Girls Night

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"Amy, I don't like this. I don't think that the Doctor will agree, and besides, Gwen can't make it." Phina groaned, as I pulled her into the TARDIS as it appeared in front of the house. Sky and Martha were already with us, Mickey babysitting baby Alice, and Rory working the late shift at the hospital. "Come on, please, he won't say yes!"

"Seraphina, stop it! You're acting like a baby. Old you would have done this in a heartbeat." I muttered, seeing the Doctor wasn't in the console room.

She stopped, making me face her. "Hey, I thought you were over that. It's been what, 4 years for you since that happened? I'm still just as much your sister now than I was then."

That made me sigh, hugging her at the worried and hurt expression on her face. "I am over it, Ali-Cat, but it's always going to hurt, knowing that you died. It hurts more than you really did die, and then seeing you alive 2 years later... No, nothing depressing tonight, we're having fun, getting drunk, and then we are all sleeping in the console room."

"Why are we all sleeping in the console room?" The Doctor asked, coming into the room then and frowning at us, still locked in embrace. "What are you guys up to?"

Giggling, we turned to look at him, then pretended to be all authoritative. "You, Raggedy Man, are being evicted for the night. It's my birthday weekend and I want to have a birthday party, girls only, in the TARDIS. Me, Phi, Sky, Martha, and Mels/River."

"No, this is my house, go have one in your own!" He pouted, looking both angry and upset that he wasn't invited. Hey, there was always going grabbing Clyde and Luke and then proceeding to go to Mickey's and have a boys night, being careful of the now 4 year old Alice. Anwyn was now 7 and driving Gwen up the wall. "What about Rory, what's he doing? Why can't you have it at your house?"

"Because our house isn't big enough, Luke is having a UNIT dinner at his and Mickey needs his house to watch Alice. So, you're out and we're in. Don't worry, we bought you plenty of tea, Jammy Dodgers, Fish Fingers, and Custard. Plus, there are loads of books, and some of those sleep patches Phi has to use at times." I listed, making sure that he knew that we had thought about him in this arrangement, we just wanted him to let us have this gorgeous blue box. "Come on, Raggedy Man, one night won't kill you, and it'll be fun when you annoy a very sleepy Mr Pond when he comes home at 3am."

He sighed, looking at his wife who had moved over to hug him, whispering things in his ear that I was fairly sure I was going to be too young to ever hear, but he blushed, to the point his ears were scarlet, and then nodded, his voice high and squeaky. "OK, you can have the TARDIS, but for one night. One, night! And you have to clean up after yourselves."

"Thank you, baby." Phi smile, kissing his cheek, winking at me. Oh, emotional blackmail, it couldn't ever get better than that. "I love you, and I promise that I'll do all those things..." So, so gross.


The TARDIS looked amazing. Sky had been a great help with her sparky powers, hence forth being known as Sparky, and I was Auntie Amy, again. Fun. But we had fairy lights all over the console room, these weird anti gravity candles so they floated around the ceiling like the great hall in Harry Potter, and there were bean bags, pillows, duvets, and tonnes of nibbles and cakes and stuff. It was a perfect den, and it should be like this more often.

"Everyone in their onesies?" I called, seeing Sky as Piglet, so cute, Martha as Owl, Phi as Eeyore and myself as Tigger as it didn't really fit with her any longer. "Awesome. Right one last person to pick up, and yes, we are picking her up from prison, shh, it's not her fault. Seraphina if you please."

She started us off to Storm Cage, and we all ran out of the TARDIS at River, who was curled up asleep on her bunk, curly hair all over the place. "RIVER!"

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