MR♚ NGSB (No Girlfriend Since...

By princess_kookie

80.7K 3.4K 1.2K

A girl who loves to collect boyfriends found Mr. NGSB, the guy who never had a girlfriend. [MAY 03, 2015- JU... More

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Ten

3.3K 174 63
By princess_kookie


"Where are you going?" Suga asked.

I wore my jacket and fixed my hair as I watch my.reflection in the mirror. He was sitting on the couch and feeling comfortable while sipping his coffee. It was weekend, and it was afternoon when I've decided to go out and talk to Kenji. About making him confess that he only made all those things and rumors he has spread in my old school. For me to be able to come back there and make up with my friends. To prove them that eI was not the girl they thought I was.

"It's raining. Where are you going?" He again asked.

I turned around and faced him. He was staring at me blankly and I smiled at him.

"I'm going to meet Kenji." I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "Why?" He asked. He looked as though he won't let me leave.

"To remind him about the deal." I answered wrinkling my forehead.

He stood up holding his cup of coffee.

"I thought we're going to tell him that together?" He again asked.

I sighed and smiled. "I've got something else to ask him." I again answered.

"What?" He seemed like he was not going to stop asking me questions. Aigoo.

"Do I really have to tell you?" I asked him with an unimpressed tone.

He walked closer. "Of course, I'm your boyfriend."

I scoffed. "So? I gotta tell you everything?" I asked chuckling. I looked at him and was beffudled. He really doesn't know how to handle things such this.

"Listen Mr. NGSB, we're couples that doesn't mean we can't have secrets." I said as I patted his shoulder twice.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Really? I thought loyalty was important?"

"Yes it is, for some reason we still have to keep secrets to maintain our relationship." I answered.

He looked at me suspiciously. "Do you have a secret from me?" He suddenly asked.

I flinched and couldn't speak. I lowered my head and avoid his stares. It's my body's normal response if I'm about to lie.

"N-nothing. Why would I?" I denied.

I turned back in front of the mirror and saw my weary face. I can't be obvious like this.

"You're stammering, you're lying. Last night, you said that there's something about you, you haven't told me yet. What is it?" He asked holding my hand.

How can I tell him? I'm afraid of losing him.

"I'll tell you once I've finished clearing my name in my old school okay? Suga, please just stop asking me about it for now. I promise to tell you everything that's happened." I said frowning.

He nodded in response. "It's okay. Don't bother yourself too much about it. No matter how big deal it is, I am not going to leave you." He smiled.

I sighed in relief. For some reason, loving an NGSB was not hard. He was so innocent. He doesn't have a clue who he was loving. I feel guilt. But I'll try my best to keep this relationship. If only I could shut his mouth, whoever did that to me, I could keep this relationship last long.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Take care. If he attempts to hurt you just kick his ass! Okay?"

I giggled over his childishness.

"I got it." I nodded.

He then held my both cheeks. "Listen.." he said. He was smiling and I could see sincerity in his eyes. "I want you to smile. If that secret bothers you, you don't have to tell me about it. If in that way, you'd be at peace, I'm not going to force you to tell me about it. Let's just be happy okay?"

I suddenly felt tears forming in my eyes, and stubbornly streamed down. I feel very happy. In all of the times I was searching for a man like him, I never thought I'd find him.

Am I dreaming? In all of the boys out there, how could an NGSB be more understanding and romantic? I didn't expect him to be like this. I thought he only started dating me because of pitty. Because I was pathetic. But how can he be like this? As though he knows everything about keeping a relationship stronger? I'm getting more afraid.

"Hey.. stop crying!" He snapped me out of my deeo thoughts.

"Why are you crying?" He asked obviously looking like he was embarassed by his own sweet words. I giggled over his cuteness.

"After I meet with Kenji, let's have a date?" I requested.

"R-really?" He asked. "Okay. Wait. Where?"

"Anywhere you like." I smiled.

"Yes! Okay okay. It's going to be my first date! Do that meeting faster okay? I'll be waiting." He said happily.

"Okay. I'm leaving then." I wiped my tears off.

I think it's going to be our first and last date. No matter how I would like to have him, I don't deserve him. He deserves better. He deserves someone who could make him happy like how he makes me happy. I can't do that. I can't keep that secret from him. He has to know it soon. He doesn't deserve to be decieved. I'd pay the price. I'm ready to pay the price.


"What do you want to talk about?" Kenji asked as he took a seat in front of me.

We were in a coffee shop where I've told him to meet me. It was still raining outside as though it will never stop.

I turned my stare from the rain to Kenji.

"Tell them, about what you did." I said absent-mindedly. My mind was thinking about Suga. I just couldn't think about anything right now. As though clearing my name wasn't important to me anymore. But I got to do this, at least for my mother's sake.

I heard him sighed. "Okay. I will. Let's try if it will work. Okay? But if it won't, don't blame me. I've told you that I am not the one who did it-"

"Then who on earth did it?!" I yelled cutting his sentence. Everyone's attention turned into us.

I just can't hold back in my temper anymore. I've been holding it back but, thinking about how they think my life was only a game, I just can't hold it in anymore longer. Ruining my life completely wasn't enough to them. Just what the heck do they think my life was?

He sighed once more. "Leo."

I paused. For some reason I felt my heartbeat stopped. Leo? That's impossible.

"I told you. You won't believe it if I tell you who. But I'm telling you the truth. Kyle Leo did it to you. Not me. I'm comoletely innocent. And I've tried my best to make you trust me but you didn't. Leo was doing those things to you."

"You're lying." I said firmly.

How could he? Leo wasn't that type of a man. He can never do it to me.

"I'm not. Leo was doing it to you for a reason. Leo was a member of the family your father has killed."

What? No. That's..... not true. ⊙__⊙

"He was the youngest son of that family and he was the only one who has escaped and lived. He was doing those things to you. He was also the one who's behind that thing that's happened to you. I'm sorry. I was afraid to tell you about it but now that I've realized.. I'm sorry."

I cried. My chest felt so heavy. Why would I have such a cruel life like this?

"Suga...S-Suga.." I cried his name.

I am sorry. I am so sorry he has met such a wasted girl like me.

What should I do? Suga....



"Hey, you're late." Suga complaint as Kyle opened the door.

He was sitting on the couch, with crossed legs and arms, wearing his backpack and his dating outfit and his unamused expression. He was sitting there in almost an hour, waiting for his date.

"Aigoo.. look at you. Where are you going?" Kyle asked as though she's completely forgotten about their date.

"Yah! Did you just forget about our date?" He asked angrily.

"Huh? Do we have a date?" Kyle mocked.

"Oho.... are you trying to cancel it?" Suga stood up.

Kyle laughed. "Aigoo, you son of a tiger! Getting pissed off that easily. Wait a minute Mr. NGSB...." Kyle then entered Suga's room and prepared herself for the date.

Suga was smiling unknowingly and when he saw his smile on the mirror he slapped himself. "Yah! W-why are you smiling like a fool?" He spoke to his reflection.

Then he smiled again uncontrollably. "Y-yah!" He tried to erase his smile but always end up smiling again.

"I'm ready!" Kyle jumped out of the room and Suga quickly wore his unimpressed expression.

Kyle was wearing a simple jacket and jeans, while her hair was tied up.

"You're going out like that?" Suga asked.

"Why? What's wrong?" Kyle asked back.

Suga sighed. "Nothing." He answered.

They then rode in Suga's car. And traveled to somewhere far away from Seoul.

"Where are we going?" Kyle asked curiosly.

"Somewhere." Suga asked excitedly. "It's going to be a little far away from Seoul. You should take a nap if you want." He smiled at Kyle.

Kyle nodded and rested her head on the headrest.

Suga then turned on the radio, still smiling like a fool. He was excited to show Kyke the place where they're heading.

"It's time for our news." Said the radio, Suga listened to it attentively. "A girl was reported to be missing after she was raped by an unknown man. The girl was said to be at an age of eighteen. Based on the authority, the girl couldn't be assumed dead for her body hasn't found yet........."

"Aigoo..." Suga sighed.

Kyle woke up from the news. She suddenly felt nervous after hearing it.

"C-could you turn it off?" Kyle asked Suga.

"Hm? What:s wrong? Can't you sleep?" Suga asked.

Kyle simply nodded.


Suga then turned it off.

"But that's quite an awful news... Tsk tsk." Suga muttered.

Kyle felt uneasy. She then closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"That girl's pathetic. I wonder how she'll live her life." Suga mumbled.

Kyle held her tears back in and remained silent.



"Where are we?" She asked as she woke up. She fell asleep quite so long. I had to wait for her to wake up.

I smiled and jumped off my car. I ran to open the door for her.

"Surprise!" I said awkwardly.

Aish. I look like a fool. Seriourly. -_-

I've looking like a fool since we've dated. Why am I being sweet uncontrollably? Ish.

She was shocked by the view.

"Suga..." she whispered my name.

"Thank me later." I said.

"Why..... why did you take me here?" She asked her eyes were amused.

I wore my sunglass and shrugged. "I wanted to meet my In-laws." I chuckled stupidly.

No matter how hard I try to act cool, I can't. Tsktsk.

She smiled widely and hugged me tight.

"Thanks." She whispered.

I nodded and smiled like a fool again.

Ish! Act cool Suga!!

She then pulled off.

"Uhm so......."

"YEEEEEEEEEAH!!" She creamed as she jumped and ran away to somewhere.

She didn't even let me speak. -_- Very good.

I slouched in disappointment. I thought I'd recieve a kiss or something.

I just took her in her hometown. And I recieve just a hug. Aigoo. I'm disappointed.

"Hey, so want to give me something more than just a hug? Huh?" I spoke to myself sarcastically. Who else should I speak to? She's out of my sight now. She seemed as though she's forgotten that I was here, with her. Tsk tsk.

I slammed the car's door shut and started to walk towards their house. I guess I should just make myself welcome. Ish. This is embarassing.

I stepped at the doorstep of their simple small house. Her hometown was so green, I mean there are farms and every house was field with plants. The rain here has just stopped and the surrounding's became greener. It was such a sight to see. I would stay here forever.

I looked around the house before knocking, I saw a playground at the frontyard. The playground was old, I could imagine the little Kyle swinging on that little swing and sliding on that little slide. I smiled as I vision her cuteness.

Then I turned to knock the door. But nefore I could knock, the door has opened. A little boy surprised me. I removed my sunglass and smiled at him. He and Kyle really are look-alikes. He was her little brother, I could say.

"Hi! I'm-"

"Mr. NGSB. Come in." He interrupted my sentence.

I wore a fake smile and clenched my hands into fists. You bad girl!

"Your noona taught you well." I smiked fakely.

"Of course. Are you coming in or not?" He asked emotionlessly.

I nodded. "O-of course." I then rolled my eyes at him secretly. He left my hand hanging. I was trying to offer my hand for a shakehands. But he ugnored it.

Totally a meanie.

Wow! I'm getting appreciated really well in here. Seriously. -_-


A/N: I hope you liked this! Thanks for reading!≧﹏≦

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