True Love

By Coralie56

57K 1.8K 664

Avi was in his music room, absently chiming out a few notes on his guitar. His thoughts were wandering in a r... More

Prelude: evenings
1. Shopping
2. Long story
3. Discovery
4. A date
5. A night
6. PTX
7. Together
8. The Crew
9. Caring
10. First times
11. Voices and song
12. Between Grammys and Touring
13. I Will Find A Thousand Ways...
14. Tour (1)
15. Tour (2)
16. Anna
17. Promises
18. Asia
19. ACA
20. Summer
21. The time has come
22. Family (1)
23. Family (2)
24. Avi's plans
25. Will you?
26. Pristine lake
27. Coming out
28. Shades
29. Decisions
30. Suspended time
31. Ellen
32. Memories
33. Mitch
34. Hey Brother
35. Scott
36. Bridge Over Troubled Waters
37. Meeting

38. True Love (Epilogue)

1K 43 64
By Coralie56

Here it is. This story comes to its end.

It's been a wonderful adventure for me. The first story I've ever shared. The first time I write in english, which is not my mother language.

It reached almost 8k views and more than 500 likes so far, wich amazes me!

I want to thank here all the people who read it, liked it, and most of all those who left me sweet comments ♥

I have another idea, it could be a kind of prequel. Or another story. Or both :))

I'll need some time anyway! See you soon!


 A year later...

It had been an eventful year, with joys and sometimes worries.

The Christmas Holidays had been unforgettable. Avi went to his parents' alone to celebrate Hanukkah. He spent two days there, and had long talks with both is parents.

They asked him when he thought he could come with Mitch for Christmas. Knowing the situation, Mitch's parents' had been more than understanding: they agreed to renounce to Mitch's presence for the Christmas day. "It will be our turn next year, that's it" had said Mitch's father with a wink.

Next year could be another whole story... Let's say they were a lot on Tour around the world, visiting new places besides the usual ones, releasing a few videos, and some solo songs as well...

Kevin and Soraya got married in June, and of course Avi was Kevin's Best Man.

They were back for good in L.A. at the end of November.

Avi and Mitch finally found time to plan one of the most important moment of their life...

January 9 was a special anniversary. The day Mitch and Avi had revealed their feelings to each other, two years ago.

They wanted to make it a special day for ever. It would become the day or their wedding.


Mitch ans Avi had invited their bandmates and their partners for dinner at the very begenning of December. They were sharing a drink before the meal.

- We have great news to tell you, smiled Avi.

- Speak!

- Just let him talk, Scott! sighed Kirstie.

Kevin giggled and shared an amused glance with Avi.

- I really love you guys, never change!

- I don't think they can, homie, replied Kevin.

Soraya, Jeremy and Alex were trying not to burst out laughing.

Avi smiled widely and grabbed Mitch's hand, his gaze turning suddenly moved while looking at him. Mitch smiled softly... Avi turned back to their friends.

- We're getting married in January.



They all laughed so hard that none of them were able to say a single word for a few minutes. Then Kevin grabbed his glass and raised it.

- I propose a toast to these good news!

They all raised their glasses and cheered up the two lovers.

- Okay, may I ask you...?

- Yes Scott, answered Avi happily. You can ask whatever you like.

- Why did it take you so long!

- We wanted it to take place in January, answered Avi softly. And at the beginning of this year... well, my parents had just accepted Mitch, it was too early.

- But why January?! It must be the worse moment of the year!

- Oh Scott, c'mon! You're supposed to be the cheezy one! giggled Kirstie.

- The cheezy... Oh! I'm sorry! Of course! The "Shopping Day"... when Mitch found a dragon!

- There's nothing to do with you, whinned Kirstie.

Mitch made eye contact with Scott and smiled at him.

- I know what do do with you, actually. Would you be my Best Man?

Scott seemed to melt. He walked to Mitch, took his hands in his, wispered "Of course I will" and hugged his best friend tightly.

Avi smiled fondly and then turned to Kevin.

- Playa? Would you be mine?

- Oh Avi! You don't even have to ask!

- And me? asked Kirstie, pretending to pout.

- Actually... began Mitch.

- ...we have an idea, ended Avi.

They smiled at eachother when they saw their friends' questioning faces.

- As our story is such an unexpected one, we thought we could make a last unexpected choice. We would like you to be our Maid of Honor... for both!

- We're sure you'll have plenty of wonderful ideas! Kevin and Scott will help you of course, if you can bear with them, said Mitch with a wink.

- Oh! I love your idea! Thank you!

Kirstie jumped out of her seat and went to hug Mitch at first.

- You've been a wonderful sister for so long, whispered Mitch.

- I love you too, hun, answered Kirstie while kissing him on the cheek.

She turned to Avi, who wrapped his arms around her waist.

- We've been friends for a few years only but... Kirstie, you've been so sweet and helpful for me, I'll never be able to thank you enough.

- You know you don't need to! We are here for each others when it's needed, that's all, smiled Kirstie.


- Here we are...

Avi was pacing nervously in front of a big mirror.

- Kevin, I will never remember what I want to say!

- Avi, calm down please. You wrote it yourself, and you even didn't need to. All these words are in your heart, aren't they? You look like a kid before an exam, not a grown up man about to get married! And please, stop pulling on your bowtie, it's the third time I have to fix it!

Kevin grabbed Avi's shoulders firmly and stopped him. He was smiling widely at his bestfriend, remembering how feverish he was himself seven months ago.

- Listen, there's something you can be sure about...

- What?

- Whatever you say, even if you mess up a bit, the only person who will really listen to you will love every word coming from your mouth, giggled Kevin.

- Mitchie...

- Speak to him and only to him, Avi, and all will be fine.

He wrapped his arms around Avi, and Avi pressed his forehead on his shoulder, sighing deeply. When he pulled away, he seemed more calm.

- Thank you bro. Even if I'm not sure I really appreciate when you suggest you won't listen to me carefully yourself... he added with a wink.

They both burst out laughing.


- No Mitch, you are perfect like this, you don't need to change a single thing in your clothing. Not now anyway!

- But Avi didn't see it yet! And if he doesn't like this shirt?

- Mitchie! You've always chosen your clothes by yourself! You're always gorgeous. It's not time to have doubts now! Has he ever complained about your tastes before?

- No... but it's a special day, I want it to be perfect.

- Don't worry babe, everything will be perfect. And you shouldn't worry so much about your clothes anyway...

- What do you mean?

- Well... I bet your dragon-bird will rather be waiting for the moment to take them off...

Mitch blushed suddenly, raising his hands to cover his mouth.

- Scott!  You're impossible! yelled Kirstie who was just coming in. This is supposed to be a romantic moment!

Scott smirked evilly.

- He needed to come back on earth, he was getting almost hysterical.

Kirstie raised her eyebrows in despair. Suddenly they heard Mitch making strange noises under his hands still pressed on his mouth. Tears appeared at the corners of his eyes, his shoulders were shaken by... a huge laughter!

- You're so silly and so gross! he stammered.

And the trio fell in each others' arms, laughing loudly to hide their emotion.

When they recovered, Kirstie told them:

- I was coming to fetch you, it's time.

She raised a hand to smooth gently Mitch's strand of hair. He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling less stressed.

- Let's go, boys! she muttered.


They were standing facing each other, holding hands, eyes in eyes.

Mitch spoke first, his voice a little shaky at the beginning, but soft and clear.

"Avi, I fell in love with you six years ago, almost at the first sight. Then I spent four years treating me of a fool, to be so desperately in love with a man who would never look at me this way. But I couldn't help it. From your sweet and caring mind to your heartwarming smile, I would run out of words before being able to tell all what I love about you. I've tried to get over you. Again and again. I couldn't. It was burning inside. I had buried this flame deep inside me, and was ready to keep it here, forever hidden, and at least keep our friendship alive. And then you opened your heart to me. Two years ago, you offered me the key to a magical land with one single kiss. I feel secure by your side, I feel more happy than I could tell, I feel blessed. My heart is yours for the rest of my life."

Avi gently pressed Mitch's hands in his. He had to clear his throat to speak in turn, and almost failed to make a sound at first.

"Mitch... I love your voice today as much as I did six years ago. As if it was the thread that led me to your heart. When I really fell for you, I've been struggling a whole year against that feeling. Me, falling in love with a man? It couldn't be. And yet I was coming back to you, day after day, like a butterfly comes back to the light. But this light doesn't burn. You are the sweetest and the most graceful person I've ever met, inside and out. When I've finally been able to open my heart to you, you offered me so much love that I still don't believe my luck. You are a shining angel and I feel grateful that you chose me. I know for sure and I want to tell you today: I have found my True Love."

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