Endlessly [h.s.]

By StylisticMoods

123K 6K 1.9K

(adv.) having no end, limit, or conclusion; boundless; infinite; interminable; incessant She met him late one... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine


3.4K 197 34
By StylisticMoods


Harry looked up from whatever he had been writing in his journal to give Rosemary his full attention, "Yes sweetheart?"

Rosemary bit her lip, she was nervous about asking to stay even though she had to because she literally couldn't go home; they were snowed in. "Could I spend the night here? There's a lot of snow by your door and I don't thi-"

Harry smiled warmly and stopped her from rambling even though he found it rather cute, "Of course you can Rosie, you've always been welcome to, you know that. It's a good thing neither of us work tomorrow, doesn't look like it's about to let up any time soon."

Rosemary fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater, she was still nervous about staying. She'd never spent the night in someone else's home save for her caretaker when she was a child and she didn't really know what to do, "Thank you, I can sleep on the couch if you want?"

Harry shook his head, quickly dismissing that as an option, "Nonsense, you can have my bed and I'll take the couch."

Rosemary was debating with herself internally, it wouldn't hurt anything if they were to share the bed. It wasn't like she planned on actually sleeping with him or vise versa. She would feel terrible if he slept on the couch even though the thought of sharing a bed with him slightly worried her.

The friendly argument was nearly over when she spoke softly, "I wouldn't mind sharing the bed with you..."

Harry looked up again, his eyes were bright although he made sure to dim his smile because he would be able to hold her close to him for as long as he wanted or as long as she would care for anyway, "Are you sure? It hasn't got very much room."

Rosemary nodded, she didn't particularly enjoy sleeping in places for the first time and she didn't know why but she couldn't help it. Plus, it was beyond freezing and she knew that, if anything, he would keep her warm when the heater wouldn't.

"Yes, I'm sure." And there was the fact that she didn't want him to sleep on the couch, it got uncomfortable just sitting on for too long, she couldn't imagine how sleeping on it would feel.

Harry didn't bother to argue with her because he had learned that, once she made up her mind, it was unlikely to change, "Alright. Rosie, would you like some more hot chocolate? It's getting a bit chilly in here."

Rosemary smiled at him softly, he already knew that she would want one but always asked anyway, "Yes please."

. . .

"Will you tell me about a constellation even though we can't go out and see it?"

Harry laughed lightly and Rosemary smiled as she felt his chest vibrate beneath her, they were currently lying in his bed, her head on his chest, as he spoke, "Of course! Any specifics?"

Rosemary thought about it for a moment before concluding that she didn't particularly mind if he just chose a random constellation to tell her about, "Hmm nope, surprise me."

"Have I told you about Orion yet?"


Harry smiled, although she couldn't see it, and held her a little tighter, he could feel her heart beat and it was one of the best things he could ever experience, "Orion it is then! Orion was a hunter, one of the best actually, and so, each day, he would provide meat for the god's meals.

One day, Artemis, otherwise known as Diana, asked if she could accompany him on his next hunt, she is both the moon goddess and the goddess of the hunt.

Anyway, Orion agreed and the next day they went hunting together. While they were out, they saw a deer and Orion set his bow and shot. His shot was so precise that the dear died instantly which really pleased Artemis.

She was so impressed that she told everyone at dinner and they all praised him greatly, even Zeus. All of the praise he'd received only made him want to please Artemis more on the next hunt.

He awoke at dawn the next morning and went back to the forest and shot every living thing that he saw. Afterward, he made a pile of them outside Artemis' house and knocked on her door.

He announced that he had a surprise for her and that she would have to come outside to see this great surprise.

Once she had laid eyes upon the pile of dead animals, Artemis was horrified. She was the protector of all animals and punished those who killed more than they could eat.

She was so angry that she stomped her foot on the ground and out popped a scorpion that stung Orion on the heel causing him to die in great pain. Kinda sounds like Achilles if you think about the whole heel thing but back to the point.

But, because he had served the gods so well, Zeus placed his constellation in he sky to honor that service. It's a bit foolish if you ask me, but that's how the story goes."

Rosemary frowned at the thought of all of those poor animals being killed only for sport essentially, "But why would he do that? It isn't quantity that pleases women, it's quality. Well, at least it's that way for me, I'd rather have someone who's loving and intelligent rather than someone with a lot of money and little care for others. What a foolish man."

Harry kissed her cheek, her skin was cold under his lips and he frowned, "Some people are just naturally that way I suppose. Are you cold Rosie? I can get one of the extra blankets from the closet if you want me to."

Rosemary laughed and made a face despite the fact that he couldn't see it, "Did my skin feel cold to you or something?"

Harry smiled, "Yes actually."

"I'm actually really warm except for my hands, your kind of like a human heater, it's quite nice actually."

He'd never been told that before, "Really? I am?"

Rosemary smiled and closed her eyes, the warmth radiating from his body more than enough to keep her warm and lull her to sleep, "Mmhmm, you most certainly are. Are you going to do anything about my hands or is that out of your heating capabilities?"

Harry chuckled lightly and switched his position so that he could still have her close and hold her hands at the same time, "Is that better, Rosie?"

Rosemary hummed again, her hands slowly warming underneath his touch, "Very much, thank you."

He rested his head on her shoulder, he could smell her perfume, Blue Grass, the fresh scent of lavender and jasmine flooding his senses. It was heavenly, just like her.

It was an entirely new thing to be this close to her, they'd cuddled before of course, but never on his small mattress that was made for one and never for the night. He reveled in every moment of it, he was happy to be in her presence for so long and hoped that, some day, nights like this would be often.

His lips pressed to her forehead gently, "Goodnight my Rosie."

Rosemary shifted slightly in his embrace, a contented sigh escaping her lips, "Goodnight my handsome Astronomer."

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