Chapter 20.

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Chapter Twenty.

Look Who's One!

Macy's POV.

*Two weeks later*

The party room of our apartment complex looked like The Little Mermaid had exploded on every wall and table, but decorations were done. Madi was sleeping peacefully in her stroller with her adorable Little Mermaid outfit my mom had made. My baby was one today. I couldn't believe how quickly time had passed.

As much as it pained me to admit, I honestly hated that Mike was missing this. I did not want to be with him, at all, but I wished we could be civil for Madi's sake. Maybe one day we could, but today wasn't that day. Today was a day of celebration, not of bringing the past up.

"THE BOYS ARE BACK!" Tex yelled as he walked through the door, carrying two bags of ice. Colby was right on his heels, also holding ice.

"You wake Madi up and I will kill you. You know she's sleeping, Dexter, keep your voice down! If she doesn't get this nap out, you'll be on baby duty." I scolded, using his real name.

"I'm sorry, baby girl, I'll be quiet." He whispered, walking towards the kitchen area.

Colby walked up and gave me a quick kiss before following him.

I walked behind them and opened up the chest freezer so they could put the ice in.

"When do I need to start on hotdogs babe?" Colby asked, wrapping me up in a hug.

"In about an hour. We've actually got everything done and ready. The only thing missing is the cake and her little smash cake, and Dallas just left to go get them. So, who wants a juice box? It's all I've got." I asked, kissing his lips quickly.

"Grape please. I haven't had a Capri-sun in years. I feel like a kid again and not some twenty-seven year old." Tex chuckled, stabbing his pouch with the straw and taking a sip.

"You're crazy, boy, but I love ya. You're like the big brother I never had. I just want to thank you for helping us today and every other day. Also, thank you for putting up with my best friend for pushing six months." I smiled, giving Tex a big hug as he lifted my feet off the ground.

"Thank you for being my baby sister. I couldn't do life without you two and Dallas." He said, kissing my cheek and sitting me back down.

Just then, Dallas walked back into the main room, her arms full of cake.

"You boys wanna go get the drinks while Mace and I put the cake away?" Dal more demanded than asked, lightly kicking Tex before heading to the kitchen. I followed closely behind her and opened up the freezer door.

"Thank you for getting the cake, Dal, it looks perfect." I smiled, hugging my best friend tightly.

This cake was absolutely beautiful. There were so many details on it that I couldn't believe it. I'm grateful Dal's mom owns a cake business, today more that any other day.

We got all the food set up and the boys started on the hotdogs. Let's get this party started.


*Three Hours Later*

"Thank you so much for coming!" I said with a smile as the last guest walked out. I took a deep breath and plopped down into a chair.

"That was a great birthday party, Mace, great job!" Dallas smiled, taking a seat in Tex's lap.

"Thanks babe. I'm just glad it's over. I'm ready for a nap. I'll probably upload the pictures to Facebook and crash." I chuckled, as Colby and a now clean Madi walked back in. Madi immediately fell into my arms as I cradled her head to my chest.

"I still can't believe my grand baby is already one. Where has time gone?" Mom said, smiling towards Madi.

"I don't know, but I'm going to need the time to slow down. I can barely deal with her being one. I can remember the hospital and the seventeen-hour labor, and that first cry." I said, as my tears welled up.

"Now, no crying on this happy day, okay? I don't want my pretty girl crying." Colby murmured in my ear, kissing the side of my face.

"You're right. Let's just get this all cleaned up." I said, passing Madi to my mom and heading to clean up.


Once we arrived at my parents' house, I noticed a package on the porch. It was wrapped in pink paper and had a huge white bow on top.

I cautiously picked it up, carrying it inside, placing it on the table. Once I saw the address, my heart sank. It was from Craig's house, which meant only one person sent it.


I know this chapter is on the shorter side, but I'll make up for it next chapter! ~gRc

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