me?"

"Of course, he never trusted me again. Especially after Halloween."

"Then you let the troll in!" Everything was finally making sense. Quirrell grinned again.

"Yes, but my plan backfired. While everyone was running about the dungeon, Snape ran to the third floor to head me off. After that he never trusted me again. Barely left me alone." Quirrell muttered to himself. "But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone."

"So th-that's why!" He turned to glare at me. "That's why Father followed you that day! And that night! I saw Father threatening you! How dare you?!" He laughed humorlessly.

"I should've known you were just like your meddlesome parents." Once again, Harry had to restrain me from throttling him. He turned back to the mirror. "I see the stone, but how do I get it?!"

"Use the twins." A voice hissed.

"Come here, now!" Startled, we slowly made our way up to the mirror. "What do you see?" I had expected to see the young girl again, but to my surprise, I didn't. I saw us in the mirror. Harry's reflection held up a stone and placed it in his pocket. Harry felt his pocket and involuntarily squeezed my hand. He had the stone.

"What is it, what do you see?!"

"I-I see myself, shaking hands with Dunbledore. I've won the house cup." Harry finally said.

"He lies." I gasped in horror.

"Tell the truth!" I tried again.

"We see our parents, alive and happy." Hopefully this would convince him.

This time the voice was silent, until-

"Let me speak to them, face to face."

Harry and I took several steps backwards until we hit the stairs. Up ahead, Quirrell was removing his turban. His head looked strange without it. Then finally he uncovered his head. I let out a scream.

"Harry and Cindy Potter."

"Voldemort." Harry whispered.

"Yes. See what I've become?" The face hissed. "In order to survive I must live off another, a mere parasite." Harry appeared appalled. I whimpered quietly and clutched Harry's arm tighter. "Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can, and it lies in your POCKET!" He shrieked the last word. Harry immediately dragged me a round and tried to run. "Stop him!" Quirrell snapped his fingers and the stairway now filled with fire. "Don't be a fool, why suffer a horrific death when you can join me, and live?"

"Never!" Harry screamed. I trembled.

"Hah! Bravery! Your parents had it too." He then turned to me. "Tell me, Cindy Potter, would you like to see your mother and father again? We can bring them back." As he said that I finally saw our parents appear in the mirror. A tear fell. For the first time in ten years, I finally saw them. Was it worth it though? Our parents obviously knew what they signed up for when deciding to fight Voldemort. I badly want to see them again, to have dad protect us and mum tell us how much she loved us. But it wasn't meant to be. We couldn't sacrifice the entire wizarding world for this. Breaking out of my thoughts, I noticed Harry hesitating and reaching for his pocket. I shook my head. He ignored me. He seemed to be deep in thought too.

"That's right. You can be a family again. There is no good or evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it! Now give me the stone!" My anger rose as our parents started to fade in the mirror.

"You liar!" We both yelled simultaneously.

"Kill them!" Quirrell launched off the ground at us making me let out a horrified shriek before he landed, choking both Harry and I. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the stone fly out of Harry's hand. I turned to struggle when suddenly, Quirrell let go of us.

"Ahhh! My hand! What's happening?! Master I cannot touch them!"

"Then curse them fool!" Voldemort hissed. Quirrell raised his hand to perform a curse when Harry launched himself at Quirrell, grabbing his face. 
Quirrell started to smoke and crumble until he finally fell to the ground, being burned into nothing.

Harry let out a sigh of relief. I walked over and picked up the stone, handing it to Harry, when suddenly rustling was heard from behind us. We turned slowly to see a whirl of ashes shoot towards Harry, letting out a deafening roar as it rushed through him. I gasped in horror as Harry fainted. I quickly felt for a pulse and was elated when I found one.

I gently set Harry down as I paced around in thought there had to be some way to get through the flames. "Aguamenti!" The flames kept burning, unaffected. I pulled at my hair in frustration. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. But something drew me to the flames. I approached them and stuck out my hand feeling the warmth. Unconsciously, my hand began drifting near the fire and to my utter surprise, my hand didn't even burn on contact. As I touched it, the flames seemed to disappear. I was baffled and astonished. Deciding to not think too much of it, I turned back towards Harry. I pulled Harry over my back and began to stumble up the stairs. Once we had reached the chess board again, I looked around for Ron and Hermione but they didn't seem to be there. I half carried-half dragged Harry across the board and went back into the room where all the keys had been hammered into the door. Finally I made it into the room with the Devil Snare above. I remembered an old spell father had taught me. Levicorpus! I mentally thought. I nearly screamed as I was dragged up by my ankle. As we had almost reached the Devil Snare, two figures came crashing onto the ground, I let out a cry of shock and lost concentration sending Harry and I tumbling onto the ground. I started pulling us away from the figures, keeping a safe distance, until they stood up. I gasped. "Father! Professor Dumbledore!"

"Did he-" I held up the stone silencing the both of them. I placed it in Professor Dumbledore's awaiting hands.

"Good. I ran past Ron and Hermione. When they said you two went to face Voldemort I was scared I might be too late."

"Ron's okay?!" Professor Dumbledore nodded. I glanced at father, gulping at the chilling look he sent me. I sighed in relief.

"Come on. Let's go." I nodded. Professor Dumbledore lifted Harry and spun. I felt like I was being squished through a tube. The next thing I knew, we appeared in his office. The familiar surroundings calmed me. I slumped on the chair in front of his desk. Professor Dumbledore glanced at father. "Do you mind leaving us for a bit? I have a few words for Cindy." Father gave a curt nod and shot me one last glare prior to walking out.

"Professor?" I whispered. He smiled.

"It seems my suspicions were correct." I frowned.

"Sir?" Professor Dumbledore chuckled.

"It's is not for you to worry about yet." He paused. "Cindy, do you know why Professor Quirrell could not bear to touch you two?" I shook my head. "It was because of your mother and father. They sacrificed themselves for your brother and you." This kind of act leaves a mark. It runs through your very blood."

"What is it?"

"Love. It is love, fascinating thing." I continued to look at him. "But something tells me you have something else on your mind." I hesitated.

"Yes, three things actually." The old Professor chuckled.

"My my, curious, are we?" I nodded.

"If you could just appear in the dungeon, then couldn't Voldemort do it too?"

"No no," he laughed. "The privilege of being able to apparate within Hogwarts is reserved for the headmaster only." I nodded.

"My second question, well, Harry doesn't know this but the first times I looked in the mirror of Erised, I didn't see our parents. I saw a child, who had great resemblances to me, but I could tell it was not me. Why? I want my parents back just as much as Harry, why don't I see them?"

"Ah, now that is a question that only you have the power to answer. Now, back in the dungeon with Lord Voldemort, you saw your parents in the mirror?" I nodded in confirmation. "This is simply because you are more accepting of the past and instead strive for a better future. I will not tell you exactly what it means but soon enough, you heart will tell you." I remained silent. "Now, I presume you have a third question to ask me?"

"Yes, Sir." I hesitated. "Why does father hate me so much?"

"My dear girl, Professor Snape does not hate you. I will tell you something but I must ask you not to repeat it. It is not my story to tell." I nodded in understanding. "Professor Snape and your mother were the best of friends as children until your father came along. Due to different values and circumstances, Professor Snape did something your mother never forgave. But get this, Professor Snape did his best to save your mother, when your family was being hunted down by Voldemort. Deep down, he's always loved your mother. He will never accept the fact that your father won her heart. You share a striking resemblance with your mother but with slight similarities to your father. That's why he treats you poorly. You are a reminder of the one he could never have." My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. Father was never the one to speak about his feelings. His moods are: angry, annoyed, nonchalant, and frustrated. He always pushed me away despite my efforts to bond with him. Now I knew why.  Now I knew.
Hey everyone! It's Lily, and I'm back. I've been working full time during the summer so it's hard to spare time to write.

There will be approx. 1-2 more chapters remaining.

Lots of love,

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