That One Barista (K/DA Seraph...

By WoffleStomp

8K 521 39

Y/N L/N, from Brighthammer Inc., worked as a salesman, riding the corporate waves of Piltover. Coming from a... More

Chapter 1 - Sales Day
Chapter 2 - I'm Ready, Promotion
Chapter 3 - Coffee Lady
Chapter 4 - She Looks Familiar
Chapter 5 - My Treat
Chapter 6 - Two Different Worlds
Chapter 7 - New Week
Chapter 8 - The Worst Week
Chapter 9 - Hello Irelia
Chapter 10 - Reunited Once Again
Chapter 11 - I Want to Be Held
Chapter 12 - Incredibly Slouched
Chapter 13 - Popular Vibes
Chapter 14 - Spreading Corruption
Chapter 15 - I Want to Be Comforted
Chapter 16 - Separate Ways
Chapter 17 - Car Hunting
Chapter 18 - Sold It
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Hits Different
Chapter 21 - Lights Up
Chapter 22 - An Absolute Charity Case
Chapter 23 - Moving up a Class
Chapter 24 - Adaptations People
Chapter 25 - Meeting the Parent
Chapter 26 - Pandemic of 2020
Chapter 27 - First Taste
Chapter 28 - Ghost Town
Chapter 29 - OMW to a Breakthrough
Chapter 30 - Good Feeling
Chapter 31 - Issue Two
Chapter 32 - Hair Become Blue
Chapter 33 - Something More
Chapter 34 - Superstar
Chapter 35 - To New Horizons!

Chapter 20 - Company Saved

157 12 0
By WoffleStomp


Couple days later, I could already feel myself growing grey hair after just MEETING the board members that stayed behind. Brighthammer used to have a fuck ton of investors, making this giant table and having a big board room right below Jayce's office. Now however... we only have 10. 

These guys and gals are absolute units, the most flexible, the most diehard supporters. 5 of them, AKA half, are way back from the Medarda clan. The Medarda family were people that ran the government for a long time, and hell some of their clan members still do exist in government but are more... civilized. 

These guys are just like them, except they got out of it just when the Medarda was getting into government. These are the wealthy investors, stockbrokers, business owners, lottery winners that stopped playing gangster and started playing business, a much smarter idea. 

Arguably just as dirty as Viktor, but at least they do shit right. The other ones are trust fund kids or the two in the corner that are the oldest people I think I've ever seen, just wanting to see an industry actually make a difference with their handouts. 

We don't need these donors by any means, but they do help a lot by keeping us comfortable. 

And now, since I'm the new COO, I have to give a speech on how their money is going to benefit our company moving forward, with all that's been happening. After we all watch the news on the giant TV in here, of course. 

Reporter: Viktor is being tried for several accounts of corporate espionage, the attempted murder CEO Jayce Talis, corporate theft, embezzlement, breach of contract, and finally, breach of fiduciary duty. Needless to say... Viktor against the legal team of Brighthammer, will lead to a very, one-sided outcome. 

Jayce shuts the TV off and gives me a chance to speak amongst the 10 investors. 

Y/N: So, well said Janna, with that being said, what is next for Brighthammer? With our waters running clean once again and the legal mishmash about to be handled swiftly, what do we have now? What's left? What are we going to use your stakes for now? I'll tell you what. You guys stayed behind for one word and one word alone. 

???: Loyalty? 

Y/N: That would've been my next word, but no, be honest, it's curiosity. 

Some of them nod their head, and then put their pens down to listen up. I march to the front of the room. 

Y/N: Now, sure, I'm not the most stable person in the room, and sure I may not be ready to take the mantle of COO, but working in sales for a couple years now has taught me that there's still new lengths that Brighthammer can go towards. You think we need to make weapons to keep this tower up high? No!

I take a seat in one of the chairs, Jayce does the same thing, not saying a word and giving me the floor. 

Y/N: Your donations will go towards manufacturing and company wellness. I could even have Orianna, head of R&D to talk all about it. There are some industries this company has yet to touch, that being automotive, shipping, and medical. I say our nations and our allies are well-taken care of, why not take care of what we got? 

???: You can look into education-

Y/N: And the rest of the things will run themselves! I like where this person's head is at, what's your name? 

I scootch over and shake one of the old geezer's hands. He's got dark skin, beady eyes, a beautiful head of grey hair though, with a long grey beard too. Small, but I can tell he wasn't built for pickpocketing I can tell you that. 

Ornn: Ornn. I come from Freljord, where I have seen civilizations destroy each other simply because they lack enlightenment. 

Y/N: Ornn... so you have seen firsthand just how much these more internal affairs can rebuild civilization around it. 

Ornn: I have. Freljord cities exist after they put down weapons, even my own weapons, to pick up books. It was heartbreaking to see the wars end, but looking back... *Incoherent Russian noises* 

Y/N: I do not speak Russian, I apologize. 

Ornn: I am in agreement; I am in full support of this new structure. 

???: Same here! I got some shares with Riot Records, here! The world needs voices. 

Y/N: Amen to that! 

???: I like your funny words, magic man! 

Y/N: Alright! 

???: Bet! 

I leave my chair and stand back at the front of the room.

Y/N: I'm happy you all understand what direction we're trying to take this company in. Although it seems vague, albeit... like it always has, from now on, it's going to be my mission to provide more specifics other than... ohhh... "company wellness", "external affairs".

Jayce: With Y/N as the new COO, he'll try and get closer to the personal, easier to understand words we all know and love. Sometimes you need an insurgent to knock you straight, right? 

They all poshly laugh and I'm just there smirking, nodding my head. 

Y/N: It is still the... monthly meeting, right? Is everyone okay with this? 

They all nod. I nod back. After that conference, meeting, thing... Jayce and I head back up to the executive floor. He gives me a big slap on the shoulders shaking me around as we walk back into the lounge. 

Jayce: How the fuck do you do that?! Even when I was younger, I had no mouth like that!

Y/N: Man, I got the charm, what can I say? 

Jayce: How can one man just save my entire company from falling into the ground? 

Y/N: Hey, that's why you gotta be careful running a corporation with your best friend. 

Jayce: Ahhh... yeah, it sucks. I was friends with Viktor for such a long time. It was crazy when he told me that he was involved in it, like he couldn't hold it in anymore. All the trust, the brotherhood we had just... whoosh... out the window. 

Y/N: Yeah, I feel like I'm gonna run into that problem too.

Jayce: It's not with Ezreal, is it? 

Y/N: Nope, we're right as rain, it's this one guy I know going after the busker chick I like. 

Jayce: The bum?

Y/N: Hey-

Jayce: I'm kidding! I saw her make the featured tab on YouTube. Seraphine, right? She's got a hell of a voice, hell of a following too, even got fan clubs holding up signs outside the middle schools too. 

Y/N: You got kids? 

Jayce: What? Nah, I have to pass by them to get out of the suburbs. 

Y/N: Ah, okay. Well, what's next for now? 

Jayce: Now you can get settled into your new office and go about helping Mundo with the applications if he needs it. 

Y/N: Got it. 

Jayce: You and I run this company now, and you'll notice the work gets considerably lighter this high-up on the food chain. Don't let it get to your head though, it can get rough. 

Y/N: Got it. 

Jayce: You're under your own power now, enjoy it. 

Y/N: Thanks... 

He lets me go to my new office, where I unpack some of my boxes. My box is nearly identical to Jayce's office, even including some of the gadgets. 

I have a dimmer that can set the tint on the privacy glass, that way nobody can look into my office. A display setup, a long lounge chair, a few plants on one corner, and in the other a couch, coffee table, chair, and a TV. 

My desk is infinitely bigger, and behind it are display cases or counters to put stuff. I have a very comfy, cozy office chair, that makes me feel like an evil genius. I even have an old rug that the other seats sit on, the ones that sit in front of the desk. 

Phone, spot for my laptop, just gotta upgrade my knickknack collection. Opening one of the display cases behind the desk reveals a mini fridge, dope, and my own microwave! I won't use it, but it's cool, nonetheless. 

After finishing up my setup, I flip on the TV and go through my emails. A lot of them are congratulatory and the TV is spewing out investment news stories, talking all about Brighthammer's new COO. 

That's me... hehehehehehehehehe...

Secretary: Y/N... are you set up okay? 

She starts calling from the phone, I press the button to respond.

Y/N: Yes, I am, and I'm sorry, I never got your name by the way. 

Lux: Lux? Luxanna? I'm surprised you forgot!

Y/N: Of course, of course! Sorry, there's a lot of things to take in, you understand, what's up Lux? 

Lux: Orianna wishes to see you? 

Y/N: Oh, of course! From now on, you don't have to make the managers check in, just let them come see me. 

Lux: Of course! 

Orianna comes in and plops a seat on one of the chairs in front of my desk. 

Y/N: What's up? 

Ori: What's up? Y/N, this is fucking crazy, don't you think? 

Y/N: Yeah, I know, I thought you should be COO, not me. 

Ori: Well, you're the best option after enough thought. As jealous as I should be, someone needs to make sure the R&D are doing their job. 

Y/N: I bet they'd get nothing done without you. 

Ori: So, how's it feel to be royalty? 

Y/N: Good, the board is in good shape. They like where we're going with the other angles. Automotive, shipping, education, medical, just not... guns. 

Ori: Yeah, I like that too, so, what are we making? 

Y/N: I don't know, talk to Ezreal, figure that out. Wait, who's taking over the management of sales? 

Ori: Ezreal.

Y/N: So, he's product and sales? 

Ori nods her head, whirring a little in her robotic chassis. 

Y/N: Yeah, hit up Ezreal. Keep working on the Riot Records client, that's perfect. Some of the donors also mentioned PU, talk to him about that. 

Ori: Got it. I like where this is heading, Y/N.

Y/N: I do too. 

She leaves me alone to spin around in my chair. While I was spinning, I already texted Mundo and he doesn't need any help. Literally I'm just here sitting around and answering emails, like I did before. 

In fact... I'm doing this until close, it's just boredom hell. 

Couldn't even talk to Seraphine, because she was "busy with her music". Texted her a few hours later and got no response. I try to give her the space she needs but now it's bad, I'm thinking up something fierce. 


So, we're leaving out my office building now, heading with Ezreal to his car, luckily giving me a ride. 

Y/N: So, NSX, huh? 

Ezzy: Dude, don't hate, the new NSXs are supreme class. Feast your eyes on this! 

He presses the key fob, and his doors open for us. I climb in and yeah... the leather is nice, and so is the carbon fiber tones of the interior. 

Ezzy: Wish it had a bit more room, but I can't complain. Fast as fuck, definitely the mid-engine roadster I was hoping for. 

The car howls as soon as he boots it up, making some crackling noises for the whole parking lot to hear. I can't wait until I get my Lexus- 

My phone starts ringing, and it's Tobias, holy shit my luck with everything has been amazing BUT with Seraphine, how do I channel it into her? How do I get her to say, "Oh, Y/N, Kayn is nothing like you, I'm sorry, kiss me!"

...Too far? Alright, sorry, that was a bit too far, even for me. Maybe not THAT manipulative, I'm not that desperate. She's just got me wanting her all day every day. Again, she gets along with Kayn so well because me and him are so different. I still don't think I deserve a saint like her despite her saying otherwise. 

Depression? No... that's ridiculous. 

Y/N: Hello? 

Felix: There he is! Your LC500 is done, we're just waiting for the pay and the pickup. 

Y/N: Alright, cool, that was actually kinda fast. You still open right now? 

Felix: Uh, yeah, that's why I called... it's ready, come pick it up. 

Y/N: You got it. 

Tobias Felix, a greasy salesman, greasier than me. He used to run a lot of business out of Bilgewater, then he fled, then he started running a few dealerships around town. He sells a lot of trucks, but there's the occasional off chance he sells imports. My Lexus LC500 being one of them. Legal, beautiful as you remembered, and now I need to take it out and enjoy this nice summer night. 

I also need to clear my head... 




Author's Note: 

As of right now im typing up a storm well see if i can get some more chapters done idk

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