The Decision (An Avengers/X-M...

By Marvel890

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[Discontinued at the moment] Sequel to Terabyte (An Avengers Fanfiction). I will post a description of this s... More

Description/Short Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

1.8K 89 27
By Marvel890

Later that night, I found out I slept through the whole party and when I woke up, everyone had just left. Thomas stayed with me the rest of the night, just holding me while I continued to cry, replaying my nightmare. The others walked into the room, concerned for me but Thomas told them to go home.

"Savannah," Thomas said to me, "you should go home."

I nodded and we both got up from the bed.

"Can I take you back to the tower?" Thomas asked, still worried about me.

I shook my head. "I can go by myself."

Thomas didn't looked convinced. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I said.

He sighed, "Okay."

We walked out of the building together and before he could leave, I hugged him tightly. I was just so grateful for him being here for me. I don't know what I would do without him.

"Thank you." I whispered in his chest.

"No need to thank me, Savannah." said Thomas, stroking my hair. "Like I said, I'll always be there for you."

I let go and smiled at him. The next thing that happened just . . . happened. I didn't know how I got the courage to do so, but I stepped on my tiptoe and kissed Thomas on the cheek.

After I realized what I just did, I blushed. Thomas smiled and I couldn't tell if he was blushing because it was so dark outside.

"Goodnight Savannah." He said, turned around and walked away towards his parked car.

My heart skipped a beat as I mentally smacked myself in the head. Why did I do that?

I shook my head and told myself I could deal with it later. I looked around and remembered I took the bus here.

If I squinted my eyes, I could just make out the bus station a few blocks away. I started to run, hoping I made it just in time for the last bus.

It was hard to run in three inch heels so every minute or so, I would have to stop and fix my heels.

As I stopped for the fifth time, I saw the bus stop at the bus station. My eyes widened and I realized it would drive away in a matter of seconds if they didn't see anyone standing there.

I took off my heels and ran barefoot, ignoring the pain when I stepped on a rock. I was just a few feet away when the bus roared with engine.

"No!" I yelled, hoping anyone would hear me. But I knew the engine of the bus drowned my voice. "Stop!"

But by the time I made it to the stop, the bus was down the next block. I sighed and sat down on the bench. Now how am I going to make it to the tower?

I should've taken Thomas's offer, I thought to myself.

I cupped my chin in my hand and went through all of the possible ways to get to the tower. My thoughts were interrupted when a black shiny car stopped in front of me.

I picked my head up as the window rolled down, revealing the one and only, Nick Fury.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

I stood up and fixed my dress. "Nah, I'd rather walk than ride in that car with you."

"You do realize it would take hours on feet, right?"

"I know." I told him.

He sighed. "Look, Savannah, I'm just trying to be of use. I'm trying to be nice."

I scoffed. "You? Be nice. Yeah, right."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, suit yourself."

I huffed and started to walk down the sidewalk. That's when I realized I was limping. Nick's car pulled over to me.

"I see you hurt your foot." Nick called out to me. I immediately stood up straight and tried walking normal, but my right foot screamed in pain from walking on rocks barefoot.

I looked at Nick and he smirked. "You still gonna walk for two hours with a bloody foot?"

I rolled my eyes and limped over to the car. I opened the door and sat down in the seat next to Nick. When I realized he wasn't driving, I looked over to him to see him staring at me.

"What?" I snapped. "Expecting a thank you? Well, too bad 'cause you're not getting one."

I couldn't read his face so I looked away from him and inspected my foot. Nick started the engine and drove off, not saying a word.

I was probably being a bit harsh on him, but did you expect me to forget everything he did to me and give him a 'I'm sorry I was being too harsh on you because you lied to me about my life' card?

No, I didn't think so.

As I looked at my injury, I saw a big rock stuck in the middle of my foot. I gagged as I saw blood seeping through the gash. I wasn't a doctor, but the pain was ripping through me so I grabbed the rock, counted to three, and yanked it out.

I shrieked and dropped the bloody rock out the window. I panted and was about to look away when I saw something impossible. The hole that the rock was stuck in . . . closed on its own. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. I wiped the blood off my foot and gaped. It magically grew extra skin and closed.

It healed on its own.

I leaned back in my seat, shocked. I heard from Bruce that I could heal, but I've never actually seen it myself.

"Well isn't that cool."

I glanced at Nick and rolled my eyes. "Keep your eye on the road, Fury. I don't want to die tonight."

"If I do get us into an accident," said Nick, keeping his eye on the road this time, "I'd be dead. You could heal in a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds."

I scoffed. "You probably have a way out of dying. Maybe a laser thing to dig your way through the ground and to your secret lair. Maybe a teleporter. Maybe even a Tardis!" I paused. "Do you have a Tardis?"

"No, sorry."

We were silent for about ten minutes, and I enjoyed it. Not talking to Fury is like Christmas. Okay, not really, but it was great.


I groaned mentally and turned to look at Nick. "Nick." I mocked.

"I have to tell you something." He said seriously.

I glared. "What? Are you going to tell me that I have super strength and that you're sorry that you didn't tell me before?"

Nick sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Nick, I told you-"

"Just listen!" He snapped and I shut up. He sighed again. "I'm sorry that I kept the secret about your powers from you. I'm sorry I kept the secret about your parents from you. I wanted to keep you safe, because if word got out you had powers, sure enough, there would be people, dangerous people, who would be out to get you. And you don't know how to control your power, so you couldn't defend yourself. That's why I kept it from you, Savannah. And I'm so sorry."

My jaw dropped to the floor. I can't believe what I just heard. If this was the truth why he kept my secret for these months I've been here, then I definitely feel guilty.

Nick was just trying to protect me. He was keeping me safe, even when I didn't know him.

"We're here."

I looked out the window to see the Avenger's Tower, standing tall and very bright from the lights. I looked back at Nick before opening the car door. I was about to walk away when I forced myself to turn back.

"Thank you." I told Nick and then I walked inside the tower.

* * *


Natasha came up to me and tackled me in a hug the moment I stepped foot in the building.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry," she said letting go of me. "I was just so worried."

I was about to reply when the rest of the team walked into the room. They all looked happy to see me.

"Savannah," Bruce said, "what happened?"

I sighed. "Let me change out of this death trap," Natasha frowned and I gave her an apologetic look, "and then I'll explain everything."

They all nodded and I went to my room to change. First, I took a quick and hot shower and then changed into gray PINK sweatpants and threw on a black tank top. I put my curly hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs to the living room where the others were waiting for me.

I sat in a chair next to the couch where Natasha, Clint, and Tony were sitting on. Thor, Tony and Steve remained standing.

I sighed a long sigh. "Okay, um so when the party started, I walked around talking to everybody. I was bored after a while and I gave Tony his birthday present. After that, I saw Cyclops staring at me."

"Cyclops?" All of them said at the same time.

I nodded.

"What was he doing there?" Steve asked, his fists clenched. I wondered why. Did he and Cyclops have history together?

"He did not get an invite!" Tony said angrily. "I'm gonna beat that piece of crap. Nobody sneaks into my party and gets away with it."

"I walked over to him and before I could shout out, he grabbed me and dragged him into the nearest room." I continued. 

"Did he hurt you?" Natasha asked, concerned.

"He choked me." I shrugged.

"What." Steve's face hardened and his fists clenched. "I'm gonna beat the living hell out of him."

I sighed. "Steve, please calm down. I might've hurt him myself so it's okay."

Steve calmed down a little, but he still looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of someone.

"What else happened?" Tony asked.

"Well, after some sarcastic comebacks from yours truly, we got into an argument." I said.

"What kind of argument?" Clint asked.

"He told me that we can't handle Megatak and Medusa, and to leave them for the X-Men to deal with." I explained.


"We don't need those superhero wannabes to do our work for us." Clint said crossing his arms angrily.

"I've destroyed Megatak once before, and I shall do it again!" Thor roared.

"He threatened me saying to stay out of the way." I told them.

"Don't listen to him, Savannah." Steve told me.

"Yeah," Tony agreed. "They won't come after us."

"He didn't look like he was bluffing." I said.

"It's our mission, not theirs!" Natasha said. "We can handle them just fine."

"He told me that we destroyed the city when the Skrulls attacked, and he said that I can't control my powers. He reminded me that I killed their leader and that superheroes don't kill. He looked at me like I was a monster."

The others were silent. So I said what was on my mind ever since.

"And I am."

All of a sudden, there was commotion. Everybody spoke at once, telling me 'it's not true', or 'don't listen to him', and 'you're not a monster, you're a good guy'.

My face hardened as I crushed the side of my head with my hands, telling them to stop. Cyclops and their voices - everybody's voices - were all inside my head. They were in my head, and I couldn't get them out.

Superheroes don't kill.

Don't listen to him.

I'm here, I'm here for you, it's ok.

It's our mission, not theirs.

I wanted to keep you safe.

You're a monster.

"STOP!" I yelled, standing up from my chair.

Everyone fell silent at once. I was boiling from anger, and I had to use all of my strength not to explode like what happened last time.

I scanned their faces to see every single one of them was looking down at me. But they weren't looking at my face, they were looking at my hands.

I looked down and saw a bright blue light forming from my hands. They were flashing blue, like lightning. It reminded me of when I first got out of hand, in the dinning room, and someone put a mirror in front of me and I saw blue flashes coming from my eyes.

Then it went away. Flash, and it was gone. I looked at my friends to see them shocked and confused, like myself.

"He was right. I killed the Skrull's leader without knowing it. I can't control my powers and I have to learn how before I do the same thing to one of you." I said and walked back to my room, shutting and locking the door.

I went to my bed and feel asleep, hoping I didn't have another nightmare.

* * *

I awoke on my own. No distractions, no and no nightmares. However, in my dream, I had a flashback when I was talking to Cyclops and before he could say something, I knew what he was going to say. I didn't know what happened, I didn't have the ability to read minds . . . do I?

I shook my head to clear my mind and went downstairs to get myself a bowl of cereal. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Steve making a cup of coffee. 

"Good morning, Cap." I greeted and opened the cabinet and grabbed my favorite cereal that I make Tony get when he goes food shopping, Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Hey, Savannah." He greeted back.

"How's it going?" I asked, grabbing the milk from the refrigerator. 

"Good I guess." He said sitting in front of me at the table. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I said putting everything away, grabbing a spoon, and sitting down. "Why you ask?"

He shrugged. "You seemed pretty . . . overwhelmed yesterday."

"I was. And I'm sorry. I just had a lot on my mind. I didn't mean to yell." I apologized.

"Savannah, don't be sorry." Steve gave me a smile. "We all have our moments."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Steve, I have to tell you something."

His smile turned into a frown. "What happened?"

"When I was talking to Cyclops . . . I somehow knew what he was going to say before he said it." I said and I couldn't read Steve's face. Was he confused? Shocked? "I know it sounds weird, but it happened."

"Maybe it's one of your abilities?" He guessed.

"You mean . . . I could have more abilities?" I asked, scared. I didn't want any other powers. I don't want any powers at all! Oh gosh, what am I going to do?

"Isn't that what Bruce said?" 

"Well, there's only one way to find out." And before Steve could question, I focused on Steve's thoughts. I tried getting in there, but nothing happened. I sighed in relief.

"Nope, not a mind reader." I said, taking a mouthful of cereal as a reward.

"Then how could you possibly know what Cyclops was going to say before he said it?" Steve wondered.

"Still working on that part." I sighed.

Just then, Tony came into the kitchen. "Morning Tera, morning Capsicle."

Steve and I rolled our eyes. 

"Hey, I was wondering," said Tony, grabbing a cup of coffee, "what was that blue glow thingy around your hands?"

"Exactly my thoughts." came a voice.

We all looked at the doorframe to see Bruce in a lab coat, his hair messy and dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he hasn't slept in months.

"Bruce, what happened to you?" I asked, worried for him.

"I stayed up all night researching on what might've happened last night." He said. "Follow me to my lab."

We all got up and followed Bruce to his lab where the rest of the team were standing, enjoying a cup of coffee of their own. They greeted us and we all gathered around Bruce, waiting for what he had to say.

"Alright, so you're all probably wondering why I asked you to come." We all nodded. "I think Savannah found a new ability last night."

Silence. That's all there was because we were all shocked. Me more than everyone else. Another ability? 

"What is it?" asked Natasha, taking the words right out of my head.

Bruce turned to his computer. "I did my research on Pyslocke, Savannah's mother. And I think Savannah got this ability from her." He turned back to us and looked at me. I stayed quiet. "Pyslocke has the ability to direct her telekinesis through her fists to strike as if she had superhuman strength. I'm not certain yet, but I am pretty sure that's what happened last night. Except you didn't strike. But you wanted to."

My mouth was shaped in a 'o'. "I-I didn't want to hurt you guys. Really! I didn't want to strike."

"You did want to, Savannah." Bruce explained. "But you didn't necessarily want to strike us, but you wanted to hurt something. That's why your hands glowed. It was your telekinesis."

"So, let me get this straight." Clint said. "Savannah can use her telekinesis to have superhuman strength? Like the Hulk? I-I mean you."

He sighed and nodded. "Yes. If you direct your telekinesis to your hands, you will have superhuman strength and you can be able to strike physically."

"I-I don't know about this." I said. "I don't want another ability, Bruce." 

"I know you don't. But you do have it. And you're just going to have to deal with it." He replied.

I took a deep breath as Bruce continued. "But we're going to have to test it out."

My head snapped up. "What?! No, I can't-"

"Yes, you can." Bruce put a calming hand on my shoulder.

I reluctantly nodded. Bruce bent down under his desk and pulled a cinderblock in front of me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. Just do what I tell you." 

I nodded again. 

"First close your eyes." I did as I was told. 

"Next, try and direct your telekinesis to your hands."

"Bruce, I can't control it-"

"I know, I know." he said. "Just think about something that makes you angry."

I focused on his words and thought about my new ability. Why do I have to deal with this? Why me? I can't deal with pressure. Are there more abilities? Why do I have to have mutant parents? Why did I have to get adopted? Why did Nick have to lie to me? I can protect myself. Why do I have feelings for Thomas? Why dosen't he feel the same way? Why did I have to be given these powers I can't control? Why me? Why me?! What did I do to deserve this?

"Something that makes you so furious that you just feel like you want to-"

I felt something light touch my hands and I felt it glow. My face boiled with anger and I punched through something with all my strength. 

"Do that."

I opened my eyes to see my hand through the cinderblock. The cinderblock fell apart and I pulled my glowing blue hand towards me. The glowing stopped and revealed my bloody knuckles. It stung but in seconds, my knuckles healed itself and I wiped the blood off with my other hand. 

I looked at the others with a small smile and I let out a nervous chuckle. "That was fun."

* * *

I spent the rest of the day in my room. I tried playing Flappy Bird to keep my mind off what happened in the lab earlier, but it wasn't working. So I gave up and threw my phone on my nightstand.

I sat up and stared at my hands, which were all clean of my blood since I washed it. I sighed as I concentrated on my hands, trying to focus on controlling my telekinesis. I scrunched my face together but it wasn't working.

I let out a loud groan of frustration. Why can't I control these damn powers?!

And all of a sudden, I felt my hand light up and I looked down slowly. My hands were glowing blue. It worked! But how? How did I make it glow?

Then it hit me. I don't know how to control my telekinesis. I need to learn how. And I think I know someone who can teach me.

I'm gonna have to make a trip to a certain school for gifted youngsters.

~ ~ ~ ~


I am so sorry for the long wait, but I'm busy practicing for soccer tryouts. I'm so worried and I really want to make it. Tryouts are in August, wish me luck!

Anyway, did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about Savannah's new ability? Any thoughts on Nick's apology and reason to why he kept Tera's secret? Any guesses to where Savannah is going to go (you probably figured it out but whatever)? PLEASE COMMENT!

See you next chapter!



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