Unexpected Love Stories

By TvdKolfan99

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Stefan is on his way to Whitmore college to help Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie with their history and he can't... More

Chapter 1: New Girl in Town
Chapter 2: ROOMATE?!
Chapter 3: What My Life is All About
Chapter 4: Hello Again
Chapter 5: Happy To See You
Chapter 6: Beautiful
Chapter 7: Prom!
Chapter 8: Deja Vu!
Chapter 9: What Are You Doing Here?!
Chapter 10: Our Love Ones
Chapter 11: The Big L Word
Chapter 12: Jealousy and Protectiveness
Chapter 13: I Love You
Chapter 14: Are You Jealous?
Chapter 15: What's A Dinner Party Without A Little Drama?
Chapter 16: Talk About Awkward
Chapter 17: Getting Ready For Prom.
Chapter 18: All Ready To Go
Chapter 19: Secrets Out
Authors Note: Introducing The Character
Chapter 20: Impossible
Chapter 21: The Truth
Chapter 23: Reaction
Chapter 24: Give Me A Chance
Chapter 25: Help Me!
Chapter 26: I'll Never Give Up On You
Chapter 27: Surprising Discovery!
Chapter 28: Painful Truth
Chapter 29: We'll Get Her Back
Chapter 30: Confessions
Chapter 31: It All Ends Today
Chapter 32: It's All Over
Epilogue: Unexpected Surprise!

Chapter 22: I Will Not Lose Her

1.3K 21 0
By TvdKolfan99

Stefan's POV
"WHAT?! No! No! No! Can't you wake her up?!" I asked the Doctor and he shakes his head and says "we did all that we can. It's up to Giavanni now to pull through." 

I say, angry "I want to see her!" He motions for me to go in and I run in and I see her face is bruised up a bit and with a few cuts on her face, arms, and chest. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. 

I grab a chair and put it next to her bed and sit down on it. I look at her and cry a little and say "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, but I'm going to help you. Okay? I promise." 

I hear footsteps behind me and I see everyone walk in here and look at her, excluding Elijah and the other two. I see everyone looks almost as upset as I am. I demand "close the doors!" I get up and look for a syringe. 

Caroline closes the door. Klaus asks me "what are you looking for, mate?" And I say "this!" I show them the needle and Gabby asks "what are you going to do with it?" I decide to ignore her question and I take the needle and stab it into my arm and everyone shows surprised faces. 

I ignore them and draw some of my blood into the needle. Then I take it out and I put the needle in her arm and release all my blood in the needle into her, so my vampire blood can heal her. I will not lose her. 

I take it out and crush the needle and throw it away. I look towards everyone who still look surprised. Why? They know how much I love Gia. We hear the Doctor come in and he says "I'm sorry. Visiting hours are over. I will call you if anything changes. I just need your number." 

I look at him and nod my head. Marcel gives me a piece of paper, while the Doctor hands me a pen. I write my number and name down on it and hand it to him. He takes it and says "thank you. My name is, Doctor Simpson. I will be in touch."

I nod my head and walk out along with everyone else. We exit the hospital and get into our cars and drive to me, Gabby, and Damon's house. I decided to ride with Caroline and Hayley. 

I notice that Damon seems angry at Elena about something. Whatever it is, I really do hope they work it out. When we get to our house, we go into the living room. 

When we do, Jeremy is the first one to break the silence "Stefan, what the hell was that back there?" And I say "I can't lose her, Jeremy. She means too much to me." I go and sit on the couch and put my head in my hands and I sigh. 

I feel someone patting my back trying to comfort me. When I look up, I see it's Klaus and he smiles at me, like he understands me. He says "I understand." I smile back at him and put my hand on his shoulder and say "thanks mate." Everyone including me and Klaus laugh except Damon, he just rolls his eyes. 

Is he seriously jealous? I think I'm just going to head to bed. I say "alright, you guys. I think, I'm going to turn in early. Hopefully, tomorrow I will hear from the doctors to let me know she's awake." Before anyone could say anything we hear a familiar voice ask "well, since when does Stefan Salvatore go to bed early?" 

We all turn around and see Greg. Gabriella is the first to run and give him a hug and I see Kol looks a little jealous. Oh, that's right. He doesn't know what Greg looks like. So, I say "hey Greg!" And he says "sup bros and little sis." 

Then I see the jealousy expression on Kol's face is gone and is replaced with relief. Damon asks while bro hugging him "what are you doing here?" And Greg says "came to check up on my baby siblings. Now, what have I missed?" Everyone looks at me and I say "you might want to sit down for this." 

He does exactly that, while looking at me in confusion. I explain everything that has happened to him. With me and Giavanni- what happened at the dance- with Klaus and Caroline- and what happened at the hospital. He widens his eyes and gapes in shock. 

He says "wow! Well, she will be okay, right? I mean, you gave her some of your blood, right?" I say "right!" I look at the time and see it's 2am and I say "well, I really just want to shake this day off and go to bed. Night." 

Then we hear a familiar feminine voice say "well, that's too bad. I really wanted to catch up." We all gasp at who it is. Gabriella literally jumps out of her seat and says "oh hell to the no!" Kol and Damon get up, trying to hold her back and I ask shocked "Katherine?"

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