From Gotham with Love (Male O...

By DanteUchiha420

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It takes a certain kind of person to live in Gotham City. Though many were born and raised, many others had e... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1: Second Chances PT: 1
Chapter 2: Second Chances PT: 2
Chapter 3: Second Chances PT: 3
Chapter 4: New Roommates PT: 1
Chapter 5: New Roommates PT: 2
Chapter 6: New Roommates PT: 3
Chapter 7: New Roommates PT: 4
Chapter 8: New Roommates PT: 5
Chapter 9: Assault on Arkham PT:1
Chapter 10: Assault on Arkham PT: 2
Chapter 11: Assault on Arkham PT: 3
Chapter 12: Assault on Arkham PT: 4
Chapter 13: Pillow Talk PT: 1 (🍋 Harley 🍋)
Chapter 14: Pillow Talk PT: 2 (🍋Ivy🍋)
Chapter 15: Under The Red Hood PT:1
Chapter 16: Under The Red Hood PT: 2
Chapter 17: Under The Red Hood PT: 3
Chapter 18: Under The Red Hood PT: 4
Chapter 19: Pillow Talk PT: 3 (🍋 Blackfire 🍋)
Chapter 20: Snakes in the Grass PT: 1
Chapter 21: Snakes in the Grass PT: 2
Chapter 22: Snakes in the Grass PT: 3
Chapter 23: Grind Time PT: 1
Chapter 24: Grind Time PT: 2
Chapter 25: Pillow Talk PT: 4 (🍋 Jinx 🍋)
Chapter 26: Pillow Talk PT: 5 (🍋 Harley + Ivy 🍋)
Chapter 27: Guardian Rising PT:1
Chapter 29: Guardian Rising PT: 3
Chapter 30: Guardian Rising PT: 4
Chapter 31: Guardian Rising PT: 5
Chapter 32: Guardian Rising PT: 6
Chapter 33: Guardian Rising PT: 7
Chapter 34: Guardian Rising PT: 8

Chapter 28: Guardian Rising PT: 2

183 8 0
By DanteUchiha420

When I hobbled through the door I was immediately met by Harley, Jinx, Caitlin, Komand'r, and Leslie.
"What happened to ya this time? Did ya get hit by a train Mista D?!"
Harley exclaimed in worry as she and Komand'r helped me over to the couch.

"If by train you mean 20 Mutant assholes then yes."
I replied.
"They tried to muscle over Cleo and of course me beating the piss out of them was the only logical thing to do."

Komand'r asked as I nodded.
"Do you mean.."

"The guys who have been on the rise for the past couple of months, the guys I fought in the alley, on the train, and now at my place of work, yeah...those guys."
I said as Jinx help me by using her powers to pull the table closer and to put my feet up on it.

"I can only imagine how they looked after you kicked their asses."
Leslie said in surprise as I pulled out my phone.

"And you don't have to."
I smirked as I handed her my phone.
"I took pictures before the cops and medics had a chance to pull up. I was late getting home because I took the time to clean up after them, as you should when taking care of a dog."

"Daaaamn, is that your boot print?!"
Caitlin exclaimed as I smiled proudly.

"Haha, you bet it is...*winces in pain* Ahhh that still fucking smarts!"
I said as I grit my teeth.

Komand'r came up from behind me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm glad my training is being put to good use Bumgorf. Though once you've recovered I think it's time I teach you some grappling techniques I learned on Tyrallius-3."
She then started to nibble on the soft spot between my neck and my shoulder which sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

"Y-Yeah, sounds like fun."
I stuttered out.

"Is your Boss okay?"
Caitlin asked.

"She's okay, understandably shaken up but she wasn't even injured."
I replied while Komand'r hadn't ceased with her teasing.
I moaned out which caused Harley to drag her off of me.

"Alright sista, I wanna do that and more to him but give our man a little bit of a break would ya?"
As she said this Komand'r then started to get a bit frisky with her.

"Would you like to learn the grappling techniques from Tyrallius-3 as well Harley?"
She asked with a lusty tone in her voice.
"They don't just involve combat."
She must have sensed that I was going what the fuck inside my own head as she cracked a smile.
"Don't worry Bumgorf I didn't mate with any of that planet's inhabitants when I was learning from them, I simply watched."

Hearing her say this caused everyone to go what the fuck as Jinx gave her a playful shove.
"Easy there Princess haha!"
She laughed while Leslie, Caitlin, Harley, Jinx, and myself were all blushing.

Steering the situation into a different direction, Leslie then saw something on her phone before grabbing the remote.
"Check this shit out!"

"This is Vicky Vale reporting live from within the studio here to give you all an update on the current crime spree here in Gotham. The gang whom we have now come to know as "The Mutants" have been tearing apart our city. Multiple crime reports coming in by the truckload involving assault, arson, kidnapping, vandalism, breaking and entering, as well as even a few murders so far."
As we all sat down and watched this unfold, someone with a shoddy camera angle was recording one of these scenes with their phone. The video showed a group of mutants in what looked like the east side of Founders Island we're throwing molotovs and tipping over cars.
"Robin and Batgirl have been on the scene trying to stem the tide of these Mutants but more seem to be pouring in from out of nowhere all over Gotham."
As I sat there and watched in silence I couldn't help but clench my fists as hard as I could.
"Police, Fire, and medical teams are also under attack. But one question that seems to be asked by everyone is where is Batman? And just who else can stand up to these Mutants? Who else is there to stand up and protect our city?"

After I heard her say this, I ignored the pain as much as I didn't want to and proceeded to go to my room.
"Damien what are you doing?"
Jinx asked as I pulled out a special case that have been given to me.

"You all heard what she said right?"
I asked the girls as they stood there in the doorway.
"With Batman not being here for whatever fucking reason, Robin and Batgirl are stretched too thin. Nightwing is off on the other side of the country with the Titans, and as far as I know no other members of the Justice League can get here in time. So who does that leave?"

Harley then went into the closet and grabbed her bat along with her 44 Magnum.
"Us, all of us."
She said.
"Either suit the fuck up or stay home ladies, we got work to do!"

Out of the case I pulled out a small pouch which contained some of the bone calcifyer that Batman shot me up with awhile back.
"Here, let me."
Caitlin said as she stuck me with the needle.

"Thank you Caitlin."
I said before pulling out my suit.

"Hold up, where should we even start?!"
Jinx exclaimed.

"Since most of what's going on is happening over on Founders Island, Robin or Batgirl should still be there. If we can we'll meet up with them before figuring out the next step. But on the way there we help out who we can however we can."
I said as I slipped into the saliva suit.

As I was readying the rest of my gear, everyone else started suiting up. Harley spun her 44 Magnum into it's holster while Komand'r stripped butt booty naked before slipping into her Tamaranian Suit. Caitlin had donned her suit which I hadn't seen her wear since the Asylum as Jinx and Leslie had done the same.
"Nice suit."
Leslie smiled.

"Badass, simply badass!"
Jinx added.

And before I was about to give them my thanks, Ivy came through the door and saw us.
"Were you seriously planning on doing this without me?"
She asked.

"Not at all, in fact your just in time. Do you have a suit?"
I asked.

"Course I do."
She replied.

"Then suit up."
I said.

After Ivy came back out a few moments later, Harley smiled.
"Haven't seen ya wear that in awhile red, still looks great on you."

"It's a bit tighter than I remember."
She said even though I didn't see what was wrong with her outfit I'm the slightest. It was like something that Eve from the Garden of Eden would wear only with her own flare added to it and even if Eve was standing right in front of me wearing the same thing I'd still say Ivy looked sexier in it, and no that is not me being biased because it's the fucking truth.

"Alright, let's go save Gotham ladies! Keep the body count to a minimum if at all possible! Watch out for one another and the people, and Blackfire..."
She tilted her head as she looked at me.
"Give them hell."

After we all hurried out of the fire escape and across the rooftops we stopped every so often as we spotted those in need. Harley was the first to charge a few mutants as they tried to take a woman's baby.
"Batter up hahaha!!"
She laughed before cracking one in the ribs and then swinging her legs around to give one of them a taste of her heel.

Jinx used her power to ensnare a couple more with some fencing as Blackfire simply face palmed the last one into the wall.
"Today isn't your lucky day."

The woman held onto her baby in shock as we continued on our way. Next up was a group of Mutants that had started a riot. Smashing windows and stealing some TV's from an electronic store. Killer Frost had went in on a icy slip and slide like Bobby Drake from X-Men and flash froze them in place.
"Time for you to chill out!"
She exclaimed before blasting a few more with a wave of ice and freezing them where they stopped and knocking them out with an Ice Hammer like she spent time as Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat, which she had but that's besides the point.

We kept going on like this until we finally managed to make our way to Founder's Bridge where we saw Robin and Batgirl along with several dozen officers getting overwhelmed.
"There's too many of them!"
One of the officers cried out from behind the cover of a squad car.

Blackfire then came in, raining down starbolts as she plowed through the crowd.
She roared before blasting a couple of them with Lazer beams from her eyes. Robin and Batgirl looked at us as we came in swinging.

(Please ignore the knives)

"Did someone call for the calvary?!"
I asked as I charged towards a few of them with Robin wielding his Bo-staff.

"About time you showed up, what took you so long?!"
He asked as he whacked a few mutants one after another before throwing a couple of birdarangs.

"Sorry, traffic was a bitch!"
I replied before getting knocked to the ground, then backflipping out of the way to dodge an a attack from behind.

Batgirl and Jinx had double teamed a cluster of Mutants with some flash bang grenades as Jinx let loose a barrage of crescent shaped projectiles. Ivy summoned some giant vines which like that one scene from Pirates of the Caribbean when the Kraken is tearing the ship apart. Tangling Mutants up and dragging them over the edge of the bride.
"Foolish meat sacks, you should know that nature always wins."
She said with a cold tone as she slept walked through the crowd.

Livewire was moving around at buckwild speeds to the point where I almost couldn't keep track of her.
"Hahaha, missed me!!"
She laughed before kicking a mutant into several others and then blowing them into the air with an eruption of electricity.

I was trading blows with another small group of Mutants and when I had dealt with the last one I dropped kicked away and kicked my way back onto my feet.

Harley was swinging like she was in the Major Leagues while using her Magnum to blast a few hands off as well as a couple of feet. Then she performed a Black Widow style move and shot another mutant in the leg while upside down and hanging off the back of the guy she shit whipped into the ground.

Blackfire had then blasted several more before they tried to dog pile on her but she threw them off without any effort before making sure they could never hope to have kids. Then she went on to make the man she made a woman and use them as a weapon by grabbing their ankle and smacking a whole crowd of Mutants away with ease.

Robin bashed a few with a riot shield that he somehow kept within his Bo-staff before hitting them with some kind of disc like tazers.
"We need a sitrep!"
He exclaimed out loud as he pressed the side of his mask.

"Most of the Mutant's forces are currently with you on the bridge Master Tim, however more reports are piling up by the minute."
I heard Alfred say through my comms.

"Then let's finish this quickly! Frost, Livewire give them the forecast!!"
I shouted over to her as I slammed my fist into another Mutant's face.

"How about a chance of snow!!"
Killer Frost yelled as Livewire charged up an attack of her own to add to it.

"With a 100% chance of Lightning!!!"
The attack that they had made on the spot was astounding.

Killer Frost had created a whirlwind of snowy ice that pushed back the rest of the Mutants as Livewire blasted them from above with enough electricity to not only put them to sleep, but made them need to take a trip to the ICU for burns.
"Well now that that's over, normally I'd say let's go back to my place for a bowl of my favorite cereal!! But for now let's just do whatever else we can!"

Batgirl glided down next to me as she nodded.
"Agreed, would you mind sharing a couple of your ladies? There's another group of these guys near Gotham Mercy."
She asked as I looked to them.

"Who wants to volunteer as tribute?"
I asked them while Harley kept smashing a Mutant's face until he fell to the ground.

"Hoo haha, mama is gonna need a cigarette after this!"
She smiled while allowing her tongue to hang out of her head.

"Ivy and Harley will you go with Batgirl and provide backup?"
I asked.

"Sure thing, these meat bags are going to pay dearly if I see that any of my babies are hurt!"
Harley skipped over to me and kissed the part of my cowl where my mouth would be.

"Don't have to much more fun without me!"
She smiled.

"Can't promise you that given the state of things!"
I hollered back.
"Alright, where do we focus the rest of our efforts?"
I asked Robin as he pulled out a portable 3-D projector from his utility belt.

"There's a group of Mutants over on Miagani attacking the sub station. If that goes down then the rest of the Island goes down too."
He said as I looked to Livewire.

"Let's hurry and light em up bird boy!"
Before he even had a chance to say anything she turned into a ball of energy and shot herself into the air before traversing like she was Cole MacGrath from Infamous. Robin then summoned his motorcycle and took off after her.

"Where does that leave us Overwatch?"
I say into comms.

"There's another small cluster of Mutants near Gotham's Branch of Queen Consolidated on Founder's Island, sending the precise location now sir. And please do be careful Master Hoechlin."
I nodded as another bike popped out of nowhere after it's active camo ran out.

As I got on the bike I felt a pulsating pain shoot through my chest, making me feel like I just had the wind knocked it off me.
"Are you alright Bumgorf?"
Blackfire asked.

"I will be once we've taken care of the Mutants at Queen Consolidated, let's move."
Jinx hopped into the saddle with me as I noticed that a couple of things were slightly different from the previous Batcycle that I rode no so long ago.

"Then let's get to it!"
Jinx exclaimed as she pointed forward.

As we took off I cocked my head to look at her for a brief moment.
"Is that your favorite movie or something?"
I asked.

"'s just one of them."
She muttered pursing her lips.

Once we made it to Queen Consolidated, Blackfire went about dispatching a dozen more Mutants. Some even tried to shoot her but she was too fast and dodged point blank gunfire better than what Gohan could do with any attack that was thrown at him until he fought Cell. Jinx jumped up into the air and as she was mid flip, she crossed her arms before shooting out a massive crescent wave of energy which blasted the rest of the steps leading up to the front door. A couple more had remained which I took care of by shooting out my grapple gun and wrapping it around the first guy's ankle. When I gave it a hard pull he slipped which made his back collide hard against the ground as I used the line to choke the other one out until he was about to pass out before slamming my fist into his temple and actually doing so. Even though we didn't count our eggs before they hatched, we were met by another group of Mutants.
"Where the hell do they keep coming from?!"
Jinx exclaimed.

Blackfire smiled with joy, her warrior's blood must have been boiling because she looked like she was going feral.
"Wherever their domicile is, we shall rip every last one of them apart and use their bones to pick their meat from our teeth!!!"
We gave her a look of worry as she gave us a not so sadistic smile.
"That was a joke, nothing to worry about!"

From there we kept on kicking ass even as they seemed to be pouring in by the dozens. To be honest I wouldn't have been able to take this many on by myself. I probably would have had a higher chance had I not been injured earlier on in the day. But even as the pain didn't cease, neither did I as I kept on fighting.
"Ninja Vanish!!"
I shouted out before popping a couple of smoke bombs.
"Overwatch, I need thermals!"

"Thermals engaged sir!"
Alfred replied as my cowl lit up with heat signatures.

The mutants caught in the smoke couldn't see for shit which allowed me to quickly take them all out with about 3 to 5 hits each. After I was done dishing out combos, the smoke cleared and the girls and I were the ones left standing.
"Robin, Batgirl, what's the situation on your guy's end?"
I asked.

"Gotham Mercy is secured, units are already enroute to our location."
Batgirl replied as I could still hear the sounds of fighting on Robin's.

"We're wrapped up here too. Looks like the worst of it is over for now."
Robin reported as I looked to Jinx and Blackfire.

"Overwatch, where's the next incident closest to my location?"
I asked.

"Well it would appear that the last of the Mutants on Founders Island are taking refuge within Saint Michael's Church."
He said as I climbed back onto the bike with Jinx.

"Copy that, we're mobile."
I replied.
"Time to get their confession."

There weren't even a half dozen Mutants left after we got to Saint Michael's. But along the way we had stopped to help this couple out who had been flipped over in their car. After we took care of all but one, we took him up to the roof before I dangled him off the edge with one hand by his ankle.
"Tell us who and where your boss is before my arm starts to get tired."
I said as calmly as I could while he just screamed and squirmed around.

"I don't know where he is, I swear to God!!"
He pleaded as I flipped him back around and held him at eye level.

"I'm here, he isn't and I'm worse!!"
I growled before I threatened to drop him.
"Swear to me!!!"

The Mutant punk kept struggling but I kept holding him over the edge.
" don't know what he's like, he's real nasty spud, he don't shiv for shit!! He's a monster!!"

I then pulled him close enough to where our noses were centimeters from touching.
"Then I suggest that if you don't want to know what I am you start by telling me what I want to know!!"

"I mean it!!!"
He screamed.
"I don't know where he is, he doesn't even have a real name no more!! I ca...I can't!!!"

"His heart rate hasn't changed in the slightest aside from being how you have him sir, he's telling the truth."
Alfred said through comms as I wrapped my grapple line around his ankle and threw him off the roof. When the line went taught he flew back and smacked the the wall, causing to immediately fall unconscious.

"Send word to the GCPD that they're gonna need a ladder for this one Overwatch."
I said to Alfred before rubbing the back of my head as I turned to face Jinx and Blackfire who had a mixed look on both of their faces.
"Too much?"
I asked them before they started smiling ear to ear.

"I think that just made me so hot for you right now."
Jinx replied, Blackfire nodding in agreement.

"I'm guessing that we are victorious for now?"
Blackfire asked.

"It would seem that way, although since the guy was telling the truth there's no way of knowing where or when his boss is actually going to pop up."
I then pulled out a spare grapple line and hooked it up to the gun.
"But I can honestly say that this is only the beginning."

Hello everyone, hope you all enjoyed Part 2 of Guardian Rising. I know I said that I would try to get it done a little bit later.

But since my fiance and my son are now in bed I figured I could pump out this chapter for you guys so I can start on Part 3 and maybe even Part 4 before and during the weekend.

However please don't forget to smash that like button, comment, and follow as well as share with your own followers on any and all social media!!!

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