
By forever_emison

522K 14.1K 8.9K

Alison returns home after being gone for 2 years. all of the girls are back from new york after Aria killed S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53~wedding~
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85~cenna wedding~
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178 ~Last Chapter~

Chapter 13

4.5K 115 74
By forever_emison

next week

alison pov

"alright girls! show us what you got!" the coach yelled. once the team is made there pretty much is no coach. she will decide team captain and then the captain will pretty much take it from there.

i looked at hanna and aria, "you guys ready?"

they smiled and nodded, "let's do this. good luck ali." we all hugged and i smiled.

"first we have, aria montgomery!" coach yelled.

aria went out and took a deep breathe.

the music turned on and she did a few cute moves, then a back hand spring.

"wow." i said to hanna.

hanna's mouth was in a wide, open smile, watching in amazement.

i swear there could've been drool coming out of that girl's mouth.

after aria was done everyone clapped.

aria walked off and a few random girls went next.

i looked over and saw emily running up to the next and jumping, slamming the ball down, dunking it.

all the guys and spencer cheered and emily laughed, jumping down in her pinny and shorts.

damn my girl is hot.

she wiped the sweat from her forehead and drank some water.

she looked over at me and winked.

i giggled and blew her a kiss.

"hanna marin!" coach yelled.

i smiled at her and hugged her, "good luck han. you got this." i said and she nodded and walked away.

"S-H-A! R-K-S!" she chanted and did a round off, then a flip, landing on her feet, "let's go," she clapped and jumped up, landing in a right side split, "sharks!"

Aria and i clapped loudly for hanna and smiled.

"Mona vanderwaal."

I shot my head over and mona smiled and started.

She did a back hand spring, and backflip, a cartwheel, she cheered and landed in a split.

Damn she's good.

"Alright. Alison dilaurentis."

I took a deep breath.

"You got this ali." Aria said and hugged me.

I looked at emily and she shot a 3-pointer, swooshing it in the net.

I walked onto the mat, gripping it with my toes.

I could feel the sweat beads forming on my head.

Just breathe ali.

The music started and i smiled and clapped, "dribble, pass, shoot, score. We are the sharks, you can't stop us, NO!" I did a back flip and an arial.

I did 4 cartwheels in a row, a round off, a front flip and 5 back hand springs till i got near the front and did a middle split.

"Go sharks!" I cheered with a smile.

Everyone around me clapped and i stood up and wipedy sweat.

I glanced at emily and she was biting her lip and staring at my ass.

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Alright ladies. The list will be up tomorrow morning, before first period. Goodluck." The coach said and smiled, walking away.

I walked over to the girls, "ali! That was amazing!" hanna said and smiled.

"thanks." i said and smiled.

"yeah ali. amazing." mona said and smiled at me sarcastically.

i looked down at my hands as i felt mona's icy stare burn into my back.

"hanna. boy toy 12 o'clock." aria said.

hanna turned around and smiled as she saw caleb playing basketball with emily and spencer.

"let's wait for them to see if they made it." i suggested and they nodded.

we all went on the bleachers and watched.

"damn. who knew em was so good." hanna said.

"and sexy." i added and smirked.

they all laughed and i watched as emily looked sexy playing a sport.

her sweat made her glow and the way her pinny dangled on her body, allowing me to see through the arm holes, seeing her toned stomach and 6-pack.

her basketball shorts that end right above her knees flying back and forth.


"oh my god that was so funny though come on!" i said and laughed.

"alison! you shoved me into the pool and my shirt came off!" hanna said.

i laughed even louder with aria.

"but it was amazing." aria said and laughed.

we all laughed and i felt arms around my waist and lips against my neck.

"guess who is the new team captain." emily said and smiled.

i gasped, "NO WAY! you?" i said.

emily nodded, "that's me. number 13. playing the point." she said proudly.

"i'm playing small forward, number 23." caleb said.

"and i am the shooting guard, number 17." spencer said and we all smiled.

"oh yay! we all get to cheer on our bed buddies!" hanna cheered, making us all laugh at her.

"let's go to the brew to celebrate!" she said and jumped on caleb's back.

"to the brew!" hanna said and pointed forward.

we all laughed.

"let's go." aria said and jumped on spencer's back.

i looked at emily.

"my lady." she said and bent down.

i smiled and jumped up onto her back.

we ran to her car and drove to the brew.

emily pov

before we got out of the car my phone rang.


"oh um. i'll meet you in there okay babe? i got to take this. it's mom." i said and got out of the car, walking behind the brew.

i answered, "really? calling me when i am in the car with alison? clever. real clever." i said sarcastically.

"wow. feisty today i see. well i need you to send those girls a message. clever and maybe threatening and maybe make them a little tense."

i sighed, "yeah sure. i got it."

i hung up and took out the burner phone.

all 5 liars in one room? you're making this too easy! see you on the court ;)


i sent it to all of us and walked into the brew.

"em. did you just get the text?" alison asked, worried.

"what text?" i said, acting oblivious.

"look at your phone em." spencer said.

i took my regular phone out and looked at it.

i gulped, "what will happen to us? what the hell does this mean?!" i started flipping out.

"babe. babe relax okay?" alison said and took my hand.

i closed my eyes and sat down, laying my head on alison's lap.

she played with my hair and spencer spoke up, "we should get away guys. like a short vacation." 

"how do you mean?" aria asked.

spencer shrugged, "well, we have off for thanksgiving all week in a few days. we could all go somewhere."

"okay. but where? and how will we get the money?" hanna said.

"well since it's fall, where'd you guys like to go?" spencer asked.

"somewhere in the mountains." aria said.

"yeah that'd be cool. we should look into it." caleb said.

"yeah. maybe a cabin in the woods that all of us can stay in, celebrate thanksgiving together, away from A." hanna said and smiled at caleb.

alison took my hand, "go hiking, zip lining, and at night have a fire and cuddle." she said and smiled lovingly at me.

i smiled and kissed her hand, "maybe have a private lake and go swimming together, and go to the top of the mountain and just watch the sunrise or sunset with the ones you love." i said, gazing right into alison's perfect blue eyes.

that would be nice.

a get away.

but would it be the perfect get away? they want an "A-free" vacation.

but what they don't know is that if they bring me it won't be "A-free"...

"this will be perfect you guys. aria and i will look at stuff tonight. nothing crazily expensive for a week but not too disgusting and cheap." spencer said and put her coffee down, getting her bag.

"we'll see you guys tomorrow. let's go." spencer said and kissed aria.

they walked out of the brew.

"until tomorrow emison. hasta la vista." hanna said and caleb and her walked out.

i smiled up at alison as my head was still in her lap.

"wanna go out to dinner? or a movie?" i offered.

"like a real date?" she said with a beaming smile.

"no i was thinking a fake one." i said sarcastically.

bad idea because i ended up getting thrown off her lap.

i landed on the ground with a thump.

"ouch al jeez." i said and chuckled.

"your sarcasm wasn't appreciated." she said and smirked.

i nodded, "yeah i kind of suspected that." i said and stood up.

"i'll tell you what. we get take out and go to the kissing rock?" i asked.

she smiled, "our spot?"

"our spot babe." i said and kissed her.

she smiled and stood up.

we walked to my car and drove to the nearest chinese take-out.

then we drove back to the kissing rock.

"why the hell did you have to get a candle?" alison asked.

"do you want to eat in the dark? didn't think so." i said and smirked at her.

she rolled her eyes as i lit the candle and sat down next to alison on the rock.

we ate our food.

"oh i want to read my fortune." alison said and smiled.

she opened her cookie.

"run." was all she said.

"what?" i asked.

she shrugged and handed it to me.

"it just says run." she said.

we heard a snap and i turned around.

great. just great.

i stood up and took alison's hand.

A came out of the darkness and alison squeezed my hand, "so much for our date." i said.

"do what the cookie says." A said with that damned computer voice.

"run." it said and lunged at us.

alison gasped and ran, dragging me behind her.

we kept running and A followed us.

A caught up to us and kicked my leg, making me trip and fall.

"really?" i whisper/yelled.

"oops." A said and chuckled.

"EM!" alison ran over and i pretended to fight A off.

i kicked A in the stomach and stood up.

"alison we have to go. come on! run!" i yelled and made her run.

A grabbed her leg, making alison scream and fall, hitting her head on a tree.

when she landed she was out cold.

i grunted and bent down.

i put my fingers to her neck.

okay. alive. passed out.

"really? really? great. just great."

"oops?" A said.

i scoffed and picked alison up.

"you know you say oops a lot." i said and shook my head.

"and i was just making sure she wasn't going to suspect you anytime soon. so in my eyes, i saved your ass. and yet, i still have not heard a thank you."

i scoffed, "and you will never hear one. damnit. she's bleeding. good job. real perfect."

"oh she'll be fine. just wipe it up and maybe an ice pack. now i heard you girls and caleb talking about a vacation. you'll need to be suited up."

i sighed, "can't i have a week for just me and my friends to relax and have fun? or maybe a week for my girlfriend and i to have a romantic get away and thanksgiving?" i said.

A laughed and i placed alison in the backseat.

i shut the door.

"you can be romantic when you aren't busy. you'll get your stupid fun but you have business to tend to emily. you aren't falling away from us are you?" A said.

"no i'm not. no falling." i said defensively.

"i hope not."

"i said no falling alright?" i snapped.

A chuckled, "i can see that. you're finally becoming one of us."

"i thought i already was one of you." i said, confused.

"well you are. but you weren't it all the way. you're soft but now i could tell you're hardening up."

"like the monster is overpowering me..." i mumbled.

"exactly." A said.

"what do i tell alison that happened? she's gonna ask what happened after she passed out."

"she probably won't remember. just make something up. you've been lying about who you truly are. so clearly it comes easy to you."

i rolled my eyes, "fuck you." i said and got in the car and drove away.

alison pov

i woke up and my vision was super hazy.

i saw emily talking to someone. i saw a dark figure and emily looked upset.

who is she talking to?

i blinked and saw the figure was gone.

my eyes fell heavy and i fell asleep again.


when i woke up i was in my bed.

"hey you okay?" emily said as she walked over.

"what happened?" i asked as i held my head.

"A attacked us babe. A tripped you and you passed out. i tried to wake you up but the bitch attacked me and i had to knock A out with a branch and carried you to the car. but you're okay. i promise." she said and dabbed my forehead with a wet rag.

"here i'm going to put a bandage on you." she said and unwrapped a band-aid.

i think it was a dream.

"em. i thought i saw you talking to someone outside the car. were you?" i asked.

she looked at me and smiled, "no. was it a dream babe?"

"i guess so. it just felt so real." i said.

"dreams can work in mysterious ways my love." she said and put the bandage on.

she kissed my cheek, "all done beautiful. let's get some shut eye." she said and smiled.

i scrunched my eyebrows.

"yeah sure." i said and smiled fakely.

she kissed me and we lay down in bed and emily put her hands on my stomach.

that was weird right?

no just let it go alison. this is emily,  not a psycho.

i sighed and closed my eyes.

"i love you alison."

"i love you too em." i said and kissed her arm and fell asleep.


yay trip time!

a week in paridise!

oh wait...not really?
















okay...i don't know what happened there.

it's late and i...yeah.


review and comment guys. i can't stop laughing right now haha.

i am weird.


~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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