To Friends To Lovers ( A Mind...

By AugustAlsina20

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It started off with one sleepover and things started to fall all apart ..... More

To Friends To Lovers ( A Mindless Behavior Love Story ) RATED R !
The Game !! ^.^
The Game Part 2
It Was All Just Fun And Games ...
Maybe I Had A Little Too Much Fun ..!
Sarah's Confession ...
Confussion ...
Fuckin' Problems ....... In Our Relationship !
Surprises , Surprise , Surprise ^.^
Surprise , Surprise , Surprise ^.^ Part 2!!!
The Meet And Greet ..... ^.^
People's Situations .....
Cheaters Are Revealed .
My Lover Forever .... I Hope So O.O
Betrayers And My Lover
I Want It ..... ^.^
Confession Part 2 ... Bad News Somebody Got To Take ...
Crazy Day ...... For Most Of Us . O.o
Why Why Why ...... O.o
Surprise , Surprise , Surprise Part 3
Unexpected Twist
Unexpected Twist Part 2 0.o
Promises , Sex , And ..... Surprises
The Bird O.o
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Crazy Minds Think Alike ...... Ya Think ?
Shocking Surprises ...

Too Much Drama In One Day ..... God Damn !!

605 4 2
By AugustAlsina20

Ray Ray's POV .

When Strawberry said that Roc looked hurt but I knew he like Kanira because she pretty and no lie , she beautiful .

Me : Can I talk to you for a sec ?

Strawberry : Yeah . * Awkward*

I took Strawberry to the other room and she looked nervous .

Me : We need to talk .

Strawberry : Abouttttttt ???????.................

Me : About how sometimes when you say stuff it can hurt people feelings at times so what I'm saying is that sometimes learn to shut up !!

Strawberry : Ok dang !!! * Rolls her eyes *

Me : Give me kiss.

She leaned in and kissed me and then we stopped and walked back in the park  section. We saw that Princeton was arguing about Sarah to Prodigy. Werid.

Charese POV.

I was wondering why Princeton is sticking up for her after he then treated her and told her to get out the house and everything . That's just crazy to me but I think something's up with him , like his emotions.

Me : Why you all of a sudden sticking up for her after you then treated after she forgave you but still why ?

Princeton : Because he ain't sticking up for himself and just letting her leave at the door .

All of a sudden this girl came up to Kanira and I'm wondering who it is so I went over there and introduced myself * RUDE ALERT *

Kanira : Hey Charese .

Me : Hey  who this ?

Kanira : Awe this Alyssa and we been friends for sooooo long .

Me : Awe , Hey Alyssa . Now Imma tell about all the people over there .

So when I finished telling her about them she said .....

Alyssa : Ohhhh , he cute  what's his name ? * Pointing to Princeton *

Me : AWWEEEE . That's Princeton but his real name is Jacob . But we call him Princeton so call him that .

I wasn't really trippin' that she called my man cute but if she try to get with him , Imma beat her asss  no lie .

Alyssa : Does he have a girlfriend ?

Me : Yes , me !

Alyssa : He has good taste in girls .

Me : Yup .

So we walked over there by the boys to introduce Alyssa . She talked to everybody but kept staring at Princeton , but I wasn't mad at her . OMG , I just thought about something . We should have another sleep over !!!

Strawberry POV.

Charese was looking werid until she finally said something .

Charese : I think we should have another sleepover .

Ray Ray : Better yet , a party . We could throw a party and the have a sleepover !

Me : Ewwww , gross and get off of me .

Ray Ray : You wasn't saying that the last time we had a sleepover . Do want me to explain in details in front of Alyssa?

Me : No .

Ray Ray : So therefore don't say Ewwww .

I mumbled " Whatever "

Ray Ray : What you say ?

Me : Nothing you tweaking , hard .

Charese : Sooooo , how we gone get the word out ?

Roc : Posters , duh !

Princeton : I can make the posters and post them everywhere !!!! * Says with excitement *

3 HOURS LATER !!!!!!!!!!!!

Princeton POV .

I came back to the house and saw only the girls there .

Me : I post all the posters on people's house , stores and etc .

Strawberry : Good .

I'm surprised that Sarah is back , werid and awkward .

Me : Sup' Sarah . * I lick my lips cause she look good *

Sarah : Hey Jacob.

Me : Why Jacob and not Princeton ?

Sarah : Because Jacob sound better . * She says flirting *

Charese started to notice we were flirting with each other so I stopped and then Charese  ran upstairs and I ran after her ..............


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