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The Doctor:

I was stuck in area 51, while my possibly pregnant wife, my in laws and good friend River Song were all running about the country, trying to hide. I was chained, in a straight jacket, and there was a yellow circle around me, saying that they weren't allowed near me or to interact with me. I even had a Lost standard beard.

"We found Amy Pond. She had strange markings on her arm. Do you know what they are?" Canton asked me, standing just outside the circle.

"Why don't you ask her?" Then he just threw me some photo's. They'd shot her.

A few days later, while they were building a wall around me, he came back. "We found Doctor Song." Oh, like they really did. I was more interested in what they were building out of.

"These bricks, what are they made of? Where is she?"

"She ran. Off the fiftieth floor." Oh, that was easy enough to rectify.

"I'd say zero balance dwarf star alloy. The densest material in the universe. Nothing gets through that. You're building me the perfect prison. And it still won't be enough. Not enough to stop my wife."

"No one has seen your wife. Not a trace. She's already dead, Doctor. Someone got to her before us." Yeah right.

And later still, they were dragging body bags into my cell. "Is there a reason you're doing this?"

The man just shrugged. "I want you to know where you stand."

"In a cell."

"In the perfect cell. Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not a sound, not a radio wave, not the tiniest particle of anything. No time, or magick." Sera was both, she could have done it. He closed the door once the soldiers left, making it vanish. "In here, you're literally cut off from the rest of the universe. So I guess they can't hear us, right?"

"Good work, Canton. Door sealed?" I really needed to stretch.

"You bet." I got them right off, with some Houdini tricks, and the two body bags sat up, gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Finally." Amy muttered, all red and blotchy.

Rory was looking light headed. Lack of oxygen to the brain, nothing new there then. "These things could really do with air holes."

That kinda defy's the point of them. "Never had a complaint before." Canton told him with a small smile.

"Isn't it going to look odd that you're staying in here with us?" Amy asked him, getting to her feet.

He just shrugged. "Odd, but not alarming. They know there's no way out of this place."

"Exactly. Whatever they might think we're doing in here, they know we're not going anywhere." I slumped to my right, leaning against the TARDIS, and then my wife stuck her head out of the door, the only one to have been living in luxury, in a pretty black dress with butterflies up it.

"Well, my Lovelies, shall we?"

"What about Doctor Song?" Canton asked, running after us into the TARDIS. "She dove off a rooftop."

"Don't worry. She does that. Amy, Rory, open all the doors to the swimming pool." I told them, while Sera and I got to work on getting us parked on the side of the building, while River dove through it into the pool, making a large splash.

"So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force, and they 'have been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, because no one can remember them." Sera said, absently playing with her necklace in thought. We needed to talk, we really, really needed to talk.

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