Baptized. (a Seth Rollins Fan...

By reignsbabee

25.3K 692 153

After being abused by her fiancé, Macy leaves him and moves back in with her parents. Colby comes into her li... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Chapter 15.

810 23 6
By reignsbabee

Chapter Fifteen.

Are you ready?

Colby's POV.

"Colby, wakey wakey. Come on love. Get your lazy butt up." Macy smiled, hovering over me with a huge smile on her face.

"Good morning beautiful. How ya feeling?" I asked, rolling onto my back and looking up at her.

"I can tell it's time to take my medicine." She frowned slightly.

"Come on then. Let me help you to the bathroom." I smiled, standing up and lifting her off the ground, into my arms.

She hated that she couldn't do as much for herself. Besides, what little she could do, I didn't let her do. I wanted to do everything for her. I wanted to be her caregiver, as she took care of everyone else.

"I hate not being able to breastfeed anymore. I feel like I don't have that bond with her anymore." She frowned as she sat down on the toilet.

"I know you miss it, but she's doing fine without it. She still always wants her Mommy. Don't stress over it." I smiled at her as I wet my toothbrush.

"I know, it's just weird." She said, standing up and washing her hands before beginning to brush her teeth as well.

Madi's cry came through the monitor so I left Macy to go grab her from her bedroom.

"Why the crying, Miss Madi?" I whispered as I lifted her into my arms as her cries softened. I walked into the bedroom to see Macy putting her boot back on her leg.

"What is the matter sweetheart?" Macy said, taking Madi out of my arms as Madi wrapped her arms around her momma's neck.

"She needed her mommy. She may be hungry too. I'll go make a bottle real quick." I said, kissing Macy's head before walking out of the bedroom.

I walked into the kitchen getting everything I needed to make the bottle before starting to scoop the formula.

"Don't forget, two scoops." Macy smiled, placing Madi in her high chair, and walking into the kitchen.

"Macy LeAnn, what are you doing?" I scolded, pushing her towards a barstool and placing her on it.

"I feel helpless. I've always been independent and now I can't be. It sucks." She frowned, putting her face in her hands.

"Sweetheart, you were in a wreck that you very well could've died. You have to let your body heal. You'll be back to your normal self soon, I promise. You're still the toughest girl I know." I smiled, taking her hand in mine.

"You always know what to say to make me feel so much better. I love you Colby Daniel." She smiled back, kissing my hand then let it go as I continued preparing Madi's bottle.

I finished up and handed the bottle to Madi, who's now seven months old. She's grown so much since I met her.

"She's gotten so big. She needs to stop growing." I chuckled, sitting down next to Macy.

"I know. She's growing up too fast. I just want her to stay small and sweet. She's already starting to show a little bit of a mean streak. I'm worried she's going to be like her dad." Macy said, a look of worry on her face.

"Nah, she's got a lot of you in her too. She smiles like you and laughs like you. She's perfect, just like you." I smiled at her, kissing her cheek.

"Nah, you're the perfect one." She replied, kissing my lips.

I smiled as I saw her in every scene of my life for here on out.


*Two Months Later*

Macy's POV.

Well, I'm finally back to normal. I've just been cleared by my doctor to go back to work next week. I'm excited to be working again, but I'm going to miss Madi and Colby so much. I've gotten so spoiled seeing them all the time.

I was sitting around the apartment, waiting on Colby to get back from the gym. Madi was sleeping right now, so maybe Colby and I could make dinner before she woke up.

I heard the door unlock, so I took off towards it. Right as he walked in, I jumped him and hugged him as hard as I could.

"Did you miss me?" He asked, chuckling and holding me tight.

"I always miss you." I replied, kissing him gently.

"Same to you, babe. I'm starving, wanna make some dinner?" He asked, sitting me down on the ground and shutting the door, locking it in the process.

"Only if you'll help me." I smirked, walking into the kitchen.

I pulled out some ground turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, cheese, and sour cream. Taco salad sounded so good. I put on my apron and started making the meat.

"What do want me to do?" Colby asked, wrapping his arms around my midsection.

"Stand right there." I chuckled, leaning into him.

He trailed kisses up my bare shoulder, lightly biting his way up to my neck. His hot breath brushed over my ear, causing me to shiver. He chuckled lowly in my ear before continuing to kiss my neck. I tried to stay focused, but every second that passed, the harder that became.

He reached up to my hips, taking hold of them, and quickly pressing our bodies flush against each other.

"Colby, if you keep on, dinner will just have to wait." I whispered, causing him to shut the oven off and drag me to the bedroom.

As soon as the door shut, his lips were on mine. There was an urgency in his touch, something I'd never felt before with him.

Our tongues laced together as our bodies got as close as they could. One of his hand rested secured in my hair, the other keeping my hipbone pinned against his.

"Just let me know if it's going too fast." He whispered, looking down at me.

"I doubt that's gonna happen." I said bluntly, before connecting our lips together again.

I slid my hands under his shirt, smirking as I felt his six pack bulging out. He'd been working hard on those lately.

I gently pushed his shirt up, my hands shaking roughly. I wasn't scared, well I was kinda scared. It'd been so long since I felt like this. I didn't want this moment to end.

He broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head and then reconnected our lips quickly. He lifted my body up and lightly pressed me against the wall as I anchored myself around his waist.

He struggled to undo my jeans, and I couldn't help but giggle at his frustrated expression.

"At least I can make you smile when I struggle." He mumbled, sighing when the button finally came undone.

He set me back down gently, pushing my shirt up and over my head.

Just as I reached for his jeans, Madi's cry broke through the monitor.

An aggravated sigh escaped Colby's lips as he exited the room. I put my shirt back on and headed out to the living room. Colby walked in holding Madi in his arms. He sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry Colby." I whispered, laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart. Miss Madi needed some attention." He said, tickling her tummy.

"How about Friday we take Madi to my parents and just have a night to ourselves. All alone..." I whispered, close to his ear, causing him to shiver.

"Deal." He said quickly, kissing my lips before standing up to place Madi in her swing.

"Wanna watch a movie on Netflix?" I asked, grabbing my blanket and hiding under it.

"Sure, whatcha wanna watch?" He asked, sitting down beside me and pulling my body into his side.

"Breakfast Club?" I questioned, wiggling my eyebrows

"Sounds perfect." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

Those kind of kisses gave me butterflies. They always did. And dinner was long forgotten now...

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