A Duke and A Damsel

By achat1992

1M 23.5K 2.1K

Blake Carstairs isn't too thrilled to inherit the title of Duke of Devonshire from a distant uncle. Still, he... More

A Duke and A Damsel--Introduction
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 1
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 2
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 3
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 4
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 5
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 6
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 7
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 9
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 10
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 11
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 12
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 13
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 14
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 15
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 16
A Duke And A Damsel--Chapter 17
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 18
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 19
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 20
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 21
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 22
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 23
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 24
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 25
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 26
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 27
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 28
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 29
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 30
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 31
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 32
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 33
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 34
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 35
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 36
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 37
A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 38

A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 8

31.8K 686 54
By achat1992

There's a picture of Blake to the side.

I am going to assume that since you've made it this far, you have ready my disclaimer. For those of you who read for the historical aspect, this might be the place for you to stop because this is where the emphasis on fiction comes in, and there will be A LOT of historical discrepancies. I am sorry.

As always, I would appreciate any form of feedback. Please vote and fan if you like it, and comment even if you don't. Thanks for reading!

Above all, thank you to my loyal fans who read, comment, and vote no matter what!!

A Duke and A Damsel

Chapter 8


Arjun watched in amusement as a very pretty woman burst into the room looking quite unhappy and as if she had quite a lot to say. He wondered if there was anything going on between her and his friend. His guess would be yes. Blake had always had a way with the ladies, yet somehow, he always managed to rile up the ones who were actually worth spending time on (of his own age, of course). It was an odd talent.

“Now look here, Lord Devonshire,” she began angrily immediately upon spotting him. “Before I even bring up the happenings of last night, I feel that it is my duty to inform you have the most impertinent butler I have ever met. Actually, I can't say that it surprises me overly much, considering your impertinence, but I must say I expected better of the employees of a duke. It would do you good to hire someone who is more suited for the job. He actually had the gall to tell me that arriving unchaperoned to call upon an unmarried gentleman, or any man for that matter, is simply not done. As if I don't know the rules of society, having lived in London my entire life. Obviously, it's none of his business as to why I am here alone, but—Oh!” she stopped suddenly, her eyes widening in shock after noticing that Blake and Spencer (who was trying incredibly hard to keep his mouth shut though he was itching to give a scathing retort) weren't the only ones in the room.

Arjun struggled not to laugh at the look upon her face (it wouldn't do to antagonize an already irritated lady) and instead said, “Hello, there. How do you do? Please, do not stop your tirade on my account, I do enjoy seeing Blake put in his place,” giving her an easy smile.


Emma felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She had been so focused on getting her point across to Blake that she had completely forgotten to check if he had other visitors, although she had assumed that he wouldn't, since it wasn't yet the appointed time to call on others. To make matters worse, she hadn't even gotten as far as to mention the point of her visit. She had been too busy going on and on about the impertinence of the butler. It wasn't even her place to say such a thing.

“I am so sorry!” Emma exclaimed before feeling at a loss for words. It had just occurred to her that this wasn't any ordinary visitor. He looked foreign, most likely from India, which meant that she probably hadn't given him the best impression of English women, assuming that this was his first visit. No, no! It would be no good to assume, seeing as it's already gotten you into trouble once, she chided herself inside her head. She felt her cheeks redden even more.

“It was very rude of me to just barge in like that. I don't know what came over me. I'll just come back another time.”

The other man smiled pleasantly up at her again while Blake looked at her with a blank expression on his face, not saying a word. She had absolutely no way of knowing what was going through his head.

“We were just about to have tea,” the young man said. “Please, join us. I have just arrived from India, and I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting many people. Blake and I were good friends back in Calcutta, and he's agreed to let me stay here for a few days until I am due at Oxford. It would be lovely to make some friends while I am here.”

After a moment's hesitation, Emma accepted. He was a delightful young man with charming manners. If only the duke could have been more like him.


As soon as Emma accepted Arjun's offer to stay for tea, Blake knew that it was time for him to finally say something. It was awful of him to have just shut down like that and make his friend, who knew virtually nothing of English customs, play host. Seeing Emma so unexpectedly had completely thrown him off guard; he had thought he would have more time to come up with a suitable excuse for his behavior the previous night. After all, there could be no other reason she would pay him such an impromptu visit.

You know that's not what rendered you speechless, he thought. It's the fact that Miss Sheridan looks even more attractive when she's angry, and it makes you want her even more. He decided that it would be best to ignore the direction of his thoughts.

“I'm sorry, I do believe an introduction is in order. My manners just got away from me. Arjun, this is Miss Emmaline Sheridan. Miss Sheridan, this is Arjun Sen. We grew up together in India.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Sheridan,” Arjun said taking her hand.

She smiled breathtakingly at him. He realized that he had never really seen her smile before, except for the previous night when he had found her locket for her. He didn't think he'd ever seen anyone look as beautiful as she did when she smiled. She should smile more often, he thought to himself. But if she keeps smiling like that, trying to find a wife in the ton will be a lost cause, you won't want anyone but her. He really needed to get his thoughts under control.

“Please, call me Emma,” she replied. Blake stared at her incredulously. Here she was giving leave to a complete stranger she'd barely met five minutes earlier to call her by her given name, and she had not even given him permission as of yet. It was true that they had only met on two other occasions, but he had retrieved her precious locket. That should have been the perfect reason to give him permission, if nothing else. Except that you were interrupted, he thought, you're being completely unreasonable and acting like a jealous cad when you have no reason to be. The thoughts going through his head were really beginning to annoy him now. Thankfully, she turned towards him, so he had something else to focus on.

“I suppose you could call me Emma too. It wouldn't do to only allow your guest to do so. That would not be a good reflection upon my manners at all,” she said pointedly. It did seem that every time he was in her presence, his manners were severely lacking. He would have to work on that. She turned back to Arjun.

“Mr. Sen, please do tell me about India, it does seem like such a fascinating place. And do tell me how you are finding London thus far.”


By the time Emma left the duke's residence, she and Arjun (as he had insisted she call him) had become fast friends. He was so utterly likable and full of stories that she could not help but like him. In fact, he had made her completely forget the purpose of her visit, but not for long.

“So, Miss Sheridan, Emma, I assume that you had a purpose in visiting me today, besides telling me off about my butler, of course,” Blake stated bluntly, while escorting her back home (Spencer had taken him aside as Emma was about to take her leave and informed her that as improper as it was for her to visit him unescorted it was even more improper to have her return alone knowing she was unchaperoned and could be in danger).

“One should not assume,” she said, without thinking about what she was saying but about the recent mishaps she had had because of her assumptions, “but you are right, Your Grace.”

“Ah, I see that we are back to the formalities then, Miss Sheridan. Although there really was no need for them ever, now that I think about it, was there? If I recall correctly, oh, what was it, we happen to be first cousins?”

Emma flushed for what felt like the fiftieth time that afternoon. “I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could come up with on such short notice. I didn't even have a clue what we were talking about.”

This time Blake grimaced slightly. Then he sighed.

“It's not your fault, just a silly misunderstanding. And all because that blasted door wouldn't open, and then the Milleboones decided to walk out at the wrong moment.”

“So what are we going to do now?” Emma asked him. “My mother will kill me if she finds out that there is a rumor going around that we are related, and first cousins no less. She has made up her mind that I am to marry you.” She looked up at him tentatively as she said this last part, not sure how he would respond to the information.

He let out a small laugh, but somehow, she was sure it wasn't meant to be entirely humorous.

“That would have made things too simple,” he muttered. At least that's what she thought he said, though it made no sense. Then he cleared his throat and said to her, “This isn't exactly a prime situation for either of us, so of course we must come up with a plan of action. Maybe Arjun can help. He's gotten me out of many a fix before back in India.”

Emma's whole face lit up at hearing Arjun's name. “Yes, that sounds marvelous. Arjun is a wonderful man. He seems very intelligent...”

And so the rest of the way back to her house, she chattered on about Arjun's many merits, not once thinking that it may be affecting her companion in the most negative manner.

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