Endlessly [h.s.]

By StylisticMoods

123K 6K 1.9K

(adv.) having no end, limit, or conclusion; boundless; infinite; interminable; incessant She met him late one... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine


3.3K 189 10
By StylisticMoods

"Rosie." Harry shook her shoulder gently only to receive no response.

He tried again in a softer and sweeter tone, she was still strikingly adorable when she slept and he hated waking her up but he wasn't sure if she had to go into work or not, "Rosie. Sweetheart wake up."

Rosemary groaned, it was too early to be awake after how late they had stayed up the night before, and moved to cuddle with him only to realize that he was no longer in the bed with her.

A sound passed her lips that sounded somewhere between a whine and a groan before she frowned.

"Rosie please."

Rosemary yawned and rubbed at her eyes as she sat up, he clearly wasn't going to just leaver her alone, and hugged the covers close to her body because it was a bit chilly and they had each gone to bed without any clothes on, "What time is it?"

Harry smiled at just how adorable she was, her hair was a tangled mess and what was left of her makeup was smudged, and, even so, she was still so very beautiful to him.

"Eight o'clock love. Don't you need to go into work today?"

Rosemary shook her head, a determined look crossing her features, "No. I'm not going into work until I absolutely have to. You're my priority, nothing else. And I uh kinda hurt down there..."

Harry smiled and laughed at her last comment, "Sorry about that love. If you wanna come downstairs, I'm making us some breakfast. I could always just bring it up if you want?"

Rosemary rubbed at her eyes as she yawned again, she was already up so she might as well just go downstairs, "I'll come down, thank you. Can I borrow one of your shirts?"

Harry nearly smirked, he'd been hoping she would ask that since he'd woken up, "Absolutely! Want me to get one for you?"

Rosemary shook her head, she did like him doing things for her but this was simple enough and she still liked to prove that she could do things on her own, "No, I can get it thank you. How long will breakfast take?"

Rosemary got up and began picking up her clothes and Harry swallowed hard trying to keep things normal because she was still completely naked whereas he had made an effort to slightly dress a bit earilier, "Uh...about twenty minutes?"

He cleared his throat rather unintentionally and she turned to face him realizing that she was still completely naked and blushed, she understood why he was being so awkward now, "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot."

Harry shook his head, it really wasn't a big deal other than the fact that it had him flustered, "No it's alright."

Rosemary picked up her blouse from a far corner of the room, "Could I use your shower?"

Harry smirked as he leaned against his door frame, now that she had been intimate with him, his cheekiness was showing through, "Depends, can I join you?"

Rosemary's cheeks flushed a shade darker, she hadn't expected him to ask that, "Only if you'd like to and you're not burning any food."

. . .

Rosemary was struggling to brush the knots out of her hair with Harry's comb when his lips met with her neck and his hands looped around her waist, "Need a little help?"

Rosemary smiled softly, the thought of him combing her hair was rather amusing and quite cute, "Are you offering to comb my hair?"

Harry hummed against her skin, "Mmmhmm."

Rosemary handed him the comb and prepared for the worst only to be surprised when he didn't pull a single hair on her head and got the knots out with ease.

"How did you do that?"

Harry smiled proudly, she clearly thought he was going to screw something up, "I used to help my sister when my mum was busy with something."

Rosemary smiled up at him as he buttoned a few more buttons on his shirt that she currently wore, he was absolutely adorable, "That's sweet of you. Can I get some of that breakfast now or are you going to button this all the way up to the collar so that I can't eat because I can't breathe?"

Harry chuckled at her joke, she was a bit grumpy in the morning, "Just remember that you asked for this."

He was grinning and she was slightly perplexed, "What do you mean I a-"

Harry picked her up and lifted her over his shoulder and she shrieked and flailed around, completely never having been in a situation like this before. He was quite tall and it was a bit alarming for a moment until she realized that she was okay and that he wasn't going to drop her or anything. Her shrieks quickly turned to bubbly laughter as she told him to put her down before he dropped her just to tease him a bit. That, and it was a bit uncomfortable so she really did want to be put down after only a little bit.

"Harry! Put me down!"

If she were doing anything but laughing, he would have put her down immediately, but seeing as she was laughing hysterically, he carried her all the way downstairs and into the kitchen, only to set her down on the counter.

Rosemary swung her feet back and fourth and stuck her tongue out at him like a child would which only prompted him to lean in and kiss her.

"I love you!"

Rosemary kept her eyes closed as his lips lingered above hers like feathers, she typically hated mornings but somehow he had already managed to make this one wonderful, "I love you too."

Their lips met again gently, a tear escaping Rosemary's eye when he pulled away. She had started to think about his leaving in only another few days and that bubbly happiness had quickly turned into a profound sadness that she just couldn't seem to get rid of.

Harry noticed it immediately, his hands lovingly linked with her smaller ones, "Rosie..."

"Please don't leave me. I don't want you to go."

More than anything else, she was afraid of losing him forever. She was confident that he would remain hers but if something were to happen to him, there was nothing she could do about it and that terrified her; not being able to say goodbye was one of her biggest fears.

Teary brown eyes met his and he hated that he had to tell her there was nothing he could do about it. It was required.

Harry's hands cupped her face from both sides, his eyes holding an overflowing fountain of love and adoration mixed with a profound sadness, "I wish that I could tell you that I didn't have to leave, that I could just stay right here with you forever, reading books, playing Scrabble, drinking hot chocolate and talking about the stars. I wish that you didn't have to worry about me and what would happen if I left for good and I certainly wish that this, that I, wasn't breaking your heart right now. But sweetheart, you know I can't do that and that kills me inside."

Rosemary only cried harder, he was only trying to comfort her and solidify that he wasn't going on his own free will but that only upset her further, "It's not fair."

Harry's thumb gently wiped away a few tears from her cheeks, she was absolutely right, "I know sweetheart, I know."

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