One Last Beginning: Something...

By shewayward-

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Little do they know it, Jensen and Gale are both on independent paths, discovering world-shattering truths al... More

Chapter 1: Fading Memories
Chapter 2: Bleeding Eventide
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Life after Life
Chapter 5: Forever and Always
Chapter 6: Away
Chapter 7: Be Mine
Chapter 8: Union
Chapter 9: Paving a Yellow Brick Road
Chapter 10: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: Shattered Secrets
Chapter 12: Burning Passion
Chapter 13: Fighters
Chapter 14: A Merciless Dawn
Chapter 15: Better Than Me
Chapter 16: A Dawning Reality
Chapter 17: A Foreboding Permeate
Chapter 18: Piecing The Puzzle
Chapter 19: I Dare You

Chapter 20: A Deafening Sin

100 4 8
By shewayward-

Gen sucked in the air between her teeth."How do I look?" Gale asked, tilting her head with a look of wariness clouding her expression. It was a beautiful wedding dress; the white silk just above her waist smoothed down her legs beautifully, trailing behind her a few feet. The upper torso of the dress hugged her figure perfectly, the intricate lace of the dress covered the top half whilst the transparent fabric encapsulated her arms in it's fine embrace. "Out of this world," Gen breathed, wowed to a complete other level. "You think so?" Gale grinned, her voice taking on a surprised tone, holding out her dress and peering down at it. "Jensen'll orgasm so hard," Gen slipped out, much to Gale's horror: she stared ahead at Gen who was chuckling. "Wha.." Disbelief fell from her lips: she had always thought Gen to be pure and innocent- which she established was wrong just moments ago. "What?" Gen was laughing, as she looked at Gale. "He will! You look just," Gen seemed like she couldn't find the word- she deflated with happiness, relaxing into her seat on the couch. Gen was looking perfectly radiant herself: she was draped in a beige dress, the front of the neck loose like a curtain effect which was symmetrical from the back too, revealing her skin. The rest just fell around her voluptuously- it cascaded around her feet. Gale turned to look at the tall, long mirror in the corner of the room: she was assessing herself before Gen creeped up behind her, holding the veil in her hands. It was lengthy but never the less a beautiful white material that fell below Gale's torso. Placing it gently on Gales head, she gasped: "Wait, that's yours!" Gen nodded whilst smiling, placing it on her head. Whipping around, the veil flew in the air. "I can't take it," Gale protested, ready to take it off before Gen grabbed her hand. "No," Gen shook her head firmly. "It's yours now," Knowing there was no point in arguing, Gale simply smiled gratefully, pulling Gen into a hug. "Thank you," She whispered. Retracting, Gen smiled acknowledging her thank you before turning to look at the clock. "We have to be at the hotel in an half an hour," Her voice rang with finality, but at the mention of how much time she had left, Gale's stomach started twisting into knots of nervousness; butterflies started running around in her abdomen, and she felt like running away for the briefest moment. Shaking her head, trying to rid heralded if the stupid internal conflict, she took a deep breath. She was marrying Jensen today. Jensen Ackles. Staring in the mirror at her wedding dress, she wondered how on earth she had landed with a man like him. Her stomach twisted some more as she thought about the dread that had seemingly started consuming him in the last few days. She wouldn't allow anything g to happen to him. She would die if it meant he was to live. Suddenly, his face flashed before her: she always felt like she was falling into the depths of his eyes, drowning in the pleasure of seeing him smile... Soon that dreadful feeling in her stomach was washed away by the memory of when he'd asked her to marry him. Just the way he'd done it, so solitary and so wonderfully. His unfathomable, undying love for her: He can't love me more than I do him.Are you crazy? Hasn't he professed his love for you repeatedly? Hasn't he saved your life more times than you can count?Yes, she thought. He does love me.Her mind turned to explore the actual depth of her love for Jensen. It was never-ending... She always felt so enchanted in his presence, so glorified at the feel of his lips on hers. He always played on her mind. Not once did she ever stop thinking of him. Her mind then turned to try and estimate how much he loved her. He couldn't love her more than she did. No, he would think she was obsessed. Jensen POV:"Thank you Mrs Courtese," Jensen nodded in appreciation, smiling as he gestured a thank you. "What have I said?" Mrs Courtese replied, giving him a stern, but not an unkind look. "Sorry mom," He grinned cheerfully: Ever since Gen and Jensen were kids and the immediate aftermath of Jensen's family passing, Karen Courtese had taken it upon herself to take care of Jensen like a son, in which she had. Arlene and Karen were best friends, so Jensen was sure Karen felt her loss as much as he did, which was another thing that tied them together as a mother and son relationship. Karen's never-ending love and irrefutable amount of strength in which she showed to Jensen after his family's passing a was phenomenal. He marvelled at how a woman could be so strong. That was why he considered Gen a sister, she was; well if not by blood, then by connection. Gen, Jared and Jensen were all tied together. Karen had mentioned a few times that she would adopt Jensen, and she seriously meant it. However as he looked at the woman now, his heart filled with love, nearly as much when he looked upon his own mother. "I'm so glad you made it," Jensen smiled at Karen. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," Karen replied, walking up to him and brushing the lapels of his black suit. "My boy looks so handsome," She said proudly, looking at him up and down; Jensen was all suited and booted, the black suit seductively wrapping his powerful frame: The black tuxedo looked so charming on him. The black tie ran the length down his chest and disappeared into his jacket, making him look all the more ridiculously attractive. However, that ruffled, soft light brown hair was looking as immaculate as ever, as he grinned down into his mother's eyes. "Your all grown up," She said, her eyes welling up, but Jensen pulled her in for a hug, chuckling, the sound vibrating in his chest. "Don't cry," Jensen soothed, chuckling as he ran his hands down the length of her shaking arms. "Sorry," Karen said, regaining her composure as she wiped away her tears. "This isn't the time to be crying." Just then, Jared walked in, smiling instantly when he saw Mrs Courtese. "Hello, Mrs Courtese," Jared bowed his head in respect, giving the elderly woman her well-deserved place. "How many times must I remind you boys?" She sighed exasperatedly. "I'm your mother!" Jared laughed, nodding his head. "Sorry Mrs- Mom," Jared grinned, highly reminiscent of Jensen's before Jared turned to him. "Ready?" Jared smirked when Jensen gave him a shrug. "As I'll ever be," Jensen inhaled anxiously and then let it out. Casting one last glance at the mirror, a feeling of nervousness took over his body and his mind: but it was soon pushed out by the intense affection and love that was building up inside of him. As he stared into the mirror, thoughts started eclipsing his mind.Her face flashed before him; those once blue, never ending rivers that he used to fall into were now like sparkling oceans that he drowned in. Her lips that always captured him in a sirens song, now always burned and seared him under her touch. Every fibre of her being made him feel like he was falling apart, but being pulled back together by the raw magnetism of their bond. Seeing Jensen's eyes glittering with what seemed like anticipation, Jared clapped a hand on Jensen's back, startling him for the briefest of moments, before he rounded on him. Misha peeked his head through the door, gesturing at Jared. "We need to get going." Nodding, Jensen took one last look in the mirror, before walking out of the door. 

The wedding ceremony:  

Standing anxiously at the end of the aisle, elation flooded him as he looked on at the wall in front of him, smiling brightly, awaiting his wife-to-be. Hearing the classical anthem announcing her arrival, he turned around slowly, his eyes finding his soul mate standing across the hall, stealing everyone's stares. Gasps and held breaths carried through it the hall, everyone's eyes widening at her obvious beauty. Her arms were weaved through Gen's, but Jensen hardly noticed her presence. 

Dressed in a glorious white dress, it encompassed her regal frame warmly, the beautifully light material wrapping her shoulders.  It draped along her tall, empowering figure, wrapped around her perfectly. Her hair was done up elegantly, a few strands of hair loosely hanging from either side of her chiselled face. Waved to perfection, she smiled radiantly, her smile like the sun shining through the clouds. She locked her eyes with his, winking and biting her lips momentarily before looking away. She adjusted her grip on her bouquet of flowers before sighing deeply. Nodding at Gen discreetly, they walked on down the aisle, everyone's slowly turning heads turning back towards Jensen. Gale felt infinitely content- she was finally completing her duty to him, finally tying their unbreakable bond together. As she neared, his hand outstretched, smiling as she took his hand. 

Everything became a blur; they both drowned out the priest's speech, so lost in each other's love. Locking eyes, their faces were solemn as Jensen pierced her with his impenetrable gaze and Gale, unflinching, stared straight back at him. Many moments had passed, before it was indicated for Gale and Jensen were to speak. 

 "The vows?" 

"I Jensen, take you Gale to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." 

Jensen shot her his million dollar smile, his eyes twinkling with endearment. 

 "I Gale, take you Jensen to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love," Gale looked at the card in her hands but then proceeded to scrunch it up and carry on solemnly. "I promise you that I will always be by your side, forever and always fighting with you, crying with you, laughing with you, until the day I take my last breath." They both grinned at each other, their eyes locking. 

 "Do you, Jensen, take Gale, to be your lawful wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" 

 "I do." 

 "Do you Gale, take Jensen for your lawful husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" 

 As she was about to speak, she found herself unable. She jerked forward, gasping; a searing, world-shattering kind of pain shot through her abdomen; the whistling blade met her back and went right through- but that's was all the incentive anyone needed. Then there was shot; aimed for Gale, but as she turned towards the bullet, Jensen didn't think twice. The world seemed to slow: He leaped in front of her, wrapping his arms around her; the bullets pierced his arms and his legs. The great room erupted into screams as many heads went down: 

"Gale?" Jensen whispered, his voice already so hoarse with with the disbelief and pain. Jared and Misha had already apprehended the culprit who had now sped out the door, and the rest of the crowd were tripping over each other trying to get out, and they all dispersed within a matter of minutes. She held his arms, her hold weakening. He unlocked his arms, looking at Gale when she refused to turn around; but when she did, the rising but silent panic in her eyes was all he needed: she fell to her feet, her legs giving way to body. "Gale?" Gale grasped Jensen as she stared up into his eyes, her hands holding her wound. Looking down at her blood on her hands, and then back at Jensen, her eyes started shimmering with what seemed like tears- the faraway look in her eyes jolted him out of his trance- his hands were now suddenly on her back and under her knees, lifting her up into his arms, but despite the roaring agony in his back, he walked unsteadily towards the exit. I need to get Gale out of here.. He chanted to himself, desperate as his legs screamed for relief, but the crippling pain caused his legs to crumple beneath him as he fell to his knees, still clinging to her, making sure she was safe.

"Put me down," She looked into his eyes, her fingers fluttering against this neck. 


"I need to get you to a hospital," Jensen made to stand up again, ignoring the pain ripping through him. 


"It's nearby," 

 "Listen... to me..." 

"...You'll be fine," 

"Jensen," Her fingers squeezed his shoulder, despite her convulsing body, the weakness in her fingers sending shocks rippling through him. "Please..."He wanted to ignore her, wanted to just take her out of here and make sure she was safe, but he found himself to be lowering his arms into his lap, staring down at her as his bloodied fingertips gingerly touched her face. 

 "I'm sorry," Jensen choked, the pain clogging his throat. 

 "No... I'm sorry," She coughed, the blood oozing out in between the corners of her mouth. Shaking his head, he looked down on her fiercely. 

"We have to get you to a hospital," As he was about to stand up again, she touched his arm, her touch ripping through him violently. He did nothing but obey her:"I want to.... stay.. with you.." His eyes squeezed shut with the shame and guilt. How could it have come to this? How could he have been the reason for why she was laying in his arms, drenched in her own blood? 

"Look at me, Jensen.." Gales hand fluttered at his cheek, and when he opened his eyes, he gazed into her never-ending oceans, knowing that all this beauty, this soul, this life was done. He saw his life and his love crumbling before him; and he was the reason for it. The world crushed him under its imploding weight as time was lost on him- the world he had built in her eyes was being destroyed in front of him. All that smouldering intensity was fading, that glittering ambition in her seas slowly being ripped from her. "I love you.." 

 "Don't say that," His voice cracked. "I don't—" 

 "I love you Jensen Ackles," She lifted his hand and pressed her lips to it. 

"I love you too baby," He whispered, staring down at her face and panicking when he saw her quieten. Shaking her, he shouted her name. 

 "Gale? Gale, wake up, please!" When her eyes opened, he caressed her cheek, his desperation still rising. "You said you wouldn't leave me," He looked down at her flickering eyes. "You said we were in this together," She reached up to wipe away the tears that fell from his eyes. 

 "I have to go...." Gale breathed, her body constricting with the pain it took to speak. "But I'll never.... n-never... stop loving you." Her hand slipped slowly from Jensen's chest and then quickly, the horror took over him as he gripped her arms. "Gale?" He shook her lightly, wishing her eyes fluttered open. 

 "Baby," The pain and torment was deafening as he ran his hands over her face, her neck and down her arms as he lifted her hand to his mouth. His voice was asphyxiated with sobs as his body shook. "Stay with me..." 

 But the dead response told him she was gone. The beautiful woman in his arms that once radiated beauty and compassion, was now a lifeless heap in his arms. His hands touched the contours of her face and her eyes...those eyes which displayed the windows to her soul. "I love you, I love you, I love you..." He whispered, hoping she would hear him. The loneliness crushed him and the horror took over him as he was forced to confront the life he was now to lead without her. He vowed to love her, love her until the ashes of Eden fell. 

He would now never be able to fall into those eyes, he would now never have the chance to kiss her again, never be able to make her laugh again. He would never receive that smile that used to brighten his day. He thought of all those days he would have to live without her to make her mischievous remarks, and he imagined with mounting terror and fear that he had to live his lifetime without the woman that made him whole. As he lifted her body into a hug, he cried in earnest as his convulsing body shook against hers, the sadness and torture shaking the very essence of his being. The last thing he remembered was before death claimed him was the tears mingling with the sacrifice he had forced her to give. 

The End.

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