Chapter 6.

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Chapter Six

Nothing but time.

Colby's POV.

"You piece of shit! I saved your ass and you shot me!" I screamed, throwing my controller down against the bean bag at my feet.

I've spent the day here at Tex's house. I came right after Macy left. As childish and immature as it may sound, I didn't want to be alone after that.

"Calm your tits. You're just stressed, man." Tex instructed, pausing the game and turning towards me, preparing himself for my rant.

"I'm honestly scared I'm gonna lose her. I let myself get too attached. I'm trying to see the light of the end of the tunnel, but I can't help but think the worst case scenario." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Dude, obviously she's into you. She wouldn't have let you come over, feed her kid, watch her kid, hold her kid, carry her kid, or anything for that matter. She just needs time to figure it all out. Give her some time. I'll try to get some information from Dallas." He said, patting my shoulders.

"You're right. It's just kinda hard to not talk to her. I've seen her a lot this past week." I said, standing up and stretching out my aching back.

"I know, but she deserves time. She's been fucked over, and she's scared. She has every single right to be scared. She has to feel something towards you to let you near her this soon after all that happened." Tex replied, turning the XBOX off.

"You're right man. I think I'm gonna head home. I need to clean the apartment up. I've been lazy these past few days." I chuckled, grabbing my phone and keys off the coffee table.

"Alright man, I'll see you at training tomorrow. Let's start at seven. The earlier you start, the less you'll think about what's going on." He smiled, giving me a bro hug.

"Sounds good, man, see you then." I said as I walked out his door and out to my car.

I got in, turning on the latest BMTH CD and heading home.


Sleep was a personal challenge. I'd talked to her almost every night before bed for the past week, and now as much as I wanted to call her, I couldn't. She deserved time. She'd been through hell, and I'll be damned if I'd put her through it again. I sighed, giving up on my battle with sleep for the moment, and slid out of bed.

I made my way toward the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at the bar, looking around my apartment. It was so bare. As much as I was home, you'd think I'd do something. If my career goes as planned, I won't be home too often, so I may need to decorate it before I leave so I can have somewhere inviting to come home to.

I wonder if Macy will be okay with me traveling. Of course, my thoughts immediately wander to Macy. I really wonder if she's having as much trouble sleeping as I am.

I lift up the phone to call, but immediately put it back down. If things work out, I'll get to talk to her whenever I want to. I just have to keep my head held up high.

I stand up, sitting my bowl in the sink before slauntering over to the couch. I turn on the xbox, opening Netflix and press play on Roadhouse. I prop my feet on the coffee table, pulling a blanket over myself, and desperately try to get some sleep.


Macy's POV.

"Macy, are you even listening?" Dallas asked, shoving my shoulder with one hand and cradling Madi in her other arm.

I called her once I got home. I had to talk to her about what happened. I had to talk to someone about it. Besides, she's the only thing I have other than my parents and Colby, however this time it was about Colby.

"I'm sorry, babe, what were you saying?" I apologized, dropping my head down in guilt.

"Madi needs a diaper change, and you need to start talking. Tell me everything that's on your mind." She said, standing up and walking to the diaper bag.

She laid Madi down and began to change her, looking at me expectantly.

"I hated that I had to push him away, but I couldn't get the images of Mike out of my head. That was all I could think about. It's like I want to enjoy Colby, but I'm not over Mike. Four years of hell, and now that I'm finally free, I still feel burdened down. I just have to make sure everything is right for both of us. I can't just jump into a relationship. It's not just me anymore, it's all about her. My whole world revolves around a ten pound baby. I just can't afford her getting hurt." I sighed deeply as the tears slowly started welling up.

I really haven't cried a lot over the recent issues with Mike, but I'm so used to them by now. It doesn't really affect me anymore. Something about Colby, though, is that I feel safe around him. A little too safe.

"You're right. It's about her now, but Macy, you can't wait around forever. Colby knows the situation. He knows you have a kid, he knows the baby daddy drama, and he's still here! He's willing to love you and be with you after he knows all of that. I think that speaks out for him." Dallas replied, handing Madi to me and walking away to discard the diaper.

I hated when she was right, but more often than I'd like to admit, she was. She's always had a way with her words, even since we were little kids. It gave me comfort knowing that I had her.

"Well, Tex just texted me. He said Colby is an emotion basket case." She chuckled slightly, taking her seat beside me on the couch.

I thought about how I was feeling, but couldn't even think about Colby. This was my decision. I needed the time, yet he was stuck with nothing but confusion and guilt.

"I want to give him a chance, but he has to be willing to go slow. I can't go fast with this. It's too soon, and I honestly probably shouldn't even be thinking about this, but there's something about Colby that I feel deep down I can trust." I said, sitting Madi back in the open arms of Dallas.

"You do what you feel like you need to do, baby girl. I'll support you in everything you do. Always have, and always will." Dallas smiled, gently kissing Madi's head.

I smiled at the sight of them. I was so thankful for Dallas being a part of Madi's life. Since I was an only child, she stepped up as my sister and Madi's aunt. I couldn't do it without her.

"I'm going to work the next two days. He and I were supposed to meet up Thursday and go to the hell hole and get some of mine and Madi's things. I'll explain everything to him then." I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of relief.

I knew what I had to do. I just needed a little more time to myself, just to prove how much I would miss him. I have a feeling this will be a long two days at work.

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