A Dilemma With Frank Iero (Th...

By Madeline__Kate

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A Dilemma With Frank Iero (The sequel to A Dorm Room With Gerard Way!?!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chpater 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13 - To the End

Chapter 12

830 37 30
By Madeline__Kate

“She can’t keep going like this, fuck Frank even I know that. But I know we can’t… stay this way any longer. It’s breaking the band apart.”

Fucking Gerard, always the victim isn’t he. Always getting the girls I fall for. It was me Lindsey met first, it was her I loved. Then Gerard came on the scene and fucked shit up for me. The he introduced me to Riley Shebble. I don’t think I ever loved someone more. I don’t think I’m gonna love someone more than I fucking love her. I love her more than Gerard ever did, I was there more than Gerard ever was. “What’s breaking it apart is you getting in the fucking way all the time! She was fine, WE were fine until you decided, ‘hey I wanna talk to her again cause I’m bored with all the other pussy and bitches I’m getting!’”

Anger crossed his face and he stood up from the counter. “There was never a ‘we’ circumstance between you and Riley, you never dated, you never got engaged to her, I did. Obviously she didn’t want you as much as she wanted me. Just get this fantasy out of your head and let’s go back to the old days. Me and Riley need to be together and you need to be the guitarist for the band.”

“You fucking assho-“

What the fuck was that noise. “Did you hear that?” Gerard breathed looking around.

There was another loud bang. “It sounded like it came from…”

“WHERE ARE YOU BITCH!” echoed down the corridor, that’s when the fucking horror struck me.


Gerard sprung up and I ran to the door and yanked it open running for the now broken down door. “HOLY SHIT!”

I ran in first and Gee was close behind me. Boy was I glad I was in a fighting mood right now.

Riley’s P.O.V

“That piece of shit busted my door down!” I yelled frustrated darting towards the boys and to find Anderson. The boys looked back stunned and their eyes followed me as I walked to my room where I found Anderson looking in the bathroom for me. “There you are.”

He smirked taking some strides towards me. “YOU BROKE MY FUCKING DOOR!”

As he was reaching me I pulled back my arm and punched my fist right in to his face. He fell back and blood trickled from his nose. “You fucking stalked me to my apartment!”

I kicked him in the chest knocking out his diaphragm which causes him to get winded. Good the fucking mutt. “AND you’re in MY bathroom you perve!”

Delivering my final blow I put my foot on his throat and pressed down, seeing him struggle for breath made me smile. Bye-bye Anderson. “HOW’S THIS FOR SAYING GOOD NIGHT!” I screamed laughing, this really was making my night, I’m glad I came back and stopped being a pussy.


I laughed and pressed harder into his throat and he became redder and redder by the minute. “RILEY GET OFF HIS THROAT! YOU’LL KILL HIM!”

“Good.” I breathed laughing.

I felt strong hands on my arms and arms under my legs picking me up from the ground. “LET GO OF ME YOU ASS HOLES!”

“Riley you need to get out of here! This is getting to dangerous! You know as well as we do that Anderson has some fucked up friends and they will be back trailing your ass in no time! We need to pick up everything and go.”

“I can’t leave!” I sobbed banging my fists into Frank’s shoulder. “Shhhhh.” He softly cooed into my ear stroking my hair as Gerard set my legs back down to the ground.

There was a sort of growling noise and Frank stopped stroking my hair and stepped away from me. I almost forgot about Gerard as horrible as that sounds. “Get that pig out of here, he’s un conscious so we will just leave him by the stairwell or something.”

Me and Frank nodded and lifted Anderson out of the apartment and to the stairwell. “Start packing your things. Now. Gerard and I will help you but right now I’m gonna find somewhere for you to live.”

“You’re coming with me aren’t you?”

Frank looked up and Gerard piercing eyes cut through him. Frank cleared his throat and looked down. “Wouldn’t you rather Gerard… go… with… you?”

Oh right, Gerard and Frank are both here. Gerard pursed his lips and put his arm around me. “We will both stay with you okay?”

I nodded, he smiled and Frank showed a weak effort of smiling. It was the last smile he did.




When Frank needed to go out to get some air, we didn’t know he would drive away, we didn’t know he wouldn’t see the red light cause he wasn’t concentrating, because he was too busy cursing himself, the anger that cause him to crash to tears. To crash his car into an oncoming Fed Ex truck.

He died almost instantly and that’s when my emotions ran high. I was still in love with him, his stupid piercings, his attitude, and the way he seemed to have me wrapped around his finger. Yes, he died that night. And now we were dressed in black standing over his coffin looking down at his cold lips, the open casket. I once kissed those lips, he once held me in his cold lifeless arms. He once loved me with that un moving heart in his chest. The tears were blocked up inside my eyes I couldn’t cry at this moment all I could do is watch his body not moving. It felt like I was watching him sleep again all though… his chest remained still and my head wasn’t resting on it. There were A LOT of fans waiting in the streets with the banners and signs, their faces filled with tears. I know they loved him and he spoke to me in ways it never spoke to me but they never knew him the way I did. They never had the grace of his raw love. They never smelt his cologne on his skin and they were never sitting in bed in the morning after he showed you again and again how beautiful his love was. It’s not their fault but I can’t help but feel… strange about everything.

“Everyone we are descending to the cemetery to lower the casket. If people want to make their way over that would be appreciated.”

I never thought I would see them but there they were conducting their sons funeral. The first time I’m meeting them was at Frank’s funeral. Jeez Frank look what’s happening down here, I have made such a fucking mess. I picked up my clutch and made sure my dress wasn’t snagged on anything. I thought the only time I would be wearing a beautiful dress that actually touched the ground was going to be for my wedding.  I did love this dress, I picked it out for myself when me and Frank went shopping, after he saw me in it is when we actually kissed for the first time without one of us not wanting it… Oh fuck stop thinking Riley stop thinking. I felt arms around me and a head resting in to the back of mine. “I feel like shit.”

I rubbed Gerard’s cheek and sighed. “I do too.”

He let go and took my bag off me. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

I nodded and looked around me. The undertakers were outside organising details with Frank’s parents which left me and him alone. I walked to the casket and peered in once again looking at his dead lips. “I’m sorry it took me death to realise I was madly in love with you.”

I whispered brushing my thumb over his forehead. Perhaps one last kiss my love? I bent down and pushed a soft kiss to his cold lips. That’s when I cried, that’s when I realised they weren’t warm like they used to be. Fuck Frank what have we done?

“You must be Riley.”

I turned around and Frank’s Dad was standing a few seats away from me. “I herad a lot about you.”

“Bad I’m guessing?”

“Good and bad. You were the first girl he really ever talked about. You made a bit of an impact on him.”

I did? I wiped my eyes and took a step away from Frank’s body. “He loved you.”

He said smiling walking over to his sons body and remained smiling at him as if he could see it and smile back. “I’m just sorry we met like this, I was going to come to some dinner thing he had at a restaurant but we were a bit busy. I made a bet with him that he COULD ask you out and you would say yes. He thought you wouldn’t want to go with him.”

He chuckled and wiped his forehead. “He always under estimated himself.”

“I agree.” I whispered casting my eyes over his face.

“He wanted to marry you y’know. He brought you a necklace as well. I’m not sure if he gave it to you.”

“No… he didn’t.”

He frowned then smiled knowingly. He reached  into Frank’s pocket and pulled out a note and a box.

“For you, I think he would of wanted you to have this. My wife must of found it and put it there.”

I opened the box and gasped. It was silver and it was a chain with a small flower on it. I cried some more and Frank’s father’s arms cradled me. “Come on kiddo, no use crying now.”

No use crying now. He is dead.

Writing this did make me cry, i got attached to the character i created :/ But it's part of the story and there is more to come so stay tuned :P (BTW! The story isnt over! I'm uploading more chapters soon!)

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