From Gotham with Love (Male O...

By DanteUchiha420

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It takes a certain kind of person to live in Gotham City. Though many were born and raised, many others had e... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1: Second Chances PT: 1
Chapter 2: Second Chances PT: 2
Chapter 3: Second Chances PT: 3
Chapter 4: New Roommates PT: 1
Chapter 5: New Roommates PT: 2
Chapter 6: New Roommates PT: 3
Chapter 7: New Roommates PT: 4
Chapter 8: New Roommates PT: 5
Chapter 9: Assault on Arkham PT:1
Chapter 10: Assault on Arkham PT: 2
Chapter 11: Assault on Arkham PT: 3
Chapter 12: Assault on Arkham PT: 4
Chapter 13: Pillow Talk PT: 1 (πŸ‹ Harley πŸ‹)
Chapter 14: Pillow Talk PT: 2 (πŸ‹IvyπŸ‹)
Chapter 15: Under The Red Hood PT:1
Chapter 16: Under The Red Hood PT: 2
Chapter 17: Under The Red Hood PT: 3
Chapter 18: Under The Red Hood PT: 4
Chapter 19: Pillow Talk PT: 3 (πŸ‹ Blackfire πŸ‹)
Chapter 20: Snakes in the Grass PT: 1
Chapter 21: Snakes in the Grass PT: 2
Chapter 22: Snakes in the Grass PT: 3
Chapter 23: Grind Time PT: 1
Chapter 24: Grind Time PT: 2
Chapter 25: Pillow Talk PT: 4 (πŸ‹ Jinx πŸ‹)
Chapter 27: Guardian Rising PT:1
Chapter 28: Guardian Rising PT: 2
Chapter 29: Guardian Rising PT: 3
Chapter 30: Guardian Rising PT: 4
Chapter 31: Guardian Rising PT: 5
Chapter 32: Guardian Rising PT: 6
Chapter 33: Guardian Rising PT: 7
Chapter 34: Guardian Rising PT: 8
Chapter 35: Pillow Talk PT: 6 πŸ‹CaitlynπŸ‹

Chapter 26: Pillow Talk PT: 5 (πŸ‹ Harley + Ivy πŸ‹)

659 11 3
By DanteUchiha420

When I had woke up the next morning I was not only feeling that the well had run dry, but I was also feeling more rested than I had been in awhile. As I looked over to Jinx who was still snuggled up to me, she peacefully snoozed and shifted in her sleep.
"Thank you for last night, I needed that."
I whispered to her before planting a kiss on her forehead and sneaking my way out of her grasp. After I had put on a lazy day outfit, I went out to the living room and saw that everyone was still passed out.

Harley, Ivy, and Komand'r had taken to the couch as Caitlin and Leslie decided to share a bed. Although putting a couple of pillows in between them as a partition. I couldn't help but smile at this sight as then went into the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. Through the process of doing so I was still thinking about a plethora of things;

How was it that we were going to get Larissa back from the League of Assassins?

Figuring out the bullshit with my license and trying to find a new car on top of that. Work as well as keeping the lights on and the water running.

And just what in the fuck was the deal with this new gang that has taken to the streets of Gotham, and furthermore just what in the ass was up with their Slang? Shiv this and Spud that, motherfuckers better hope that Harley doesn't shiv her 44. Magnum up their asses. Let alone what the other girls could do to fuck them up. Strangely enough it was both horrible to think about as well as a sick turn on thinking about Harley doing something like that. She probably make a joke and say "Pop goes the Weasel" or maybe even beat them within an inch of their life like they were a pinata with her baseball bat.

As I thought of this happening I also began to think of what the other girls might do as well. Ivy might do something like turn them into some ugly lawn ornaments or maybe even turn them into some trees or whatever. Caitlin would turn them into bloody human popsicles as she saying do you want to build a snowman. Komand'r could easily fly them up into the stratosphere and watch the light slowly die in their eyes as they suffocate within the vacuum of space or even drop them from such a high altitude that they turn into a Jackson Pollock on the pavement. Jinx could slice them up like confetti or even use her powers to make them get hit by a bus or whatever else. Not to mention Leslie could probably and most likely string them up from the power lines and turn them into human Christmas lights.

All of these possibilities caused me to align my brain with my inner demon which brought a sinister smile to my face as I began to giggle like a madman.
"Oh fuck, what am I becoming?"
I muttered out loud to myself as I realized the thoughts that I was having.

"*Yaaaaaaawn* G'mornin Mista D."
Harley said with a sleepy tone as she walked into the kitchen, her hair in an absolute mess as she wore a pinkie pie t-shirt with underwear and nothing else, pulling me in for a loving kiss.
"What's fa breakfast?"
She groggily asked.

"Well, I'm not quite finished with everyone's food yet. But I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee and your birthday cake flavored creamer is on the door in the fridge."
She dragged her feet across the floor as she swayed her hips back and forth, proceeding to get her rocket fuel ready.

"Glad ya two had fun last night, we couldn't even fall asleep until after you were done puttin ya heels to Jesus."
She says as she gave me a lustful yet still sleepy look before slurping down her coffee.

"Thanks Harls."
I replied just as Ivy walked in.

"She's also a pathological liar."
She said.
"She said she wasn't going to drain you and yet that's exactly what she did."

I gave her a sly grin before giving her a kiss as well.
"You should know by now that there's plenty of me to go around."

Ivy being in a similar state as Harley simply shrugged before pouring herself a cup.
"Yeah, I know."
She gave me a sideways look which was the same as the one Harley gave me only a moment ago.

The next one to awaken from their slumber was Komand'r. She slowly flew with her feet just barely off the ground and without a word came right up to me and pressed her mostly naked body against mine before shoving her tongue down my throat.
"Rutha orbnyak Bumgorf."
She said in her native tongue.

"Good morning to you too."
I smiled.

"Have you learned my language through lip contact?"
She asked surprised as I chuckled.

"Haha, sadly no. I just figured that's what you meant."
I replied.
Komand'r nodded in reply.
"Would you kindly do me a favor and go wake up Caitlin, Leslie, and Jinx for me please?"

"Of course!"
She smiled widely as she literally glowed like she had done a couple times before before going off to do so.

Once everyone was awake I had finally finished breakfast.
"For Harley, Funfetti Pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. Ivy, Vegetarian Bacon with Cheesy Plant based Eggs. Komand'r, you told me of this dish native to your home planet and how it tasted in comparison to a couple of things here on earth. So here is your Earth Style Glorg, consisting of Neapolitan Ice cream and all the spicy crab roll sushi that I was able to get on the cheap. Jinx, Eggs Benedict with pepper jack cheese and country style hash browns. Caitlin, Frozen Yogurt Shake with Crepes consisting of blue and blackberries along with cherries and Nutella as well as powdered sugar. And Leslie, sizzling hot corned beef hash with a couple of added diced potatoes and Sriracha, also with pepper jack cheese and some Orange Juice."

Just when they were all about to say thank you, I went over to the cabinet and grabbed a box of one of my favorite cereals. When I looked back at everyone they all went what the fuck.
"Don't be comin after me Lucky Charms!"
I say with an Irish accent, which caused them all to crack a smile to some degree.

Everyone more or less scarfed down their food in almost no time at all, Komand'r being the exception as she joyfully inhaled her breakfast.
"Sho gurd!"
She said with her mouth still full and not full with my third arm down her throat I meant what?

"So your a chef too huh?"
Leslie asked.

"And a mechanic."
I smiled proudly.

"And a total nerd."
Harley added.

"Don't forget stubborn as a mule."
Ivy said before taking a bite of her bacon.

"I also have a Bachelor's in Psychology."
I stated.

"Your also kind of a badass on top of being a demon."
Jinx muttered while trying to maintain an innocent look.

"A demon, I don't need to bet your ass on that. As for being a badass, I guess that's just my way of being me."
Harley decided to be cheeky and hum Maui's song from Moana.

This had caused everyone to burst out laughing when they are finally got the joke. It was also Harley that gave me the silent but pleading eyes to actually eat something rather than just Lucky Charms. I was about to add Cookie Crisp into my bowl as well when she scowled and puffed out her cheeks. I sighed in defeat as I then whipped up my own breakfast concoction. Basically I just threw together the leftover ingredients from some of the other dishes that I cooked up.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Caitlin asked as I rush to throw on some actual clothes.

"To the Clerk of Courts office to pay off the rest of the fine that I owe."
I said as Harley, Ivy, Komand'r, and even Jinx all came up to me to give me a kiss.

"Be safe."
Harley said as the others seemed to be in agreement.

"I'll try my best to do so. Also I'm gonna be running a couple other errands while looking at possible new cars so I'm probably gonna be a little while."
Ivy got one more tongue felt kiss in before I had to go.

"See you later hun."
She smiled, in a way that was so very radiating. It was kind of like her own version of the way Komand'r would glow when she was in a very good mood.

Short Timeskip.....
As I was riding the train I was getting a lot of looks from people but I paid them no mind as I kept doing pullups on one of the bars you hang on too for stability.
I huffed out between breaths for sitting back down to check my phone.

Only for me to look up and see some more punks that wanted me to shiv my fist down their throats.
"Eh hey, look at this spud! He lookin like he be shivin extra!!"

There were only a few people in the same car as me. They chose wisely and decided to get off at the next stop. The little shits with matching jackets and trash ass single spike Mohawks chose poorly.
"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?"

The 5 of them all charged me at once as soon as we went through the tunnel. Putting Komand'r's training to further use I allowed them to slip up as I evaded their attacks, not only to look for a proper opening in the dark but also to give myself more time to recover from the little workout that I just had. The first two dipshits ran right into one another, causing one of them to shank their buddy in the ass.
"Aaaaargh, what the hell spud?! Why'd you.."
They didn't get a chance to finish their sentence as I smashed their face into a pole and gave the other guy a massive gut check that put him on the ground with his ass tooted up.

As soon as they were taken care of another one tried to come at me like they were Bruce Lee, leaping through the air with a side kick. I grabbed them by their ankle as I side stepped, punching them in the nuts before slamming them into the window so hard the window cracked. The other two managed to land a couple of hits. But when they tried swinging on me again I Spartan kicked one of them in the chest before delivering a finishing combo to the last guy.
Once they were all on the ground I smashed the emergency release for the door which also engaged the braking system. After that I hopped off and bolted down the tunnel before making my way out through a service entrance that brought me into an alleyway far enough from the street that no one would see me exit.

After what happened on the train when I made my exit I was able to get to the Clerk of Courts office to pay off the rest of my fines before running to get a couple of other things. When I checked my wallet I saw that I had enough walking around money and smiled.
"This should be more than enough."
I said to myself before heading to the store.

By the time I had gotten back I had bought some more of Harley's Birthday Cake flavored creamer as well as some Cotton Candy scented massage oil. For Ivy I got Plant Friendly Bath Bombs and some herbal tea. For For Komand'r I bought some more Sushi and Neapolitan Ice cream. As for Jinx I was able to grab the last copy of the newest Halestorm Album and some Dark Purple nail polish. Sadly I wasn't able to get anything for Caitlin or Leslie, but then sighed and shrugged it off for now as I would get them something next time.

When I had gotten back to the apartment everyone was gone except for whoever was in the shower. As I sat everything down Ivy came out with her hair in a towel and another wrapped around her body.
"Hey Damien, how did everything go and what all did you get?"
She asked as she came into the kitchen.

"Everything went fine, cept for the part where some punks tried to jump me on the train. The key word being "try" before I played my Uno Reverse card. I was able to get away and sneak to the Clerk of Courts office without having to deal with police. I got all my fines payed off and I even filed an appeal to get my license reinstated."
As I explained all of this she looked at my hands as my knuckles were swollen and red.

"I should have known you'd get into trouble."
She sighed before giving me a smile.
"You just can't seem to go anywhere without it finding you."

"And just how did I meet any of you?"
I shot back.
"I should have known you were into bondage when we had first met. You can't seem to help yourself when it comes to tying people up."
Before she could say anything in her defense I held up the brown paper bag with the bath bombs.
"These are for you by the way."

"Are these plant based?"
She asked as I shrugged and grabbed my grinder.

"I believe it said they were "Plant Friendly", so I'm assuming so yes."
I replied as I held up the rolling papers.
"Want one?"

Once again before she had a chance to say anything Harley burst through the door so hard and fast I thought she was going to rip it off the hinges.
"Motherfuckin cock sucking sonava motherfuckin cuntbag!!!!"
She screamed before slamming the door shut.

"Harls what the hell happened?!"
Ivy exclaimed as she stood in front of her with her hands on her shoulders.

"My fucking boss accused me of stealing money from the register and then said and I quote "I'm sure we can work something out"."
This had gotten my blood to boil just as I finished rolling up a blunt.

"Take this."
I said before putting it between her lips and lighting it for her.

"That prick!"
Ivy exclaimed as I went into the closet and grabbed my crowbar.
"Damien no..."

"I want a name and address, I'll get his social security number my damn self."
I growled.
"Sleezy fuck wants to pull some shit on one of my girls, hell fuckin no."

"Mista D, stop!"
Harley exclaimed and as I turned back to meet her gaze to ask them both why not, Harley smiled.
"Wait until dark, the bastard gets off at 10 O'clock."

Ivy exclaimed once more.
"Damien Hoechlin don't you dare walk out that door!!"
She snapped as she used her vines to shut the door and snatch my crowbar from my hand.
"You stopped us from doing the same thing awhile back, so now I'm doing the same thing."

I held my hands up in surrender.
"Alright alright, I won't go catch any charges."

"Your damn right you won't!!"
Ivy scowled before averting her attention back to Harley.
"And you Harleen Quinzel, don't be going and encouraging him!"

We all stood there in silence for a moment as Harley silently took a slow hit from her joint as we processed the fact that she used our full names.
"Sorry red, I got ahead of myself."
Harley apologized.

"Same here."
I said as I walked towards them.
"Alright, why don't we just take a moment now to chill out. And..."
Ivy had then taken the blunt from Harley and took a hit that nearly rivaled the kind of hit Komand'r would take if she was smoking before tilting Harley's chin upward and blowing smoke into her mouth.
"The fuck?"

Ivy then gave me a serious look.
"How much more weed do we have left?"
She asked.

I replied meekly.

"Get to rolling then."
She ordered.

"Yes ma'am."
I said as I hurried to start doing so.

Ivy took another hit and once again blew smoke into Harley's mouth before placing her finger on her chest.
"Sit, now."

"Yes ma'am!"
Harley squeaked.

As I was starting to roll the blunt Ivy shook her head.
"Can't you make it bigger?"

I didn't even answer so I just did what I was told. By the time I was finally finished, I had rolled two stogie sized blunts and 4 regular sized blunts.
"That's the rest of the weed."
I said.

"Take one of the big ones."
Ivy ordered and once I did she took the other stogie sized blunt as she let her hair out of the towel. I had then taken a couple of hits as Ivy held up a finger and pointed to Harley.
"Give her a kiss, a "real" kiss."

I looked to Harley with her glossed over eyes as the corners of her mouth spread outward.
"Hehe, you heard the lady."
She giggled before taking another hit then doing to me what Ivy had done to her.

As our lips connected, I had already started to get a light buzz going. Our lips had begun to melt into one another before our tongues met with each other as well. Harley had then scooted closer and swung one leg over me, wrapping her arms around my head to hold me as close to her as possible. She then begun to slowly grind her crotch against mine, sending waves of pleasure through my loins.
Ivy moaned and as I glanced over to her I saw that she was no longer wearing a towel around her body, but sitting there completely naked and playing with her clit as she took another hit.
"~Fuuuuck I'm so hot right now~."
After she exhaled a plume of smoke she set her stogie sized blunt in the ashtray and started massaging one of her tits, even going so far as to suck on one of her own nipples.

Harley then pulled away and started to cackle like a Hyena.
"Hahahahahaha, if I had known this is what woulda happened then I woulda gotten fired awhile ago!"
She laughed before looking over to Ivy.
"Why don't ya come over ere red?"
Ivy smiled with a mix between lustful joy and the haze that we were now under. Without a word they started making out with one another as they stripped each other of their clothing while I did so myself.

"Hey Harley, when was the last time you tasted her?"
I asked as they both smiled.

As they proceeded to the bedroom I quickly grabbed our blunts and the ashtray and hurried after them. Ivy was already on her back with Harley's tongue already going to work on her down under. I then went over to Ivy who was arcing her back and moaning in ecstasy as she placed her hands on Harley's head.
"~Oh my fuck Harls, I almost forgot what your tongue felt like ahhh!!~"

The sight that I was witnessing was one that needed to be admired. So I stood there for a good few moments stroking my full length as I took a couple more long hits. Ivy then looked to me and made the gesture with her finger for me to come closer. When I was then standing directly above her, my cock at full mast she started swirling her tongue and sucking on my balls like she was trying to suck them right out of my sack.
"Holy shit Ivy, ffffuck that's too fucking good!!"
I quivered and as she continued to do so I continued to stroke my cock.

I was now hazed over to the point that I didn't know that I was about to cum until after I shot several long ropes of cum. Some of it landed on Ivy while the rest landed on Harley's face.
"~Ya neva cease to amaze me with how much cream fillin ya got Mista D~."
Harley smiled as she held up a finger.
"~But I also got something for ya red, hehehe!~"
Harley had then dove into the closet and came back out with a studded strap on.
"~I know it's not as good as the real thing but it should do just fine.~"

The strap-on was just a couple of inches smaller than me. I then climbed onto the bed as Ivy turned over and was now on her knees with her ass up, Harley behind her while Ivy was now slowly running her tongue up and down my shaft while continuing to fondle my balls.
"~Stick it in me hun, I'm aching for it!~"
Ivy exclaimed.
Harley wasted no time teasing her as she inserted her silicone flesh into her. Ivy's eyes widened as Harley began to fuck her from behind and from there she began to take half my cock down her gullet as she stroked the rest of my length with both hands. When Harley began to speed up I grabbed both sides of Ivy's head and started to jack hammer her throat.
"~Gluh gluh gluh gluh gluh gluh gluh!!~"

Rather than pull away, she held on to my hips as I continued to ram my cock down her gullet.
"~Jeezus, even though this cock of mine fake her pussy still feels so fuckin tight!!~"

"May I?"
I asked her as she pulled out.

"Please do, I want her to taste herself!"
Harley and I tagged each other into our previous positions.

When I pulled my cock out of Ivy's throat she was drooling as she stuck her tongue out.
"~Hahaha, am I guessing right when I say this is payback?"
She laughed as leaned into her ear.

"Your damn right it is big red."
I whispered before nibbling on her ear and inserting my cock.

Ivy let out a muffled moan as she started going down on Harley's silicone flesh.
"~See how ya taste Ive, pretty delicious huh?~"

Once I started pounding Ivy from behind I handed one of the blunts to Harley who just  layed there and enjoyed the view before Ivy undid the strap-on, much to Harley's surprise and then proceeded to go down on her.
"~You taste pretty good too Harlsssmmmfuuck yes Damien, fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me ahhh!!~"
As she cried out I felt her walls shrink around my shaft.

Even as she came all over me I continued to pound her relentlessly. Ivy obviously had great tongue game too as she was making Harley claw at the wall paper.
"~Fuck red, fuck I'm cumming!!~"
Ivy licked up her juices even after she came, causing Harley to have an aheago like expression.
When I sped up just a little bit more I have both of Ivy's cheeks several hard smacks. Causing her to lurch forward in surprise to the pain and pleasure as she purred like a kitten within the depths of Harley's pussy.
"~Sit on my face Ive!~"
Harley exclaimed.

As we quickly switched positions once more I also hurried up and put the blunts out before I went down on Harley myself just for a quick taste. When I lifted Harley's legs up it didn't take much for me to slip inside with how wet she was. The next thing that happened was the sounds of slapping skin and our moans filling the room. I then reached forward and grabbed Ivy by her throat and pulled her in for a kiss while Harley wrapped her legs around my waist. When our lips parted ways, a thin string of saliva still connected us. Lost in the pleasure we couldn't utter any words before we continued to fuck in every way that was possible for us to do so. When it was finally time to end it all I pulled out of Ivy's ass and rapidly stroked my cock.

Harley and Ivy both instinctively getting on their knees with their tongues our as far as they would go.
"I'm gonna give you every last drop ugh!!"

"~Give us all ya cum Mista D!~"
As soon as she said this I blew the last load I had in the tank all over their faces, milking cock to make sure that I did as I said I was going to do.

After I had finally done I fell back on the bed exhausted and breathing heavily as Harley and Ivy cleaned my cum off themselves.
"That was....pretty incredible.."
Ivy huffed between breaths.

"Yeah, glad I got fired."
Harley agreed as we all chuckled before getting cleaned up and taking a much needed nap, one of them on either side of me as I held them close.

The Batcave: 3rd POV......
As Batman was organizing some files and going through others on the Batman computer, Green Lantern from the Justice League had popped up on the screen.
"Hey Bats you busy?"
He asked.

"I was, what is it Hal?"
He asked with a slight grumble in his voice.

"I'm glad your schedule is now clear. We got some League business that needs attending too. How fast can you make it to the Watch Tower?"
He continued to ask as Batman stood up.

"I'll be there in a couple minutes, Batman out."
Without waiting for a reply from Green Lantern he hung up as Alfred walked in with a tray of food.

"Am I too assume the usual cover story sir?"
He asked while notching an eyebrow.

"No, if anyone asks tell them that Bruce Wayne is currently on a business trip."
Alfred simply nodded in understanding as Batman went over to the boom tube on the opposite side of the cave.
"Don't wait up Alfred."
He said before disappearing in a flash of Golden orange light.

Alfred left alone in the cave with a slight twinge of sadness and worry.
"I always do Master Bruce."
He sighed before looking to the tray.
"Another meal for the waste bin I suppose."
From there he made his way out of the Batcave and back upstairs as he wondered what kind of League business would take him away this time.

Hehehehehehe.... Hahahahahaha!!!!!

How's it going everyone?!

I hope you all enjoyed reading Part 5 of Pillow Talk as much as I did making it.

Also this will be the last lemon for just a little while as there will be some heavy action following a certain DC Animated movie that I won't say what it is until after you all read the next chapter.

I don't know what the name of this new Arc is going to be quite yet and not do I know how many parts it's going to be or how I'm going to piece everything together.

But please before you all go clean up after your fap sessions, well actually yes please do go clean up before you smash that like button, leave a comment, follow and share with your own followers as well as on any and all social media!!!

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