After Life || CALM ||

By forsakenephilim

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"Help me..." "Holy shit balls" That story in which Michael Ashton and Calum haunts the house Luke lives in W... More

Character Ask!!
note// 0.9
Character Answers


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By forsakenephilim

Luke's POV:

"And she was like never roll your eyes at me bla bla bla. Also, she writes on the board fast. I'm so fucked." I ranted out while doing answering a worksheet for math.

"It's okay Luke, we understand I mean she has been my teacher before." Ashton said rubbing my back.

"We'll get you some food from downstairs alright because right now you sound like a girl in the middle of her period." Calum said jokingly.

I raised my middle finger as a reply.

"Okay chill." Michael said before going out with Calum to get me some junk food.

"Ashton I need help." I said knowing that only Ashton can help me with my homework. I could have asked my mom but I chose not to.

"What do you need help with?" He asked while looking at the worksheet I was answering.

"Number seven. How do I get the measure of the angle?"

"Its actually simple, you just have to multiply this by two then subtract the product from this then divide the answer by two."

I did as I was told and showed him my answer when I was done.

"Correct, the rest are almost the same. Just ask me again if you need help."

The rest of the afternoon was silent except from the occasional 'help's I said. I was done with all of my home works when Calum and Michael finally arrived.

"What took you guys so long? I already finished the worksheet."

"Well your mom was downstairs and we had to wait for a while for her to leave." Calum said.

They put down a tray on my bed. It had a bowl of Mac and Cheese and a bag of Cheetos.

I grabbed the and stuffed my face with the Mac and Cheese. I have no fucks to give eventhough three attractive boys are in front of me.

"Slow down Lukey. You might choke." Michael said, his voice raspy while rubbing my back slowly.

Then I began coughing and shit.

"Water" I managed to choke out.

Ashton quickly grabbed a glass of water from the tray. I drank half of it before I felt the food go down my throat completely.

"Luke you okay? I just told you you might choke and you kinda did." Michael said. A mix of amusement and confusion in his voice.

"Yeah, you just surprised me I guess." I lied. It wasn't a complete lie, I got surprised as well. Plus I can't help it that Michael's voice sounded so sexual.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I don't have a crush on Michael and I'm straight. I swear. Plus Michael is a ghost and having a crush on a ghost is weird.

I took the bag of Cheetos in hopes that they won't ask me more questions. Thankfully, they didn't. The three of them stole a few pieces causing me to glare at them.

"Anyways, thanks Cal and Mikey for giving me food. I appreciate it." I said after finishing the bag of Cheetos.

Calum was about to speak when the door opened.

"Luke who are you talking to?" My mom asked me suspiciously.

"What? No I wasn't talking to anyone. Maybe you heard the TV." I quickly lied.

"But your TV is off, let alone its unplugged." She retorted.

"Well we have to unplug things to conserve energy. You know saving mother earth." I faked smiled silently pleading she will just leave.

"Okay... Dinner is ready by the way. Its in the microwave if you still wanna eat." She said before leaving.

"Maybe we should talk less."

Hi guys I am sorry for the late update. I was actually supposed to post this yesterday but half of this chapter got deleted and I just rewrote it now. Plus I've been busy because of She's kinda hot. If you haven't listened to it you should. Luke's vocals are so on point and Ashton has a solo.

Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter. I'll see you guys on the next update. Bye ily all.

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