The Wedding Part 3

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River Song:

I was watching my parents get married. How many children can say that, unless they were born before hand? I was even getting to be a bridesmaid, in a beautiful TARDIS blue dress. Well, the TARDIS was as much my parent as the Doctor or Sera, I was the daughter of the TARDIS.

She was still asleep while Amy, Martha and Sarah Jane went to help the men set up wherever the ceremony actually was, because I may know them in the future, but I didn't know where any of it was, it wasn't exactly like I was able to look at photo albums growing up. I'd made her a mug of tea, and a plate of scrambled eggs on toast and shook her shoulder lightly.

"M, Sera, Sera, wake up, Sweetie." Crap, I nearly called her mum then. To be fair, I'd done well to have never called her it before, same with dad. "Come on, we need to get you ready for the wedding."

Her eyes flickered open, flashing gold as she smiled up at me. "Morning, River."

"Morning, Doctor Sera. That's pretty much your married name, you know that, right?" I laughed, giving her the tray and sitting down on the floor next to her. "So, your last day as Seraphina Dark, how does that feel?"

"I don't really use that as my last name anymore. I use Pond, seeing as at times Amy feels more like my family than Koschei ever was, and he's my twin brother." Yeah, I'd been told the stories. He used her, even though she was the only one searching for his redemption. My Mad Uncle Master.

She ate quickly, then I threw her in the shower while I got out all the dresses and laid them out in age order, Seraphina, me, Sarah Jane, Martha, Aunt Amy. Rani was at college, as the boys should be, but I had a feeling Jack would have roped them into wedding prep. When she came out, I sat her down at the dressing table, carefully drying her hair so that it curled in long loose waves down her back, then pinning the front out of her face.

I'd made my own purchase for her hair, knowing that she wasn't letting anyone do anything, but I was in charge of her hair and make up. Nails, good luck, they already changed colour. But I slid in little star clips in there, all in the colours of the Doctor's eyes over the years, icy blue, steely grey, ocean grey, sky blue, TARDIS blue, ultramarine, a between colour of grey and blue, cornflower blue, white blue, infinite brown and lastly a jade green. I'd given Jack some cuff links to give the Doctor, one of tigers eye, of of emerald. Eyes were the gateway to the soul, and to us Time Lords, they were the most important feature.

"Phina, River, we're back!" My Godmother, Sarah Jane, shouted up the stairs, then I could hear three sets of feet running up to us. "Oh, wow, your hair looks perfect..."

I hadn't even had a chance to start on her make up, but I could already see that she was glowing, the perfect blushing bride. This was such an honour, to be there for my mum and dad on their special day. Anwyn was being the flower girl, having sunflower petals to scatter down the aisle, and Alice was holding the rings, that no one had seen other than the person who bought them. Sera buying the Doctor's and the Doctor buying, or making as I already knew, hers.

We all got into our dresses quickly, and we went around doing each others hair, while mum was just stood around watching us, still in just a dressing gown. None of us were wearing shoes, just like all the men had to wear bow ties, but we knew that the TARDIS wouldn't risk there being anything to cut us. "I can't believe I'm getting married..."

"Hey, you cry off that make up, I won't let you." I teased, shaking my head at the woman. "Come on, you need to put that dress on, and then we need to get to the TARDIS, the wedding's in half an hour."

She took out the dress from the bag, and I was reminded again how perfect this was for her. Shining white, with a beautiful beaded lace rose design across the skirt and a textured bodice. It showed off her gorgeous tan skin, as well as the tattoos of my siblings names, Jenny, who I'd met and was amazing, and poor Rory, who should have been my older brother. One day, there was my name on there too.

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