Recurrence | 𝐰𝐥𝐰

By lovablelies

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𝐰𝐥𝐰 • 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐱𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝 • 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐱 --- When two ex-best friends are reunited, an obvious attracti... More



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By lovablelies

~ a few days later ~

Tayleigh and I walked through the front door of her and Jay's house. "Tay..." Jay immediately rushed over to the door. "I'm not here for you. Here for my clothes." Tayleigh said, dismissing Jay as she put her hand in his face.

"Come on with that childish shit man. Let's talk bruh. You been gone for a couple weeks." Jay voiced, following Tayleigh up the stairs.

"Oh, you know how to do basic math." Tayleigh spoke in a mocking tone.

"I don't even sound like that." Jay responded. "I don't even sound like that." Tayleigh continued mocking him. "Back up bruh. Wouldn't want my weakness to rub off on you." she then said.

Jay smacked his lips, following Tayleigh into her bedroom. I slowly walked up the steps, making awkward eye contact with Cam.

"Hi..." I finally spoke.

"What's up?" Cam responded. "Nothing..." I slowly answered. Cam then stepped closer to me. "You're not pregnant, are you?" he suddenly asked me.

"Bruh what?" I smacked my lips. "My fault. Tay being gone this long, we were just wondering if- never mind." Cam shook his head.

"Okay..." I slowly said, walking up the steps.

I made my way up to Tayleigh's room, just as she aggressively pushed Jay out. "Tay-" he tried to speak but Tayleigh slammed her door. Seconds later, she opened the door and pulled me inside.

She then shut and locked the door. I went to sit on her bed while watching her pack her stuff.

"Bae." I said out of the blue. "Hm." Tayleigh responded. "You okay?" I wondered. "Of course I am." Tayleigh mockingly chuckled.

"Are you really okay though? Like, really?" I asked her. Tayleigh turned around, giving me a look that was hard to read. "I just said I'm fine." she then said.

"Yea, that's what you said. But, that's not how you're acting." I stated. "Well then how am I acting Destiny?" Tayleigh sighed.

"Like, you're irritated or annoyed." I expressed.

Tayleigh slightly nodded before putting her attention elsewhere. I watched as she reached up into her closet and pulled a stack of money out. She undid the rubber band wrapped around it and took half, then put the rest back.

Tayleigh sat at her desk and began counting the money to herself, ignoring my existence.

"I'm just bouta go wait outside." I rolled my eyes, making my way to the door. "Bye." Tayleigh immediately said with an attitude.

I stopped walking, slowly turning around. I then walked over to Tayleigh. "20, 70, 80..." I said random numbers, throwing Tayleigh's counting off. I then smacked the money out of her hands.

"Bye." I smiled, slapping her upside her head.

I made my way out the room, hearing Tayleigh mumbling as I closed the door.

As I walked outside onto the porch, I saw Cam and Jay smoking. I sat down on one of the chairs and took out my phone.

"Where's Tay?" Cam wondered. "Picking her money up off the floor." I shrugged. Cam and Jay looked at me confused. "She got smart with me, so I smacked the shit out her hands." I explained.

"Ohh." they both said before laughing loudly.

"You probably pissed her off." Cam chuckled, making Jay laugh. "Good." I rolled my eyes, scrolling on my phone.

A hot minute later, Tayleigh joined us on the porch. Cam and Jay looked at her before busting out laughing. "What?" Tayleigh rolled her eyes, clearly already annoyed.

Cam and Jay shook their heads, continuing to laugh while walking into the house.

"You showed them that video of me?" Tayleigh smacked her lips, turning to me. "Nah, what video?" Cam poked his head back outside.

Tayleigh pushed him back inside, shutting the screen door.

She then sat beside me, lighting a blunt. I tried to ignore her and continued scrolling on my phone. But I could feel Tayleigh's eyes pierce through me as she stared at me.

It wasn't an angry stare or anything of the sort.

"You're mean as hell." Tayleigh finally spoke. I looked up from my phone, at her. "Only when provoked." I said, taking the blunt from her.

"Nah, you're just mean." she shook her head. "It's really you. You're mean." I stated.

"Rii..." Tayleigh slowly nodded.

I rolled my eyes at her, making her chuckle to herself. The both of us continued smoking, not really saying too much to one another. Every now and then we would hold a little staring contest until one of us folded.

Tayleigh and I were in the middle of a conversation when we were interrupted.

"You threatening my little sister bitch!" a very familiar face approached the porch. I became alarmed, although Tayleigh sat there and continued smoking like she didn't give a fuck.

"Knowing me, I probably did. Who's your little sister?" Tayleigh casually asked.

"Alexis. You dumb bitch!" the woman spoke, and the lightbulb in my head went off. "I don't like that bitch word." Tayleigh stated.

"And? I don't like bitches threatening my little sister, so what's up?!" Alexis sister stepped closer, allowing me to get a better look at her. She was also a stud of them manly ones.

She had a tank top and sweats on, looking a damn mess.

"Bitch what's up?! You just sitting there!" she continued to go off on Tayleigh. "Girl. Go on, before you blow my high." Tayleigh chuckled.

"You need to chill out." I told Alexis sister.

"I don't give a fuck bout none of that! You got all that mouth for my sister right? You got all the mouth in the world, but do your hands back it up? Cause from where I'm standing it's giving pussy!" Alexis sister continued going off.

"I got a dick-" Tayleigh busted out laughing. I tried not to, but a small smile formed on my face because Tayleigh's such a troll.

"Bitch shut the fuck up with your weird ass. Like I said, I wanna fight. So run me my ones." Alexis sister said.

"Ight, I hear you. Give me one second." Tayleigh chuckled, standing up. She then held her finger up, signaling Alexis sister to wait a second as she took another hit of the blunt.

"Hm." she then passed it to me. "Tayleigh don't-" I started to say as Tayleigh took her gun out and sat it in the seat. "Stay right here." she told me.

She then made her way down the steps onto the concrete. "Can we not?" I rest my hand on my forehead, becoming overwhelmed. By now a few others in the neighborhood became invested.

Some were watching from their porch, while others were gradually making their way over.

"So what's good? What's good?" Tayleigh approached Alexis sister, ready to fight. "What's goo-" Alexis sister started to respond but got popped in the mouth.

The two immediately started going at it, both looking like they were trying to severely harm or end one another.

I cringed, hearing all the hits connect, especially Tayleigh's.

"The fuck?" Jay suddenly walked out of the house. "Beat her ass Tay!" Cam walked out, right behind him, jumping around like a hyper ass toddler. "Nah, break it up." I shook my head.

I noticed Alexis sister attempting to grab Tayleigh's hair. I walked down the steps a little. "Don't be grabbing her hair hoe." I said.

Out of nowhere, someone came from behind Tayleigh and jumped in the fight. It wasn't long before I realized it was Alexis and I immediately became furious.

"Nah, fuck that." Jay said as him and Cam quickly pushed past me, breaking up the fight.

I immediately tried to make my way down too, but Cam kept me from jumping in. "Watch out bruh." I said, but he didn't budge.

"If y'all gon fight, it needa be one on one." some random person on the block said.

Meanwhile, it was a struggle for Jay and the others to pull Tayleigh away as she seemed adamant about fighting. "Tay chill for a second. Damn!" Jay yanked her away.

"Nah, cause who the fuck just tried to jump in?!" Tayleigh snapped, attempting to get out of Jay's hold. Chills went down my body, looking at the darkness in her eyes.

"Alexis did. Right there bae. Beat her ass." I snitched, pointing at Alexis.

"Damn, where this ugly ass bitch come from?" Tayleigh questioned. "Nah cause once I'm finished with her, I want yo ass." she pointed at Alexis, giving her a death stare.

As Tayleigh and Alexis sister got ready to fight again, I noticed Alexis looking at me. As if she wanted me to stop Tayleigh or something.

"Bae pull your hair back! Since the bitch like to pull hair she don't have." I said, being petty.

Tayleigh smiled a little.

Once Tayleigh finished beating the sister's ass again, her and Alexis squared up. I felt so messy for watching this although it wasn't my fault.

I covered my mouth, seeing Tayleigh crack Alexis in her mouth.

The fight between the two didn't even last that long because Alexis decided she didn't wanna fight anymore, after getting cracked in her mouth one too many times.

Shit was ghetto and unattractive as fuck.

Tayleigh looked good though. I don't care. My girl. My girl. My girl.

~ later on ~

I sat at Tayleigh's desk, finishing up with cleaning the cuts and bruises on her knuckles. "You have to stop this madness." I sighed. "I was actually minding my business today." Tayleigh stated.

"You were..." I poked my lip out a little.

Tayleigh pecked my lips, then left out the room. I sighed, resting my head on the desk. "I'm tired." I mumbled to myself.

A few minutes later Tayleigh walked back into the room. She had a cold drink in her hand.

"Bae...I have something to tell you." I suddenly expressed. It was something that had been on my mind for a while. "If you cheated or something, go ahead and start running." Tayleigh sighed.

"Girl. No, that's not what I was bout to say. Although, you may start to think I want to after I say this, but I promise I don't." I rushed out, standing up. Tayleigh just stared at me.

"What?" she then quietly asked, her jaw slightly tightening.

"Bae, calm down-" I tried to wrap my arms around Tayleigh but she stopped me. "Don't touch me until you tell me." she said.

"Bruh really?" I smacked my lips.

"It's not that bad, I promise. Well...okay I'm just gonna say it. I miss eating pùssy...and bumping coochies...and strapping women." I admitted. "There's no sugarcoating it. At the end of the day I love pùssy." I continued.

Tayleigh just stared at me, not saying a word.

"Um, are you gonna say anything?" I wondered. "Anything." Tayleigh said before walking off.

I sighed and rolled my eyes while pulling her back. "Bae, I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything." I expressed.

"You can't hurt my feelings." Tayleigh chuckled, nonchalantly.

"Tayleigh." I sighed. "Nah, don't Tayleigh me." Tayleigh shook her head. "See, you're mad. I knew it." I softly spoke.

"I'm not mad. But, just imagine I came to you saying I miss dick and shit. Ain't nothing you can really do about that cause you were born with a coochie." Tayleigh explained.

"I mean, technically I do have a strap so if that's what you want..." I started to say but Tayleigh gave me a look. "Okay, never mind then." I quietly said.

"You're missing the point Destiny." Tayleigh told me. "No, I get it. I just..." I slowly nodded.

"Just what?" Tayleigh asked. I shrugged.

"We'll talk about this later Des. I got some shit to handle right now." Tayleigh expressed, seeming a bit stressed. "Oh, right. I forgot you have other shit that's more important than me." I nodded.

"Baby don't start." Tayleigh rolled her eyes. "I'm going back to my place. You can find somewhere else to sleep tonight." I said, walking off.

"You the one talking bout some you wanna eat pùssy, and I'm being put out?!" Tayleigh raised her voice. "I didn't say that!" I shouted back.

"Oh my bad, you miss eating pùssy or whatever the fuck you said." Tayleigh waved me off. "See, I knew you were gonna be mad." I shook my head. "I'm not mad!" Tayleigh yelled, clearly mad.

She then put her tongue to her cheek.

"I'm not mad. Just slightly irritated-" Tayleigh expressed. "Why though? Because I'm being honest with you?" I questioned.

"No, Destiny. Because- shit I don't know." Tayleigh ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. "You just came out of nowhere with that shit bruh." she then said.

"And right after I just finished fighting your ex? Come on Des." Tayleigh smacked her lips, shaking her head.

"I didn't mean for it to come off that way- I just, thought I should tell you." I expressed. "Well, you told me." Tayleigh said, falling back onto her bed.

I started to say something, but paused as I heard something outside in the distance.

Tayleigh sat up as an uncertain look crossed her face. She must've heard what I heard. "You heard that-" I started to ask, but Tayleigh shushed me.

"Oh my God! The house is on fire!" I heard someone scream in a distance.

I then heard the sound of sirens coming from a far. I then felt uneasy as I made my way out of Tayleigh's room and down the stairs. I quickly left out the house. As did a few others.

As I got closer to the street Malik and I's house was on, a ton of smoke became visible and smacked me in the face.

"Oh,, no, no, no." I immediately panicked and started running when I realized it was our house that had gone up in flames.

𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬!

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