Betrothed (NoRen)

By nctizen24

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When Jeno happens upon his betrothed, his destined love, he is not only shocked but disgusted at the way he i... More



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By nctizen24

"What do you mean you found my parents?" Jaemin takes his hand.
"Can you tell me when you last seen them? I just want to be sure." Renjun frowns.
"I was sixteen, we had a small argument about something stupid and I left for school. When I returned they were gone. I just assumed they were working and went on with my day. When I went to bed that night I was scared, I hadn't heard from them yet and I thought something happened. This went on day after day for a week before I even told Haechan. After that I left them a note and stayed with him. After two months of no word and the bank foreclosure notice I took all my things and moved in with him. I haven't heard from them to this day." Jeno rubs his back for support as he cries. Jaemin nods and sighs.

"A few years ago when I was working in this factory close to the border there were a large group of people there that had these ankle cuffs. They look like the ones you get when you are on probation. I just assumed, along with the rest of the workers that they were. They stuck out to me on day one because they always looked sad, well they all did really. But one day I over heard her crying, her husband was trying to calm her down so she wouldn't get in trouble with the people who were always over seeing them. I heard her say, "it's been so long, my baby, I hope he's well." Renjun is blank faced trying to figure out why his parents would be on any sort of probation.
"Wouldn't you think the government would have stepped in to at least inform me of this?" He asks quietly.
"When I saw the photo I recognized them right away. I decided to do some digging to see what happened with them and if they were still there. They are." Renjun gasps.
"All these years?" He questions.
"Yeah, I know, I found out that it actually is a slave labor ring. They take people off the streets and force them to work for basically nothing. They feed them and house them in a warehouse like building and force them to work all day. Their conditions aren't good Renjun, somehow we need to get them out."

Renjun gets up and quickly walks to the bedroom, of course Jeno follows. He wraps his arms around his waist from behind and just holds him until he's ready to speak.
"All these years, all these fucking years I hated them. They lost everything and I fucking hated them." He says before turning and breaking down in Jeno's arms. He sobs violently into his chest, the hatred he feels for himself at the moment is unbearable.
"What can we do? We need to help them, I can't let them live the rest of their lives out in that prison. Please Jeno, what can we do?" Jeno holds him tighter and sighs.
"Let's meet with the others and we'll come up with a plan." He nods.
"Ok, ok, let's call them now please? I know it's late but we need to hurry." Jeno nods.
"You call Haechan and Mark and I'll call Taeyong and Johnny." He nods rapidly.
"Ok, thank you." Jeno just smiles and kisses his lips.
"Everything will be ok. We will get them out one way or another." Renjun kisses his cheek.

After calling everyone and telling them they have an emergency situation, they all agree to come right away, Jeno brings him back out, a lot calmer than before. Jaemin stands.
"I'm so sorry Renjun. I feel like I just dropped this all on you but I really feel it's urgent. I did take some photos of them, I wanted you to look and just make sure I'm right but if it's too hard then you don't have to." Renjun wipes his eyes again.
"I have to check, just in case." He says softly.
"Ok but like I said, they don't look well. It could be a shock." Renjun nods and while he doesn't want to, he also knows he has to verify that it's them. He takes the photos from Jaemin and shakily looks at them. His eyes leak faster as his hand flies to his mouth. He tries to speak but nothing comes. Jeno holds him close until the door opens and Haechan walks in. Renjun runs to him and sobs while he incoherently tries to speak. Haechan can't understand a word he's saying so he just hugs him tightly.

By the time the others arrive he's a lot calmer but still being held by Haechan in the doorway. Everyone is whispering, asking Jeno what's going on but when he tries to speak his words are caught in his throat. Seeing his prince this broken is killing him. He can't hold back his tears and doesn't even push Jaemin away when he puts his hand on his thigh.
"I'm sorry Jen, I know this is hard for you too." He just nods and wipes at his eyes while everyone else are just confused.
"C-can you?" He asks Jaemin who smiles softly and nods.
As he starts his explanation Renjun looks over and sees Jeno hurting and drags Haechan over to him. He sits on Jeno's lap and hugs his neck.
"I'm so sorry baby." Jeno whispers.
As Jaemin begins to tell everyone what is happening Haechan wraps his arms around both Jeno and Renjun and cries with them.

After the initial shock of the information sets in and the emotions calm down some it's already past one AM but nobody is actually tired at this point.
"So with what I could tell from my investigation of the place, it shouldn't be that hard to get in except for the fact that we all have the issue of needing an invite, so I think one of us should try to go undercover. Then the rest of us can get in via our spy." Jaemin suggests.
"That should work. I'll do it Johnny says." Jaemin shakes his head.
"I don't know if that would work. You look too strong, they prey on the weak." Renjun asks to see more pictures as Jaemin has some of the larger groups of people.
"I'll do it." He says surly. Jeno frowns and shakes his head.
"Absolutely not. You aren't strong enough yet. You could get hurt." Renjun shakes his head.
"Look at these pictures though. Everyone here is Chinese. Obviously they are preying on Chinese immigrants. I'm the only one in this group that can do this." He looks at Jeno with pleading eyes.
"Please? Let me help my parents. I owe them this much." Jeno finally nods reluctantly.

As Renjun and the rest talk over their plan Jeno walks to his balcony and leans on the railing. Taeyong follows him and hugs his back.
"Renjun is strong, he will be ok." Jeno shakes his head.
"But what if he isn't? What if they take away my only reason for living? I'm so fucking scared Tae." He pulls him close.
"I know, I know. We will watch him like hawks. He needs this. His guilt is going to eat him alive otherwise." Jeno nods as new tears fall.
"I know. I understand, I just can't lose him." Taeyong continues to hold him tightly until Renjun comes out quietly.
"Jeno? Are you upset with me?" He asks softly. He peels himself away from Taeyong and tries to look in his eyes.
"No baby, I'm proud of you for being so brave but I'm fucking terrified. I can't lose you." Renjun walks over and holds him as Taeyong lets them have some privacy.

They work on their plan until they feel they have everything covered. They decide because of Renjun's insistence that this is happening in just two days. Everyone has a role leading up to it.

Doyoung is tasked with assembling a medical triage area a safe distance away. He will gather a team of trusted doctors and nurses to be on standby.
Haechan is going to drive one of the getaway vans, as will Ten. They will both be going to rent the biggest vans they can find.
Johnny, Mark, Jaemin and of course Jeno plan to do the dirty work while Taeyong will be lookout once inside. For the most part they feel like they have a solid plan in place and will be able to pull this off without bloodshed. That's the hope anyway.

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