Elevator With Benn : Jamie Be...

Par ihearthoodies

36K 595 71

Take a look at what happens when Amy gets stuck on an elevator with one of her favorite hockey players, Jamie... Plus

Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Hour 4
Hour 6
Hour 7
Hour 8
Hour 9
Hour 10
Hour 11
Hour 12
The Aftermath : The End

Hour 5

2.7K 42 1
Par ihearthoodies

AngelAmyRF : 8:25pm. 4 hours in. Supposed to be out. Not even close. #elevatorwithbenn

AngelAmyRF : I feel bad for him, he's missing his game #elevatorwithbenn

I start to get tweets that they're talking about Jamie being stuck on the elevator during the game. They showed a few of my tweets during the game. They have been sending me pictures of their TVs. It's crazy how much this has taken off. I just started live tweeting it because I was bored. Now people are talking about it on TV. I get a few notifications that ESPN and TSN have started following me. I think even a few hockey players have started following me. This is crazy. I can't keep up with it all.

"They're talking about us on TV," I say, breaking almost 10 minutes of silence.

"Oh yeah?" he replies.

"That's what Twitterland tells me."

"I guess we shouldn't have been so flirty. They might get the wrong idea," he says.

I look down at my phone. "Yeah. The wrong idea." I know we are just joking around to kill time in here but I was hoping that we had something. I should have known better than to get my hopes up. I feel so stupid for thinking he might actually like me. I reply to some more tweets. So many people have been tweeting me. I hate to ignore them. I try to reply to as many tweets as I can.

"Can you read me something you've written?" he asks out of nowhere.

"Oh I don't know, Jamie," I reply. I've never been comfortable reading my own work out loud. I just told him how I have a fear of public speaking. I don't really have anything worth reading with me anyway.

"It's just me," he reassures me.

"I don't really have anything with me," I say.

"You don't have anything? I find that hard to believe."

I sigh. "I have this thing I wrote yesterday. It's not even close to being good. It's just a rough start of something I was thinking about."

"I'd love to hear it if that's ok with you."

I open up the notepad on my phone. I usually make handwritten notes when I write but I left my notebook at home so I wrote a little on my phone when I couldn't fall asleep last night. "You would think that a human being could not be invisible. You would think that it is impossible. Just think how many times you thought that you would like to be invisible. You could go anywhere you wanted to go and do anything you wanted to do. It sounds like it would be amazing to be invisible. What if you actually were? What if no one could see you? Well it is possible. I live it every day of my life. I am not invisible in any sense of the word but are you invisible when people choose not to see you? I believe you are." I look up at him and he's just watching me. I look back down at my phone. I have more written but I don't think I want to go on.

"Is there more? I really like it."

"I, uh, yeah that's it for now. As I said, I just wrote it yesterday. It's still a work in progress."

"Do you feel that way?" he asks. I just stare at him. "Um, I mean, you read it like you felt it. Like it was personal. If you don't want to answer you don't have to."

I hang my head. "Maybe I used to. Not so much now. I don't let people make me feel that way anymore."

"You can write a whole book based on that one paragraph?"

"Yeah I already see it in my head. That's how I usually write. It plays out in my head as if it were a memory and I just put it to words on the paper. It's going to be a love story. I just have to get an outline written down. I wasn't really supposed to be writing this weekend. I told myself I would give myself some time off but I was having trouble sleeping and it came to me."

"What's going to happen?"

"I had this idea at first where there was this girl and she walked through life invisible. Like watching her you would think she was actually invisible. No one sees her, no one hears her, she goes through life totally alone and isolated until one day a guy says something to her. Something small like do you know where the library is? She asks him you can see me? He says of course I can see you. Why wouldn't I be able to? You realize that she wasn't invisible at all but it was all in her mind. This guy helps her open up her life and be happy. Like before she met him her life was in black and white and as soon as he talks to her it all turns to color. It's all there in my head. I just have to write it and hope my publisher likes it."

"Wow. You're amazing."

I blush and smile. "Well I wouldn't go that far but thank you."

"Have you ever been in love?" he asks.

"No, I don't think I have," I reply.

"Wouldn't you know if you were in love?"

"What I mean is I have loved before. I have even thought I've been in love. But I tend to hope that when I am actually in love it will be with the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with and since I obviously haven't met that person yet I couldn't have been in love before."

"So you think you can only be in love with one person in your whole lifetime?" I pause to think. "The reason I am asking is that thing you said about life being in black and white until she met that guy and all of a sudden turns to color, do you think that's what being in love is like?"

"It could be an analogy for love I suppose. It doesn't have to be love, though, it could be meeting that person that makes your life whole. It could be a friend, a relative, anyone. You thought you knew what living was but when you meet that person you realize you had no idea at all."

"Do you think about this a lot?"

"Not really. You brought it up anyway."

"You just seem to have a unique outlook on life. It's fascinating."

"I suppose."

AngelAmyRF : we're having a deep conversation right now #elevatorwithbenn

jamiebenn14 : lucky to be able to pick her brain

I check on the game. The Stars are losing 3-0 right now. I don't think I will say anything although I am sure he probably knows. I can't imagine he wouldn't be keeping up with what's going on in the game. We both look up from our phones at the same time. I just stare at the dumb beanie on top of his head. It has to be hot under that hat by now. I really wish he would take it off. That's not really what's important right now, though. We just had a conversation about love. A real conversation about love. I've never talked to anyone about anything like I talk to Jamie about things. It's probably just because we are trapped in here with nothing to do. He said I was amazing and fascinating. You don't just tell people that without meaning it.

"My team is losing. I should be out there," Jamie says.

"Yeah and I should be watching it." I know he wants to be out there playing but if we weren't stuck in here I would never have met him. It's hard to stay positive about being in here, though, I don't how much longer I can stand it. I am so hungry and getting more sleepy as time goes on. "I wish I had buffalo wings right now."

"Oh no, please don't talk about food," he pleads.

"I can't help it, it's all I can think about. I'm so hungry."

"You should have eaten lunch."

"It's too late for should haves. Just give me some wings and I'll be happy."

"If I had wings I would give them to you."

"That's sweet of you, Jamie." I pause to think. "I could really go for a cheesesteak right now actually."

"You're just torturing yourself and me by talking about it."

"I guess I need a distraction to keep my mind off of my hunger," I say with a smirk, "I believe that counts."

"As a sexual advance? Yeah I'd count it."

AngelAmyRF : fourth sexual advance 8:35pm. #elevatorwithbenn

"Even the sexual advances aren't fun anymore," I pout as I rest my chin on my bended knees once more.

"That's because we aren't acting on them," he replies. I just look at him, a little in shock. "You wouldn't even know what to do with yourself."

I scoff. "Please. I'd be just fine. You are the one who wouldn't be able to handle it."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Maybe if we're stuck in here a bit longer I just might find out."

He laughs. "We'll see."

"I like that you didn't say no."

AngelAmyRF : he wants me #elevatorwithbenn

jamiebenn14 : she's all talk

AngelAmyRF : look who's talking @jamiebenn14 #elevatorwithbenn

We look up at each other from our phones and laugh. Posting on Twitter has definitely made this whole thing a lot more enjoyable. It's good to see that Jamie is getting into it as well. I was worried he was going to be in a bad mood this whole time but he's lightened up a bit. I love that I can joke around with him. I'm sarcastic and flirty by nature. It would be a long time stuck in here if he wasn't able to take it and even dish it back. It's still crazy to me when I sit here and think about the fact I have been sitting here and flirting with Jamie Benn and he's actually flirting back.

I look straight up and stare at the ceiling. It would be nice if there were a way to escape this place. I don't see a way that I would even be able to get out through the ceiling even if I were able to convince Jamie to let me stand on his shoulders. You would think it would be a safety issue that they would have to have a way for people to be able to get out of the elevator in an emergency. "Plotting your escape?" Jamie asks.

I continue to look up at the ceiling. "I was thinking I would step on your shoulders and punch a hole in the ceiling and climb out. Sorry I would have to leave you here." I look at him and smile.

"You would really leave me here?" he asks. He pouts and looks as sad as he can to make me feel bad.

"Ok probably not. We're in this together," I reply.

jamiebenn14 : I can't believe she'd leave me in here

AngelAmyRF : he's stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere #elevatorwithbenn

"I would not let you stand on my shoulders to get out only for you to leave me in here."

"That's just being selfish."

"I'd just rather have you here with me," he says as he looks down at the floor.

AngelAmyRF : he can't live without me #elevatorwithbenn

"I am pretty awesome."

"You really think so, don't you?"

"Actually no, but I talk a big game."

"Yeah no shit."

I check on the score of the game. It's 3-2, the Stars are still losing. I look at my replies on Twitter and reply back to the nicer tweets. The more people that are starting to follow my tweets the more the trolls come out. In the beginning there were mostly positive tweets but now the assholes have come out to play. I can see why a person wouldn't want to spend much time on social media. People like to put others down for whatever reason they might have. It ruins it for the rest of them. I would love to reply to the people who genuinely want to know about what's going on but there are so many negative tweets coming in it makes me not want to read the replies at all.

Continuer la Lecture

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