Chapter 18.

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Chapter Eighteen.

Stressed Out.

Colby's POV.

The next few days were spent going through my apartment, sorting through everything and moving everything to storage or Macy's. I would've never thought seven months could change my whole life so much. I don't know where I'd be without Macy and Madi in my life, and I honestly didn't want to know. I had them, and that's all that matters.

"Honey, I think this is everything besides those couple of boxes in the front. You ready to turn in your key?" Macy asked, wrapping her arms around my torso from behind.

"And start my life sharing an apartment with my two favorite girls? Hell yes." I said, squeezing her small hand.

"Then let's go!" She said, picking up one of the boxes and heading to her apartment.

I picked up the last box and shut my apartment for the very last time. My days as a single man were over, and I honestly couldn't be more thankful.


Macy's POV.

As I sat with my mom at her kitchen table, I was trying to get my thoughts in order.

"Is that everyone? I mean, it's her first birthday. I wouldn't want anyone important to be missing," I asked my Mom, looking over my guest list again.

I couldn't believe Madi would be turning one in just three weeks. I was so excited, yet so sad. I wanted her to stay a baby forever and never leave me, but I knew it wouldn't work out that way. For now, I'm just trying to cherish the time I have of her still being my little baby.

"I think so. I doubt you're inviting Mike, so that's it." Mom chuckled, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, when Hell freezes over." I chuckled as well, closing the computer.

"So how're things going now that you and Colby are living together? I'm sure it's a big change." Mom asked, sitting her coffee cup back down.

"Honestly? It's incredible. It's not just me changing diapers, or making bottles, or getting up in the middle of the night. He helps me so much. He's the father she deserves. We've honestly gotten closer since he moved in, and we seriously never argue, at least seriously. We jokingly fight about who's going to wash the dishes or give Madi a bath but we've never gotten into a serious argument." I replied, smiling to myself.

"Well, that is wonderful. Now, be honest, is the sex good?" Mom asked, causing me to nearly choke on my sweet tea.

"MOM!" I yelped, honestly surprised that she even asked. Not that I cared, but she's never really been this straightforward.

"Oh, I know you've done it and we're both girls here. You can tell your mom." She chuckled, winking at me.

"It's freaking amazing. Mike was pathetic in comparison. It's honestly nice to be intimate with a sober person. All Mike every cared about was finishing. Colby actually cares about me. I could see myself only being with him for the rest of my life." I laughed, blushing deeply.

"I figured so. He's way better built than Mike. What's it like living with Kevin? I know he's energetic." Mom asked, changing the subject and standing up to pour herself another cup of coffee.

"He's very energetic, but he's really not that bad. Colby potty-trained him so that's not an issue. The only thing we have to work on is that he likes to jump up on the bed with Madi, and she's still too tiny. When we say no, he just gives us this sad look and gets down." I chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad it's going well. I'm so happy you found your soulmate. Do you think I'll be having more grand babies?" Mom asked, smiling big.

I knew she'd want more, and being the only child I guess it'd be me giving them to her.

"Yes, but be prepared to wait. Enjoy just Madi for now!" I chuckled.

"I can handle that!" She smiled brightly at me.

Man, I love my Mom.


Colby's POV

I walked into the gym with a protein shake in my hand and my gym bag over my shoulder. I was ready to get started. I had a huge audition with WWE coming up and I had to make sure I was ready.

"Good morning!" Tex said, smiling brightly as he walked in the door.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning." I said, chuckling slightly.

"Oh, yes! Yes indeed!" He continued smiling, sitting down his gym bag.

"Might I ask why?" I asked, sitting down to lace up my boots.

"Well, after a lovely night in with my lady, I asked if she'd like to move in together, and she agreed! We're going to start working on selling her apartment." He explained, putting his gloves on.

"That's great, man, congrats!" I said, patting his shoulder.

"Thank ya! You know we're gonna have to marry these girls right?" He chuckled.

"I sure as hell plan on marrying mine, that's for sure! I've honestly already been looking at rings." I admitted, looking at the ground.

"Man, I knew the second I saw you two in the hospital that day she was gonna be your one. I'm honestly really happy for you." Tex said sincerely.

"Thanks man. I really appreciate it. Now, enough mushy stuff, let's get back to work." I said, sliding my headband back up.


Macy's POV

I loaded Madi up in car, kissing her sweet face before closing the door and hopping in the driver's seat.

"Are you excited to go see Grammy and Grampy?" I asked, getting giggles and clapping as my answer.

I almost teared up. I couldn't believe how big my baby had gotten. She was so smart, and my God, was she beautiful. I was thankful I was able to give her a better life when I found Colby. He was her Dad, no matter who asked. I was so happy with the little family God had blessed me with, and I hoped maybe one day it could grow a little more...


"Thank you both so much for watching her for us." I thanked my parents again.

"Of course, Mommies and Daddies need some time to grow together without a crying and needy baby." My mom replied. I smiled as she referred to Colby as Madi's dad like I did.

"I know he's so stressed, so I figured I'd give him a little break from being Madi's father and let him just be my boyfriend for a night." I smiled, giving Madi kisses before handing her to my mom.

"That's a great idea, hon, we'll be having a blast tonight! Enjoy your alone time!" Dad said, kissing my forehead.

"I love y'all so much! See you tomorrow afternoon." I said, giving them all another hug before hopping in my car and headed to grab dinner.

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