Remember Me?

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Dedication to Tje1415 because I think I may be killing her with feels at the moment... Sorry, my Lovely! Izzi xxx


"Demon." I turned, seeing a man walking towards me, with big blue eyes that just looked so afraid. They reminded me of the Doctor's eyes, back when I first met him. He was always scared of what we had to do, of the lessons, of not being good enough. Now, he had jade eyes that were cocky and never scared. "Please... M, my daughter. It is said that you can help. I, I can pay you"

"I am not for hire, man. I go where I am needed, and if I can save lives as I go, then that is good." I told him, bowing lowly as I always did, playing the good Sarani. "What trouble does your daughter lie in? Has she been taken by the people who rule this planet for slavery, or as a wife to some noble?"

The man looked around, as if worried someone would over hear us in this dark, dense forest, before moving closer. "She is not on this world, she was taken by someone else, and I fear for her life. Please, save her." Then he grabbed my hand in an iron tight grip, his skin like ice on my own burning hot.

"Unhand me, lest you wish to taste the fire in my gun!" I snarled, trying to rip my hand free, but the man's face went still and his eyes dead as a Dalek eye stalk pushed its way through his forehead, his hand suddenly red hot on my wrist as they shot me with a stun beam.

"Seraphina Dark is Acquired."


When I woke up, I was still hooded and masked, luckily, but also in a large domed area with a multitude of Daleks in tiers around them, and the White Supreme Dalek nearby, along with an organic Dalek and the TARDIS. This was not good, I was keeping my distance from my ex husband because I didn't want him to know one of the most feared Bounty Hunters was really his dead wife.

And then a platform rose in the middle of the room, showing Amy, Rory, and the Doctor. I made to teleport out, but my device was on the floor next to TARDIS, meaning that by the time I got to it, they'd have seen me anyway, or I'd have been shot. And all my weapons, well, nearly all, were in a bundle leaning against it.

"Where are we? A spaceship, right?" Amy asked, and then looked over at me. "Who's she, and why does she look like she's about to kill someone?" Oh, that was nice, thank you, dear little Amelia.

The Doctor looked over at me, and then back at my sister. "Not just any spaceship. The Parliament of the Daleks. Be brave. Especially of her. The Demon, Sarani Bounty Hunter, most feared in the quadrant of the universe. Luckily, they appear to have taken her weapons. Ryoko Tanaka." Try Seraphina Dark, my Angel.

"What do we do?" She asked, and then I twigged there was something wrong with her. Rory was stood too far apart from her, he was always ready to defend her when there was something going on, and we were in the Parliament of the Daleks.

Rolling my eyes, I tried to edge to my VM, but the Dalek man grabbed me, throwing me closer to the TARDIS Gang, making me hiss and snarl. "Vermin, don't touch me!"

After the Doctor gave me a wary glance, he stood in the middle of the arena. "Make them remember you. Well, come on then. You've got me. What are you waiting for? At long last, it's Christmas! Here I am." He closed his eyes, expecting to die and I readied myself to save him. He was on his last regeneration, I still had many left.

But then the Prime Minister spoke. "Save us. You will save us."

We both stared at the creature in shock. "I'll what?" We both said, and I had to quickly remember that I was supposed to be mostly deaf, thickening my voice.

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora