Love & Affection

By princessmick_

118K 4.5K 304

Bria Murchison is a young girl in her 20's. She's been through hell & back dealing with people in & out of he... More

☮Sneak Peek☮


1K 53 0
By princessmick_

August POV *3 months later// 5.17*

Every since I woke up this fucking morning, I been running around. CoCo sick & I gotta get my suit for the Billboard awards which is in two days. I gotta get my shit together. I'm watching both of my babies, only cause Bria went to France with Aunt B. So tryna get my shit straight & cater to two babies.. Let's just say it ain't easy. Anyway while I was tryna change Ri, my phone started ringing. I patted my pockets, feeling for it, but ian feel it. Some told me look at Maj since she going through the damn "I can talk on the phone" phase. I looked at her & she had it in her hands, hitting it against the floor.

Me: "Gimme my phone." She giggled & ran. "Yo sister gone make me lose my mind."

She poked her head around the corner. I sighed & grabbed her lil teddy bear. She will go crazy if somebody touch that. I held it out & she stepped out.

Me: "Come get Miss Cuddles."

She came closer & I held her out closer, only cause Ri was on the diaper table. She put the phone behind her back so I pulled the bear back. She burst into tears.

Me: "You serious right now?" I held the bear back out & she grabbed her. "Na.. Don't you owe me something?"

She grinned & threw my phone on the floor then ran. I used my foot to slide it to me. I picked it up & wiped it off. Right when I was ready check my missed calls, it started ringing. I answered & put it between my shoulder & ear.

Me: "Hello?"

Bria: "Hey love."

Me: "Wassup, aye.. I can't really talk right now, lemme call you back."

Bria: "Wait wait. I needa tell you two things."

Before I could respond, some made a thump sound & majesty ran in the room.

Me: "Babe, I ca-"

Bria: "7 seconds.." I sighed. "Give Maj your phone."

I finished putting Ri diaper on & got her down. I put the phone against Maj's ear.

Majesty: "Mameeee!" She smiled.

Her smiled faded & then reappeared. She pushed the phone away & hugged me. I put the phone against my ear & hugged her back.

Bria: "Now you. I need you to do me three things."

Me: "I'm kinda ful-"

Bria: "Listen. Calm. The hell. Down. You stressing to much. Take Maj & Ri to mama house. Get whatcha need get done, done. Rest up. Eat. Then get the lil ones."

Me: "This shit hard."

Bria: "I know, trust me, but you can handle it. You got me, playa pimp?"

Me: "*laughs* yea.. Yea, I gotchu."

Bria: "Then you got this."

Me: "Thanks baby."

Bria: "Uh huh. Gimme kiss." I chuckled.

Me: "No. How you know I was stressin', as you would call it."

Bria: "I sensed it. It was making me paranoid so I figured I'd call."

Me: "Well, thank ya. I needed dat."

Bria: "No problem, now go do what you supposed to be doing. I love you."

Me: "I love you too baby."

I hung up & sighed.

Me: "Aight. Yall gotta work with me."

After about 30 minutes, I had them fed & sleep, ready to go. The house was cleaned. I grabbed my keys, as quietly as possible, & got they diaper bags. I put that stuff in the car first then put them in the car. I got in & drove to my mama crib. I got out & got them out. I used my key to get in & she comes around the corner. I gave her the "I need you NOW" look & she took the girls. I went to get they bags & gave it to her. She took it & I kissed her forehead. I thanked her then left. First place I am going is Popeyes, lol.

*4 AM*

Bria POV

I walked in the house, tired as hell. I caught the first plane back, cause Aunt B was feeling sick & Aug prolly losing his mind right now. His car wasn't in the garage tho, he prolly crashed at somebody's place. I'm too tired to even think. I literally dropped everything & when upstairs. I stripped outta my clothes & got straight in bed. I tried to go to sleep but it just wouldn't happen. It felt weird. Maybe cause it's empty in here. Yeah.. That's it. I call Agnes & she ran in. She jumped in the bed & licked me.

Me: "Stop, nasty, we ain't white. We don't kiss each other." She circled twice & then laid down.

I got comfortable then slowly went to sleep.


I woke up like mid day & got up. I went to brush my teeth & shower. Before I got in the shower, Agnes was just staring at me.

Me: "Go potty."

She ran off & I got in the shower. When I got out, I dried off & lotion'ed down. I put on some panties & one of Aug's shirts. I cleaned the room, made the bed & stuff. I walked downstairs & get my suitcase, carry on's, and phone. I brought it all upstairs. I put my phone on the charger & unpack. I put the clothes in the dirty clothes basket. Then take it to the wash room. I put a load in then jog back to the room. Right when I was ready put the suitcase away, I had the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom & threw up acid, since I haven't eaten. I flushed the toilet & brush my teeth again. After I finished, I went downstairs & fixed something to eat. I decided on some wings & fries. I popped that into the oven & Agnes ran in.

Me: "You know you aren't supposed to be in the kitchen, bye!"

She walked out & sat right at the entrance.

Me: "Wanna doggie treat?" She twirled around.

I went under the sink & got her a treat. I gave it to her & went upstairs. I went to lay down but my phone vibrated, coming on. I took it off airplane mode, so I could call Aug, but instead, all these notifications came up. I was looking at some of them then it started ringing in my hand. I answered it put the phone to my ear.

August: "Hey sexy!" I smiled.

Me: "Hey baby, where are you?"

August: "Heading home."

Me: "Oh well, lemme call you back cause I gotta get some things done, over this side."

August: "Okay. I love you."

Me: "I love you too."

Today is gonna be exciting..

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