Chapter 13.

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Chapter Thirteen.

Playing the Waiting Game.

Dallas' POV.

The waiting was the worst part. We all feared and expected the worst. The fact that she was alive was a miracle, but now we all had the burning question in the back of our minds. Would she recover?

I think the worst part, besides seeing her in the shape she was in, was watching Colby suffer. He refused to leave her side. He didn't sleep, he didn't eat, he did nothing but watch her.

I stayed with him for the most part. Her parents stayed at home unless I went to watch Madi. We couldn't bare the thought of bringing her here.

As of now, I was fighting a fight with Colby I wasn't sure I could win.

"Colby, please eat something." I begged, sitting on the couch beside him with a turkey sandwich in my hand.

"Dal, I'm okay. I'm not hungry." He said weakly, not making eye contact.

"Bullshit. Colby, you haven't eaten since the accident. That was four days ago. You have to be hungry." I protested, keeping my voice low but edged with seriousness.

"I am so sick to my stomach. The thought of food is sickening." He grumbled, keeping his eyes constantly on Macy.

I finally stopped to think of what I could say to make the poor boy put something into his stomach.

"Colby, Macy wouldn't want you suffering. She'd want you to be healthy. She's going to need you healthy, because you've already said you want to take care of her. Please eat." I begged him, taking his shaking hand in mine.

"I can't eat that." He whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Why can't you?" I asked, finally feeling like I was getting somewhere with him.

He made eye contact with me, the smallest smile cracking his lips, before he spoke.

"I don't like turkey." He said, chuckling slightly.

I joined him as we both laughed for the first time in almost a week.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked, standing up and stretching.

"A burger sounds great. And some fries too." He answered, standing up as well and giving me a hug.

"I'll be right back." I said, walking out the door and down the hallway.
I'll give Tex a call and update him,
but sadly there isn't much to report.


Colby's POV.

Dallas was gone to get me some food. It probably wasn't smart to not eat for four days, but I couldn't bare the thought of it until now.

Dallas was right, I had to be healthy for Macy, and starving myself wasn't going to help the cause.

I held on to Macy's hand, and talking to her about what we were gonna do when she got better. I had this feeling she could hear me, and that it'd wake her up sooner.

I'd been doing this for four days and nothing had happened, but I still had faith.

"Yes, baby, I'll call you if anything changes.... I'll tell him you said hello..... Okay honey...... Buh bye." Dallas hung up the phone as she walked into the room with my food, and a large coke. God bless this woman.

"You're a saint, Dallas." I said, causing her to tear up.
I looked at her with a questioning look.

"Macy says that to me all the time." She sniffled.

I just wrapped my arm around her as she watched Macy. I slowly released her and started nibbling on my burger. It kinda felt nice to put some food on my stomach.

"I think I'm gonna head home for a little while. Take a nice shower. I'll call her parents and see if they wanna come up here." Dal said, looking up at me with no emotion on her face.

"Well, you know I'll watch after her." I smiled weakly.

She lightly kissed my head, then Macy's, then left us alone. I just sat beside her, my hand holding hers.


I was almost asleep when I felt her hand clutch mine. My eyes shot up and connected with her deep blues.
Her face was contorted in pain, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey baby. Let me go get the doctor. Okay?" I asked quickly.

She nodded and I left to get a nurse. We both quickly returned and she gave Macy some pain medicine to ease it up. She got Macy a couple cups of ice and I sat on the bed, feeding them to her.

"What can you remember?" I asked, giving her another spoonful of ice chips.

"I remember the wreck. I remember I rolled the car a lot. The last thing I remember is laying there thinking about you and Madi and just slipping away." She said, playing with her fingers.

"You remember everything well, I think." I said, sitting down the empty styrofoam cup and taking her hand.

"How long was I out?" She asked, clutching my hand tightly.

"Four days." I replied lowly, unsure of her reaction.

"Oh. The car?" She asked, seemingly calm.

"Totalled. The insurance company is letting you pick out a new one when you feel better." I replied, smiling down at her.

"Okay good. I'm sorry I've put you through hell. I can't imagine my parents either. They're probably so stressed. And poor Madi." She said, leaning her head back onto the pillow.

"They're all okay. I'll call them soon. I need some Macy time first." I smiled softly.

My heart swelled as I saw her crack a small smile as I picked up the other cup of ice.

"How long will I be on crutches and out of work?" She asked, taking another spoonful of ice.

"Eight weeks at least. I'm gonna take care of you." I said , squeezing her hand.

"Colby, you can't. You have to train if you want to get with NXT. That's on the way to the main roster." She protested, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Macy, you're worth more than all of that to me. I...I love you Macy." I said, letting out a breath as I finally told her.

The biggest smile spread across her face as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I love you too, Colby, so much." She said, leaning forward to kiss my lips gently.

I kissed her back lightly before sitting the cup of ice down.

"I should probably call your parents and Dallas. I'll be right back baby." I said as I stood up.

She nodded as I kissed her head and exited the room.


I came back in a few minutes later to see she was already asleep. I sat down gently beside her. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Will you lay beside me?" She asked, looking up at me with begging eyes.

I slowly laid down beside her as she curled into my chest.

"Your parents and Dallas will be here soon. Your mom said your Aunt Becky was watching Madi." I said, before kissing her head.

"I'm so ready to see them. I know they've been through hell." She sighed deeply.

"You're worth it, baby girl. Always." I whispered, kissing her head gently.

As she drifted off back to sleep, I thanked God for bringing my girl back to me.

*Kinda short, but I'll make up for it in the next chapter, promise!*

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