Fate Brought Us Together (a 1...

By NiallsPotato

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Kayla Bynre is in for a tough year. Now that her mother is being transferred to Columbia for a whole year, sh... More

Fate Brought Us Together
Uhh... Directions? (1)
Sorry, Do I Know You? (2)
Let's Get This Party Started! (3)
I'm Not Ready, Just Yet. (4)
The Beginning of Something Indescribable (5)
'Cause You've Got That One Thing (6)
I Can't Believe It (7)
A Helping Hand (8)
Alone (9)
The Talk (10)
Perry the Platypus? (11)
Butterflies (12)
Mixed Messages (13)
Party Time! (14)
Relationships (15)
The Sheet of Paper (16)
Ireland and America (17)
Promises and Goodbyes (18)
She's a Keeper (20)
Welcome to America (21)
Friends with Benefits (22)
Kayla's Palace Tour (23)

Welcome to Ireland (19)

256 3 1
By NiallsPotato



The man next to me shook my shoulder violently. I knocked his hand away as I tried to drift back to sleep. He did it again. That son of a bi-. He poked me, causing me to let out a screech that most likely caught everyone's attention. I pulled out the white headphones out of my ears and glared at the brunette next to me.

"WELL, you certainly woke everyone up, heh" Niall said as he grinned at me "welcome back to Ireland Kayla!" He lifted up the window screen up to show me the skyline of Dublin. It's absolutely stunning since I can barely remember the only memory I have of this country, James -or should I say Niall.

I shifted in my seat, "Niall, thank you" I gave him a peck on the cheek which sent a warm vibe down my back. This boy, ugh.


"Here babe, call Greg and ask him where he is" he handed me his iPhone.

I looked at his phone and then back up to him, "Greg? Your brother? I thought Paul was picking us up."

"No, I called him when we were going through customs and he said that Cloghanne told him to help around with the house since they're having a family dinner as well" Niall said.

I sighed, "Fine. But why do I have to call? I don't even know him! You have hands!" I shoved the phone back into his hands.

But he returned the action and forced his phone back into my palm, "Because I have to fucking get the luggage. Do you want to wear clothes tonight?"

"Geesh, chill," I clicked the green call button and let the tone ring.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just nervous, anxious really. I'm excited for my family to meet you later!" He brought me into a hug and planted a small kiss on my temple "forgive me?"

I nodded my head and gave him a kiss on his nose, "Yes, but honestly, what do I say to your brother?!" There was a voice on the other end if the call "Oh crap" I whispered before trying to shove the phone back into Niall's ear, but he rejected it and skipped away into the other direction towards the luggage pick up.

"Bro, just a few more minutes. Are you both ready already?" I didn't respond "Hello? Niall?"

"Oh, heh, this is Kayla, he's getting our luggage right now. I think there's one more big one"

"Oh! Kayla! Hello love! Welcome to Ireland! Did you have a pleasant flight?" He asked.

This man seems nice, well he did come out of the same woman as Niall, so... "Yeah! It was great, I was really tired so I was asleep for most of the time though"

"That's great to hear!" He said "Oh, I'm right outside the terminal door, you guys can come out whenever you can. There's no fans, at least for what I see right now"

"Fans?" I gulped.

"Yeah, fans. Don't you know? One Direction? No?"

I replied, "Yes yes, I just thought- never mind. Niall is done now," I glanced over to the guy struggling to put the luggage onto the cart. I chuckled, "Yeah, we'll be out soon!"

"Alright, see you two soon then! Well we'll talk later?" He asked.

"Yes! Of course! See you soon!" And then I hung up. "Hey babe, he's outside. You ready?"

Niall nodded and push the handle on the luggage cart and we were on our way out the door already.


"So Kayla, how old are you?" He asked.

I took my vision off of the view outside the moving car and onto the drivers seat, "I'm 17 right now, 18 in May." I replied.

"What year are you in then?" Greg asked again.

"Year? 1994?" I said, a bit uneasy about my answer.

Niall chuckled from the passenger seat, "no babe, like what grade are you in?"

"Oh, I'm in my final year in high school," I fiddled with my fingers "I think that's like secondary school or something here, I honestly don't know, I'm sorry"

"No need to apologize! America is quite different from Ireland or in your case, UK as well. We know because we actually have a cousin in America! Did Niall talk to you about her? Katie? She's around the same age as you" Greg said.

"Yeah! I've heard the boys talk about her a few times, but never really eased into the conversation though"

Niall shifted his body from the passenger seat to face me, "I haven't seen her since I was 13, do you know how far massa- Massachusetts? Is from where you live?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno, it depends, why?"

"I want to see if I can see them, you know, my cousins and aunt?"

"Oh, yeah, it really depends where they live. I believe it's around three hours, but I'm not sure. You want to go when we go to the states?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, I mean, I can't drive all the way up there unless I'm 18, so I'm not really sure how to get up there"

"YOU DRIVE?!?!?"


Niall's eyes widened, "and you didn't tell us? You could of been our personal driver!"

"Yeah, I didn't tell you guys A LOT of things. And fuck no, I'm not going to be your slave." I said, causing Greg to burst into laughter.

"Wha, but why didn't you tell us? What else did you hide from us?" Niall asked.

"Well I mean, I didn't think it was necessary you know? Like I didn't want to tell all my little secrets to five strangers. Okay, we'll five men that I barely know" I said "but things changed!"

"Well? What else didn't you tell us?"

"Chill bro, uh, well how bout I just start from the beginning eh?" Both Greg and Niall nodded in unison for me to begin "well, my name's Kayla Lynn Byrne, uhm, I'm seventeen years old, I live with my mom and sometimes my dad, if he ever bothers to show up," I started "I have one sibling, a sister, but I haven't seen her in a few years already"

"That's new. Why haven't you seen her in a while?"

"Long story short, she became a teen mom, my parents were supportive at first, but then something happened and she moved out, with her, then boyfriend. He's probably some druggie now" she used to be the only person I can go to, the person that would take care of me when no one does. I do miss her, I really do. "Moving on, uh, I'm American."

"No shit Sherlock"

"Shut up Niall, let he girl continue" Greg said as we made a sharp turn, making me nearly toppling over onto the other seat "my bad, sorry Kayla"

"No worries, okay, as I was saying, Niall, I'm American, but my father is Irish, so Im an Irish-American" I began again.

But Greg interrupted this time, "Irish? Really?"

I nodded, "yup, I've came to Ireland before. It's another really long story, you can ask Niall, but I've met him before, long before he was in One Direction, but that's another time. Okay, two of my closest friends, Jake and Jenni. Yes, I have a lot of J's involved in my life" there's Jenni, jake, James -or aka Niall-, Josh, and my sister, Jamielyn- I've always called her Jamie. I continued on with ranting about my life until I drifted off to sleep because of my lack of rest. When I woke up I saw that we arrived outside a house, the Horan House.

"Alright, welcome to our house," the house looked great, or at least from what I see. The sun was setting and the tint in the sky made things a little hard to see "wait, let me help you out" Niall unbuckled his seatbelt, hopped off the car, jogged around the front of the car, and opened the door. All while I collected my personal items that I managed to take out during the long car ride.

"You two settle in first, I'll go pick up Denise" Greg said before he ignited the car engine again.

I turned to Niall as he helped me how off the car, "Denise?"

He nodded, "His girlfriend. She's lovely. You'll see her later anyways. C'mon, let's go in. I want you to meet my mum"

Greg helped us bring all the luggage inside the house already, all there was left was the hand carry. I shook his forearm, "Niall, I'm nervous, or cold, but I'm pretty surer I'm nervous. Look! I'm shaking!" I showed him my hand that was shaking uncontrollably.

He gave me a heart warming hug along with a kiss on the lips, "There, better now?" I nodded "alright, let's go in babe, it's cold"


"DAD! OH I'VE MISSED YOU!" Niall let go of my hand and attacked his father, I'm guessing, with a koala hug. All while I was standing awkwardly, in an environment that acted like a stranger to me. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

His dad returned the hug and gave him a small ruffle on his hair. Awwh, how adorable! "I've prepared the food already, we have some of your favorites!" He scanned around the room before laying eyes on mine, "you must be the lovely Kayla that Niall's talked about! Come on in! Don't be shy, we don't bite"

He walked over to where I was and gave me a big hug, welcoming me into the house. Niall stood behind him and winked at me. And there goes the butterflies.

"Do you need to wash up? We're still waiting for a few people to come by and then dinner will be ready! Niall, go show this wonderful young lady the washroom! Don't just stand there! Hustle!" I'm already in love with his dad's personality! I think I can see where Niall gets it from.

Niall let out a forceful sigh, "Fine." He said sternly "let's go babe, Greg already brought the luggage upstairs to your room" Niall grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Don't mind me boy, he's a little unpredictable sometimes. But honestly, I haven't seen him in such a good mood in a while, thank you Kayla" Bobby, which I've learned to be her name, whispered into my ear.

"No no, he's just excited to see you, and be back home, I'm sure that's what it is" I smiled.

"Let's gooo! What are you two whispering about?" Niall asked curiously.

"Why two normal people can't have a proper conversation?" We both chuckled "go go, the people are coming by soon! Both of you, hurry!"

Niall brought me upstairs into a room, which he said was mine. He closed the door quietly like he was hiding something and walked mischievously towards my direction, smirking.

"Are you gonna rape me or something? Stop smirking you idiot," I attempted to wipe the dirty look off of his face with my hand, "you actually look really creepy"

"Oh really? Is that so? I should do it more often then!" He smirked again. Bobby was right, this boy is unpredictable sometimes. "No, but in all seriousness, how do you like it here?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought our chest together.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno, well I mean, your brother's pretty nice, and your dad," I looked up at his face "I can definitely see where you get your personality from. Definitely."

"That's great! I'm going to bring you to see my mom tomorrow-" He whispered. He used his arms and picked me up, guiding my legs to wrap tightly around his waist. It got hot, really hot, and steamy. His hands searched around my back slowly, landing on the clasp of my bra.


"Let's do it right now"

"No Niall, don't, I don't want to"


"It hasn't even been two days and I don't want to move too quickly. Please Niall"

He nodded, "I'm sorry Kayla. I just," he put me down "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have"

"No Niall, it's okay. I understand," I gently caressed his tinted cheeks with my fingers "I'm just not ready. It's my fault"

"I'm sorry"

"Stop saying you're sorry! You're gonna make me feel bad. And I absolutely hate people being sad! And plus, there's people coming right? Don't look down!" I kissed him on his soft pink lips.

"You're right. We should wash up. C'mon get your stuff and I'll show you where the restroom is" bringing me towards the luggage next to the bedside. I picked up a pink dress, a cardigan, a bra, and a fresh underwear.

Niall pointed to the piece of undergarment in the luggage, "you should wear that instead" he pointed to a black laced underwear.

I stared at him intently, "Shut up. You really need to calm your sexual arousals" I said as I patted his back "let's go! Your dad said to hurry up! Where's the goddamn bathroom?" He chuckled. "NOW what are you chuckling about?"

"Hold onto your clothing" what...? He snaked around the back of my knees with one arm and the other around my lower back, carrying me bridal style. "SUPERMANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!" Niall shouted randomly and sprinted outside the door. He made a sharp left turn, making my bra drop onto the floor. Ugh, this boy.

"Wait! Stop! My-" I yelled, but quickly lowered my volume, "bra!" Niall didn't even slow down his speed until he reached the bathroom. I kicked and resisted but he didn't even bother.

"We are now landing, please make sure all personal belongings are safe and secure. Thank you for flying with Air Nialler" Niall said, imitating a flight attendant. He set me down, but he was off again in the other direction. "I'LL GO GET YOUR BRA BABE!"

My palm smacked onto my forehead, "would you like announce it with the whole world? What if your dad heard!?!" He better not have! Or else she would have a completely different first impression of me, and that would definitely not be good. Oh god, if he had heard, he may think of me as a slut! "You idiot, just throw it!"

He wrinkled my bra into a ball and dodged it at me. But luckily I caught it. "There should be towels in there. I'll be waiting for you." He winked and turned around to hop into the room across from the one that I was staying in.


"So Kayla, how are your grades in school?" Bobby asked as she flipped something in the pan on the stove.

"Dad! I think-" Niall started.

"No it's fine. I really have nothing to hide. I think I can say I have pretty decent grades. I've worked to straight A's since Freshman year. It went down a bit during my first year in high school because I was put in all honor classes, but I adapted to the work ethic and pressure over time. Uhm, before I went to London, I think I had all A's and two B's or something. But I was aiming to pull it back up before the school year ends, but I'm not even sure if I can now"

"That's excellent! I'm sure it won't be that bad of an impact. Oh and if you don't mind me asking, what career do you want to major? And uni?" Bobby asked again.

"Well I've always liked animals, dogs more specifically, so I want to become a veterinarian. And uni? Like university?" I asked. Niall came by and sat on the tall stool next to the one I'm sitting on, playing on his phone, twitter I'm guessing.

"Yeah, university, or college" Niall said, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure you haven't heard of this one, but my friend Jenni said she saw in the mail that I was accepted into Rutgers University. It's pretty good I guess, for my standards. And I was supposed to apply for NYU next month when the spots open" I said.

"Wow! That's great! Being accepted is pretty good, and applying for NYU? Even bett-" Bobby started, but then the doorbell interrupted him. "Niall, it must be Greg and Denise. Go open the door for them"

Niall whined, "Kayla, can you open it? I'm tired." He smiled brightly.

I mouthed 'fuck you' to him. "Sure Niall! I would be more than happy to!", I said trying to act happy in front of his mom.

"Oooh, Kayla said a bad word!"

"What are you talking about son? I said vacuum!" I hopped off the stool and made my way towards the door, sassily.

"Thank you Kayla! Excuse me terrible son" Bobby said faintly from the kitchen.

"HEY!" I heard Niall said before I opened the door to see a blonde girl, around my age I'm guessing, and a taller male, who seemed a bit intimidating.

"Uhm, Niall?" I smiled at them quickly but turned around to face the kitchen. "NIALL?!"

"Is Niall here? I heard he came back" she walked into the house without an invitation. She sprinted into the interior of the house before dropping a hot tray of food into my arms. It nearly burned my forearms off so i put the tray on the table in the foyer. I looked down to see red marks all over my wrists where i had pushed my cardigan sleeve up. Upon seeing the painful marks, i looked up and saw the blonde girl scream "NIALL!"

"Well hello to you too!" I scoffed at the girls' direction. I gestured for the man to come in because of the cold, "come on in. It's pretty chilly. Hello, I'm Kayla"

"American? I'm guessing. Hello, I'm Scott. Nice to meet you!" He said.

We walked towards the kitchen in silence until I saw Molly searching for something, someone really. She dodged in Niall's direction. "Oh hey! Hol- oooof" Niall said as the girls' impact crashed into him.

"I heard you came back so I came by to see! I wasn't really invited, so I just stopped by. Oh! And I brought complementary food for you too!" She said in an all too perky tone. She turned around to face me, "well? Where is it?"

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"The food! I gave it to you! You were just standing there with your hands out so I gave it to you!" The girl exclaimed. She's starting to tick me off.

I made a short eye contact with Niall but back at the girl, "excuse you?"

"Babe! I have it! Chill! Don't go on a rampage in someone else's house, in front of people you don't even know!" Scott said behind me, holding a tin tray.

Niall wiped off the girls' arms from his and walked over to me. He laced his arm around my lower back, "Kayla, this is Holly. And this is her boyfriend, Scott, right man? Yeh, Holly's my ex girlfriend"

I cringed when the words 'ex girlfriend' left his mouth. I'm already having bad feelings about this girl.

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