Magical Demon

By MandyvanOost

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Paris is the fifth sister of the Halliwell line, but she has a secret that she can't join the charmed ones. S... More

Chapter 0 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Wrestling with Demons, part 1
Chapter 1 - Wrestling with Demons, part 2
Chapter 1 - Wrestling with Demons, part 3
Chapter 2 - Bride and Gloom, part 1
Chapter 2 - Bride and Gloom, part 2
Chapter 2 - Bride and Gloom, part 3
Chapter 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed, part 1
Chapter 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed, part 2
Chapter 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Cursed, part 3
Chapter 4 - Just Harried, part 1
Chapter 4 - Just Harried, part 2
Chapter 4 - Just Harried, part 3
Chapter 5 - Original chapter
Chapter 6 - Death Takes a Halliwell, part 1
Chapter 6 - Death Takes a Halliwell, part 2
Chapter 6 - Death Takes a Halliwell, part 3
Chapter 7 - Pre-Witched, part 1
Chapter 7 - Pre-Witched, part 2
Chapter 8 - Sin Franciso, part 1
Chapter 8 - Sin Franciso, part 2
Chapter 9 - The Demon Who Came in from the Cold, part 1
Chapter 9 - The Demon Who Came in from the Cold, part 2
Chapter 9 - The Demon Who Came in from the Cold, part 3
Chapter 10 - Exit Strategy and Look Who's Barking, part 1
Chapter 10 - Exit Strategy and Look Who's Barking, part 2
Chapter 11 - All Hell Breaks Loose, part 1
Chapter 11 - All Hell Breaks Loose, part 2
Chapter 12 - Charmed Again, Part 1, part 1
Chapter 12 - Charmed Again, Part 1, part 2
Chapter 12 - Charmed Again, Part 1, part 3
Chapter 13 - Charmed Again, Part 2, part 1
Chapter 13 - Charmed Again, Part 2, part 2
Chapter 13 - Charmed Again, Part 2, part 3
Chapter 14 - Hell Hath No Fury, part 1
Chapter 14 - Hell Hath No Fury, part 2
Chapter 14 - Hell Hath No Fury, part 3
Chapter 15 - Interlude/ Much needed vacation
Chapter 16 - The ghost ruined their night
Chapter 17 - Another small town
Chapter 18 - Black as Cole, part 1
Chapter 18 - Black as Cole, part 2
Chapter 19 - Muse to My Ears
Chapter 20 - Charmed and Dangerous
Chapter 21 - There is a ghost in town
Chapter 22 - So said vampire
Chapter 23 - The Three Faces of Phoebe
Chapter 24 - Marry-Go-Round
Chapter 25 - The Fifth Halliwheel
Chapter 26 - We're Off to See the Wizard
Chapter 27 - Harry Potter?
Chapter 28 - Long Live the Queen
Chapter 29 - Womb Raider
Chapter 30 - Back in cousin's town
Author's note
Chapter 31, part 2
Chapter 32- A Witch's Tail, Part 1
Chapter 33 - A Witch's Tail, Part 2
Chapter 34 - Happily Ever After
Chapter 35 - Sympathy for the Demon
Chapter 36 - Baby born
Chapter 37 - Strangers that are not strangers
Chapter 38 - Sam, I Am
Chapter 40 - The Day the Magic Died
Chapter 41 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 42 - Honeymoon cursed land
Chapter 43 - Allies
Chapter 44 - Stuff to do
Chapter 45 - Believing
Chapter 46 - Reunion
Chapter 47 - Hades
Chapter 48 - Epilogue

Chapter 39 - Centennial Charmed

46 1 0
By MandyvanOost

Author’s note: I’m skipping some episodes cause they don't fit. These are; Y Tu Mummy Tambien and The Importance of Being Phoebe.

So there has been a time skip a well. Piper is in her last trimester. I think....

But anyway, i hope you all like it!

Please comment and vote!


Piper, Paris, Phoebe, Leo and Eve were in the Conservatory. Piper was sitting balanced on a large rubber ball, taking deep breaths in and out. “And breathe, two, three, four. And relax, two, three, four. And breathe, two, three…” Phoebe told her.

Piper lost her balance and fell off the ball. Leo rushed over. “Are you alright?”

“No, I am not alright.” Piper replied, sighing. Leo helped her up.

Phoebe looked at her. “Okay, come on, back on the ball.”

“Please.” Paris added.

“You get back on the ball, I quit.” Piper comment sarcastically.

Eve looked at her. “It’s hard at first, I know, Piper, but the birthing ball really can make the delivery much easier, especially for home births.”

“Hospital, people. How many times do I have to tell you crazy people? Hospital, I’m going to the hospital.” Piper exclaimed.

“I went to the hospital as well.” Paris added.

Phoebe looked at Eve. “What about water birth? Can we do that at home?”

Eve nodded. “Sure, we can rent a tub.”

“What am I, a dolphin? I’m not giving birth to fish.” Piper exclaimed.

“Well, actually, dolphins aren’t fish, they’re mammals.” Leo remarked.

“Shut up!” Piper shouted.

“Lol.” Paris laughed.

Just then Paige walked in. “Hey, guys, sorry I’m late, I overslept. Hi, Eve.”

Eve smiled. “That’s okay, we’re just getting started.”

Leo looked at Paige. “Late night?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” Paige replied.

Eve pulled a white plastic tube out of her bag. Piper’s eyes widen. “What the hell is that?”

“Uh, nipple enhancer. For breast feeding.” Eve replied to her.

Phoebe chuckled. Eve turned back to her bag and scrounged around for something. Paige sneezed and orbed out and back in. “Gesundheit.”

Paige smiled. “Thanks, I’ve been sneezing my head off all morning.”

“Not to mention the rest of you.” Leo comment.

Eve looked at them. “A little ginger root and raspberry leaf will take care of that. Old gypsy remedy.”

“I think we got some of that in the kitchen.” Piper looked at Eve. “Why don’t you go see if we got some of that in the kitchen?”

“Sure. Be right back.” Eve leaves the room.

Paige frowned. “What?”

“Trouble.” Paris sang.

“Hi.” Piper comment. They walked into the living room.

“What?” Paige asked again.

Piper looked at her. “Do you not realise that you just sneezed and orbed at the same time?”

“I don’t she realized it.” Paris replied.

“Ooh, it’s a good thing Eve didn’t see that.” Phoebe comment.

Paige shrugged. “Well, we saved her gypsy clan. I think she’d be fine with it.”

“Yeah, well, it’s one thing to know and it’s another thing to actually see it.” Phoebe comment.

“Yeah, two different things.” Paris added.

Leo looked at Paige. “I’m more interested in why it happened. What caused it? I think you should tell them.”

Paige sighed. “Fine. I tried to vanquish Ben last night.”

“What?” Piper exclaimed.

“What the hell?” Paris called in shock.

Paige looked sad. “I know, don’t do the big sister guilt thing, okay. I knew what I was doing and it almost worked until I got all wet.”

Leo looked at the others. “I tried to talk her out of it.”

Phoebe looked at her. “Paige, you could’ve been killed.”

“So what else is knew? I just wanted to give you a little peace.” Paige told her.

Phoebe looked at her. “That’s very sweet, but I don’t need Ben to be vanquished to find peace. I’m okay, really, I am free of him emotionally.”

“And besides, I thought we agreed to take a vanquishing hiatus during my last trimester.” Piper told them seriously.

Paige sighed. “Well, that’s why I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Well, you should’ve because this is not something you can do by yourself.” Piper told her seriously.

Paige looked at her. “Obviously I disagreed.” Then she stormed out.


Michelle Branch sang “Goodbye To You” on the stage. She finished and everyone cheered. DJ called. “Michelle Branch, everyone!”

Piper, Phoebe, Paris, Darryl, and his wife were sitting around a table. Leo walked up carrying glasses and champagne. “Hi.” Phoebe greeted him.

“Glasses.” Leo comment.

“Okay.” Leo handed Phoebe the glasses and she handed them around. “Here you go.”

Leo sat down. Then Piper spoke up. “A toast to Lieutenant Morris. Congratulations.” They held up their glasses.

“Shame that Cole couldn’t come.” Paris sighed. “We couldn’t find a babysitter for little Samuel.”

Darryl looked at them. “Wait, shouldn’t we wait for Paige?”

“Um, I don’t think she’s gonna make it because she has a really bad cold. Cheers!” Phoebe replied to him. They all clinked their glasses together.

“Long overdue.” Piper comment.

Paige walked down the stairs and Phoebe noticed. “Uh, we’ll be right back.”

“We will?” Piper saw Paige. “We will.”

“Oh.” Paris comment.

“Uh, Leo, keep pouring.” Phoebe comment.

Piper, Paris and Phoebe got up and go over to Paige. Darryl looked at the others. “Don’t mind them, they do that a lot.”


The sisters walked up to Paige. “Hi guys.”

Phoebe looked at her. “Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here?”

Paige was confused. “Um, going to Darryl’s party?”

“The sneezing, Paige, the sneezing.” Piper stressed.

Paige shrugged. “Oh, that, no, Eve’s little miracle cure worked great. I haven’t sneezed all day. Is that Darryl’s wife? She’s cute.” She took a step forward but Piper, Paris and Phoebe stopped her.

“No.” Paris comment.

Piper looked at Paige. “Wait, wait, wait, wait. First we chat.”

“Come on.” Phoebe comment.

Piper and Paige walked over to a table and sat down. Paige looked at them. “I told you, everything’s fine.”

Piper shook with her head. “No, it’s not about that.” She told her.

“It’s about this morning when you left. You seemed really upset.” Phoebe added.

“Yeah, that.” Paris comment.

“Oh, that?” Paige shrugged. “No, I was just having a girlie mood, you know.”

Piper shook with her head. “No, I think we all know it’s a little bit more than that. Something’s been bugging you so why don’t you just talk to us.”

Paige looked at them. “Okay. You really wanna know? I’ve just been feeling a little suppressed lately. It’s not your problem, it’s my problem. And I know you guys are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I do.”

“But? There’s a but.” Piper told her.

Paige sighed. “I just feel like, you know, having been an only child for twenty-five years, I’m used to doing everything on my own. And it seems like lately I’ve had to do everything by committee and it just…”

“You feel like you’ve lost yourself along the way?” Phoebe asked.

Paige nodded. “Yeah.”

“Oh.” Paris comment sad.

“Okay, so what can we do?” Piper asked her.

Paige looked at them. “It’s not you, it’s me. I just think maybe I need to start looking for my own place to live.” Then she felt a sneeze coming on and held her nose.

“Oh, oh.” Paris comment, staring at her sister.

Piper looked in horror. “Oh, no, you don’t. No sneezing.”

“Back hall, back hall, back hall.” Phoebe urged. They got up and head for the office.

Piper looked at the people. “Look out, people. Pregnant lady coming through.” 

They arrived to the office. Piper and Paige walked in and close the door. Paige sneezed and orbed out.


Much later, Paige was in the manor. She looked around. “Oh, please, god, tell me I’m back.”

Pregnant Piper walked in wearing her pyjamas and holding a tub of ice-cream. “Oh, there you are. Where’d you orb to?”

Paige looked at her. “Piper. Are you pregnant?”

“Yeah. Where you been?” Piper asked her confused.

Paige looked at her. “Oh!” She gave Piper a hug.

“Where have you been? What happened to your clothes?” Piper asked confused.

“Time must have continued moving on in this reality too.” Paige replied.

Piper looked confused. “I beg your pardon?”

“I’m back!” Paige called.

Just then Phoebe walked in through the front door, followed by Paris. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“She’s very happy.” Piper replied to her.

“We see that.” Paris comment amused.

“Phoebe!” Paige gave Phoebe a big hug.

Phoebe smiled. “Hi. Oh, oh, okay. What’s the celebration?”

“I’m just so happy to be home, that’s all.” Paige replied.

“You wanted to move out.” Piper pointed it out.

Paige shrugged. “I did? God, no, never. Well, you know, maybe when I’m married or pregnant or hopefully both at the same time. We’re sisters, we shouldn’t split up until we absolutely have to. You know that, right?”

“She’s rambling.” Piper comment.

Phoebe glanced at her. “I hear that.”

“Yep.” Paris comment sarcastically.

Paige sneezed and orbed out and back in. “I’m still here, right?”

“Mm-hm.” Piper hummed.

“I didn’t go anywhere?” Paige asked.

“No.” Paris replied.

Phoebe shook her head. “Nope.” Paige breathed a sigh of relief. “Paige… What did you do?”


Piper, Phoebe, Paris and Paige walked in Ben’s apartment. Phoebe was first to spoke up. “Ben?”

“I’m telling you, he’s gone for good.” Paige replied to her.

“Yeah, that’s what we thought last time.” Phoebe comment some what sarcastic.

“And the time before that.” Piper added.

“This time is different. He straddled two worlds just like I did, but he wasn’t invincible there. Ben’s not coming back, ever.” Paige told them.

“Hmm.” Paris hummed.

Piper sighed. “It just seems far too easy. I don’t know how I feel about that.”

“I think you should feel good about it, you know? We don’t have to look over our shoulders anymore. It’s over.” Paige told them.

Phoebe picked up a photo of her and Ben. “I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“Let’s go.” Piper told them.

They headed for the door. Phoebe placed the photo on a side table and looked back into the apartment. She smiled slightly and walked into the elevator. “I hope you can find peace.” Paris muttered.

“Happy birthday, Ben.” Paige followed her sisters into the elevator.

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