A Demon

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"Let's go to Ravan-Skala, he says. The people are six hundred feet tall. You have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the Tourist Information Centre is made of one of their hats, he says. I'm sorry, but I don't see any huge hats." I told him, folding my arms as we walked out of the TARDIS. This was the second time that he'd gone wrong in one day!

"Seraphina, Legs, Beaky, this could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen." He grinned, not really paying much attention. He was infuriating me today, and that was not a good thing.

Rory scoffed at him, stood with his wife. "You're kidding."

"How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit of Earth?" Amy asked him as he ran down the stairs to the reception

"Because, assembled Ponds, including myself, this is not Earth. This has just been made to look like Earth. The craftsmanship involved. Can you imagine?"

That didn't make any sense. "What? Then where are we?"

"I don't know. Something must have yanked us off course." Or you didn't programme the TARDIS correctly as usual. "Look at the detail on that cheese plant!"

"Right, but who would mock up an Earth hotel?" Rory asked, already sounding bored.

"DOCTOR: Colonists maybe, recreating a bit of home, like when ex-pats open English pubs in Majorca." He looked at an apple bowl, then turned back to us. "No, whoever did this, I am shaking his stroke her hand stroke tentacle."

"Have you seen these? Look at the labels underneath." I said, looking at the photos on the walls. "Commander Halke, defeat." Sontaran, mine and the Doctor's first date, that was adorable. I missed our relationship being that simple, before I'd had the miscarriage, before I regenerated, before I lost our Melody.

"Tim Heath, having his photo taken." Rory read, following me. "Lady Silver-Tear, Daleks." Well, who wasn't scared of them?

"Paige Barnes, other people's socks. Tim Nelson, balloons. Novice Prin, sabrewolves. Royston Luke Gold, Plymouth? Lucy Hayward, that brutal gorilla. Doctor, Sera, what does it mean?"

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I don't know. Let's find out." Then I hit the bell on the desk and three people appeared, two with weapons I instinctively disarmed, and the third was just waving a white flag. "Nice, trust me, you don't want to fight me at the moment, I'm having my first period since I lost my baby, I will rip anyone's throat out."

The one with the white flag was already on the floor, terrified of me. "We surrender." A grey alien with slightly rodent teeth and no hair. I knew that race...

"No, it's okay, we're not." Rory tried, but the rodent man just repeated himself. "We're nice."

The girl got confused, dressed in scrubs. "Who are you?"

"Oh god, we're back in reception." A bespectacled awkward teenager.

"We surrender." Rodent man again. He was pissing me off the most.

"I've never been threatened with a chair leg before. Well, not with this face." I pondered, hefting the weight of it in my hand.

"Did you just say, it's okay, we're nice?" Amy asked, and I could hear the confusion in her voice. Well, he was sweet and just didn't want to not make friends with these people, who were obviously trapped.

The girl is scrubs spoke up again. "Okay, I need everyone to shut up, now."

"Rita, be careful, yeah?" Glasses guy told her, and I played with the end of my hair, thinking about things. I needed to keep calm, and not end up attacking someone.

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