From Gotham with Love (Male O...

By DanteUchiha420

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It takes a certain kind of person to live in Gotham City. Though many were born and raised, many others had e... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1: Second Chances PT: 1
Chapter 2: Second Chances PT: 2
Chapter 3: Second Chances PT: 3
Chapter 4: New Roommates PT: 1
Chapter 5: New Roommates PT: 2
Chapter 6: New Roommates PT: 3
Chapter 7: New Roommates PT: 4
Chapter 8: New Roommates PT: 5
Chapter 9: Assault on Arkham PT:1
Chapter 10: Assault on Arkham PT: 2
Chapter 11: Assault on Arkham PT: 3
Chapter 12: Assault on Arkham PT: 4
Chapter 13: Pillow Talk PT: 1 (πŸ‹ Harley πŸ‹)
Chapter 14: Pillow Talk PT: 2 (πŸ‹IvyπŸ‹)
Chapter 15: Under The Red Hood PT:1
Chapter 16: Under The Red Hood PT: 2
Chapter 17: Under The Red Hood PT: 3
Chapter 18: Under The Red Hood PT: 4
Chapter 19: Pillow Talk PT: 3 (πŸ‹ Blackfire πŸ‹)
Chapter 20: Snakes in the Grass PT: 1
Chapter 21: Snakes in the Grass PT: 2
Chapter 22: Snakes in the Grass PT: 3
Chapter 23: Grind Time PT: 1
Chapter 24: Grind Time PT: 2
Chapter 25: Pillow Talk PT: 4 (πŸ‹ Jinx πŸ‹)
Chapter 26: Pillow Talk PT: 5 (πŸ‹ Harley + Ivy πŸ‹)
Chapter 28: Guardian Rising PT: 2
Chapter 29: Guardian Rising PT: 3
Chapter 30: Guardian Rising PT: 4
Chapter 31: Guardian Rising PT: 5
Chapter 32: Guardian Rising PT: 6
Chapter 33: Guardian Rising PT: 7
Chapter 34: Guardian Rising PT: 8
Chapter 35: Pillow Talk PT: 6 πŸ‹CaitlynπŸ‹

Chapter 27: Guardian Rising PT:1

394 10 3
By DanteUchiha420

A Few Nights Ago: 3rd POV......
Within the bowels of an undisclosed location, Dr. June Moone met with a lone but deadly stranger amidst the darkness.
"Do you have it?"
She asked, as she didn't seem to be quite herself.

The stranger simply nodded as he handed her a peculiar looking case.
"Of course Dr. Moone, I don't get paid to go back on my word. Here is your package as requested."
He said as he handed her the case.

"With Waller gone it must have been easy."
Dr. Moone said as she inspected the case's contents.

"You should know as well as anyone doctor that A.R.G.U.S. security isn't exactly meant to be taken on by mere amateur."
The stranger said.
"Having said that I believe you owe me the last half of my payment."

Dr. Moone nodded before closing the case.
"Certainly, as promised. You can count it if you like."

The stranger held a case which was large enough in size to contain and hold $80 million dollars.
"No need, even though it was a pleasure doing business I think it be best if we avoid having future transactions."

"Agreed, and farewell."
Dr. Moone replied as she turned her back on the stranger and walked away. The stranger himself fading like a mirage into the shadows until they were completely gone.
'Now that I have her heart, she can begin preparations. And once everything is said and done I'll finally be free of her, free from Enchantress.'

Present Time: Damien POV......
When I woke up to the sunlight glaring off the window, I put my arm over my face to block it out.
I grumbled, still within a slightly hazy state. When my brain reminded me of what had happened the previous day couldn't help but smile. But then my brain said fuck you and told me that I wasn't going back to sleep.
"Harley, Ivy you awake?"
I asked only to find that they weren't in bed with me any longer only to find an oh so delicious smell wafting through the air from the kitchen beyond my bedroom door.

When I realized that I was still naked, I quickly threw on some sweat pants and a T-shirt before walking out of my room. Caitlin and Leslie were chilling on the couch as Jinx and Komand'r were sitting on the barstools shooting the shit. Harley and Ivy were in the kitchen cooking.
"Hey your finally awake! It's almost a quarter till noon hun."
Ivy smiled warmly.

"You must have slept well."
Leslie chimed in as she scrolled through a rock and roll based group on Facebook.
"Not surprised though given how much you smoked last night."

"I can smell it all the way from the bedroom."
Caitlin added.
"I'm not saying that's a bad thing mind you."

Harley and Ivy looked at each other and giggled.
"What's so..."
Jinx trailed off as she immediately realized what happened.
"All three of you?!"
She exclaimed.

"It was amazin!"
Harley smiled before skipping over to me to give me a kiss.

"That it was, it was well needed too."
Ivy agreed.
"Coffee Damien?"

I nodded.
"I literally feel like The Walking Dead."

Komand'r sat there and pouted in a sexy but adorable way.
"Bumgorf, why didn't you include me?"

"It literally happened faster than Thanos snapping his fingers. Also you weren't here, maybe if you were..."
I say as I looked to Ivy and Harley who winked and stuck her tongue out at me as she smiled and raised her eyebrows rapidly.

Komand'r, Jinx, Harley and Ivy giggled all at once.
"Maybe next time."

"Holy shit!"
Leslie exclaimed, causing us all to avert our attention to her as we gathered around.
"Check out this tasty sound byte."

"This is Vicky Vale reporting live from Elliot Memorial Hospital where Former District Attorney Harvey AKA Two Face is being released from the Psych Ward."
She said as a crowd of people who were both protesting for and against this.
"Harvey Dent had been incarcerated  for his past crimes against Gotham before being released into the care of Dr. Bartholomew Wolper, head of Arkham's Home for the Emotionally Troubled."

As we watched the event that was unfolding, Dr. Wolper took a moment to throw in his two cents before introducing Harvey as he took to the podium.
"I know that there are many people who I don't have the right to ask for forgiveness after my crimes in the past. I hurt and... killed so many people, but thanks to my Psychiatrist Dr. Wolper and my plastic surgeon Dr. Albert Ekhart that I am now of a single sound mind and body once again."

Vicky Vale being the reporter she is put herself in front of everyone else so that she could be the one to ask him herself.
"How do we know that what your saying is true Mr. Dent, how can we be sure that you won't revert back to your former ways?"
Harvey held up his hand as he was bombarded by all the other reporters. They all waited with baited breath as he went into his suit jacket and pulled out a coin. He then went on to show that the other side matched the other, both sides being unscratched.

"Huh, looks like Harv is actually serious about this."
Harley said, being the first one to have an opinion on the matter.

"Well I guess we'll see just "how" serious he is."
Ivy added.

"What happened exactly to make him how he is or, was I should say?"
Komand'r asked.

"About 15 years ago the old crimes families were on a rise. Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Harvey Dent had all teamed up to stem the tide of the Mafia and bring an end to organized crime. However during one of the trials during this time, one of members of the Maroni family took to the stand as Harvey stood as the prosecutor. He got splashed with a special kind of acid that was strong enough to eat even through concrete. Somehow he survived but half of his body was scared. The pain and mental anguish caused him to have a split personality. From there his whole shtick was wearing a suit that was half white and half black and leaving all decisions up to a coin toss. One side being normal, and the other being scratched out."
When I explained this Jinx let out a whistle.

"*Whistle* Damn, how'd he look before this?"
She asked, Ivy immediately pulled up an old picture of the infamous Two-Face.
"Luck sure wasn't on his side..."

"Ugh, that's knarly! And I've seen road kill prettier than that."
Leslie exclaimed.

Caitlin said as she nodded.

Just then my phone buzzed and naturally I checked to see what it was.
"Hate to break it to you ladies, but Cleo is calling me in today."

"Awww, but why Mista D?!"
Harley whined with an adorably cute pouty face.

"Truck order, typically Luis would be the one to do so but he's out with a fever."
I quickly gave her, Ivy, Komand'r, and Jinx a kiss before hurrying off to get ready.

After I had gotten to the Rat Hole to put truck away, Cleo sat out front filling out paperwork.
"I really appreciate you coming in on short notice Damien, Luis sends his thanks and appreciates you too."

I simply shrugged as I carried in a case of Captain Morgan.
"Don't sweat it, shit happens. Also did you want me to leave a few bottles here at the front or just take everything into the back?"
She then muttered something about around back.
"What was that?"
I asked once more.

"Erm... in the back is fine!"
She squeaked.

I replied before going on to do so. Once I had gotten everything put away I had heard a crash from the front of the bar and so I rushed to see what happened.
"Cleo what...!!"
I exclaimed only to see more punks burst through the door, about 20 in all.

"What the fuck do you all want?!"
Cleo growled.

"Oohoo, looks like we got a nasty one here Rob!"
Tweedle Dee chuckled.

"Let's see if she shivs Don!"
Tweedle Dipshit agreed as the others laughed and started tearing up the place.

"The only thing that's gonna get shived is my boot up all your asses if you don't get to stepping right the fuck now!!!"
I roared as Cleo tried to stop me.

"Damien don't!!"
She pleaded.

"That's him!!"
One of them shouted with a bandage over his nose from the back of the crowd.

"That's the guy from the train!"
Another exclaimed.
"You checked my nuts I'm gonna check yours!!"
He snarled as he pulled out a knife.

"Cleo...lock yourself in the office, now."
I said calmly as I balled up my fists before looking to the punks.
"As Generator Rex once said, thrill me!!"
Cleo made a mad dash for the office as all of the punks rushed me.

I dove in and out of the first few, only giving them a few quick blows as I used one of the twins as a body shield to block the others from advancing on me as I threw him across the room. One of those that wielded a knife caught me with a slash across my side, but I tried not to pay any mind as I blocked all of the others that were  laying into me. Whenever I could I would counter attack and break a couple of limbs before I got dog piled.
Cleo shouted from the office as several of them were trying to break through the door.

"Get the fuck off of meeeee!!!"
I yelled as I managed to break through and slam my head into another punk's face.

One of them slammed a chair across my bed which broke apart and knocked me off balance for a split second before I slammed him into the bar. The next few that tried me had thrown a chair which I caught and threw back in his face before blocking another blow and snapping the next guy's arm. He howled in pain as I threw him into the guys that were trying to break the door down. From there I managed to knock out several of them with a single blow to the head a piece before picking another guy up and dragging him across the bar, causing him to fly off the other end and crash into a table. The rest of it had become a blur as I just kept fighting them off. Finally after I saw that the last of them were on the ground I took a moment to take a few gulps of air as I touched the side of my face, only to see that I was bleeding and not just from the places where I had been cut.

I called out as I hobbled over the fuckers knocked out on the floor. One of them who was still somehow conscious grabbed my ankle.
"Fuck off cockbite!!"
I spat before slamming my boot heel into his face.
"Cleo, talk to me are you alright?!!"
I had only pounded on the door a couple of times before she slowly opened it up.

"Jesus Christ, Damien!"
She exclaimed with shock and worry in her eyes.
"Oh my god... look at you!"

"Are you okay?"
I asked before slumping against the wall and plopping on the floor.
"Urgh, fuck me!"
I grit my teeth as I clutched my ribs.

"Sss...stay awake, I'm calling the cops!"
She exclaimed once more as I gave her a bloody smile.

"Don't forget to call the ambulance, even though these fuckers don't deserve it!!"
I hollered after her.

Within no time at all, a half dozen squad cars and EMT vans showed up along with a prisoner transport truck. But then someone else pulled up, someone that I hadn't seen in awhile.
"Outta my way!"
Bullock scowled as he sauntered over to me.

"Detective Bullock, what a surprise! Man it's been awhile already hasn't it?"
I winced as the medic taped my ribs.

"Yeah, and in not much better condition than the last time either."
He grumbled while watching as the punks who were able were escorted to the back of one of the transport trucks.
"Fuckin Mutant scumbags!"
He spat.

Cleo asked.

Detective Bullock said once more.
"That's what their calling themselves, nearly a dozen more incidents like this have happened across Gotham within the last hour! Not to mention all the smaller reports that have been coming in."
He then looked back to me.
"But it looks like you handled decently enough."
Cleo then gave me a look of surprise when Detective Bullock said this.
"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to fill out a report down at the station."

"Of course Detective, just as soon as I lock up and.."
I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"Do you need me to do the same Detective?"
I asked.

"Did you already speak to the uni's when they arrived?"
He asked as I shook my head.
"Then no, I'll just get your report from them. I still have your number written down somewhere from last time if I have any more questions for you. So if your able to walk your free to go."

"Sweet, with that out of the way..."
I winced once more as I hopped off the hitch of the EMT truck and stuck out my hand.
"I can lock up for you boss once everyone is out of here."

"Damien you don't have too."
She said in awe.

"I also didn't have to come in at all today. But just like what I did and what I'm saying to you now, I genuinely wanted to. I'm not asking for a raise boss, I'm just asking for the keys."
Even Detective Bullock was surprised when I said this as Cleo did her best not to tear up as she handed me the keys.

But just as she was about to walk away am she snapped back around and stood as high as she could on her tip toes to give me a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you Damien."

"No problem Cleo."
I replied as Detective Bullock cleared his throat.

After they left I hobbled a couple of blocks away and pulled out a blunt that I had to repair because it was broken in half.
"Fuckin Mutants is right..."
I muttered to myself.
"I hope the X-Men don't think I'm a racist for saying that."
Once I had rolled another paper around it I lit up and watched on as squad cars and the other vehicles drove off one by one.

When they were all gone I flicked my roach into a storm drain and hobbled back inside. However I didn't just lock up, I went to the storage closet and pulled out the supplies I needed to clean up the busted glass and the little splatters of blood that caked the floor. I even fought through the stinging pain coming from everywhere despite the buzz as I carried the busted tables, barstools, and other stuff out to the dumpster around back before actually locking up and heading back home.

3rd POV......
Lurking on the rooftops above were Robin and Batgirl as they watched Damien hobble down the street towards the train station.
"I can see why Batman has an interest in this guy."
Batgirl said as she watched through her binoculars.

"He's still got a ways to go."
Robin said as Batgirl looked over to him.

"Awww, you sound just like Batman."
She snickered.
"Still mad that he rode your bike?"

"That's not the point."
Robin replied as he kept his attention on Damien.
"He's not like any of us, and yet he's always finding himself in situations like this or worse. I just don't want to see him get in over his head and then have someone like him die."

"I'd beg to differ."
Batgirl argued.
"I think he's more like than you think and that there's more to him than meets the eye."

"Is this because you watched him have intercourse?"
Robin smiled, putting the ball back in his court and causing Batgirl to blush beneath her mask.

"No!! I just... It's just what I said it was."
She then looked back to Damien, avoiding eye contact with Robin.

"Sure Babs, sure."
He replied.
"Why don't we move, there's still a crime spree to take care of."

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of Guardian Rising. I don't know how many parts this Arc will be due to filler and whatnot. But if you were paying attention I'm sure you can guess which DC Animated movie this Arc is going to follow.

I will also try to have Part 2 done by the end of the week. But please as always don't forget to smash that like button, comment, follow and share with your own followers as well as on any and all social media!!!

Also before you all go, I was scrolling through fan art and I happened across this...

I didn't see that it has an official name so I DanteUchiha420 dub thee drum roll please......


"The Get Fucked Gauntlet"!!!

Now please enjoy the Amv....

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