Tale of a New Heart Deluxe Ed...

By Ethanwillow01

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Hi there to all my lovely readers. This is a revamp/ re-edition of my classic Tale of a New Heart parody. Thi... More

NOTES: What to expect
Chapter 01- The Proclamation
Chapter 02- Rotten to the Core
Chapter 03- Parents Part One
Chapter 04- Parents Part Two
Chapter 05- Farewell Isle of the Lost
Chapter 06- A Limo Ride to Remember
Chapter 07- An Auradon Prep Welcome pt.1
Chapter 08- An Auradon Prep Welcome Pt.2
Chapter 09- An Auradon Prep Welcome Pt.3
Chapter 10- Dark Discoveries Pt.1
Chapter 11- Dark Discoveries Pt.2
Chapter 12- Unleashing Malicious truths Pt.1
Chapter 13- Unleashing Malicious Truths Pt.2
Chapter 15- Paging Doctor Draconis Pt.2
Chapter 16- The Darkness Beneath The Crown
Chapter 17- The Golden Marigold

Chapter 14- Paging Doctor Draconis Pt.1

144 3 1
By Ethanwillow01

General POV

If one would look through from the outside into the headmistress' office, one could describe the scene before them as something you wouldn't expect. After hours of Fairy Godmother explaining all her findings she had written down, as well as the Empress and Emperor both putting in their input, as well as going over the information stored on Audrey's, Chad's, and the flash drives that both Danny-and Layla-both handed in with information they have collected, the events that followed became nothing if not tense. 

From the earliest years as a child Cinderella was forced into a state of slavery. She had experienced and endured what it meant to be raised by a villain and suffer through everything just to survive. When she had found her Prince Charming and got married, she had always wanted her children to grow up with kindness and teach her offspring the values of hard work, of showing empathy, and always follow the rule of treating others as you would want to be treated. The woman had sacrificed everything in order to make her children happy and be the mother that her children could count on. To think that when she was magically teleported into her Fairy Godmother's office, that it was only because it was the two women's annual shopping for shoes. Not once had Cinderella imagined that she would have to sit down and hear such vile and disgusting things that transpired within the school. 

There goes the happy kind hearted woman from before and in its place is an angry distraught maiden. She clings onto Kit and buries her head in the man's chest, screaming and crying loudly at what her daughter had gone through. Kit holds his wife in his loving arms, all while his entire body as well as face, shook with anger and hate. Despite Kit being born of royal standing and raised in the royal ways, he was a down to earth man who had dreamed of wanting to become a father and have a family of his own. When his eyes met Cinderella that one magical night on the date of his birthday, where his father hosted an extravagant party just so that he could have his son pick a wife, he knew that she was the one. After getting married and finding out that Cinderella was pregnant with a boy. He was ecstatic. He adored his son and wanted his boy to grow up with integrity, kindness, respect, and love for the people and family. When Kit found out a few months later that he was going to have a girl, the man was literally over the moon. Along with having a son, Kit had always wanted to a girl to spoil and cherish. When it came to Ashley, he couldn't be more proud and joy to have her.

To this day Cinderella would tease him about the day he held Ashley Rosella Charming in his arms and he cried with happiness. Ashley was like the moon where as Chad was the sun, while his wife was Kits sun. After hearing what Chad had done to his little girl, as well as what he was doing while in this school, he wanted nothing but to murder the child. Kit was seething with rage, yet he held on for his wife and daughter. All he wanted right now is to take his wife and run to the infirmary where our main protagonist and the others had taken her to. He needs to see his little girl and to beg for forgiveness, to be the parents that she needed right now.

How could Chad do this? Was what both Charmings had thought inwardly with rage and sadness. How could he do that to our little girl?!

With the Beauties, both parents were going through the same turmoil, if not more so when it comes to their daughter. Aurora cried with tears rolling down her face one after the other in rhythm, her heart panging in utter disbelief, confusion, anger, and rage. Her mental state of mind shattered little by little throughout her discoveries of what Audrey had been up to and by the end of it, she was tired. All the woman had wanted to do right now is go to sleep, cry and hide from the world, all while wanting to know just what is her daughter's frame of mind. She couldn't comprehend on why her daughter was such a bully and committing such vile disgusting acts befitting of ones such a gold digger or a wannabe usurper. 

Prince Philip holds his wife and hums to calm her down, all while trying to restrain himself from storming out of the office, going to where his daughter is and demand answers from her, not caring if he has to use slight physical means such as giving Audrey a slap to the face. All while in rage, he could only blame himself for all of this. Unlike the Charmings, both he and Aurora are both royals who are burdened with severe various duties that they are obligated to tend to, regardless of their choices. Due to the countless duties, they often leave Audrey with both Queen Leah and King Stefan to help look after her. It seems that the older generation had influenced Audrey's way of thinking and no doubt had a hand in having Audrey do such vile things such as backstabbing, sending nudity, and plot treason with her grandmother in order to gain a spot on the Auradon's throne, a spot in which has been given to the soon-to-be king Ben. Looking at his wife right now, all he could think of was just how they both had failed as parents. They tried to be their for Audrey as much and often as they could, but it seems it wasn't enough. They are now in a position where things could escalate and become quite disastrous. It was only due to an immense mercy that things so far had been kept on the down low.

As horrible as it sounds; The last thing any royal needs is a scandal, especially one that could befall an entire families legacy and devastate the lives of thousands because of association. 

"My baby..." Cinderella cried out, "My poor little girl..." She takes her head off her husbands chest, wipes her tears and looks at the Emperor, Empress and Fairy Godmother, "I want to see her. Please..."

"We can talk about Chad's punishments later." Kit said, "Just take us to Ashley. Now!"

"I'm sorry Cindy." Aurora sniffled, "I'm so, so sorry for everything my daughter had done to yours. I'm so sorry."

"We'll make it up to you." Philip lowers his head, "I swear that both Aurora and I will do our best to make Audrey leave Ashley alone for the foreseeable future."

"You needn't apologise. But thank you."  Cinderella wipes her tears and gives the two Beauties a soft smile, "If anything both Kit and I are to blame. We should've seen the signs of Ashley's torment and abuse from other people, especially from Chad. I-I can't believe my little girl had gone through so much. I'm a fool to have not seen it sooner."

"We're both fools." Kit said, "It is our jobs as parents to always protect our children and yet we have failed big time. To think that my son was this cruel tyrant beneath...i can't believe it. Where did I go wrong?" He put his hands to his face and let out a scream, "Who does he think he is treated people the way he does, especially his little sister?! He's supposed to look out for Ashley and be her big brother, not abuser." He turns to the headmistress, "We will definitely be talking later. But for now as I said before. Take my wife and I to see Ashley. Now."

"K-kit. I'm so-" Fairy Godmother gulped as she see's the anger in the man's eyes. 

"Considering that the headmistress' child is also one of Ashley's tormentors and abusers, its only fitting that Fairy Godmother is not to be involved in this matter." Morgana said as she walks to the door and opens it, "Tobias and I will take you to see your daughter."

"B-But you can't do that." The headmistress, "Your son is also involved-"

"And whose fault is that I wonder?" Tobias snapped. Everyone, par Morgana who gave a stoic deadpan expression, flinched, "Because of your lack of actions and those responsible, Ethan has no choice but to put himself into the situation of performing duties of that of a doctor. Be lucky that my son had chosen this option because if it was me, I would've rang the ambulance and have things escalate further by having news reporters, journalists, paparazzi involved, which will create a series of events that would cause the life of Auradon to go into a panic."

"Oh my. Its not often that my dear Tobias speaks of destruction. I love it." Morgana giggles as she playfully caresses her husbands arm, making the man in question smirk and blush, "As much as I would love that, I doubt Ethan would. We'll let him handle matters for now. Once its all over and done with we'll make sure our son relaxes and enjoys life." She purrs softly which calms Tobias down.

"Damn you definitely know which buttons to press." Tobias kisses Morgana, "I'll concede. For now." He looks at the headmistress, "Do watch what you say in the future because I wont be as nice next time."

"Y-Yes, your majesty." Fairy Godmother replied.

"And that goes double for me." Morgana said as she lets out a malicious hiss worthy of a devil, "My son is doing a service here and yet and put himself into the issue to help someone. He is what you call a hero and someone you should thank the heavens for as he is saving this school as well as yours and many peoples reputations. If I hear anything I don't like coming from you. Or anyone here for that matter." She looks around the room giving each of the people present a heated glare, "I will make what I did many years ago seem like a dream in comparison."

And with that she and Tobias had exited the room. The others look to one another and follow after them. As they make their way to the nurses office, Cinderella had her hands to her chest trying to calm down her aching heart while Kit took deep breathes to get rid of the anger that storms through his mind and body. As for Aurora, she holds Philips hand while in deep thought, blaming herself immensely for the lack of presence in her daughters life while scolding herself for what Audrey had become. Philip in the meantime continues to walk with thoughts of his own. Thoughts consisting of cutting Leah and Stefan out of Audrey's life and heavily limit Audrey's freedom until she is either of age or if she can prove to have such luxury. Fairy Godmother was heavily distraught. She not only failed as an educator, but she had failed as a godmother and a parent. To her horror her daughter was not only involved, but is one of Ashley's many tormentors. Fairy Godmother had prided in herself to know how to deal with any and all situations, but she at an utter loss. For the moment, Jane can wait. She has a goddaughter to help and beg for forgiveness.

She will do what she can to make up for every lack of action in Ashley's life.

Scene Change

Auradon Prep's Nurse's Office

Looking around the room, only one thought came to mind to describe this room.


The room was so clean and dust free, it was almost scary. The room had all it needed from medical supplies, a few beds for the patients to rest, a doctors desk with a computer as well as many other functions that a school infirmary would have. The room itself is nice in a vibrant minty blue, a calming colour to help soothe the patients self-esteem. Ashley is seen laying in the bed by the window with Layla by her side holding the girls hand. Danny, Ben, Naruto, and Cait Sith are all leaning against the back wall while Shinigami roams around the room, gliding in the air. Ethan is nowhere to be seen.

"Ashley!!" Both Kit and Cinderella exclaim. ;Layla quickly makes her exit as the two adults rush to their daughter and kneeled by the girls side.

"Mom...dad..." Ashley spoke. Her voice was unlike anything the parents could've ever heard, and it broke their hearts. She sounded so broken, so horse, so frail. One could literally hear the girls pain through her vocal cords.

"Oh sweetie..." Cinderella sniffles and holds her daughters hand, "I'm so, so sorry." She puts the girls hand to her lips and kisses it, "Please forgive us."

"My sweet baby girl." Kit grabs the girls other hand and holds it gently. Tears roll down his face, "We're so sorry...we'll promise to make things up with you."

"I-I don't blame you." Ashley spoke once more only to cough violently, "I never have..."

"Ashley..." Layla muttered.

"Save your strength." Cinderella wipes Ashley's cheek.

"I can't believe he would do this to his sister..." Kit said, "Mark my words Chad will be getting what's coming to him." He caresses his daughters other cheek, "You just take things easy. Your mom and dad are here for you."

"Oh poor Ashley." Naruto frowned, "I can't believe her own brother would do such cruel things to her. What kind of monster is he?"

"I wouldn't say monster as monsters have sense of morality." Emilia crosses her arms, "Chad's what you call a parasite, the scum of this planet."

"Emilia. I wouldn't even compare Chad to a parasite." Danny rolled his eyes and continues to look at his pseudo-sister who is with her parents, "Parasites have some sense of worth and know their place in this world. Chad is something that is lower than scum. He should count every day a blessing to even breathe."

"I think we get the picture." Ben said. As he looks at his dear friend who's in bed his hate for Chad and Audrey sparking. 

When he heard that Jane, the daughter of Fairy Godmother, has played a part of all this, his view of the girl had shattered with a new one slowly taking form. Its taking his all and those around him to not storm out of the room and have a word with Jane personally.

"But he's not wrong." Shinigami said, "I've lived for a very long time and had come across many bad guys. What Chad had done to his sister is something not even the most ruthless of criminals would do."

"Once my brother gets here and gets to healing the poor lassie, things will get better." Cait Sith adds, "Ashley's in more than capable hands."

"Speaking of Ethan. Where is he?" Morgana asked.

"I don't see him anywhere." Tobias said.

"He's currently changing into his doctor attire." Cait replied, "In case things get messy he doesn't want to mess his new clothes. Plus he wants to look the part."

"Ethan in a doctors uniform..." Danny pondered aloud as he began thinking intensely, imagining of the main protagonist in a doctors attire that insinuates his figure. The young male blushes just thinking about it. His lips form a big wolfish grin while his tail wags side to side in excitement. "Woof."

"Do behave yourself." Emilia whacks Danny up the head, "One there is a child here, two Ethan's parents are here and three, the last thing we all need is for you to enter heat."

"Exactly." Tobias growled.

"I wouldn't worry about mom." Naruto grins, "Ashley's in more than safe hands. After all mom happens to be one of the Isle's best doctors and has not only the training, but has performed many procedures, diagnostics, treatments, performed various surgeries and has helped saved the lives of thousands."

"I've only skimmed a few of documents, but I did spot Ethan's records recording his performances in the medical field." Morgana said, "And from what I've seen, he has the knowledge and skillset of that of a High Chief in a hospital."

"Now I'm even more curious." Danny said, "Just how smart is he?"

"I'm also curious to know more." Fairy Godmother comments, "If he has the knowledge to perform procedures and surgeries, who knows what else."

"You would be surprised." Naruto said, "Mom has done many things and had to play many roles on the Isle of the Lost." The boy smiles softly, "He has done the work of over four hundred humans."

"Though it helps when he has Psionics." Tobias said, "He does have the power of Duplication after all. He is able to use Psionics to duplicate himself into many versions of himself for various purposes like multi-tasking."

"That sounds like my Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Similar in style but yet have many differences Naruto." Cait Sith leans against the wall, "Its true that the Shadow Clone Jutsu and Duplication share the traits of multiplication and share memories upon being dispersed, but with Duplication they don't vanish upon contact."

"Not only that, but Duplication also has another property thats unlike the Shadow Clone Jutsu." Shinigami spoke, "With Duplication you can multiply other things apart from oneself. Say an apple for example."

"That power would definitely do wonders." Ben pondered aloud, "If I could do that, it would make my job easier once I become King."

Everyone stops as the door leading to the next room had opened.

"Sorry I'm late everyone."

Everyone stops and looks in the direction of the newcomer. Once the recipient had entered, all the attention was on him. In comes Ethan in a new attire; A long white lab-coat with a small black vest top that stops to his stomach, exposing his large angular scar, tiny black jean short- shorts and strappy black platform high heels. He adorns black fingerless gloves and around his neck is the chain necklace with the lunar cycle and stars. His hair was out of a braid and more into a long ponytail. He was currently holding a file with the patients name on it and was wearing glasses.

Danny stares intensely at as Ethan enters the room and the blondes eyes turn into hearts. His tail wags more aggressively and his grin widens. He could feel his heart beating fast and his beastly hormones acting up a little.

"Woof, woof." He said, "He's so...wow..." The blonde couldn't make coherent sentences as his mind was going haywire with emotion.

"Oh...wow..." Ben blushed.

"He looks incredible." Layla comments, "Damn he's got a figure." Cait Sith lets out a meow in affirmation.

"That's my mom!" Naruto grinned. Morgana and Tobias look towards one another with concern at their son's attire. 

Despite showing up to school in a provocative garment, they knew it was because of the gift that came along with being blessed with the powers of an Oracle. Seeing their son in such revealing clothing had them concerned. 

"We need to talk to Ethan about his clothes later." Tobias muttered.

"Indeed." Morgana said, "I may have helped our son pack, but I unfortunately had no time to look at Ethan's clothes. If they are all revealing and provocative, then we need to update his wardrobe."

Ethan's POV

"Ah. You must be the Charming's." I walk up to them and offer my hand out to them, "My name is Ethan Draconis and I am going to be your daughters doctor for today."

"A-Ah. I see." Kit spoke as he shakes my hand, "We are deeply grateful for your help."

"We're deeply thankful." Cinderella said, "My daughter is in safe hands."

"I appreciate the sentiment." I open up Ashley's folder, "I see that she has no allergies to date and shows her measurements and her blood type being Type-A. According to her medical history, she has only been here a handful of times for various injuries like scrapes and mild bruises due to Cheerleading Practise."

"That sounds about right." Cinderella smiles, "Our little girl is one of the best cheerleaders this school has."

"She definitely is." Layla spoke, "I'm not just saying that as her girlfriend, but someone who is also on the Cheer Squad. Ashley is very smart and has given many great idea's for routines."

"Plus she's a major team player." Emilia adds, "I'm also on the squad and Ashley goes out of her way to make sure that the other cheerleaders are okay."

"I see." I smile and close the medical file, "Here's what I'm going to do. Before I decide what to do I am going to use my Clairvoyance to run a scan of Ashley's body and determine the course of action."

"I didn't know one could use Clairvoyance like that." Aurora muttered.

"It has been notified that the power of Clairvoyance do have the power to see through things, giving the user information that's outside the natural means." Philip said.

"I-I know this sounds silly. But will it hurt?" Cinderella asked. I shake my head.

"It wont." I assure her, "Just think of my Clairvoyance as a version of an X-Ray minus the possibilities of radiation poisoning and the potential of giving the person Cancer."

"Do what you must." Kit said, "I just want my baby girl to be herself again."

"I can tell that you both deeply care for her. Its nice to see." I close my eyes and use the power of Duplication to multiply myself by four, creating a total of four versions of myself. Everyone awed at the sight.

The clones and I gently escort Cinderella and Kit as well as the others near Ashley away as we all proceeded to use Clairvoyance to scan Ashley's body up and down thoroughly. This process took roughly thirty minutes before I mentally disperse the clones. Their knowledge absorbed into me. I take a deep breath and look at Ashley, inwardly gaping in shock.

"I-I'm so nervous." Ben whispered.

"Please have good news..." Layla clasped her hands as she leans into her older brother who pulls her and Ben close for support. Emilia, Naruto and Cait all look towards one another and join the Beast trio, pleading for good news.

"I can't believe that our girl did this to her." Aurora muttered, "How could she do this?"

"I don't know love. But I do know that she wont be going to her grandma's anytime soon nor will we be going on family trips for a very long time." Philip said. 

I gently hold Ashley's hand and rub it gently.

"I have all the information needed and I'll let you know the plan forward as soon as I talk things through with you parents. Okay?"

"O-Okay..." Ashley replied. "H-Hey...Ethan..."


"Thank you for helping me...Even if I am a burden..."

"Now you just relax and don't think of such thoughts." I jot down everything on a piece of paper of my findings, "I'll talk to your parents."

I couldn't be more relieved to turn around because with what I discovered, I couldn't be able to continue looking at the poor girl. I escort both Cinderella and Kit away to the next room.

"How is she doctor?" Cinderella asked.

"Will she be okay?" Kit frowns. I take a deep breath.

"H-How can I say this..." I take a deep breath, "From what I've seen. Your daughter is lucky to be alive."


I turn around and see Layla and the others by the door. The look on their faces said it all; Despair and horror. Layla shakes in place as she trembles.


(AU- Happy bank holiday my dear readers and hope that you all are enjoying the day off spectacularly. I do hope you have enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one that's coming soon. I hope everyone has a fantastic day, stay safe and until next time. Peace 🕊️✌️)

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