Don't Skip 9

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"Doctor?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.

"Sera, I'm trying to sleep here." He sighed and rolled over in my arms, facing me. "Yes, Dear?"

I kissed him softly, then cuddled into him, listening to his hearts. "I've met every single one of your faces except one. I grew up with the first 2, travelled with the next 6, fought along side the one you want to forget and had sex with your 10th and 11th. I never got to meet the 9th."

"Am I not enough for you?" He joked, kissing the top of my head and laughing. "Yeah, I don't see why not, seeing as when I first saw you I found you familiar. I just put it down to knowing you were my Seraphina. I met you on a satellite, and I thought you were brilliant."

"Well, I am brilliant, aren't I?" I laughed back, cuddling closer into his chest. "Was Rose there?"

He pulled back a little, looking me right in the eye and keeping my gaze. "She was only ever a distraction, my Sera. I promise you, I just needed to forget you when I thought you died. I love you, not her."

Nodding, I kissed him quickly, rolling on top of him. "I know, my Angel. I love you too. So, what was I wearing that day? Or do you think I look better in this?" In just a thin black nightie.

"Oh, I think Adam may have been more into you then, but no. Unfortunately you had clothes on that day. You were wearing black skinny jeans, and a red long sleeved top. No shoes, because I knew you were Calderrian, and you had your hair straightened."

I raised an eye brow. "And you didn't realise that you'd met me before? Really?"

"I'm lying, I have no idea what you we wearing, I'm just saying what I want you to wear. You look really nice in jeans, your bum looks great."

"Really? Did you not like me wearing dresses then?" I asked, feigning a hurt expression. I hadn't worn a dress since Melody was taken from me, because that happy, optimistic woman who had wanted a family was gone, and now I was her. Someone different.

He ran his hands gently along my hips, his fingers lightly tracing my stretch marks. "I like you in whatever you want to wear, my Sera. A dress, jeans, a skirt, a bin bag, nothing. Whatever you feel comfy and pretty in, that's good enough for me. You sure you want to meet Captain Big Ears?"

"Yes, I know all of you apart from him. Obviously I wasn't me, I'm guessing I used Sarah Pond or something like that?"

"On the nose exactly, my Sera. It's like your cover name, like John Smith for me. Go on, get dressed, I'll get us there and fill in the Mini-Ponds. Amy and Rory will get worried otherwise." He gave me another quick, well, I say quick but it really wasn't, kiss, and then rolled out of bed, leaving me to watch him pull on his pyjamas and leave the room.

I showered quickly, drying my hair straight, and put on what he wanted me to wear, plain black skinny jeans, a deep red long sleeved top. Make up wise, I went fairly gothic, but I made sure that it wasn't over board. My Doctor didn't really like me wearing too much for no reason. I grabbed my velvet coat again, meeting the Doctor in the console room, where he beamed at me. "Love it, your eyes are very sparkly."

"Yeah, I found glittery TARDIS blue online, and they do outer space deliveries in the future." I laughed, giving him a quick peck. "Ready to go?"

He nodded, handing me my new TARDIS key after I gave Melody mine. She deserved one, and mine was the second one to be made after her fathers,and that had to stay with the 'main' pilot. "All ready to go. You'll need these." He handed me a bundle of paper, all about some form of news. "You'll find out why."

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