Rory and Wolf

By wolfe431

652 89 0

Lobo had abandoned his family three years ago and moved from one city to another, wandering as an aimless lon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Rory is sick
Chapter 4
Rory in hospital
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The Manet Restaurant
Chapter 10
Biscuits and chocolate bars
Bad habits
Bad habits parte two
Rory on Store
Chapter 15
Capítulo 16
Wolf's past
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Jonathan return
in the quiet of the night
Chapter 24
Standing on The road
Standing on The road part 2
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Beach of White Sand
Beach of White sand part 2
Chapter 33

breach of trust

12 3 0
By wolfe431

Pov. Storyteller

Rory could see by his angry face and the way he walked that he knew him from somewhere, he was bigger now and much stronger and more intimidating, his fur was now brown maybe he had painted it for some reason and he had been approaching and bringing an iron bar in his hand.

- Please do not! - Said the raccoon, closing his eyes and putting his arm over his head.

Jonathan stopped a few centimeters in front of Rory, he didn't raise his arm as if he were going to hit the Raccoon's head with the iron bar, instead he stared at the raccoon from head to toe.

Rory opened his eyes slowly, his low ears perked up but his heart continued to pound in his chest.

- Jonathan, what do you want? - The raccoon asked in a trembling voice as he took a breath of air.

Jonathan stared at him with his greenish brown eyes, Rory felt that look pierce his soul.

- After so long I finally found you! - Said Jonathan, placing the iron bar on his right shoulder while Rory didn't know whether to look at the iron bar or at Jonathan's face, which was much bigger and almost the height of a wolf, Jonathan was looking at Rory from top to bottom while the raccoon had to look up to face him.

- What do you want Jonathan? I'm sorry about what happened in the past, things have changed. - Rory said with a yellow smile on his face, Jonathan's friends approached, leaving the raccoon cornered, Rory's ears moved, catching the noises of the hyena boy's packs that were coming. approaching from behind.

Jonathan moved the iron bar again but this time letting it fall to the ground, Rory's attentive eyes watched it fall, Jonathan grabbed his jacket and lifted it, leaving it a few centimeters off the ground.

- What are you going to do Jonathan? - Asked the Raccoon and Jonathan's silence only made him even more frightening.

Jonathan lifted Rory a little in the air and then threw him hard on the ground, making the raccoon fall to the ground and shed some tears, Rory hit his left elbow and his left hand hard on the ground.

- Why you're doing this, I already apologized. - Rory said almost crying.

Jonathan's friends surrounded Rory, Rory shrank like a turtle because he thought he would be lynched right there by Jonathan and his friends, Rory at that moment wished he was lucky so he could at least get out alive.

- Get him up! - Jonathan said to the hyena boy who grabbed Rory by the collar of his jacket and lifted him up, the cat girl had a knife in her waist and passed it to Jonathan, the hyena boy held Rory with both arms locked behind him.

Jonathan held the knife with his right hand while looking at Rory.

- If you're going to kill me, I'd rather die with a bullet in the head. - Rory said, shedding tears while the hyena boy tightened his grip on his arm.

Jonathan held Rory by the hair on his head and brought the knife closer to his throat, Rory felt a cold sweat running down his face while his heart was beating non-stop, Jonathan looked into his amber eyes as he pressed the knife and Rory already felt the blade start. to hurt his neck.

- Please don't! - Rory said, almost starting to scream.

- Do not scream! It's going to be worse. - Said the cat girl.

- Hurry up, Jonathan, we don't have all day. - Said the hyena boy.

- I hate when people rush me and you know that. - Said Jonathan.

Rory felt the blade press a little against his neck, he couldn't run or scream.

- Jonathan don't hurt him too much, otherwise he'll die. - Said the cat, Jonathan removed the knife from Rory's neck and signaled for the hyena boy to let him go, the hyena boy tripped Rory and dropped him on the ground.

Jonathan returned the knife to the cat girl, Rory took a deep breath and put his hand to his neck where Jonathan had pressed the knife and his paw came back dirty with a little blood, Rory felt his neck hurt a little, the raccoon didn't have the courage to get up from the floor, instead he was barely able to cry properly.

Rory put his hand to his elbow that he had hit on the floor while looking at Jonathan.

- And here's the thing, I want 2,000 reais, if you don't give me that money, I'll kill you and your wolf friend, I repeat one last time, 2,000 or the lives of you and your wolf friend are forfeit. - Said Jonathan.

- You are crazy? 2000 is very little it has to be 3000 - Said the cat.

- 5000. - Said the hyena boy.

- 5000 is good. - Said Jonathan and Rory thought that they really needed that money judging by the clothes they were wearing, Jonathan was wearing a denim jacket with some pink details, Rory realized that it was a women's jacket.

- Where am I going to get all this money? - Rory asked.

- That wolf is rich, I've been watching you two this whole time, while you were in luxury we were in the mud. - said Jonathan.

- I don't know if he has all that money, I think it's in the bank. - Said Rory.

- Turn around, if I don't get all that money I'm going to kill you and him. - Said Jonathan and Rory lowered his ears and thought it best not to question him, he had barely escaped death.

- You're going to go in there and get this money and I want it for today, do you understand? - Jonathan asked and Rory nodded as if he wanted to say yes.

- Don't even think about escaping, we'll be watching. - Said the cat.

- Get up and go. - Said the hyena boy, kicking Rory.

Rory got up from the ground and walked out of the alley.

- I'm going with you, if you try to run I'll put a bullet in your head. - Said Jonathan while Rory walked back to the wolf's house, Rory was too scared to try to do anything and just obeyed.

Jonathan wore a coat that was a little too big, he could take the revolver from his waist at any moment and shoot Rory who was walking ahead.

- You go in and I'll wait for you outside, don't even think about calling the police, if I know the police are coming I'll kill you and him, understand? - Said Jonathan and Rory with his ears down said yes.

Rory pressed the bell of the wolf house calling him, waited a few seconds and no one came to answer, the raccoon in a cold sweat pressed it for the second time while Jonathan had the revolver pointed in his direction and was hidden behind a tree, Rory pressed the bell a third time and no one came to answer.

"I think he left." Rory said to himself.

Jonathan came out from behind the tree and came towards Rory who lowered his ears thinking that Jonathan would kill him right there.

- I don't think there's anyone there, he must have left. - Said the Raccoon.

Jonathan put his hand in his pocket and took out a clip, Jonathan put the clip where the key is placed and moved the door handle making it open.

- Now, enter the house - said Jonathan, placing his hand on his waist where the gun was.

Rory entered the house and Jonathan followed and closed the front door, taking the revolver from his waist and pointing it at Rory.

- Now start searching - said Jonathan and Rory started walking towards the wolf's room and climbed each step of the stairs with Jonathan's revolver stuck to his back.

Rory started looking through the wolf's wardrobe and drawers but all that was there were underwear and socks and some papers, Jonathan sat on the wolf's bed while watching Rory look for the money.

Rory didn't find anything in the drawers and started looking for other parts of the wardrobe but all that was there were clothes and boxes of shoes, Rory was starting to get desperate, he knew Jonathan and if he didn't find what he was looking for, Jonathan could kill him right there.

Rory was so nervous that when he opened a box of papers he let the papers fall to the floor and didn't realize that there were some money bills among the papers.

- Stop! Get away from there! - Said Jonathan to the raccoon.

- Move away and stand with your back against the wall. - Said Jonathan.

Rory leaned against the wall as he glanced at Jonathan rummaging through some papers and picking up some ballots that were on the floor.

- He must think he's already found the 5000 he wanted. - Rory said to himself as he saw Jonathan put all that money into the pockets of his pants and jacket, Rory taking a quick look at the amount of 100 and 50 bills he thought were there in total 1000 or 900.

After checking the banknotes Jonathan asked him to search the house a little more in search of more money but nothing was found, Jonathan forced Rory to put two shoes, a pair of pants and a wolf jacket in a bag, he was going to take them for himself, Rory picked up a piece of paper that was on the floor and took a pen and was going to write wolf, I'm sorry, Jonathan didn't know how to write, he wouldn't know what that meant.

- Now you follow me. - Jonathan said with the revolver pointed in Rory's direction and Rory just wrote the word wolf on the white sheet of paper and was forced to follow Jonathan to the outside of the house.

Lobo arrived at the house almost an hour later, he had gone out to buy some medicine for his headache, Lobo hadn't gone in the car, he called the doorbell and no one came to answer him, he called Rory's name and knocked on the door and the door opened, making Wolf find it strange.

- Rory! - Said wolf after entering the house and the house was silent.

- Raccoon. - Said wolf looking for Rory and there was no sign of him, Wolf went to the kitchen and it was empty, he went to the bathroom and the garage and they were all empty, Wolf saw the door to his room open and some papers on the stairs , Wolf went up the stairs calling Rory's name but no one answered, Wolf entered the room and saw it all messed up with clothes scattered on the floor and boxes with papers overturned, his money was no longer there, Wolf looked through the papers looking for the photo in which he was with his mother and luckily it was one of the only photos he had with her and the photo was there.

Wolf realized that he had been robbed, his money and some of his clothes were no longer there, Rory was the last person with him, all the blame fell on the raccoon.

In a house a little far away Jonathan was celebrating with his friends who had their pockets full of money, Rory was with them, Jonathan was wearing shoes and a wolf jacket while sitting on a sofa with an iron bar leaning against it. on the wall, Rory was still there by Jonathan's mercy

- Can I go now? - Rory asked.

- I'm not done with you yet. - Jonathan said and the hyena boy grabbed Rory from behind, holding both of his arms.

The cat girl put the knife in Jonathan's paw and Jonathan stood up with the knife in his hand.

- Your gonna kill me? - Asked the raccoon while Jonathan lifted his shirt under his coat.

- I'm just going to give you a little gift, I think you'd better not scream - Said Jonathan as he passed the knife blade across the Raccoon's stomach and then the palms of both hands, Rory let out a muffled scream.

Wolf looked at the whole mess, being very angry, Rory went to wash his two cut hands in a tap next to the curb of a street, the water was dyed red, the white shirt that Rory was wearing under his coat was red from the wounds on his face. belly, his elbow and hand hurt and his back and head hurt too because of the kicks and punches he had received from Jonathan and the hyena boy.

The bleeding on his hands stopped, Rory tried to gather the courage to go back to Wolf's house and tell him what had happened because a part of him said that Wolf couldn't believe his words.

Rory had no other alternative, he went to the wolf's house and waited a few minutes before ringing the doorbell.

The door handle opened and Wolf appeared, Wolf was very angry.

- Wolf, I can tell you what happened, I was forced to do this. - Said the raccoon.

- I've had enough of your excuses, go away or I'll call the police. - Said Wolf.

- Wolf! You have to listen to me. - Rory said, resting his hand on the door.

- Go away Rory. - Said the wolf, closing the door in the Raccoon's face.

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