The Dream: Improvements

By brittanyy25

5.5K 165 9

Book 3 of The Dream Brittany's journey through her career continues. But of course... She can't keep some pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Not an update... Sorry
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Im dumb.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not an update
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not an update
Not an update
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

184 4 0
By brittanyy25

That week we've been setting up the tour. And every since I decided to.... With Kells he's been blowing up my phone nonstop.
Since we've been tour talking, I've been talking to all the SWS and PTV guys all the time. We're all excited to tour. The first day we met up at the studio for a meeting, they were playing our album as we walked in. They love it... Which is weird. I grew up loving them.

It's crazy to think bands I looked up to and admired would one day love my music just as much as I do there's.

We've been teasing the fans about the tour. But haven't given anything away. They r planning on doing all that Next month. They already the dates and places scheduled.
A freakin world tour.

June(month later..)

They released all the tour info for the first leg this morning. There will be 3 legs of tour.

Last night marked my 2 months that I've held the wwe belt.
But it also marked the night I lost it... At the ppv against John. I'm okay with it.. Kinda.

I'm too pumped for your though. It starts in November. So I have 5 months of wwe time.
And of course during tour in not allowed to appear at wwe events unless ms. Myra gives the okay on an off day.

I'm currently on my way back from the gym when my phone starts to ring.
I hesitated.
"Tour huh?"
"Yea... Crazy right."
"Ya! You just dropped the album! And you're touring with sleeping with sirens and pierce the veil! And bear tooth!!! How the hell you pull that?!"
"Em did! You were there the night they agreed to tour."
"Yes. But I was... A bit distracted.."
I could hear him smirk over the phone. I shook my head.
"So. Whatcha doing tonight?"
"Let's hang."
"Ya! I'm in la. Your in la-"
"How do you know I'm in la?"
He got quiet. "Uhh.. John."
"I didn't tell John I'm here."
"Uhhhh oh well still, what do you say?"
"Why do you want to hang?"
"To just hang!! You know.. Shit.."
"Kells..." He sighed.
"I just wanna see you.."
I rolled my eyes. "Kel-"
"I don't know... I'm suppose to go out to eat with Eva.."
"After!!! Come to our crib. We're having a little get together."
"Come on!!! You know you want to!"
"I'll see.."
"No! I need a yes!"
" I'm about to hang up!!"
"I'll blow up your phone!"
"You already do that!"
"Only cause I've missed you."
I stayed quiet as I pulled into Eva's.
"I gotta go. I'll text you and let you know."
"You better!"

I hung up and walked inside. "Hey girl!" Eva greeted. I smile and join her on the couch. "Hey..." "What?" I told her about the phone call....

"Sounds like he wants to girl!" "But why? It's been years and he hasn't cared one bit, and now he won't leave me alone!" "Do you hate that he won't leave you alone?" "... Kind of... Not really" "then quit complaining!" "Should I go over there?" "What's the worst that will happen?" I look at her. "With him.... Everything"

A side point up to K's house. Damn you Eva... I parked and got out. I walk to the door in knots. K opened it. The biggest smile spread across his face. "You came!" I nodded "had nothing else better to do..." I smirked. "Get in here" he said pulling me in.

We want to the living room. I was expecting all the guys smoking and drinking. But they were watching a movie. K looked at me, he motioned for me to be quiet and say. "Hey Cass" he said. What.... Casie's here? "What?" Is that her? Sounds so much older than the seven-year-old I last saw him. "Look who stop by" she sat up and turned. Oh crap... She doesn't want to see me! She probably hates me! I looked down avoiding her eye contact. "Brit?" I nodded. I heard her get up. She was soon right in front of me. "I've missed you! Where have you been! Are you my daddy getting back together? I can't believe you beat John then lost it! Oh my gosh I love the album broken's my favorite! I was going to go to a show! I can't believe you're here!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Always eager for answers" I said returning the hug. She pulled away and looked up at me. "How long are you here?" "Uhh..." I look to Kay. "Just for the night... " "So you're staying the night?" "No...." "She's not staying the night Cas" "why? You can sleep in daddy's bed... You have before" "I can't. I got to be up early tomorrow" "oh..." She lowered her head.

"But look at you! All grown. I would of never guessed this was you!" I said lifting her head up. "Ya..." She leaned in to me. "I have boobs now" she whispered to me but I'm sure K heard. "Casie!" "What I do!" I shook my head.
"What movie you watching?" I asked changing the subject. "The vow" Casie answered. "Ya, she's making us watch it..." Rook said from the couch. I chuckled. "Come on!!" She pulled me to the empty spot. She forced me beside her. "Uh that's my spot!!" K said standing in front of me. "Sorry.." I smirked. He stepped closer, blocking the screen. "Excuse you?" He shook his head smiling.

"Fine. I'll just lay here!" He said climbing on top of Casie, me, and rook. "Really?!" Rook yelled throwing his hands up. K's feet on rooks lap. His head on my lap. "Really daddy!?" Casie yelled hitting him. "Hey y'all took my spot!" He looked up at me. I looked to the TV.

Mod way through the movie I found my hands in k's hair.
The guys started to fall asleep including Casie. I looked down to k to see if he was asleep. He's eyes closed. I tapped him. His blue eyes looked up at me, he smiled. "Can you get up? I have to go." He shook his head

"K! Please. It late! I have to go!" He groaned and slowly got up. I shrugged cas off and stood.

K walked me to the door. "Thanks for stopping by." "Please you begged me". "Ya.. Whatever." "You did! I have texts and calls to prove it!" "You don't have shit!" "Oh really?" "Yes really!"

I turned to face him.
He was centimeters from me. He's hand on my cheek. I gasped not expecting it. He started to lean in. His eyes shut...

"K.." I whispered just before. "Sh.." He pulled me closer.
Our lips lightly touching. I started to lean back but he pulled closer. His lips at mine.

He pulled back. His head resting against mine.
"I have to go..." I whispered. "Stay.. With me please?" "You know I can't." He's jaw clinched. I stepped back out of his hold and turned to the door. "Bye..." I opened it and walked out.

A month late I know.

Thank you to the two who cared and commented!!

I'm updating for you guys!
It means a lot!!!

Thank you for the support!!!

More coming.


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