To Friends To Lovers ( A Mind...

By AugustAlsina20

18.2K 61 56

It started off with one sleepover and things started to fall all apart ..... More

To Friends To Lovers ( A Mindless Behavior Love Story ) RATED R !
The Game !! ^.^
The Game Part 2
It Was All Just Fun And Games ...
Maybe I Had A Little Too Much Fun ..!
Sarah's Confession ...
Too Much Drama In One Day ..... God Damn !!
Fuckin' Problems ....... In Our Relationship !
Surprises , Surprise , Surprise ^.^
Surprise , Surprise , Surprise ^.^ Part 2!!!
The Meet And Greet ..... ^.^
People's Situations .....
Cheaters Are Revealed .
My Lover Forever .... I Hope So O.O
Betrayers And My Lover
I Want It ..... ^.^
Confession Part 2 ... Bad News Somebody Got To Take ...
Crazy Day ...... For Most Of Us . O.o
Why Why Why ...... O.o
Surprise , Surprise , Surprise Part 3
Unexpected Twist
Unexpected Twist Part 2 0.o
Promises , Sex , And ..... Surprises
The Bird O.o
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Crazy Minds Think Alike ...... Ya Think ?
Shocking Surprises ...

Confussion ...

738 3 1
By AugustAlsina20

Prodigy POV.

I was up all night thinking about Sarah and how she feeling right now. But I just wanna kill her for even thinking about killing my child, but I love her too much to do that . I'm so confussed .

Ray Ray : What up ?

Me : Nothing and how you get in my house ?

Ray Ray : Yo door was open .

Me : Oh ........ I miss Sarah .

Ray Ray : If you miss her then go after her . I'm pretty sure she misses you too.

Me : Iight thanks man , you the best . *Give him.dap*

Ray Ray left my crib and I thought about what Ray Ray said to me . I'm glad I got him as a best friend . I just don't know what to do about Sarah , I love her too much to hurt her but I had to do what had to do because why would she put my baby's life at risk ? ... That's just crazy..

Strawberry POV.

I walked downstairs because my best friend Kanira is coming over to spend the night and meet my friends and my boyfriend .

Me : * Opened the door *

Kanira : Hey Strawberrry !!!

Me : Come in and have a sit ! :-)

Kanira walks in my house and takes a seat next to the kitchen counter .

Me : So you ready to meet my friends ?

Kanira : Yeah , I'm excited about the whole thing !!! But is any cute boys gone be there ?

Me : Yes but they're all taken but one just got out of a bad relationship but I think he needs time to think about stuff .

Kanira : Awwe , it's cool !


Me and Kanira got dressed and went outside and met Charese on the corner of my block .

Kanira : Hey Charese , I haven't seen you in years .

Charese : Hey Kanira , I missed you !

Me : Well , let's go meet the guys .

Kanira : Guys ?

Me : Yeah guys , I have a boyfriend , Charese has a boyfriend . That's why I said most of them are taken .

Kanira : Awee.

We arrived at the park and smoke some of that good LOUD .. Ray Ray rolled me up a blunt and we was smoking and then Sarah arrived...

Charese : What is you doing here ?

Sarah : I'm not trying to start nothing , I just wanna say I'm not aborting the baby because I don't wanna risk a baby's life . * says in a sad voice *

Prodigy : Are you serious ? * Gets up and holds her by her waist *


Prodigy : I'm sorry and I miss you .

Sarah : Whatever , the people I can forgive is Strawberry , Charese , Diamond, Princeton , and Ray Ray .

Kanira : WHOA THERE !

We all start funny and Roc Royal starts looking at Kanira's ass and then he bits his lips . Then walks over to her

Roc : Hey .

Kanira : Ohhh , Hey .

Roc : What's yo name ?

Kanira : Kanira .

Kanira POV.

OMG , I think Roc like me and I like him too but I see he with Diamond so I can't do nothing about it .

Diamond : This your second time looking at another female but at least you got taste , she pretty . But I think we need a break anyway .

Roc : Girl , not finna leave me .

Diamond : Oh really watch me.

Diamond was a beautiful girl and Roc ran after her and then he grabbed her by her arm . I could tell what they were saying but I do know it wasn't nice ..

Roc's POV.

I grabbed Diamond's arm and pulled her in and kissed her . But she pulled away.

Diamond : Let me go , I cheated on you anyway and I have someone better .

I let go of her and looked at her crazy .

Me : Why ?

Diamond : Because I really don't like you and when I met Diggy Simmons , he made me felt like I'm his queen and you just ....

Me : Bye , just go .

She left and I just don't wanna talk about it but anyways Kanira was looking good but Imma take things slow with her cause she seem very special .

Strawberry : What happened Roc ?

Me : She dumped me and cheated on me with some dude saying that he treats her like a queen and I don't .

Strawberry : Wellllllll....

Ray Ray : Strawberry , just be quiet .

Roc : Are you saying I don't treat her like a queen ?

Strawberry : Well you treat like she's crap sometimes , to be honest .

Ray Ray POV .

Strawberry just don't know when to shut up .....

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