A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 21

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I know it gets a little bit confusing in this chapter, but tell me what you guys think or if you have any questions! I am soooo sorry for the wait. I hope you all haven't forgotten everything that has happened so far :P Happy reading!!

Another big thank you to SugarTheReader getting this chapter started :)

I am going to assume that since you've made it this far, you have ready my disclaimer.

As always, I would appreciate any form of feedback. Please vote and fan if you like it, and comment even if you don't. Thanks for reading!

Above all, thank you to my loyal fans who read, comment, and vote no matter what!!

A Duke and A Damsel

Chapter 21


Sebastian watched as the two figures walked towards him and Emma. He couldn’t handle this. His heart was still in the process of mending. He couldn’t…but it was too late too escape.

Blake still looked unhappy, but Sebastian knew that this was a ploy to make Emma jealous. He had tried the same thing three years ago. It wouldn’t work. Such ploys never did.

He watched Emma glare at Charlotte who was throwing herself at Blake. He couldn’t help but frown slightly. It was clear that Emma harbored some kind of feeling for Blake. Or maybe it was merely the fact that Charlotte was being improper. He hoped it was the latter, but he knew that it probably wasn't.

Blake came over with Charlotte on his arm. Sebastian noticed that Charlotte was wearing all black…could that mean that she was in mourning for her husband? Hope filled Sebastian’s heart until suddenly he realized that he was trapped. He couldn’t marry Charlotte while engaged to Emma! And he didn’t know how to break an engagement so quickly. It just wasn't done.

And Sebastian didn’t know if Charlotte still loved him. After all, the last time he had seen her, he had said some nasty things knowing that she would marry that duke or earl or whoever out of spite. He had hated doing that to her, but at the time it had seemed like the best option. A part of him had hoped that she would fight for their relationship, but he knew had done the right thing even though he had felt completely broken. He hadn't wanted Charlotte to lose everything because of him.

And now, there was a possibility that she was over him and wanted to marry someone else or not marry again at all. Maybe she had grown to love her late husband and had forgotten all about him. No, he couldn’t risk losing both Emma and Charlotte. He would stay engaged until he knew for sure that Charlotte might still love him.


Blake watched Emma’s reaction as he came over with Sarah Rhodes, or Wisteria Pinkleberry as she was currently known. It was a stroke of luck that he had seen her walking through the park. She had stated that she was lost and needed help. Apparently, she was strolling through the park as a shortcut to meet Arjun at Gunther's when she lost track of where she was going. Blake couldn’t help but think he could use her to make Emma jealous.

He saw Emma narrow her eyes at Miss Pinkleberry, who was holding onto Blake’s arm as if it would disappear if she let go. She flirted with him, openly throwing herself onto him and giggling seductively. She looked up at him coyly and batted her eyelashes. Blake wanted to laugh. She was a better actress than he'd thought. She had even managed to make Emma look jealous with her theatrics. He hoped that meant she cared.

Once they reached Emma and Sebastian, Miss Pinkleberry finally loosened her grip on him. Blake held in his sigh of relief. He turned to them and introduced Miss Pinkleberry to Sebastian.

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