Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

Por MyLadyOfStories

27.9K 1K 352

(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... Más

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
The Wedding Part 3
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Find the Babies
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Burnt and Lost
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time

Girls Night

366 19 18
Por MyLadyOfStories


"Amy, I don't like this. I don't think that the Doctor will agree, and besides, Gwen can't make it." Phina groaned, as I pulled her into the TARDIS as it appeared in front of the house. Sky and Martha were already with us, Mickey babysitting baby Alice, and Rory working the late shift at the hospital. "Come on, please, he won't say yes!"

"Seraphina, stop it! You're acting like a baby. Old you would have done this in a heartbeat." I muttered, seeing the Doctor wasn't in the console room.

She stopped, making me face her. "Hey, I thought you were over that. It's been what, 4 years for you since that happened? I'm still just as much your sister now than I was then."

That made me sigh, hugging her at the worried and hurt expression on her face. "I am over it, Ali-Cat, but it's always going to hurt, knowing that you died. It hurts more than you really did die, and then seeing you alive 2 years later... No, nothing depressing tonight, we're having fun, getting drunk, and then we are all sleeping in the console room."

"Why are we all sleeping in the console room?" The Doctor asked, coming into the room then and frowning at us, still locked in embrace. "What are you guys up to?"

Giggling, we turned to look at him, then pretended to be all authoritative. "You, Raggedy Man, are being evicted for the night. It's my birthday weekend and I want to have a birthday party, girls only, in the TARDIS. Me, Phi, Sky, Martha, and Mels/River."

"No, this is my house, go have one in your own!" He pouted, looking both angry and upset that he wasn't invited. Hey, there was always going grabbing Clyde and Luke and then proceeding to go to Mickey's and have a boys night, being careful of the now 4 year old Alice. Anwyn was now 7 and driving Gwen up the wall. "What about Rory, what's he doing? Why can't you have it at your house?"

"Because our house isn't big enough, Luke is having a UNIT dinner at his and Mickey needs his house to watch Alice. So, you're out and we're in. Don't worry, we bought you plenty of tea, Jammy Dodgers, Fish Fingers, and Custard. Plus, there are loads of books, and some of those sleep patches Phi has to use at times." I listed, making sure that he knew that we had thought about him in this arrangement, we just wanted him to let us have this gorgeous blue box. "Come on, Raggedy Man, one night won't kill you, and it'll be fun when you annoy a very sleepy Mr Pond when he comes home at 3am."

He sighed, looking at his wife who had moved over to hug him, whispering things in his ear that I was fairly sure I was going to be too young to ever hear, but he blushed, to the point his ears were scarlet, and then nodded, his voice high and squeaky. "OK, you can have the TARDIS, but for one night. One, night! And you have to clean up after yourselves."

"Thank you, baby." Phi smile, kissing his cheek, winking at me. Oh, emotional blackmail, it couldn't ever get better than that. "I love you, and I promise that I'll do all those things..." So, so gross.


The TARDIS looked amazing. Sky had been a great help with her sparky powers, hence forth being known as Sparky, and I was Auntie Amy, again. Fun. But we had fairy lights all over the console room, these weird anti gravity candles so they floated around the ceiling like the great hall in Harry Potter, and there were bean bags, pillows, duvets, and tonnes of nibbles and cakes and stuff. It was a perfect den, and it should be like this more often.

"Everyone in their onesies?" I called, seeing Sky as Piglet, so cute, Martha as Owl, Phi as Eeyore and myself as Tigger as it didn't really fit with her any longer. "Awesome. Right one last person to pick up, and yes, we are picking her up from prison, shh, it's not her fault. Seraphina if you please."

She started us off to Storm Cage, and we all ran out of the TARDIS at River, who was curled up asleep on her bunk, curly hair all over the place. "RIVER!"

That made her jump, falling very hard onto the floor. "What the hell?! I was asleep, Amy, Seraphina!" River pouted, getting up and then frowning. "OK, what is going on here? Amy, Phi, Martha and Sky, as Whinnie the Pooh characters... Are we having a girls night or something?"

"YES!" We all cheered, pulling her up and out into the TARDIS, where she laughed as she saw what we'd done.

"Oh, very nice, I like it. Quick thing, I've just done the Byzantium and talking to Amy and Rory and the being picked up by the Doctor to talk about Seraphina, where are you?"

Phi grinned. "Well, I've just died, come back and spent 20 years as a raging Demon, missing my amazing daughter all the time. Does that help?"

River just grinned wider, hugging her tight. "Love you mum." They were so sweet. I just wish that I could have kids, but I couldn't. Under developed ovaries, and that means that I was forever just a wife to Rory, not a baby mother. We could adopt, like Sarah Jane, sort of, but it would never be exactly the same, not like those two.

But we got her changed into her onesie for the night, Rabbit, obviously, and then we got down to the fun part of evening where we just got to mess around. "Oh, I have an idea. Prank calls." Sky laughed, drinking her one alco-pop. She was nearly 16, one wouldn't hurt and besides, it was practically fruit juice. "Clyde does them to Luke at UNIT all the time and its hilarious."

Well, we were all secretly kids here anyway.

"Right, we are definitely calling my lovely Goddaughter at her work." Phi grinned, grabbing the TARDIS phone and calling someone. "And shh, she doesn't actually know I know she exists."

She put the phone on speaker, and the a polite sounding woman picked up. "Hello, this is Kate Stewart here, Lead Scientific Advisor of UNIT, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is the Doctor speaking, I've been wondering what other colours of berets you have." She asked, speaking in a perfect example of his voice. "And also if you did more than berets, I'm rather partial to a red Fez if I'm honest, do you do Fezzes?"

The woman, Kate, on the phone sounded rather confused. "What? A Fez?" And then the penny dropped. "This is Seraphina, isn't it? The Writer? My dad told me that you liked practical jokes."

"Hiya, my Lovely. I was thinking that you were pretty smart, and you have definitely just proved me right. Sorry about that, we were a little bored. Congrats on the promotion by the way, your dad would be so proud of you."

"Thank's Aunt Writer. Look, my experiment is about to explode, I have to go." The phone went silent for a moment and then we heard her shouting at some one before it went dead.

"Well, that was eventful." I laughed, sipping my wine while River hung upside down from the chair, her long blonde curls brushing the floor. "River, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to see how long it takes for mum to get annoyed. But I'm feeling a little sick, so I think I'm going to have to stop." She flipped back up, but over balanced, hitting some controls and then the central column started rising and falling, the entire room shaking and shuddering. "I so meant to do that. Mumsie, where have I totally on purpose taken us?"

Phi rolled her eyes at her daughter before looking at the monitor. "Uh, we are on an asteroid, basic levels of oxygen and gravity out there, basically we're on what seems to be a party rock. One life sign out there, as well as a burnt out old rocket. Actually, a very familiar burnt out rocket. Where's Donna when you need her."

And then there was a knock at the door, making us all jump.

"Bagsie not me!" Sky, Martha, and Melody shouted at the same time, leaving Phi and I to head over to the door where there was still a knock coming through.

"On the count of three." We said, hand on the latch, and the other on the handle. "One, two, three." And then we pulled the door open, seeing a girl stood there.

She was tiny, Alice size tiny, with one big blue eye and the other an emerald, with long blond hair pulled up in a pony tail, with a bright orange streak through it. She looked right at my sister, a massive grin on her face as she just stared back in shock.

"Hello, mum."


"Hello, mum." Jenny grinned, looking right at me, her face just as dear and familiar to me as it was nearly 300 years ago. "Been a long time, I've been seeing you a lot recently, in my visions?"

I didn't know what else to do, so I hugged her, wrapping my arms around my tiny, tiny daughter as tight as I could. "How did you survive? You were shot, Jenny! You were shot right through the heart, I held you as you died!"

Amy put her hand up. "OK, I'm confused. I thought that Rory was your first attempt at a kid, who's this Jenny?"

"I'm Jenny, I am a generated anomaly that was grown in seconds by a progenitor machine on the planet Messaline when my mum, Alice, or Seraphina now, was still human. I was then shot through the heart and died. But the terraformer healed me, and here I am!" She giggled, as Melody came over.

"Jenny?" Jen looked at her. "Hi, I've heard so much about you. I'm River, I'm your little sister."

Jenny looked at me, her grin getting bigger. "I have a sister?! That's awesome." And then she proceeded to hug River as well, making me laugh. "I've always wanted a sister, or a brother, I just wanted to be with my family. Seriously. I've been away from you all for about 5 years, I've missed you, mum!" And I joined in on their hug.

"Oh, thanks for ignoring me, Jenny!" Martha laughed, getting to her feet as well, in her lovely Owl onesie. "I am so glad that you're here! Trust me, your mum and dad were so upset when you die!"

"Auntie Martha!" She giggled, hugging her next. "I'm so happy to see you! And who's everyone else, I don't know who they are."

I hugged her again, not sure what else to do. Her dad was going to be so happy, and it meant that we weren't completely cursed when it came to having children. Well, Melody wasn't dead, or missing for the rest of time, though she was in prison. "Right, this is your Auntie Amelia, or Amy, and this is your cousin Sky, kinda. She's also an Electrical Base flesh alien."

"Flesh Kind? Really? I've met your race, and I helped stop the war. Were you that weapon that went wrong and turned into a normal little girl?" Jenny asked, hitting the nail on the head. "Not that I think you went wrong, I was happy when you went wrong, it gave me a chance to organise a treaty between your race and the Metal Kind."

OK, my daughter had officially become a perfect example of her father, and he was going to love this. Melody was a mummy's girl, that was obvious, but Jenny had preferred her dad when we saw her last. "Auntie Phi, Jenny is really nice." Sky laughed, high fiving her. "How old are you?"


"No, you look about my age, how can you be 6, Jenny?" Amy asked her, while I caught Melody's eye. She looked happy, that was a relief. I didn't know if she liked the idea of having a sister, especially one we thought was dead. She may have liked being an only child.

Jenny just shrugged, looking at her aunt. "I was created. The base age the machine was set at was 24, and I came out looking around that age, though I inherited my dads innate childishness." That was far too true, my Doctor had been a big cuddle Tigger then. "I'm really only 6, Auntie Amy."

"I do not want to see her when she's about 24, she's going to be a prune." Martha joked. "No, I think that you'll be exactly the same for a while, your mum and dad age slowly, so you will as well. Come on, this is an amazing celebration now, the return of Jenny Pond, and her getting to meet her little sister. Here you go, Jenny." She handed her a bottle of J2o, and I sat back down in between my two daughters, my arms around them both as I grinned. God, I had a fairly normal family for once...


"What the hell did you do to my TARDIS?" The Doctor asked, opening the doors and turning on the lights, making us all groan and put the covers over our heads. We'd all fallen asleep and ended up in various positions across the console room which was pretty funny. "Hello, wakey wakey, ladies, we're supposed to be off to the wild west in a few hours, when Rory has finally surfaced from the deep abyss of exhaustion."

"Bugger off." Martha muttered, throwing a bean bag at him. "We're all tired, and we'll clean up later."

There was a pause, and then the sprinklers went off.


"Yes?" He grinned, his hand on the one fire alarm we had in the console room. "Oh, now that you're all yup, fancy clearing everything away for me?" Oh, I was going to kill him later, but then he paused, seeing the blonde and ginger head on the pillow next to me, now in a Winnie the Pooh onesie, the only one we had left. "J, Jenny?"

She rolled over, rubbing her eyes sleeping. "Yes, dad?" Then she realised. "Oh, hiya. I'm not dead by the way. Mum nearly cried last night, and River's nice, I like River."

The Doctor straight away knelt down on the floor and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her as tight as I did. "I missed you so much, Jenny... Jenny Arianna Pond..."

"I missed you too, daddy..." She laughed, and then I pulled Melody up and we had a group hug, then and there in front of everyone, not that they cared, they were all tearing up, or at least Amy was.

We cleared away, and dropped off Martha first, as Alice was really missing her mum, we then took Sky home, her brother coming out to meet us while River and Amy started reminiscing about the old days back in school together. "Luke, it was amazing! River accidentally sent us off to this asteroid and we met Jenny, Uncle Docs and Auntie Phi's first daughter."

Luke looked up then, seeing our daughter cuddled into her dads side and his eyes widened at the sight of her. I knew that look. "Uh, hi. Um, I'm Luke, I'm Sky's big brother, I'm about 20."

"About 20? Are you 20 or aren't you?" Jenny giggled, moving closer to him and taking his outstretched hand. "I'm Jenny, or Jen as I get called a lot at the moment. I'm 6."

For a moment they then stared at each other, and then at the exact same moment they lifted up the top of their shirts and showed perfectly flat stomachs, no belly buttons. "You were created too!"

"Doctor, I think we just lost our daughter the minute we got her." I laughed, getting closer to him. "I saw that look in Luke's eyes, it's exactly the same look that you gave me the first time you saw me."

He sighed, kissing my hair. "She looked at him just as I looked at you. I think that she found her soul mate there. But it could be worse. Melody ended up with Jack bloody Harkness."

"Is that like Lucie Bleeding Miller, there my Angel? Because I think she copyrighted that."

"Oh, shut up. I need to be tactful here." He muttered, while Luke and Jenny were still talking avidly, Sky grinning and joining in. "Jen?" She made a noise and turned towards us. "Thing is, Luke could really use a hand looking after Sky and making sure she does her homework, and I think that you've probably had enough running around the universe for now. What do you think about staying here for a bit?"

Luke made a noise to protest about how he was doing well with Sky, which he was, but she needed a girl to help her. "I mean, I was helping, but the Doctor really wants me to permanently move back in, and you know your dads flying skills, it'll be very sporadic that we manage to get back here to see them both. If you're here, he'll manage it a lot better."

"Um, I don't mind, really." Jenny smiled, blushing a little and lowering her face a little. She so liked him. "It's up to Luke. Do you mind me sticking around for a while?"

"No, no, not at all. There's a spare room if you want it, and I think that there's some different paints and stuff in the shed if you want to paint it a different colour, or you can put up posters and things." He replied quickly, and I smiled, knowing that they were going to hit it off so well. I guess that the universe doesn't hate me any more, and it's making it up to me for being a cow.

2 Beautiful daughters, my amazing husband, the Ponds. Life was good.

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