A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc...

By AnimeLoverMurillo

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"We're the Storm Hawks, and for us... The Sky is never the limit" Who would've guessed a "Lady in Waiting" wo... More

Luna Profile
Mags Profile
Chapter 1 ~ Age of Heroes
Chapter 2 ~ Gale Force
Chapter 3 ~ The Code
Chapter 4 ~ Tranquility Now
Chapter 5 ~ Best Friends Forever
Chapter 6 ~ The Black Gorge
Chapter 7 - Absolute Power
Chapter 8 ~ Velocity
Chapter 9 ~ Fire and Ice
Chapter 10 ~ King for a Day
Chapter 11 ~ Terra Deep
Chapter 12 ~ Storm Warning
Chapter 13 ~ A Little Trouble
Chapter 14 ~ Thunder Run
Chapter 15 ~ Mending a Glass Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Escape!
Chapter 17 ~ Forbidden City
Chapter 18 ~ Leviathan
Chapter 19 ~ InFinnity
Chapter 20 ~ Terra Neon
Chapter 21 ~ Storm Hawks Nine
Sky Knights of Terra Celestial
Chapter 22 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 1
Chapter 23 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ Surprise
Chapter 25 ~ Siren Song
Chapter 26 ~ Calling All Domo
Chapter 27 ~ The Lesson
Chapter 28 ~ Dude, Where My Condor
Happy Halloween
Chapter 29 ~ The Masked Masher & Flying Solo
Chapter 30 ~ Atmos, Most Wanted
Chapter 31 ~ BATTLE Of The Band
Chapter 32 ~ Stratosphere
Chapter 33 ~ The Last Stand
Chapter 34 ~ Life with Leugey
Chapter 35 ~ What Got Into Finn
Chapter 36 ~ Royal Twist
Chapter 37 ~ Second Chances
๐ŸŽ„ Merry Christmas๐ŸŽ„
Chapter 38 ~ Operation: Contessa
Chapter 39 ~ I OBJECT!!!!
Chapter 40 ~ Radarr Love
Chapter 41 ~ Scout's Honor
Chapter 42 ~ Sky's Ends
Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 43 ~ Five Days
Chapter 44 ~ Sparks Fly
Chapter 45 ~ Energy Crisis
Chapter 46 ~ Dark Waters
Chapter 47 ~ Number One Fan
April Fools War
Chapter 48 ~ Colonel of Truth
Chapter 49 ~ Training
Chapter 50 ~ Shipwrecked
Chapter 51 ~ Power Grab
Chapter 52 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 1
Chapter 53 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 2
Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3
Chapter 55 ~ MOVIE Night
Chapter 56 ~ The Origin
Chapter 57 ~ Ultra Dudes
Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons
Chapter 59 ~ Payback
Chapter 61 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 1
Chapter 62 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 2
Storm Hawk - Season 3 (Trailer)
Chapter 63 ~ Cyclonis Origin
Chapter 64 ~ Azul
Chapter 65 ~ Ruins of Cyclonia
Chapter 66 ~ Ghostly Reunion
Chapter 67 ~ Capricorn's Payback

Chapter 60 ~ The Key

28 1 0
By AnimeLoverMurillo

Luna's P.O.V

The Storm Hawks and I were excited to see the Condor be rebuilt while half of the Zodiac members went to gather any recon whereabouts of the Cyclonians.

Terradon Scientist A: The honor of rebuilding the Condor is not only ours, but the honor of countless volunteers from across Atmos who have come to help
Aerrow: Uh, we're honored by your honor, um, your honor


Junko: Aww, I'm gettin' all misty [towel lands on Junko's face]
Stork: Yea, well don't mist on the blueprints!
Junko: [blows nose] I don't remember us having these roundy things on board
Stork: Those "roundy things" are the new safety air-bags. Luna and I've made a few improvements to the old design
Finn: [snatch the pencil] Well, hey, if you want to make an improvement, how about we give the ol' bathtub a comfier shape, huh?
Junko: And we could widen the fridge so I'm not always scraping my elbows
Piper: [take the pencil] Uh, if we widen anything it should be the lab
Finn: [snatch the pencil] Ha! Forget the lab. Let's get practical, we need extra large cup holders!
Radarr: [growls]
Stork: [snatch the pencil] Medium size only! Do you want to unbalance the whole ship?
Aerrow: Guys, if we're modifying anything it's weapon systems [snatch the pencil]
Finn: Extra-large cup holders!
Stork: Medium!
Finn: But I get de-hydrated!
Mags: That's why I always tell you to drink water!
Aerrow: Weapons first!
Finn: Liquid refreshments!
Aerrow: Weapons system! Ha!!

The others watch as the boys argue between weapons and cup holders, while Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Libra watch them argue back and forth.

Taurus: Seriously, could they not just make a compromise or what?
Cancer: Thank god, we don't argue like that Brotha
Piper: [sigh] It's going to be a looooong day
Luna: I just hope we have better luck in finding the key before Cyclonis does

Of course it was a long day, while the boys were trying to decide on what they want in the Condor, Piper and I were trying to figure out what the key looks like with Mags's help when we got a call from Scorpio that there was some activity going on.

Aerrow: Hmmm... At least we've agreed on the size of the cup holders
Junko: Extra-medium!
Finn: Fill 'er up!
Aerrow: Now we can decide on some weapon modifications?
Stork: Sure, soon as we remove the gumball machine someone just added
Junko: But it'll be free. No coins!
Piper: Sorry to interrupt your important engineering decisions, but I got word from the Zodiacs of possible Cyclonian activity back in the Forbidden City
Finn: Forbidden City? Been there, done that
Aerrow: Last we left it, it was just pile of ruins
Piper: Still, if it's true, it's not a good sign. Cyclonis could be after something we missed
Mags: Or, someone who could see through the future
Aerrow: Okay, it's probably nothing, but if she's checking out rubble, then we're checking out rubble
Stork: Sure, we could fly there in the Condor! Oh, right, it's not ready yet because some people keep making design changes!
Junko: But really good changes!
Finn: Total genius!
Mags: I highly doubt that
Finn: Well, maybe not the Gumball machine
Aerrow: Piper, Mags, and I will go-
Luna: Wait! I'll come too, if I stay another minute someone is about to get stink bombed by me, and I don't mean to sound diabolical but this one is a nuclear stink bomb that could knock out an entire terra
Aerrow: On second thought, you'll come with us. You guys stay here and finish the ship. You think you can keep the arguing to a minimum?
Stork: I will if they will
Junko: You can count on us, Aerrow
Luna: Finn
Finn: No problem!
Radarr: [squawk] [salutes]
Luna: Good [kiss Finn and Stork cheeks] I better see the Condor or so help me you two will be losing your kissing privileges, my lips will be off limits
Finn: [gasp] No, my lips will go cold without your soft lips
Luna: Good, let's go guys

Aerrow and Piper snickered, while Mags gave them both a stern glare as they got to work and kept the arguing to a minimum, we walked outside and hopped on our new skimmers which I loved how they captured the details of the galaxy like colors for mine.

Aerrow: Now's our chance to take the new skimmers for a spin
Piper: Let's hope we'll be taking the new Condor for a spin soon too
Luna: Yeah! Time to fly!!

[Vroom... Vroom]

Aerrow: Have some faith. When the guys work together they're like a well-oiled machine
Mags: Sure

We activated our wings and flew off to the Forbidden City, we flown past Scorpio and the others and they let us know that they let us handle the rest.

No One's P.O.V

Meanwhile, back at Terra Celestial. Celenia was working with a client who had trouble with their marriage problems and hopes that Celenia could help them. After she performed a reading, she advised them what they needed to know and left satisfied. However she noticed the crystal ball acting up and saw Piper and Luna glowing along with Aerrow and Mags as the two girls lend some power to them in order to take down the Dark Ace and Cyclonis as she smirked.

Celenia: Well well, it seems to me that I have found a new student to train, and my former student. Time to give her another lecture of Perfect Attunement

Celenia got up and walked up to her dresser to open it up, however she pushed the variety of outfits aside and admired her mage outfit along with her crystal staff, picked it up and held it close.

[Note: Also my drawing ^ Celenia's crystal staff]

Celenia: Just like old times, it's time to give my former student a visit

Back at Terra Bogaton, Stork was growing frustrated of the fact that Finn and Junko were doodling on the blue prints like a coloring book.

Stork: [grumbling] Um, excuse me! It is a blueprint, not a coloring book!
Finn: Oh yeah, well, who just drew in all these ejector seats?
Stork: It's only eight, but I could settle for seven
Terradon Scientist A: That's okay, Mr. Stork, we have more than enough resources to finish the Condor quickly; even with your err, changes
Finn: He doesn't have a problem with my little addition
Stork: Little? A disco?
Junko: But that'll take up the space for the ice cream parlor [erasing]
Finn: [gasp] No way you downsize the dance floor! [shove Junko] And don't even think of touching my bowling alley!
Stork: [sighs] [look at Radarr drawing]
Radarr: [squawk]
Stork: An indoor tree house? You too
Cancer: Better hope the others are doing better than these guys
Taurus: Same here

The boys continued to argue as they couldn't make up on what they should keep and get rid of, while the Zodiacs and Ravess watch them argue back and forth.

Finn: Oh dudes! There is no way the Condor can be rebuilt until we solve this major problem! I mean come on! How can you light up a dance floor with a little disco ball like that!
Aquarius: How much you wanna bet that your girlfriend is going to bonk them in the head and make them compromise
Scorpio: Till they reach their breaking point
Aquarius: I bet it's right after Finn gets on her nerves
Scorpio: You're on cousin

Radar was testing out the seats which he approves, while Stork was growing anxious and in a rush to build his Condor.

Stork: remember, the padding on that steering wheel has to match the leather I'm lining the entire cockpit with! Check the compression on those ejector seats! And that trap door has to e big enough to drop a hog-squatch

Of course this left the Terradon Scientist confused and stumped as there were too many complications, while Finn wanted a bigger disco.

Junko: Uh guys, don't you think this is getting out of hands? How about we finish the Condor by working together, and making all the changes as small as possible, okay?
Terradon Scientist C: Mr. Junko. Where would you like your 2 ton blaster master XL
Junko: [giggles] Just put it down there
Ravess: I'm about to reach my breaking point
Scorpio: Looks like I'm gonna win
Aquarius: No you're not
Finn: [sigh] Now that says "Dance"!
Junko: And this says "bye bye bad guys!"

[ground rumbling]

Junko: Whoaaa!! Oops! Sorry!

Just then, while Finn was dancing, the disco ball fell down and rolled towards Finn while he ran for his life.

Stork: And you know what that says?
Finn: Run Finn, RUN!!!!
Stork: Hmm, not bad. I was gonna say "death by disco"

[girly scream]

Finn: [panting] I was lucky!
Ravess: Now can I bonk them in the head?
Scorpio: Not yet, but soon mi amor
Capricorn: Guys!! We got a problem!!
Aquarius: What? What is it?
Capricorn: Well, while I was digging deeper into the archive, I discovered what the key looked like and discovered where it's last known location is
Scorpio: Calm down, Capricorn, if we now know where the key is, that should be good news. Right?
Capricorn: Wrong, we shouldn't have left the Forbidden City, because the key is protected by the Oracle, and it gets worse
Ravess: How worse?
Capricorn: Piper has it and she's walking right into Cyclonis's hands

This made the others gasp in stun, to think that all this time Piper had the key to the door this entire time, and now she had walked into the location where there was Cyclonian activities are at.

Scorpio: Zodiacs, we have to move now and-
Sagittarius: Not a chance, Celenia informed me that we need to stay put
Scorpio: What? Why would my mom say that?
Sagittarius: Not a clue, she sad that she needed to "reunite" with a former student of hers
Capricorn: Piper? No way, it can't be Piper, unless its... No way, Scorpio, didn't you mention your mom mentored someone
Scorpio: Yeah, but she never mentioned their name, she said that the name brought back tragic memories that she couldn't live to forgive herself from
Ravess: I'm confused, why would your mother go to the Forbidden City?
Scorpio: Well, she was a retired sky knight, she was a crystal mage back then and a master of it, it makes no sense for her to go there unless... [eyes widen] No way... Guys, I think I know who her student is
Capricorn: Really? Who?
Scorpio: Who do you think, the only person who knows a lot about crystals is the master herself, Cyclonis

Their jaws dropped as some were stunned to say another word, while others were staring in shocked of the thought that Cyclonis was trained by Celenia. A former sky knight and a Mastery in Crystals.

Scorpio: But we can't just stand here, my mom could get hurt!
Sagittarius: She also wanted me to instruct you that if you leave then Ravess and her would be giving you a whooping with la chancla

[Recording scratch]

Scorpio: On second thought, we should stay put, she's a strong mage she can handle herself
Aquarius: [smirk] Pussy
Scorpio: [glares] I will knock your ass out

Luna's P.O.V

Aerrow, Mags, Piper, and I flown to the Forbidden City as we were approaching our destination.

Piper: Forbidden City's down in that jungle, no sign of any Cyclonian activity
Mags: [look up] [gasp] Look out!!

Just then a laser fire hit one of Piper's engines as we all turned around to see five elite Cyclonians flying in the air.

Piper: Uh, I take that back!
Aerrow: Split up! Luna stay with Piper! Mags, you're with me

We split up into two as two talons went after Aerrow and Mags while Piper and I dealt with three talons. I got up and used my electric axe guitar and got ready to blast them when Piper used a crystal to disable their coms.

Piper: That should keep 'em from spilling the beans on us! Luna! Blast 'em!
Luna: You got it! This next song is gonna blow you away!!

I started playing till I managed to take down one talon, when I noticed Piper's engine dying down as she descended to the terra, I hopped back on and went to help her out but these Talons were hot on our trail and shot more laser gun fire at us. I was about to use my gravity manipulation to make her heliscooter float but she stopped me and got out her crystal.

Piper: Stabilize!

Just then, her engine was now stabile and working like as if nothing had happen to it.

Luna: Whoa~
Piper: Let's keep going!
Luna: Yeah
Piper: Hang on!

Just then, she brought out another crystal and started combining them together to make a huge energy blast, while her body was glowing, this left me in shocked as the talons that were chasing us got defeated. While Aerrow and Mags caught up to us.

Piper: Uh Aerrow, Mags, do you need help?
Aerrow: Uh no... We're fine. Thanks
Mags: Let's keep going, the sooner we get there the more we'll know why Cyclonian activity is going on here

We flew to the terra and landed as we sped off as we looked around the surrounding to see what we could find until Piper looked up and spotted it.

Piper: Okay... I think this qualifies as Cyclonian activity
Aerrow: But why? The last time we were here... The only thing to find, besides the booby traps was the oracle. But I freed her and she disappeared and then the place went half to pieces. This doesn't make sense!
Piper: We'll just have to go back in and find out
Aerrow: And if Mags is right, then the oracle could be what they're after
Luna: Do they honestly think talking to a spirit will give them the answer as to where the key is
Mags: Maybe

We entered the caves that lead us to the forbidden city but it was still all nothing but a bunch of ruins, we continued to drive further.

Piper: Still just a bunch of ruins
Aerrow: And booby traps, remember?
Piper: Don't worry, the traps are all in ruins, too

Unfortunately not all of them, Piper triggered a trap and we ended up launched in the air as our skimmers were handing on the vines while we were handing upside down.

Aerrow: I guess we missed one
Luna: On the bright side, nothing could go wrong
Piper: [whispers] Uh, Aerrow, Mags, Luna, we've got company. The Dark Ace!
Aerrow: [whispers] Maybe he won't notice us
Luna: [whispers] Please for the love of Atmos, don't let him see us, especially me
Piper: [whispers] But she will!
Aerrow: [whispers] Cyclonis

On cue, Cyclonis arrived right behind the Dark Ace as if our day couldn't get any wore than this. We both kept still as to not make another sound or move a muscle, while I was nearly sweating of the sheer horror of the Dark Ace being here.

Dark Ace: Your mystery field trip was to this sad-looking rock pile?
Cyclonis: Appearances deceive, Dark Ace. There's more here than you know

Just then we heard a soft rumbling sound and noticed that the vines holding Aerrow were about to give up, I had to make a move and fast. I removed my gloves and tried to reach out to tap on Aerrow's leg to make him float when suddenly a piece of rock fell and Cyclonis stopped moving, I froze in fear as she looked around while we held our breaths. It didn't take long for her to just continue to walk away, however more rumbling sounds were heard when a rock fell down and landed near Cyclonis's feet. She picked it upu and examined it when I closed my eyes ready to be caught by Cyclonis, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw that she did indeed looked up but I looked at myself and realized we were cloaked and she couldn't see us or our skimmers.

Cyclonis: It's nothing, let's go

They both continued to walk into the cave while Piper uncloaked us and we sigh of relief.

Aerrow: Cloaking crystal?
Piper: We can thank Gundstaff for that

Sadly our joy was gone once the ceiling cave in and we fell, luckily I activated a force field around us to protect us from the rubble.

Luna: Everyone okay?
Aerrow: We're fine, let's keep going

We walked further ahead into the cave, as we tried to be as careful as possible knowing what other booby traps we missed.

Piper: Careful, there's still a lot of booby-traps still working
Aerrow: Ya think!
Luna: [giggles] Now that we know that they're both here, we can find out why

We carefully snuck into the room and watched as Cyclonis walks up to the steps as the Dark Ace watches, while we waited to see what she would do.

Cyclonis: Opportunitas a veilus beseech es spiritus futuratas!
Aerrow: [whispers] I'm not fluent in weird incantations, what she saying?
Piper: [whispers] She's not saying, she's summoning
Aerrow/Piper: [whispers] The Oracle!
Mags: [whispers] As expected, I as right

Just then, her staff was glowing and the Oracle appeared right in front of Cyclonis.

Oracle [spirit]: To compel me here after I've been freed of this place requires great powers and great need. What is it you seek from me?
Cyclonis: It's simple really. I have the door to the Far Side of Atmos. Only one problem, it's locked. Where is the key?
Oracle [spirit]: What gives you reason to think I know of such key?
Cyclonis: Enough with the games, I know that this temple was built to safeguard the key, with you as its great protector [project the key] Look familiar?
Piper: [whispers] Very familiar [take out the crystal]
Aerrow: [whispers] When the Oracle gave it to me, I figured it was just a dud
Piper: [whispers] I've had the key the whole time!
Luna: [whispers] And we just walked right into them, they haven't seen us yet but if Piper leaves now then they won't be able to have the key
Mags: [whispers] She's right, if we all leave now she can't have the key, we could just dump it into the lava and she'll have no way of opening that door, it'll be all over, her plans could crumble
Cyclonis: Tell me or be destroyed! Where is the key?
Oracle [spirit]: Now in the safekeeping of the Ultimate Guardians of Atmos
Cyclonis: And they are?
Piper/Mags/Luna/Aerrow: [whispers] Us!
Oracle [spirit]: Destroying a spirit is far easier than done
Cyclonis: Easier if you know how

Just then, Cyclonis used her crystal staff to harm the Oracle as she was groaning in pain, which made me feel a sharp pain in my chest a I tried to muffle my pain.

Cyclonis: I've been studying far more than just the key to the doorway. And I know how to destroy you, so unless you-

Just then I shot a Moonblast at Cyclonis's staff knowing it off her hands, as she turned to glare as I appeared glowing and glaring at her.

Luna: [glares] Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially coming from a childish brat like you
Aerrow: [glares] You got that right, Luna

Just then, I saw my ancestors spirit Luna, goddess of the full moon appear as she helped Oracle up and got her to escape with her before Cyclonis could attack her as she glared back at us.

Cyclonis: Even the four of you can't keep me from that key, not when I'm this close!

Cyclonis shot an energy blast at us, when Piper brought out a crystal to disappear and appear right behind her as she shot a blast at Cyclonis but even so she was able to summon the crystal towards her and catching it.

Cyclonis: Not bad
Piper: You'll find I'm full of surprises!
Cyclonis: Oh really?

Out of no where, Piper let out a war cry and started glowing as she combined two crystals and shot an energy blast at the same time Cyclonis did.

Mags: Luna, you help Piper out, Aerrow and I will deal with your toxic ex
Luna: Thanks, save the best beating for me
Mags/Aerrow: Oh we will

I flew towards Cyclonis as I shot an energy blast towards her while she tried to shoot an energy blast at me, but I swiftly dodged it and landed next to Piper as I helped her out.

Cyclonis: You're not the only one with a few surprises today. Dark Ace?

Just then, Cyclonis started to glow making us fear for the worst, and boy were we right.

Cyclonis: Feather's flight!
Dark Ace: You're going to love this
Mags: [gulp] Oh boy

Out of no where, the Dark Ace began to glow and started floating in midair as he striked an attack on Aerrow and Mags knocking them across the floor.

Luna: Mags! Aerrow!
Cyclonis: Speed of Light!
Dark Ace: Want to try again?

Mags and Aerrow got up slowly as they were yanked up while the Dark Ace kept taunting them both.

Dark Ace: Go ahead. Hit me!
Mags: [glares] You asked for it!

Unfortunately, they both couldn't hit the Dark Ace since he was super fast, that he punched the both of them while they few across the room again.

Piper: Aerrow!
Luna: Mags!
Piper: Luna, go and help them!

I nodded and when the opportunity was there, we both dodged the blast and I rushed to go after them, only for the Dark Ace to appear in front of me.

Dark Ace: Did you missed me?

I kept my cool and tried to attack the Dark Ace but he was to quick for my speed and stronger than I saw, that he was able to knock me across the floor with my axe guitar out of my hands, I was about to grab my energy whip when he gripped my arms and held me tight while dragging me to where Cyclonis was standing as I saw Piper knocked out while Cyclonis had the key. I tried to use the heel of my shoes to stop the Dark Ace from moving me towards her but it didn't budge at all.

Cyclonis: With the key in my hands and your fiancé in your arms. It's a win for us
Luna: [glares] Ngh!! Ex!! Fiancé!!! Even so, I still wont join you!
Cyclonis: Oh you'll find out soon enough, once I unleash your eclipse self

My lips quivered in fear as Cylconis pointed her staff towards my heart, my eyes were filled with fear as started chanting.

Cyclonis: Break the earthly chains, and set the lunar eclipse spirit free

Just then, I felt an excruciating pain on my body as I let out a cry of agony while I tried to escape out of the Dark Ace's grasp, trying to claw his arms but couldn't while he lifted my chin up so that my eyes locked with his as I shed a tear out.

Dark Ace: This will be over soon, your new life will soon begin with me by your side
???: I don't think so!!

Just then, a energy blast hit both Cyclonis and the Dark Ace as they both crashed into a wall while a few rubble fell ontop of them, causing the Cyclonis to lose her grip on the key as it fell out of her hands and slid across the floor. While I collapsed onto the ground feeling dizzy when I saw someone approaching me but my vision was all a blur and I could only hear the echos of my friends running up to me and shouting my name as Mags held me in his arms in a panic.

... Luna...

[breathing heavily]

... Luna...

[breathing heavily]

... Luna...

Mags: Luna... Luna... Luna!! Bastards!!! How dare you!!
???: Calm down, I can heal her. Just give me a few seconds and she'll be fully heal

I felt someone's hands touch my cheeks as I heard a familiar lullaby that helped me calm down as my body began to glow and heal itself, while I was whimpering in pain but this person kept soothing me to calm down.

???: A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea~ shhhh... Good girl, it's almost done
Luna: Ugh... Mags... Aerrow
Aerrow: Thank goodness you're okay, we were worried that they would turn you evil [hugs Luna] I wouldn't what that horrifying nightmare come to life
Luna: Me either, but who... Saved us
Piper: I think you'll be surprised as much as we are

I turned to look at where Piper was looking as Mags helped me stood up and I saw the last person I would never expect. My own aunt, Celenia.

[Celena, the Crystal Mage. Also the drawing is mine so don't even think of stealing it or using it]

Luna: Tia?! What are you doing here?
Celenia: I thought maybe you children need some help, so I came to aid you four, plus I believe that a fellow entitled child needs another lesson from me

Before we could respond, the rubble that Cylconis and the Dark Ace were trapped in, scattered while Celenia shielded us from the blast. Before she could attack she froze in shocked, when she spotted the person shielding the Storm Hawks.

Cyclonis: Master Celenia?!
Piper/Aerrow/Mags/Luna/Dark Ace: MASTER??!!!
Celenia: [smirk] It's been a while, my student
Piper: She's your student?!
Celenia: Former student, I'm surprise you chose this path, Amethyst

Our eyes shifted as we noticed Cyclonis's hand shaking for some odd reason, almost as if she was... Afraid of her, but why? I mean sure my tia is scary with la chancla and all that, but she's a real sweetheart, so why would she fear my tia?

Cyclonis: [glares] You were suppose to be in some spiritual retreat
Celenia: Namaste
Cyclonis: And you [glares at Mags] were suppose to be dead!
Mags: I got better
Celenia: Children, stand back, it appears that Cyclonis has still so much to learn when it comes to mastering crystals
Cyclonis: I don't need another lecture from you, I learned a lot more than you could ever imagine!!
Celenia: You mean from your entitled grandmother
Celenia: How she mistreated you, how she didn't grant you the childhood you deserved, I wanted what was best for you, but your grandmother was so drawn into filling your mind with lies that she alone needed to get rid of the only people that truly loved you and worried for you'
Cyclonis: Enough of this!!! Dark Ace, you wanted to get rid of Luna's family that keeps getting in the way well you can start with her!
Dark Ace: Gladly

The Dark Ace used his speed to attack Celenia, while we all panicked but to our shock she got a hold of his fist and started draining up that powerful energy he had making him back to normal as she used her crystal staff to make him float and flung him across the room till he was knocked down unconscious, leaving Cyclonis on her own.

Celenia: It's just you and me Amethyst, let's see how well your grandmother taught you, that is if she taught you anything at all

Cyclonis snarled and started blasting Celenia with every energy blast she could throw but that only made Celenia deflect those blast with ease, leaving her stunned.

Celenia: C'mon Amethyst, you need to do better than that~ I taught you better

Cyclonis grew frustrated as she tried to come at Celenia, but she only blocked her attack and whacked her across the room, making her get back up and charge again but still kept getting whacked by my tia which was a bit satisfying to watch.

Celenia: You still act like a child throwing a tantrum, you haven't change one bit
Cyclonis: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Cyclonis shot an energy blast at her, only for Celenia to cause it to stop midway and shot back at her, while she got knocked across the room again.

Cyclonis: Ngh!! What is this?! Some kind of intervention or something?!
Celenia: Meh, a little but I'm more interested in in showing you your flaws at your binding, you lack of it and the more you use it the likely chances you'll fall into your grandmother faith. I've pressured her not to train you, but did she listen? No, she chose to train you at a young age in hopes you would improve but your father forbid it because your grandmother was nothing but a tyrant empress who want nothing more but to harm innocent lives, even if it meant getting your father and mother out of your life

The room was silent and we stood there in shocked, we knew that Cyclonis's grandmother did made Cyclonis the empress of Cyclonia, but we never knew that she had actual parents and they tried to intervene in preventing her grandmother from leading Cylconis into a dark path. Our guard was down when the Dark Ace appeared, and he got his energy blade ready.

Dark Ace: Enough games! It's over
Luna/Piper: LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!

Just then, Piper and I were glowing at the same time and shot an energy towards Aerrow and Mags, as they too glowed, while Mags hair changed into a galaxy like color leaving him shocked.

Mags: Huh?! My hair! It's different
Aerrow: But it makes you look more handsome [grin] Now, let's take him out

The Dark Ace tried to attack Aerrow and Mags when somehow they were able to hold his blade with their own hands as they crushed it and bent it, while the Dark Ace let his guard down as Mags and Aerrow punched him across the room till he crashed into a pillar and landed on the ground with a chunk of the pillar landing on top of him.

Piper: Wow!
Luna: Sweet!
Aerrow: Yeah
Celenia: [smile] Well done, my new student

Piper smiled back at Celenia, while I smiled at her but noticed at the corner of my eye Cyclonis glaring at Piper with a hint of jealousy. When all of the sudden the ceiling was about to come crashing down as Cyclonis summoned back the Dark Ace as they fled.

Celenia: Children, we need to move. Now!

Celenia used her crystal staff to make us float and drag us together, she nodded at Piper and I as we understood and combined our powers together to create a force field around us. After the ceiling stop caving in,  we took down the shield when Piper was feeling bummed.

Piper: Aerrow, the key [sigh] I can't believe I lost it, to her!
Aerrow: We'll get it back
Piper: How? Didn't you see what happened in there? We can never fight against a power like that
Aerrow: But you have it too. I saw it, I felt it. Mags and I felt it
Celenia: He's right, and I believe that you are far more powerful than she is. Which is why the guardians knew that you would be the one
Piper: Huh?
Aerrow: Wait a minute, they mentioned a fifth one, was it you? Celenia. This whole time?
Celenia: Indeed
Aerrow: Piper, if you can learn to control it from Celenia, we'd have a fair fight, we can still stop them
Piper: I don't know, Aerrow. There's something else I felt with that power. Something dark... Very dark
Celenia: [holds Piper's shoulders] Which is why I am here to help you, with my guidance, I can help you overcome this dark energy
Piper: Thanks, Celenia
Celenia: You're my new student after all, it gives me a chance to redeem myself from my past mistakes
Mags: What kind of mistakes?
Celenia: For not protecting Cyclonis from her grandmother

We all stared in shocked as Celenia frown, we left the Forbidden City as we headed back to Terra Bogaton and saw that there was still no progress in building the Condor.

Piper: And things aren't any better here
Finn: Ha!! You're just jealous cuz my Condor design is the best!
Junko: Ya, right! My Condor's the best!!
Radarr: [squawk]
Finn: Ha, right
Stork: Well, how 'bout this Condor?

Unexpectedly, the door opened and we were presented to the classic Condor, just how we wanted it.

Stork: I took her back to spec
Aerrow: We're back in business!!
Luna: Yeah!!
Finn: Okay, guys, it's not too late to add a dance floor-owww~!!
Ravess: [glares] Listen here, Finn. Your girlfriend here loves the classic Condor, if you rob her happiness from something as silly as a dance floor, I won't hesitate as to make sure your buddy Stork has a shot of being Luna's official girlfriend while you cry about the silly mistake you will regret, so zip it about the dance floor and make your girlfriend happy!!!
Finn: [gulp] Okay, I'll drop it [sped off]
Scorpio: [grin] Heh, that's mi amor
Leo: Looks like you scored a girl with authority
Scorpio: I sure did
Celenia: I'm still waiting for you to propose to her
Scorpio: [blushes] MAMA!!!!
Celenia: What?! The faster you get married, the faster I get a grandkid

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